The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1203 Ma Shaohua is in Love

"Dean Nalan, you are polite, we will definitely support your work in the future."

After drinking, Li Hailu said to Nalan Hai somewhat flatteringly.

What happened to Huang Xiaodong woke up many people in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

No matter how thick and deep your background is, from now on, the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine will be decided by Ye Rongrong.

Huang Xiaodong is a role model. These days, if the people above really want to check you, who can guarantee that they will have no problems at all.

Anyway, Li Hailu didn't have such confidence. When he was a doctor, Li Hailu didn't take less red envelopes from the patients' family members.

Although she was not cured, the red envelopes were basically refunded, and Li Hailu was also afraid that the patient's family members would get angry and sue her.

However, the red envelopes of the family members of the cured patients will naturally not be refunded. After all, it is a happy thing for everyone, and no one will sue you.

But this kind of thing can't be checked

So Li Hailu has been keeping a low profile recently, not daring to confront Ye Rongrong anymore, and has also started to get closer to these disciples of Ye Rongrong.

It was also fortunate that she was honest, otherwise Ye Rongrong would not have allowed those who disagreed with him to stay in the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

As for not long after coming up, Ye Rongrong threw Huang Xiaodong into prison.

This is to kill chickens for monkeys to see, so that some people in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine who want to trip them up can weigh it by themselves.

After all, this hospital of traditional Chinese medicine must continue to operate, and it must move forward to the goal of being the world's top hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

All of this is inseparable from the support of the middle and high-level managers of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, and Ye Rongrong also needs to unite these people to work hard for this purpose.

It is impossible, and it will not be possible to dismiss all the middle and high-level management personnel in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

That would not only make it difficult to carry out the work, but also easily make other medical staff in the hospital panic, which is not conducive to team building.

Ye Rongrong also understands the truth of "when the water is clear, there will be no fish". In the past, Ye Rongrong rarely cared about the management staff and medical staff of these traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

The key is that after becoming the director of the hospital, their performance, if they do not restrain themselves, do not abide by the rules and regulations they have formulated.

Ye Rongrong will not be polite, and will directly hand it over to the hospital's Disciplinary Committee and deal with it according to the procedures.

"Shaohua, do you want to introduce the person next to you?"

Liu Qingqing noticed the girl sitting next to Ma Shaohua. As a woman's consciousness, Liu Qingqing felt that he had a deep relationship with Ma Shaohua.

"She is Zhu Xiaohong, a nurse in our hospital, and she is a very nice girl."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"I didn't ask you, I asked Shaohua!"

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong and said.

My husband is usually very smart, but sometimes he is very confused about matters between men and women.

"Master, this is my girlfriend Zhu Xiaohong, a nurse in our hospital."

Ma Shaohua said with a blushing face.

"Your girlfriend? Why don't I know?"

Ye Rongrong asked in surprise.

Ye Rongrong is still having a headache about the lifelong affairs of these students, and he also thinks that they have stabilized in the Chinese medicine hospital now, should they find someone to introduce them to their partners.

But he didn't expect that this Ma Shaohua had already made a girlfriend quietly under his nose.

"We've only been in a relationship for a week."

Ma Shaohua blushed and said to Ye Rongrong.

Originally, Ma Shaohua had a low self-esteem for his lame affairs, and he knew his own affairs.

In college, Ma Shaohua also had a few girls he liked, but it was because of his family conditions and his foot problems.

Ma Shaohua didn't even have the courage to confess.

I can only watch the girls I like fall into the arms of others one by one.

And all Ma Shaohua could do was hide in the dormitory and cry secretly.

I was also afraid that others would find out that I was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat when I accompanied others to make fun of me.

Now Ma Shaohua is full of confidence in himself. A man with a career and ability will always be liked by women no matter what defects his body has.

Since following the teacher, he has learned a lot of medical knowledge and became a capable doctor. Not only has he been respected by many people, but many young girls have also taken the initiative to pursue Ma Shaohua.

If it was in the past, if a girl chased after him, no matter whether the other party was beautiful or ugly, or whether he was remarried, Ma Shaohua would be very happy and would marry her.

In Ma Shaohua's opinion at that time, being able to marry a daughter-in-law was already very good.

Even Ma Shaohua's family arranged marriages for him, to see whose girl could not get married, as long as it was not too big and unacceptable, the Ma family would accept it.

If he hadn't met the teacher, Ma Shaohua would have broken the jar and made do with it.

But now Ma Shaohua no longer chooses this way, and Ma Shaohua will not accept the other party's love for a girl he has no feelings for.

Since coming to the capital, there have been more female doctors and nurses following Ma Shaohua in the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army.

But Ma Shaohua didn't like them, and he didn't accept their pursuit.

It was love at first sight for this outspoken Zhu Xiaohong. After half a month of pursuit, and with the help of Ouyang Qianqian and her junior sisters, she finally caught up with Zhu Xiaohong last month.

"You guys are doing such a good job of keeping secrets, I don't know anything about it!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

It seems that I really don't care enough about my students. I don't know about Ma Shaohua's love affair.

"Teacher, we didn't deliberately hide it from you, but we were embarrassed to tell you."

Ma Shaohua said shyly.

"You are so careless, what can you know?"

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong with a smile.

"That's true, Nalan Hai, do you have a girlfriend too?"

Ye Rongrong turned to look at Nalan Hai and asked.

"Teacher, I don't have it, I don't, I'm already my age, what kind of girlfriend am I looking for?"

Nalan Hai hurriedly shook his head and said.

Originally, Nalan Hai had a daughter-in-law in his hometown, but after Nalan Hai was imprisoned, he got married to others not long after. Nalan Hai simply agreed to divorce her in order not to drag her down, so Nalan Hai Hai can be considered a bachelor now.

It's just that someone who is almost sixty years old, Nalan Hai is too embarrassed to find another partner for himself.

"You're already this old, it's time to find a wife!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong is a very traditional person, and he has a patriarchal way of managing his students.

Even their marriage, Ye Guangrong has to take care of it.

"Teacher, no need, really no need, I am living a pretty good life alone now."

Nalan Hai said hastily.

From Nalanhai's point of view, he is already such an old man, if he continues, it will be easy for people to laugh at him for being old and disrespectful.

"How can this work? No matter what, you are still young, and you still need to find a partner. If a man doesn't have a woman, he doesn't have a complete family."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

As he grows older, Ye Rongrong's understanding of home has become more and more clear!

A complete family is to have a woman who lives with oneself, one or several children of one's own, and of course it is best to have a house of one's own.

"I'm an old man, what other woman would like me!"

Nalan Hai shook his head and said.

It would be a lie to say that I really don't want to have a woman.

In fact, Nalan Hai still wants a woman who is willing to spend the rest of his life with him.

After all, with a woman at home, there is no need to lie alone in an empty house every night.

In winter, someone warms the bed, someone prepares meals when they get home, and someone washes the clothes.

Even if you are in a bad mood, there is someone you can argue with.

"Vice President Nalan, you are wrong. Many men in their 50s and 60s now have young and beautiful wives. You are in such good condition now, how come no women are interested in you? Leave this matter to me. , I promise to find you a satisfactory wife."

Li Hai Lu said to Nalan Hai.

"No, no, I'll forget it."

Nalan Hai was a little embarrassed and said hastily.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this, Political Commissar Li, you are responsible for finding a partner for Nalan Hai."

Ye Rongrong said directly.

"Okay, Dean, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task."

Li Hailu said excitedly.

This is an opportunity for me to show myself. As long as I do well, the dean will look at me high, not to mention letting the dean accept me as his confidant.

"How about you guys, have you found a boyfriend too?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the three daughters of Ouyang Qianqian and asked.

The three female students of mine are not too young, so this lifelong event should be mentioned.

"We're still young, don't rush!"

The three daughters of Ouyang Qianqian said immediately.

"What's the matter? You're in your twenties. It's not too early for your mistress to marry me at the age of eighteen. You're disgusted. Hurry up and put your life's events on the agenda. Talk to me when you meet the right one." , don't be too picky."

Ye Rongrong said to the three women.

For his five students, Ma Shaohua has found a partner, and Ye Rongrong is not worried about Nalan Hai's personal problems. With Li Hailu, the political commissar, to choose him, it is estimated that the chance of success is very high.

But my three female students had some problems. When he was in Taoyuan Village, Ye Rongrong heard that young boys were pursuing them, but they just didn't like it.

"Teacher, let's think about it after the elder brother finds a partner!"

Ouyang Qianqian said.

"Yes, teacher, haven't we met the right one yet?"

Zhang Yang followed suit.

"Teacher, let's let nature take its course in this matter of feelings. The melons that are twisted together are not sweet."

Xue Kaiqi is not far behind.

Anyway, the three girls don't want to find a boyfriend now.

To put it bluntly, after being in contact with Ye Rongrong for a long time, the eyes of Ouyang Qianqian and the three girls have become higher. Any boy who pursues them, Ouyang Qianqian and the others always like to compare him with their teacher Ye Rongrong.

The result was obvious, and they were eliminated directly.

After all, there is only one "lazy system" in this world, and there is only one Ye Rongrong.

If Ye Rongrong is used as the criterion for choosing a spouse, they will really become bachelors in this life!

Of course, Ye Rongrong didn't know that the reason why these three female students didn't even have a boyfriend until now was mainly because of him.

He is the biggest factor preventing Ouyang Qianqian's three daughters from being able to pick a boy they are satisfied with.

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