"It's right that it hurts and itches, which shows that the effect is very good."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

The reason for the pain and itching is mainly caused by the digestion and regeneration of bones, which shows that the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion is very good.


Fan Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

As long as it can be cured, Fan Xiaoxiao can bear this pain and itching.

"Don't worry, as long as you persist, I guarantee you will recover within two months."

Ye Rongrong said affirmatively.

As a doctor, Ye Rongrong must have confidence in himself, and patients must also have confidence in himself.

Only when the doctor has confidence first, can the patient have confidence.

"Well, as long as it can be cured, no matter how painful it is, I can bear it."

Fan Xiaoxiao said firmly.

"Very well, drink this glass of water."

Ye Rongrong took out a talisman, threw it into the water glass after it was completely burned, and handed it to Fan Xiaoxiao and said.

"Drink this water?"

Fan Xiaoxiao couldn't help being stunned.

"Don't ask so many questions, if you are told to drink, just drink, it won't harm you!"

Ye Rongrong didn't want to explain, so he said it directly.


Fan Xiaoxiao responded, picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

"Qianqian, this is the prescription I wrote. I will take this prescription three times a day, morning, afternoon and evening, and give it to her."

Ye Rongrong handed the prescription to Ouyang Qianqian and said.


After Ouyang Qianqian responded, she took Fang Zi.

As Fan Xiaoxiao's attending doctor, Ouyang Qianqian is in charge of Fan Xiaoxiao's schedule treatment.

"That's it, I'll go first."

Ye Rongrong looked at his watch, it was past 4:30, and he was about to get off work, so he left the fumigation room.



After Ye Rongrong got off work, he walked to the outpatient department on the first floor and looked at a few people standing at the door of each department of the outpatient department. These people did not seem to be sick.

This made Ye Rongrong very puzzled.

These people can be said to be familiar faces. Anyway, since last week, Ye Rongrong can see these people gathered outside the outpatient room every day when he gets off work.

At the beginning, Ye Rongrong didn't pay attention, thinking it was the patient's family.

Now it seems that Ye Rongrong feels that his guess may be wrong.

Even the patient's family members can't block the door of the outpatient room when they are about to get off work every day!

You must know that this is off work. Except for emergencies, other doctors are off work.

So Ye Rongrong suspected that there was something wrong with these people.

"Aunt Li, what are these people doing? Why do I see these people every day when I get off work? Either in the waiting room or at the door of the outpatient room. They are all off work. Don't they know?"

Aunt Li, who happened to be cleaning, came over, and Ye Rongrong asked her suspiciously.

"Dean, they are drug dealers, selling drugs."

Aunt Li glanced at those people and said to Ye Rongrong.

Aunt Li has been working as a cleaner in the PLA General Hospital for five or six years. This phenomenon has been seen a lot, so she naturally knows what these people do.

"Those who sell medicine, don't go to the logistics procurement department to sell, what are you selling in this clinic?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

In Ye Rongrong's understanding, salesmen should go to the purchasing department for sales of drugs and medical facilities.

How could there be such crowds and groups selling outside the outpatient clinic?

Marketing to outpatient physicians?

Ye Rongrong didn't understand.

"Dean, they sell their medicines to outpatient doctors. They ask outpatient doctors to prescribe more of the medicines they promote to patients, and then give kickbacks to doctors according to the amount of medicines prescribed by the doctor every month."

Aunt Li has been working as a cleaner in the hospital for so long, and she knows the way inside it very well.

If someone asks, Aunt Li will definitely keep her mouth shut. After all, this involves the interests of too many people, and speaking out will offend many people.

But Ye Rongrong is different. Now the cleaning staff and nurses in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine can support Ye Rongrong.

You must know that since Ye Rongrong came to power as the dean,

In less than a month, the benefits and treatment of cleaning staff and nursing staff have been greatly improved.

Many people envy a profession that was originally looked down upon.

Especially the cleaners and nurses in other departments used to look down on the cleaners and nurses in the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, saying that their benefits and treatment were poor.

But since Dean Ye came to power, even those who work as cleaning and nursing workers have received telephone subsidies, and the benefits are also paid according to the standards of medical staff.

Now the cleaners and nurses in other departments envy themselves instead.

All these changes are due to the Dean Ye in front of him.

Now all the staff in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine know that only by following Dean Ye can the hospital get better, and everyone's benefits and benefits can also be improved.

So Aunt Li told Ye Rongrong the truth.

"Prescription kickback?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned!

In the past, Ye Rongrong knew that the doctors in the hospital liked to prescribe more medicines and expensive medicines.

In this case, the hospital will give bonuses to doctors according to a certain percentage.

But it never occurred to them that apart from the proportional bonus given to them by the hospital, the doctor would also have this extra income for prescribing medicines.

"Yes, these people are called medical representatives, and they live by promoting these drugs. The more drugs they represent are used, the more they earn. In addition to giving kickbacks to doctors, they also get kickbacks themselves."

Aunt Li nodded and explained to Ye Rongrong.

In fact, such "medical representatives" are common in large hospitals in big cities.

These "medical representatives" are not only familiar with doctors, but also have an interest relationship.

The timing of these "medical representatives" also has certain rules, usually about an hour before the doctor leaves work at noon or afternoon.

Taking advantage of this time, these "medical representatives" entered the doctor's outpatient room.

The main purpose is to count the number of drugs that doctors prescribe on their own behalf that day.

Basically, the statistics are collected every day, and if the doctor prescribes less, they will remind them.

If it is the end of the month or the beginning of the month, these "medical representatives" will also send money to these doctors in proportion to the amount of medicine prescribed by the doctors.

It is the royalties of the drugs prescribed by these doctors.

In general, one doctor is roughly responsible for the medicines of three or four "medical representatives".

Of course, there are also ruthless doctors who are responsible for many drugs promoted by "medical representatives", prescribing a large amount of drugs to patients is useless, or prescribing drugs repeatedly.

"Okay, I get it now!"

Ye Rongrong said a little bit.

Now Ye Rongrong understands why the medicines in this hospital are much higher than those outside, and there are so many kickbacks.

From salespersons, purchasers, medicine, and finally doctors, all these people have commissions, and the price is naturally much higher than outside.

Moreover, when the doctor shows the patient what medicine to prescribe and how much medicine to prescribe, the patient does not know and has no right to speak.

Only when you pay, can you see how many medicines you have been prescribed.

However, this matter is difficult to deal with. Except that there are no "medical representatives" guarding the door of the outpatient room of a few of my own students, there are many "medical representatives" around the door of other outpatient rooms.

This involves a lot of people, and Ye Rongrong has no good way to solve it for the time being.

It can only be like this first.


"Why haven't you come back yet?"

As soon as Ye Rongrong stopped at a traffic light, a call came in, it was Liu Xiaofeng's call.

"You can't blame me, okay? When it's time to get off work in this capital city, the roads are very congested, and there are a lot of traffic lights. Can you go faster when you start and stop?"

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

In this capital city, driving a car is really not as fast as driving an electric car.

However, if you drive an electric car, you will suffer from wind and rain, cold in winter and cool in summer.

But riding in a car is very comfortable, not afraid of wind and rain, hot summer and cold winter.

The most important thing is that nowadays people have a good face, and driving a car has a lot more face than driving an electric car.

"How long will it be before you come back?"

Liu Xiaofeng asked.

"Hurry up, I'll be home in ten minutes!"

Ye Rongrong calculated the distance and said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

Liu Xiaofeng said.

"Auntie, what's the matter?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"Accompany me to a charity party tonight!"

Liu Xiaofeng said.

The members of the Liu family are basically working in the political arena, and their positions are very high, so they are not suitable for participating in such activities, and the members of the younger generation are still young and have not yet grown up.

Liu Xiaofeng, the unmarried young lady of the Liu family, became a representative, participating in some charity events and business gatherings in the capital.

It's almost the end of the year, and there are more gatherings of this kind, but the difference is that the Liu family now has an older uncle, Ye Rongrong, in the younger generation.

He represents the younger generation of the Liu family, so the Liu family asked Liu Xiaofeng to bring Ye Glory to participate in this charity gala.

Let Ye Rongrong be familiar with such gatherings in the capital, and Ye Rongrong will represent the Liu family to participate in such activities in the future.

"Charity Gala?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, and said with some reluctance to go: "Can I not go?"

For this kind of gathering, Ye Rongrong really didn't want to go. Ye Rongrong found that this kind of gathering in the capital, to put it bluntly, was a party for pretending to see who could brag and who could show off.

It's just a battle between several big families in the capital, showing the strength and influence of each family to the outside world.

"No, this is what grandpa told you. You must go. You are the representative of the younger generation of our Liu family."

Liu Xiaofeng said.

"Okay, let's talk when we go home."

Ye Rongrong said.


"I'll go as well!"

As soon as Liu Xixi heard that her brother-in-law was going to attend the charity gala, she clamored to go too.

"What are you doing, a little girl, watching TV with your mother at home."

Ouyang Lizhu said to her little daughter.

"I don't, I'm going!"

Liu Xixi said reluctantly.

"Mom, let her follow."

Seeing that Liu Xixi really wanted to go, Ye Rongrong said.

"Yeah, brother-in-law is the best."

Liu Xixi said happily.

"You can go, you have to listen to your brother-in-law, don't make trouble!"

Ouyang Lizhu explained to Liu Xixi.

"Understood, long-winded!"

Liu Xixi rolled her eyes at her mother and said.

"What? Think I'm long-winded!"

Ouyang Lizhu was speechless.

The older her little daughter was, the more difficult she was to manage. Now she listened to what her eldest son-in-law said, and what she said as a mother was becoming less and less effective.


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