In fact, all the martial arts clubs and networks on the campus of Capital University were extremely lively this afternoon and evening.

The heads and coaches of many martial arts clubs have summoned the students to give strict education and warnings, strictly preventing them from conflicting with members of the Huaxia Wushu Club.

The people in charge of these martial arts clubs were frightened by Ye Rongrong, for fear that someone would anger Ye Rongrong and cause Ye Rongrong to kick the club again.

Some students who refused to listen to the persuasion and wanted to fight against the Huaxia Wushu club were directly expelled from the various Wushu clubs.

All of this was caused by Ye Rongrong.

Young people are always the liveliest group of people, not to mention that this happened in Beijing University.

Soon the news spread to the students in the entire capital university circle, and they were all so excited that they couldn't sleep at night.

Young people like to share their interests with others on the Internet.

QQ, WeChat, Baidu Tieba, Tianya, Maopu... All chatting online forums have been taken over by this news.

"Hahaha, I've been annoyed by judo, taekwondo, and karate for a long time. When I came to Huaxia, I said that I was the best in martial arts, and those idiots believed me. This is a slap in the face. Well, I've heard people say that under the hands of our Chinese kung fu masters, we can't even control the enemy with one move, and this face is slapped!"

"I have a classmate who is in karate. I heard from him that the stupid Japanese karate president Ichiro Yamada closed the door tightly in fright, and hid inside without daring to chew on it. In the end, after the door was smashed by a Chinese master with a slap, that Ichiro Yamada directly The frightened pissed on his pants, his legs were weak, and he gave up directly, hahaha, that scene was really beautiful..."

"Is it exaggerated upstairs? Is it so exaggerated? How is this possible?"

"Who is exaggerating? I used to be in the karate club. I was there when the kicking event happened in the morning. That stupid Ichiro Yamada turned pale with fright. I saw with my own eyes that his feet were trembling. The crotch was wet, and I had an epiphany on the spot. We are still good at Chinese kung fu. What kind of karate is this?

"Hahaha, now you know that our Chinese Kung Fu is very good, but our Chinese Kung Fu masters are very low-key and don't want to talk to them, so they dare to brag on the Chinese territory, saying that their own country's martial arts are good, and now they are in our Huaxia. When a young master comes out, he can beat all these foreign martial arts clubs and no one can beat him."

"Is it really that strong?"

"Of course, with so many martial arts clubs and so many people watching, there are still fake ones!"

"It's really too strong, and I don't know what the origin of this buddy who kicked the hall."

"He is a master invited by Huaxia Martial Arts Club. People in Huaxia Martial Arts Club call him Master Ye. Even the people in Huaxia Martial Arts Club don't know the details."

"Everyone help me out. I want to worship this martial arts expert as my teacher. It's too powerful. It's really too much for the Chinese Kung Fu. Oh no, it's for us Chinese people."

"Me too, I also want to worship him as a teacher."

"I want to pursue him and let him be my boyfriend. How safe it is to have such a powerful boyfriend!"

"Hahaha, let them scream, now you know how powerful they are, and we will see if they dare to be arrogant again in the future."

"This is the first time I know the power of our Huaxia Kungfu."

"Is it as exaggerated as you said? Didn't you read the news? It's said in it that it takes hundreds of moves to defeat the opponent. How can it be that one move defeats the enemy and surrenders without a fight?"

Soon, someone said suspiciously.

"Hahaha, you can believe what the news said upstairs. Let me tell you, those reporters didn't even enter the door. How can they know what's going on inside? All Wing Chun came out. I was drunk. These reporters are too good at making up gone."

"Hehe, I'm also drunk. There are hundreds of moves in the fight, and all the moves are out. What is the flat sand and falling geese style, I think this reporter has watched too much martial arts TV."

"A master makes a move,

Where is the move! "

"In the past, I didn't know what it means to win without a move, but now I understand that there really are such masters in this world!"

"There are pictures and the truth, can everyone take pictures or videos, so that the brothers can also see the demeanor of a master!"

"Yes, please ask for a video, please ask for a picture!"


Soon, photos flowed from the mobile phones of some college students to website forums or WeChat chat software. The photos were full of cards of being kicked out of the martial arts club and photos of some masters who fell to the ground or were in pain.

That atmosphere, that feeling, made people very excited at first glance, especially elated.

"What about the expert, which one is the expert?"

A lot of people have a problem, they don't see that it is the legendary expert.

"Yeah, I didn't find out which one is an expert?"

"Ask the landlord for advice!"

"See that stalwart's back? That's an expert."

Immediately, someone drew a tall back in the photo, and that was Ye Rongrong's back.

"This is the back of a master, this is the most invincible back I've seen."

"I see loneliness, the loneliness of a master!"

"This back is so handsome and cool!"

"I found that I was deeply attracted by this figure! I think I'm in love, I'm in love with this tall man!"

"Me too, what a cool back!"


"I said, can you provide a frontal photo, it's not authentic to always look at the back."

"Yes, I'm asking for a positive photo."

"I also want to take a frontal photo, but the expert doesn't let us take pictures. I took this photo of my back secretly while the expert was leaving."

"I said, the photos in today's news are all back photos, and the co-authors are all from you."

"Low-key, low-key, don't let the masters know that I took the sneak shot, or I'll be doomed!"

"I also want to file a complaint, but I've never even seen the face of a master, so where should I report it!"

"You can go to the Huaxia Martial Arts Club, the people there must know where the masters live."


The Internet is boiling, and people are starting to pay attention to Chinese martial arts. The heads of their respective Huaxia martial arts halls have also started to take advantage of this trend of Chinese martial arts and start advertising.

The person in charge of some martial arts gyms even said that the head coach is the senior brother of the master who didn't want to show his face, and he said clearly.

Of course, it was bloody to be criticized by others, but they don't know that the martial arts gym just wants this effect, just wants this enthusiasm, so that others can know about this martial arts gym.

There will always be a few people with bad brains who will be fooled.

Entertainment has the entertainment circle, and this martial arts naturally also has the martial arts circle. The news that Ye Rongrong kicked those martial arts clubs in the capital university quickly spread throughout the martial arts circle in the capital.

the next morning.

Many traditional Chinese newspapers have also begun to report the news.

"Chinese martial arts masters discovered in Beijing University"

"One person kicks all seventeen martial arts clubs, no one is invincible"

"Chinese Kung Fu Flourishes the World"

"The Truth About the Kickoff of Seventeen Foreign Martial Arts Clubs in Capital University"


With the reports of online media and traditional media, the impact of this incident is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, everyone no longer cares about who kicked seventeen martial arts clubs by one person, but many domestic judo, karate, Taekwondo and other foreign martial arts gyms have begun to appear in crisis.

Many foreign martial arts gyms have seen a wave of students leaving the gym. Young people nowadays are very friendly. Many people learn martial arts not for physical fitness, but to put it bluntly for showing off and picking up girls.

But now a Chinese martial artist has kicked out so many foreign martial arts gyms so easily. These martial arts gyms are almost powerless to fight back. This makes many people think that these martial arts are useless, and they are all fucking in the news. , I feel very shameless, so more and more people are leaving the museum.


But Ye Rongrong didn't know about it, and he didn't care about it. Ye Rongrong still lived his three-point and one-line life, home, hospital, and cafeteria.


Ouyang Qianqian walked into Ye Rongrong's office and said to Ye Rongrong.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Ouyang Qianqian suspiciously and asked.

"I have a special patient here, and I can't cure it."

Ouyang Qianqian looked at Ye Rongrong with some embarrassment and said.

"Have you let Nalan Hai see it?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Eldest brother saw it and arranged for someone to be hospitalized. He said that he didn't have a good treatment plan, so he had to find you."

Ouyang Qianqian said.

"What disease?"

Ye Rongrong was a little curious, what kind of disease was difficult to treat several of his students.

"It's porcelain doll disease."

Ouyang Qianqian said.

"Porcelain doll disease?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help being stunned. Ye Rongrong knew about this kind of disease, but in reality, Ye Rongrong had never encountered it.

This "porcelain doll disease" is also known as osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bones, primary bone brittle disease and periosteal dysplasia.

It is characterized by fragile bones, blue sclera, deafness, and joint laxity. It is a congenital hereditary pain caused by incomplete mesenchymal tissue and collagen formation disorders. It is a congenital bone disease. It is characterized by Bones are fragile and prone to fractures.

According to the severity of the disease, it can be divided into prenatal type and postpartum type. The prenatal type is the most serious. There are healed or just born fractures at birth, which can easily cause stillbirth or death shortly after birth.

The postpartum type is relatively mild, and some fractures occur for the first time in childhood. In severe cases, it is very troublesome. A sneeze or a full belch may cause fractures and muscle strains to varying degrees.

This kind of "porcelain doll disease" is because the cause of the disease has not yet been found in medicine, let alone treated. Basically, people who suffer from this disease have no cure.

"Go, let's go and see!"

Ye Rongrong stood up and said.

Brittle bones are more difficult to treat than cancer. Cancer can still find treatment methods and medicines. As long as it is not in the advanced stage, as long as you are willing to spend money, it can basically be cured, but there is no cure for brittle bones for the time being.

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