The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1190 Patrolling the Ward

"It's nothing, this is what we should do as doctors, have you gone through the discharge procedures?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"It's done, but they didn't see you and didn't want to leave."

Li Dan, director of the inpatient department, said helplessly.

Yesterday, the family was asked to go through the discharge procedures. After the discharge procedures are completed, if they don't leave, they must see the director before they are willing to leave the hospital.

"Let's go back early. The consumption in this capital is very high. If you stay one more day, you will spend an extra day."

Ye Rongrong was born in the countryside, and he knows that it is not easy for farmers to earn some money.

One day's living expenses in the capital can be equivalent to three days' living expenses in the countryside.

"Well, we'll go back tonight. Dean Ye, this is my phone number. When you come to Gan Province, you must come to my house."

Song Deyang said excitedly to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, I'll definitely go if I have the chance."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Dean, we have to go to another ward for examination."

Zhang Hua reminded.

"Understood, Brother Song, remember to take the child to the hospital for a reexamination in half a year."

Ye Rongrong explained to Rong Deyang, and took the medical staff to another ward for examination.

There are not many inpatients in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, so each patient is basically allocated a ward.

"Hehe, did we meet again?"

Walking into the ward, Ye Rongrong said with a smile to Yun Tao who was sitting on the bed.

"Are you a doctor in this hospital?"

Yun Tao looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

Although I knew that Ye Rongrong might be a doctor yesterday, I didn't know that he was a doctor in this hospital.

"Yes, I am not only the doctor here, but also your attending doctor!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Are you my attending doctor?"

Yun Tao was a little surprised. If he was his attending doctor, would he be able to cure his leg at such a young age? He wouldn't be fooling himself.

Yun Tao felt a little uneasy.

"Yes, um, didn't you have class today?"

Ye Rongrong noticed that the female college student she met yesterday was also in the ward.

"I'll take a few days off to stay with him here."

Cheng Yuyan said.

"Hehe, don't worry, I said that if he can be cured, he can be cured. Don't worry, if he can't be cured, our hospital will not take any money from you."

Ye Rongrong saw what Cheng Yuyan was worried about, so he said to her with a smile.

"It really, really does heal."

Yun Tao looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and said.

It is because of the hope of being cured that Yun Tao came to this hospital.

"Well, Nalan Hai, check his condition."

After Ye Rongrong nodded to Yun Tao, he said to Nalan Hai beside him.

Ye Rongrong knew that it was impossible for him to stay in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine all the time, and it was impossible to make rounds in the inpatient department every morning like this.

These jobs must be replaced by someone, and Nalan Hai is Ye Rongrong's first choice.

As for Ouyang Qianqian and the others, their experience is still a bit lacking, and they need to stay in the outpatient clinic more and get in touch with different patients and diseases.


Nalan Hai responded, walked to the bedside, checked Yuntao's legs, and gave Yuntao his pulse.

"The patient suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. Judging from the examination of the legs and feet, there is also bilateral femoral head necrosis. It is estimated that it is the result of long-term use of hormone therapy."

After Nalan Hai checked it once, he said to Ye Rongrong.


Yun Tao couldn't help crying out in surprise.

You must know that this old doctor is examining himself for the first time, just touching his legs and feet, taking his own pulse, and knowing what disease he has, this is amazing.

Immediately, a fire of hope rose in Yun Tao's heart.

Maybe this time I can really heal myself.

"Your treatment plan?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Nalan Hai and asked.

"This 'rheumatoid arthritis' external pathogenic factors and internal physical deficiency are treated at the same time,

Although the treatment with traditional Chinese medicine plasters takes a long time, maybe a year or so, it can treat both symptoms and root causes. As for the bilateral femoral head necrosis, because the necrosis takes a long time, it is very difficult to cure. "

Nalan Hai said.

Although this "rheumatoid arthritis" is not very complicated to cure, the bilateral femoral head necrosis is really troublesome.

The long-term use of hormones has damaged the nerves in the bilateral femurs. It is really difficult to recover.

After all, this involves the most complex neural parts of the human body.

Although the current medical science is very advanced, the research on the nerves in the human body is still in its infancy, and diseases involving nerves have always been the most difficult to cure.

"What about your treatment plan?"

Ye Rongrong continued to ask.

The master led the door in, and the cultivation depends on the individual. What Ye Rongrong can do is to teach Nalan Hai some knowledge, some pathologies, etiologies, and some methods of treatment, and the rest depends on their own comprehension.

"Using acupuncture to continuously stimulate the nerves in this bilateral femoral location is the only way I can think of."

Nalan Hai thought for a while and said.

"Yes, using acupuncture to continuously stimulate the nerves of his bilateral femurs is indeed an effective method. After checking the ward, I will give him acupuncture. You watch from the sidelines. From now on, you will give him acupuncture every day." Needle."

Ye Rongrong explained to Nalan Hai.


Nalan Hai responded excitedly.

It has been a long time since the teacher taught him how to perform acupuncture. This time, Nalan Hai was really excited to be able to learn acupuncture by the teacher's side again.

"Okay, let's go to the next ward!"

After saying that, Ye Rongrong led the person to the next ward.


"What's going on?"

Seeing that there was a large group of idlers in this ward, Ye Rongrong looked at Li Dan, the director of the inpatient department with a gloomy face and asked.

There are regulations in the hospital. From nine o'clock in the morning to ten thirty o'clock is the time for the attending doctor's ward rounds, and idlers are not allowed to stay in the inpatient department.

But now in this ward, although Ye Rongrong hasn't entered yet, there are no less than 10 people in the ward just by hearing the voice, which is completely against the regulations of the inpatient department.

It stands to reason that before the attending doctor inspects the ward, the nurses in the inpatient department will clear out the idle people in the ward, but Ye Rongrong is of course not happy that there are so many people in this ward.

I feel that Li Dan, the director of the inpatient department, is negligent.

"This... I..."

Li Dan hesitated and couldn't speak.

After all, it was his dereliction of duty, and the dean caught him by the dean, which made Li Dan very depressed!

It seems that it is necessary to educate the nurses below.

"I hope it's the last time."

Ye Rongrong said to Li Dan seriously.

If you want to build a world-class Chinese medicine hospital, you can't build it with just a few people. Apart from talents, the most important thing is the system.

Without a strict system to manage people and manage hospitals, building the world's top traditional Chinese medicine hospital is empty talk.

Therefore, Ye Rongrong attaches great importance to the rules and regulations of the hospital, and does not want the medical staff below to violate the rules and regulations.

You must know that the hospital is a place to save lives and heal the wounded, and there is no room for mistakes. If people always violate the rules and regulations, big things will happen sooner or later.

"Yes, we will convene a meeting to review at night, and there will never be a second such thing."

Li Dan said immediately with assurance.

"Well, let's go in and take a look."

As Ye Rongrong said, he took the lead and walked into the ward.

There are men and women in the ward, a total of twelve or three people, and a few people who look like leaders.

Ye Rongrong looked at the hospital bed, the middle-aged man lying on the bed was the middle-aged man he rescued yesterday.

"It's time for ward rounds, please leave for idlers."

Ye Rongrong frowned and said to these irrelevant personnel in the ward.

"Hello, I'm Wang Xiaoye, the mayor of Lihai District. We're here to visit Li Dagou. Li Dagou is..."

"This is a hospital, and it's time for the doctor's ward rounds, so please go out, if you have anything to do, we'll talk about it after the ward rounds."

Ye Rongrong directly interrupted Wang Xiaoye's words and said bluntly.

Although the mayor of a district in the capital is generally a deputy department or department-level cadre, ordinary doctors must be respectful when they see him, but Ye Rongrong is different. Ye Rongrong is now the dean of a Chinese medicine hospital with the rank of major general. According to the level, he is higher than Wang Xiaoye, the head of the district, so there is no need to be polite to him.

What's more, this is a hospital, and Ye Rongrong, as the director of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, has the final say here.

"This is our district chief, why do you..."

A middle-aged cadre in the Caspian Sea District immediately said to Ye Rongrong unhappily.

"Xiao Zhao, stop talking, listen to the doctor, let's wait outside for a while."

Wang Xiaoye interrupted the middle-aged man's words.

After all, this is the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, and most of the doctors here have military ranks. The dean of the general hospital is at the level of a lieutenant general, and he is at the same level as the mayor of Beijing in terms of rank.

Although Wang Xiaoye is a department-level cadre, he dare not make a high profile in this PLA TCM Hospital.

Soon, Wang Xiaoye left the ward with people from the district government.

"Li Dan, no matter who it is in the future, they must not violate the regulations of the inpatient department."

After Wang Xiaoye and his gang walked out of the ward, Ye Rongrong explained to Li Dan.

Ye Rongrong estimated that the reason why these people stayed in the ward was because they were officials, and the nurses in the inpatient department did not dare to drive them out.


Li Dan nodded and said.

"Introduce the patient's situation."

Ye Rongrong asked Xue Kaiqi.

"This patient was admitted to the inpatient department yesterday afternoon. The main problem was severe burns on the back. The area of ​​the burns on the back exceeded eighty percent. A simple disinfection and bandage treatment has been done yesterday. Follow-up, we will..."

Xue Kaiqi said slowly.

If people who knew Xue Kaiqi before saw this scene, they would never believe that this Xue Kaiqi was the rebellious Xue Kaiqi they knew.

The current Xue Kaiqi gives people the impression that she is already a very stable doctor with excellent medical skills.

"Very good, this is a hero who has acted bravely for righteousness, so he must be treated carefully."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong still agrees with Xue Kaiqi's treatment plan.

I recommend "How the Demon King Was Made" by my friend Huangchao Yujiao. This is a funny book in two dimensions.

I recommend my friend Li Mububai's "Apotheosis of the Gods in Dreams", which is a systematic text. (to be continued...)

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