The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1224 Buying a Helicopter

"I want to buy a decommissioned helicopter as a private jet, Mr. Ma, can you help me?"

Ye Rongrong said directly. 』Tian Lai Novel ww 『w.2

"I'm talking about big things, this thing, small things, I'll do it for you, do you have any requirements?"

When Mr. Ma heard that he wanted to buy a decommissioned helicopter, he immediately said straightforwardly.

You must know that every year the country has a lot of decommissioned military aircraft to deal with. Of course, buyers can be found for these military aircraft, and they must be bought.

After all, a penny that can be collected is a penny. If this is not sold, it can only be treated as scrap iron.

Generally speaking, such decommissioned military aircraft will dismantle the key components of the aircraft and sell them again, so there will be no loss of core technology.

"The requirements are not high, just be able to fly, the flying speed must be fast, and the appearance must be good-looking. I bought this military helicopter mainly for transportation, so as long as these two conditions are met."

Ye Rongrong said.

Anyway, this military aircraft is just a cover. Ye Rongrong bought it and threw it away, so the requirements are naturally very low.

As long as it can meet the long-distance flight several times.

"This requirement is really not high. If there is no problem, I will contact you right away. If there is any news, I will call you."

Mr. Ma said.

"Then I'm going to trouble Ma Lao."

Ye Rongrong said gratefully.

"It's all trivial things, don't be polite to your Grandpa Ma, go to Grandpa Ma's house when you have time."

Mr. Ma said.



Beijing First People's Hospital.

Zhang Wansan waited anxiously in the office of the vice president of the outpatient department.

"Dean Zhao, when will my test report be out?"

Zhang Wansan asked impatiently.

Although Ye Rongrong said that his AIDS is cured, Zhang Wansan is still a little worried. If he doesn't test it, the stone in his heart will not go away!

"Young Master Zhang, just wait a little longer, there will be a result soon."

Dean Zhao glanced at Zhang Wansan and said.

If Zhang Wansan hadn't belonged to the Zhang family, Dean Zhao wouldn't have let Zhang Wansan stay in his office, and he didn't even dare to accompany him.

You must know that this is an AIDS patient!

Why AIDS patients are not so terrible, it is just for others to hear.

If there is really an AIDS patient sitting next to you, you will not be so calm.

Even a doctor like Dean Zhao is worried now.

When talking to Zhang Wansan, he didn't dare to face Zhang Wansan, for fear that Zhang Wansan would infect himself with AIDS through breathing.

Although it is said that AIDS cannot be transmitted through breathing, it is not afraid of 10,000, just in case!

Who can say clearly about this kind of thing.

If you get infected with AIDS, it's really over.

I'm still in my prime, and I don't want to die so early!

"Soon, very soon, I have been waiting for more than an hour."

Zhang Wansan said dissatisfied.

At this time, Zhang Wansan was very impatient.

"Wait patiently for a while, it will be fine in a while."

Dean Zhao said hurriedly.

"Hurry up and hurry up."

Zhang Wansan said impatiently.

"Okay, I'm going to urge, I'm going to urge."

Director Zhao is eager to leave this office as soon as possible. It is really scary to be in the same room with an AIDS patient.

"Dean, the test results are back!"

At this time, a female medical staff walked into the office with a test sheet.

"Give me!"

Zhang Wansan couldn't wait to grab the test sheet.

But soon, Zhang Wansan handed the test sheet to Dean Zhao.

Zhang Wansan knew this test report, but this test report did not know Zhang Wansan.

In a word, Zhang Wansan couldn't understand the test sheet!

"The results of the test..."

Seeing this, Dean Zhao's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"what's the result?"

Zhang Wansan asked nervously.

"As a result, as a result...maybe I made a mistake?"

Dean Zhao said hesitantly.

The result of this test sheet showed that Zhang Wansan's HIV antibody was negative, which meant that Zhang Wansan did not suffer from AIDS at all.

But how is this possible? Dean Zhao saw Zhang Wansan's test report with his own eyes yesterday. His HIV antibody was positive and he was an AIDS patient.

How could it become negative after one night.

"What went wrong?"

Zhang Wansan frowned and looked at Dean Zhang and asked.

"This test may be wrong, and it needs to be tested again."

Dean Zhao said.

"I'm asking now what is the result of this test sheet?"

Zhang Wansan looked at Dean Zhao very unhappy and said.

"The test sheet shows that the HIV antibody is negative."

Dean Zhao was a little afraid to look at Zhang Wansan and said.

You must know that I told Zhang Wansan yesterday that he had AIDS, but today's test results showed that he was not AIDS. This is a misjudgment!

It's fine if it's an ordinary person, but this is the leader of the younger generation of the Zhang family of the top family!

I misjudged that he had cancer, which was a terrible thing.

It can be regarded as less offending this piece.

"Does that mean I don't have AIDS?"

Zhang Wansan asked with surprise.

Zhang Wansan still understands what it means to be negative for HIV antibodies.

"If the test sheet is correct, you can say so."

Dean Zhao said nervously.

Now Dean Zhao is really afraid that the angry Zhang Wansan will beat him up.

After all, his hospital misdiagnosed him as having AIDS.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine!"

Zhang Wansan couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Ye Rongrong really didn't lie to himself, a glass of water cured his AIDS.

It's really amazing!

After the excitement, Zhang Wansan was a little more in awe of Ye Rongrong besides being grateful!

Mixing water with a spell can cure one's terminal illness.

This is a man of God!

"Young Master Zhang...what's the matter?"

Dean Zhao asked with some doubts.

"What's the matter? You still have the guts to ask, I obviously don't have AIDS, but you actually tested me for AIDS, why don't you die!"

After recovering from the excitement, Zhang Wansan yelled at Dean Zhao angrily.

At this time, Zhang Wansan would never admit that he had AIDS.

After all, the influence of this spread is too great, and the reputation is not good.

Zhang Wansan naturally wanted to make this matter a misdiagnosis by the hospital.

As for Ye Rongrong's cure of his AIDS, Zhang Wansan naturally wouldn't say anything about it.

Zhang Wansan also believed that Ye Rongrong would not say anything.

"Zhang... Zhang Shao, maybe I made a... mistake on the test sheet, and I need... to do another test!"

Seeing Zhang Wansan in a rage, Dean Zhao said nervously.

You know, Dean Zhao personally followed the test last night and double-checked it. Dean Zhao thinks that there should be no mistake. He probably made a mistake in today's test.

"Another hairball test. I have gone to several hospitals for tests, and they are all normal. As for Nima, if there is any AIDS in your hospital, I think there must be something wrong with your hospital. This retest , It’s really like this, who are you worthy of your irresponsible attitude?”

Zhang Wansan shouted angrily.

"Yes, yes, it was a mistake in our work, and we will definitely correct it in the future."

When Director Zhao heard that Zhang Wansan had gone to several hospitals for examinations, there was no problem. He understood that it was not the wrong test sheet today, but the wrong test sheet last night, and hurriedly apologized to Zhang Wansan.

"Hmph, that means I have a good temper. If I were an ordinary person, I would have exposed it to your hospital a long time ago."

Zhang Wansan gave Dean Zhao a hard look and said.

"Yes, Young Master Zhang is still kind to you!"

Dean Zhao said hurriedly.

Dean Zhao would not consider this matter to make him lose face. The medical staff who was in charge of the test last night will let him go away today.

Dean Zhao thought in his heart.


"Glory, what do you want from me?"

After Xu Mingke asked his secretary to pour Ye Rongrong a cup of hot tea, he asked Ye Rongrong.

"Dean, it's like this, I'm going to go home in a few days!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"go home?"

Xu Keming was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked, "What about the Chinese Medicine Hospital?"

Although it took Ye Glory less than a month to arrive at the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, the results are outstanding!

It actually brought back to life a traditional Chinese medicine hospital that was about to close down, and now the popularity is getting better and better. Many directors of Western medicine branches are complaining that the traditional Chinese medicine hospital has taken away their patients.

It can be seen that Ye Glory's ability is too strong.

Such a talent, Xu Keminke would not let him go.

"I recommend Nalan Hai as the executive vice president of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who is specifically responsible for the daily work of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Nalan Hai is the executive vice president of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, I agree, but you want to leave the hospital, I do not agree."

Xu Keming said.

Anyway, Xu Keming would never agree with Ye Rongrong to leave the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

This matter is not negotiable.

"Who said I'm leaving the Chinese Medicine Hospital, I'm just going home."

Ye Rongrong said.

"What's the meaning?"

Xu Keming didn't understand what Ye Rongrong meant.

"What I mean is, I'm still the director of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, but I won't stay in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine every day like this. Isn't it popular to work online now? I can manage the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine at home!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"But what if you need to come here in case of an emergency?"

Xu Keming said.

Of course Xu Keming knew about working online, but it would be inconvenient for Ye Rongrong to go to the scene immediately in case of an emergency.

"It's very simple. I'm applying to buy a fast military helicopter. At that time, it will take about an hour to travel from my home to the capital with a military aircraft, and I will be able to arrive at the Chinese Medicine Hospital soon."

Ye Rongrong said.

As the largest hospital in the country, the PLA General Hospital is also a military hospital. Naturally, there is a small airport dedicated to landing and landing of planes.

"You want to buy a military helicopter?"

Xu Keming was taken aback by Ye Rongrong's words.

In China, Ye Rongrong is probably the first medical personnel to purchase military aircraft.

But thinking about Ye Rongrong's identity, Xu Keming also knew that Ye Rongrong wanted to buy a military aircraft, so there was basically no problem.

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