The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1229: Choosing a Plane

"Wait a minute, I'll tell you again."

Ye Rongrong said something to Liu Qingqing, and then answered the phone.

"Old Ma, what's the matter so late?"

Ye Rongrong asked while holding the phone.

"It's not even nine o'clock, it's not too late, you young people don't go to bed earlier than my old man, do you?"

Mr. Ma said with a smile.

"No, just kidding."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

It can't be said that Mr. Ma, you keep disturbing the intimacy of our husband and wife.

"I called you to tell you a good thing. The plane you want is available."

Mr. Ma said.

"So fast!"

Ye Rongrong said in surprise.

What I just said in the morning is done now, and the speed is really fast.

But soon, Ye Rongrong figured it out, it's not a matter of minutes and seconds for Mr. Ma to go out.

"Quick? The matter of this plane is simple, but the problem of the route is a bit troublesome. It took half a day to fix it."

Mr. Ma said.

There are ready-made decommissioned aircraft in the aircraft warehouse, just pick the best one.

The main difficulty lies in the route, which takes a long time.

You must know that the sky in China is also controlled, and you cannot fly at will.

Any aircraft flying at high altitude is monitored by radar. Once something is wrong, the Air Force will immediately intercept it or even shoot it down.

To allow Ye Rongyao's helicopter to fly nationwide, he had to apply to the civilian air traffic control and military air traffic control departments.

If it wasn't for Ye Rongrong's rank of major general, the director of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, the eldest uncle of Liu's family, the savior of Mr. Qin, and Mr. Ma's pressure on the air traffic control department, the approval of this air pass could not be obtained so quickly.

"Has the route been approved?"

Ye Rongrong's eyes suddenly became bright. You must know that this route problem is the most difficult to solve. Ye Rongrong has already thought about it. When the plane is bought, he will ask Mr. Qin to help with this route problem.

I didn't expect that Mr. Ma would help me to do it all.

"It's done. You hand over your ID card and military officer card to me tomorrow, and that's it."

Mr. Ma said.

Ye Rongrong was awarded the rank of major general with a military officer certificate.

"Okay, Mr. Ma, how much is the plane fare?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"One hundred million Huaxia coins."

"One hundred million Huaxia coins?"

Ye Rongrong's eyes widened. It wasn't too expensive, but too cheap. You must know that 100 million Huaxia coins can't be bought even for civilian private jets, let alone military jets.

"Why are you not satisfied?"

Mr. Ma said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong's reaction was expected by Mr. Ma. After all, 100 million Huaxia coins can buy a military helicopter. Although the key components will be dismantled, it is not something that 100 million Huaxia coins can buy.

The reason why it was so cheap this time was mainly because Mr. Ma came forward, and Ye Rongrong was an insider of the army, Liu Yunlong's son-in-law, and Mr. Qin's savior.

This military helicopter was actually a half-buy and half-gift. It was originally worth 300 million, but it was sold directly to Ye Rongrong for 100 million, which can be regarded as a cheap sale.

"No, I didn't expect it to be so cheap. What about the route fee?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"The route fee is one million a year, and the route fee is waived for the first year.

Mr. Ma said.

Although Mr. Ma has already retired, there are many old officials in the army, and they are basically the main leaders of various military regions. It is rare for Mr. Ma to come forward to do something. Of course, everyone will save face, and naturally give the biggest discount on the air fare.

"Mr. Ma, thank you!"

Ye Rongrong said gratefully.

It is said that maintaining a car is very expensive, but now it seems that maintaining aircraft and airways is the most costly.

Not to mention the fuel consumption, the cost of maintaining the aircraft alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, with Ye Rongrong's current net worth, it is still affordable to buy a military helicopter. Of course, there is no need to keep the "safety number".

No oil is burned and no maintenance is required.

"At nine o'clock tomorrow, our Air Force Logistics Department will take a look. If you are not satisfied, you can choose other models until you are satisfied."

Mr. Ma said.

Only someone with the status of Mr. Ma can say such a thing. If other people can sell you a military aircraft, it would be great. How can you choose it yourself!


Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong is of course happy to be able to choose the model by himself.

After all, I fly this plane by myself, so of course I have to choose a plane that I am satisfied with.


"Husband, what plane is it?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong hang up the phone, Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"Your husband, I want to buy a helicopter!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing mysteriously and said.

"Buy a helicopter?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong with wide eyes and asked.

Buying a helicopter, my husband has never mentioned this to me!

And don't your own men hate flying?

It's not that airplanes are the most dangerous means of transportation. At high altitudes, if something goes wrong with the airplane, there is no chance of self-rescue.

If one foot falls in the air, if you come down from a high altitude, you will be smashed to pieces.

Why do you want to buy a plane now?

"Isn't this for the convenience of travel? In the future, if I go to a farther place to play, I can fly directly and get there soon. It is also convenient for me to come to the capital to work."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Didn't you say that airplanes are the most dangerous means of transportation?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong with some puzzlement and asked.

"It's someone else flying the plane, and you're always flying the plane, which is the safest means of transportation in the world."

Ye Rongrong Niupi said coaxingly.

Of course, Ye Rongrong would not tell anyone about the fact that he was drawn from the "Lazy System" to the "Safety" high-tech aircraft.

"Hehe, my husband, I find that your skin is getting thicker and thicker, and you are like an iron wall."

Liu Qingqing scratched Ye Rongrong's nose lightly with her finger and said.

"Really? It seems that I can't do without a thick skin."

Saying that, Ye Rongrong made a gesture to rush towards Liu Qingqing.

"You... what are you doing? Help..."

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong helplessly with horror and shouted.

"You shout, even if you shout your throat, no one will save you, hahaha..."

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing with a "fierce" face and said.

The movements of his hands did not stop, and he began to pick Liu Qingqing's clothes.

"Don't... Please don't, help me..."

Liu Qingqing cried out pleadingly.

It's a pity that no matter how much Liu Qingqing wailed, Ye Rongrong still threw himself on Liu Qingqing and did what men like to do.

"Sister, brother-in-law, are you all right?"

At the critical moment of Ye Rongrong's "entry into Hong Kong", something disappointing happened. Liu Xixi heard the movement and knocked on the bedroom door.

"'s okay!"

Liu Qingqing hurriedly asked Ye Glory to pause, and said to Liu Xixi outside the door.

"Sister, but I heard you yelling for help!"

Liu Xixi said doubtfully.

" must it wrong."

Liu Qingqing said out of breath.

There is no way, my man actually started to sprint at me at this time, it is very difficult for Liu Qingqing to be able to speak a complete sentence.

"Sister, are you really okay?"

Liu Xixi felt that her sister's speech was a little abnormal, hesitating, and a little out of breath.

Could it be that my brother-in-law beat my sister?

Thinking of this, Liu Xixi became uneasy.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with what is written in the book. This man is a bit violent and likes to beat his wife.

"No... all right?"

Liu Qingqing said out of breath.

"Then...sister, can I come in and sit down?"

Liu Xixi asked anxiously.

My older sister shouted "Help", she must have been severely beaten. As my own younger sister, I can't just leave her alone!

"I'm doing husband and wife affairs with your sister, why are you here, go to bed with me quickly."

Ye Rongrong shouted angrily.

This is exciting, there is a person chattering beside him, it's no wonder Ye Rongrong is in a happy mood.


After reacting, Liu Xixi blushed and ran away in a hurry.

It's so embarrassing, my sister and brother-in-law are doing such embarrassing things, and I actually...

It's all my sister's fault, why did she shout "Help", I misunderstood myself.

But when she thought of her sister and brother-in-law doing that kind of thing, Liu Xixi didn't know why, but felt a little jealous.


"Old Ma, General Ye, please get in the car!"

In the Air Force Logistics Department, a major general in his forties said to Mr. Ma and Ye Rongrong.

This major general is the director of the logistics department of the Beijing Air Force. His name is Peng Tong. He is a major general like Ye Rongrong.

But in terms of gold content, the gold content of the major general Peng Tong is much higher than that of the civilian major general Ye Rongrong.

According to the self-introduction of this major general Peng Tong, he is an old subordinate of Mr. Ma, and Mr. Ma has always promoted him, so he is of course a major general for being so young.

You must know that a major general in his forties is relatively young in the Chinese army.

The Beijing Air Force has a very large site. After driving for more than ten minutes in a military vehicle, we arrived at a large warehouse of the Air Force Logistics Department. All the retired military aircraft were placed here.

This place belongs to the control area, that is, officers in the army cannot enter without permission.

After getting off the car, under the leadership of Major General Peng Tong, they came to a large warehouse.

"Old Ma, General Ye, this is a military helicopter independently developed by our country, the Zhi-11 helicopter."

Peng Tong pointed to a helicopter that was 70% to 80% new and parked in the warehouse.

"Zhi-11 helicopter!"

Ye Rongrong began to look at this Zhi-11 helicopter. The main rotor of this Zhi-11 uses a three-blade star-shaped flexible composite tail rotor and a 2-bladed seesaw composite tail rotor structure.

From the appearance, it is very domineering, which belongs to the type that Ye Rongrong likes.

"Glory, how about this Zhi-11 helicopter?"

Mr. Ma asked Ye Rongrong.

After all, it was Ye Rongrong who bought the plane, and if he was not satisfied, Ye Rongrong naturally chose it himself.

"Very good, I like the appearance of this model very much."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Then let me introduce to you the characteristics of this Zhi-11 helicopter!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was satisfied with the Zhi-11 helicopter, Peng Tong said enthusiastically.

Being able to let his old chief personally accompany him to watch the plane, this Ye Rongrong's identity, naturally made Peng Tong enthusiastic.


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