The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1226 Cohesion?

"Is everyone here?"

Ye Rongrong was the last one to enter the conference room.

This is the unspoken rule of Huaxia's meetings. The biggest leaders are the last to arrive in the conference room. After all, leaders cannot be allowed to wait for subordinates.

That would be detrimental to leadership authority.

"It's all here!"

After counting the number of people, Zhang Hua said to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, today's meeting is mainly to discuss two things. The first thing is to announce the appointment. With the approval of the leadership of the General Hospital, Comrade Nalan Hai is officially appointed as the executive vice president of the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital. Responsible for the daily work of the hospital.”

Ye Rongrong announced the appointment of Nalan Hai from the very beginning.

"Teacher, I..."

Nalan Hai froze for a moment, and said to Ye Rongrong with some anxiety.

This is too sudden. I haven't been the vice president for a few days, and I was promoted to the executive vice president all at once. This promotion is too fast.

People will gossip, saying that my teacher is nepotism.

And Nalan Hai worried that he would not be able to convince the crowd.

"This matter has been settled, don't say more, and I have already applied to the higher authorities, and your rank of colonel will come down soon."

Ye Rongrong directly interrupted Nalan Hai's words.

In terms of management, Ye Rongrong likes the paternalistic management model. In this Chinese medicine hospital, Ye Rongrong is managed according to this management model.

For his own students, Ye Rongrong always felt that if he was doing the right thing, he didn't even discuss it with them.

Just like the appointment of Nalan Hai as the executive vice president this time, and his application for the rank of colonel, Ye Rongrong didn't tell Nalan Hai in advance.

After hearing Ye Rongrong's words, many people in the conference room looked at Nalan Hai with envy.

This Nalan Hai was really lucky to meet such a good teacher.

One must know that apart from Zhang Mianhuai and Li Hailu, the other people sitting here are not at the rank of a colonel, many of them are at the rank of a lieutenant colonel, a colonel, and some are even at the rank of a major.

Although the military rank promotion in this military hospital is faster than that in the army.

But it takes a few years to go up step by step, and there is still a quota limit, and many times it is not your turn.

The military ranks of many people sitting again have not been promoted for seven or eight years.

You must know that different military ranks have different treatment.

But this Nalan Hai was directly promoted from a vice president without a military rank to a senior colonel in one step.

Such a thing is extremely rare in the entire PLA General Hospital.

This is the benefit of having a strong backer!

It's something you can't envy. Fortunately, Dean Ye is the leader of everyone now, so he should show more so that Dean Ye can remember himself.

How can I say that I am also his subordinate, and if there are benefits in the future, I must consider myself first.

Many people in the conference room began to look at Ye Rongrong differently.

This is cohesion!

Unknowingly, the management of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine were further united under the leadership of Ye Rongrong.

"About Nalan Hai's promotion to the executive vice president of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, do you have any objections?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the people in the conference room and asked.

"No comment!"

"I raise my hands to support!"

"Vice President Nalan's ability is obvious to all, and he is fully qualified for the position of executive vice president."


Soon everyone in the conference room expressed their opinions, and there was no objection to Nalan Hai being the executive vice president.

First, everyone agrees with Nalan Hai's ability.

Whether it is his management ability or his medical skills, everyone admires him very much.

Secondly, and most importantly, the superiors have already decided on this matter, and it is something that Dean Ye strongly supports. If any of you are tired of working, if you dare to speak out against it, wouldn't that make you feel uncomfortable?

"Very good, I hope everyone will support Nalan Hai's work in the future."

Ye Rongrong looked around, nodded in satisfaction and said.

This is a united management team!

Unlike when I first came,

Others sang against themselves.

"The next topic is about medical representatives..."

As soon as Ye Rongrong finished speaking, many people sitting in the meeting room immediately became tense, and their hearts began to beat uncomfortably.

What is a "medical representative", few people here are not clear.

There are many people here who have something to do with the "medical representative".

This is an unspoken rule in the industry. Many large hospitals have "medical representatives", not only traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, but other departments also have such "medical representatives".

No, Dean Ye wants to settle this account!

Thinking of this, many people became restless.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. I'm not holding everyone accountable. The past is over, and I won't pursue it. But if you don't stop after today's meeting, then you're welcome."

Ye Rongrong looked around and said.

Ye Rongrong felt that the matter of the "medical representative" had to be dealt with before he went back, and he couldn't leave this problem to Nalan Hai.

It's like putting on a bad face and a red face. It's better to play the black face, and it's better to be the bad guy, let Nalan Hai play the red face.

In this way, Nalan Hai's work will be much easier.

And Ye Rongrong is not afraid of being a villain

Ever since he was a child, Ye Rongrong has never been characterized as a good person.

When he was in elementary school, he got into fights, drank and made troubles. He was a problem student since he was a child.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong doesn't want to be the kind of good old man who everyone likes.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard that Ye Rongrong didn't pursue the past.

Everyone started as a doctor. How many people have never received the red envelope from the "medical representative"!

"Of course, I have also seen the salaries of the medical staff in our hospital. They are indeed not high. They do not receive red envelopes or some gray income. Living in the capital is not a big problem, but it is indeed difficult to buy a house, marry a wife, and raise children. , especially for ordinary medical staff, these days are really sad."

Ye Rongrong saw that everyone had let go of their emotions, so he continued.

Ye Rongrong has seen the salary of the medical staff in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Except for some managers and experts, the salary of most doctors is not high, basically between 5,000 and 10,000.

Such a salary may be relatively high in third- and fourth-tier cities.

But in metropolises like Beijing and Shanghai, it's really not that high.

You must know that in the fifth ring road of the capital, the rent of a house with a basement of more than 20 square meters is more than a thousand, which is considered cheap.

Including water, electricity and other expenses, the cost of living alone is at least 2,000 yuan a month, plus food, drink and other consumption, even if the income is 10,000 yuan a month, the life is very poor.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to completely prohibit the medical staff living below from receiving gray income.

Sometimes, in a desperate situation, many people will take risks.

And even if you don't take the risk, if the benefits are poor, you won't be able to retain talents!

Ye Rongrong has been thinking about this question recently.

The reason why the matter of the "medical representative" was brought up until now is because Ye Rongrong temporarily thought of a solution to the problem.

Yesterday, Ye Rongrong checked the finances of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Now the hospital's finances have more than one billion yuan, and there is a lot of income every day.

Except for a small part of medical income, most of them are donations from those who have been cured.

Some wealthy people donate tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars. Even those who have no money will donate thousands of dollars after their illness is cured.

So the current TCM hospital is very rich financially.

For this reason, other departments have also started to learn from Chinese medicine hospitals, and set up donation points at the front desk.

The main reason is medical expenses and medical level.

The medical expenses of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals for ordinary people are basically in the form of subsidies. Chinese people are very cute. If you treat them well, they will return you ten times.

And those rich people don't care how much they spend on medical treatment, because tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even tens of millions are nothing to them.

You must know that many rich people spend tens of millions of dollars on ordinary birthdays once a year. Naturally, they are more willing to spend money on medical treatment.

Because they know better than anyone else that if there is no life, no matter how rich they are, it is useless.

As long as they can cure their diseases, they are willing to spend more money.

It's a pity that other departments don't have such a high level of medical treatment as Ye Rongrong's master and apprentice. Many rich people can't be cured after several months of treatment in their departments.

For the wealthy, they are naturally willing to donate more to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and then become a member to make a good impression, and it will be convenient to come to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in the future.

With so much money, Ye Rongrong has many new ideas.

It just so happened that Ye Rongrong saw a report about high salaries and honesty.

Ye Rongrong doesn't really agree with the high salary to keep honesty. This kind of people will not be satisfied. If you give him a high salary, he will still have the possibility of corruption.

Because once this person has money, the level of contact will be higher.

Didn't you say something? Men become bad when they have money.

Although this is not absolute.

But there is also a certain reason. This person likes to eat, drink and have fun when he is rich. He especially likes to go to those entertainment places, which are easy to fascinate people.

Once this person spends a lot of money, and there is no money left, he will think of ways to make money.

Moreover, if this person eats, drinks, and goes to entertainment places more, his courage will become fatter, his face will thicken, and he will become even more rampant.

Of course, this is Ye Rongrong's personal idea, so Ye Rongrong does not advocate a substantial salary increase for the staff of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, nor does he plan to raise the salary with a high salary.

Another point is that the People's Liberation Army General Hospital is a whole. If Ye Rongrong gives a substantial salary increase to the staff of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it will definitely affect the management of other departments, which is not conducive to the relationship between the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other departments.

After all, the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine is not a completely independent existence.

"Dean, what do you mean?"

When Zhang Mianhuai saw Ye Rongrong saying this, he stopped and asked.

I'm sorry I just came back not long ago, this one is even later, thank you for your rewards!

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