The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1247 Delicious

"Honey, if you talk about my aunt like that, I'm afraid she'll be angry with you."

Back in the room, Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong.

"If she likes to get angry, she can get angry. Anyway, we will go back tomorrow and we won't see it. Let her go. Anyway, she is the one who gets angry."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong didn't have a good impression of Liu Qingqing, his aunt, and wished not to see her in the future.

"Well, husband, grandpa wants us to stay in the capital after the new year and then go back."

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong.

It turned out that everyone in the Liu family knew that Ye Rongrong was leaving tomorrow, and they were very reluctant to leave Ye Rongrong. For this reason, Mr. Liu even talked to Liu Qingqing about this matter.

I hope Liu Qingqing can persuade Ye Rongrong to stay in the capital until the new year is over before going back. After all, Ye Rongrong is now the leader of the younger generation of the Liu family. There are many things that will happen soon after the new year, and he can represent the younger generation.

"No, there are too many things going on in this capital city, especially during the Chinese New Year. There are so many miscellaneous parties. It's so boring. It's better to sleep late at home."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Ye Rongrong really doesn't like this place in the capital, not to mention getting up early every day, and the smell of gasoline in the air is also unbearable to Ye Rongrong.

Especially the fast-paced lifestyle of the metropolis, Ye Rongrong is not used to it at all, Ye Rongrong is used to the slow-paced life in the countryside.

It's like walking, in the countryside, walking slowly, enjoying the scenery along the way, meeting acquaintances, chatting, but in this metropolis, people walk with their heads down, walking like flying, as if rushing to reincarnate.

I'm really not used to it!

"Well, I know, I told my grandfather that I want to celebrate the New Year at my home."

Liu Qingqing said.

No matter how bad her home was, Liu Qingqing wanted to spend the New Year in her home, because that was the home that really belonged to her husband and wife.

"Hehe, no one knows me better than my wife!"

Ye Rongrong hugged Liu Qingqing happily and said.

"Damn it, go to sleep!"

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Before my wife goes to bed, is there anything else we forgot to do?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing with a smile and said.

"Husband, no more, I have to go back tomorrow."

Liu Qingqing hurriedly pushed away and hugged Ye Rongrong who was direct.

"It doesn't delay going back tomorrow, and it's not like you don't know your man's physical strength."

Ye Rongrong is not such a person who gives up so easily, he immediately hugged Liu Qingqing again, and got up and down.


"Uncle, when did you come?"

In the morning, Ye Rongrong went downstairs to have breakfast after washing up. Seeing Huang Zucheng sitting at the dining table, he asked with some doubts.

"Come here last night."

Huang Zucheng nodded to Ye Rongrong and said.

Last night, Huang Zucheng finished the work at hand, and when he returned home, it was past seven o'clock, and Ouyang Lijuan, who hadn't eaten yet, talked about it.

Originally, today's work was not going well, and this time when I got home, my wife kept nagging me. Huang Zucheng was a little annoyed, so he said something to tell her to calm down.

Who knew that Ouyang Lijuan's petty temper had flared up again, and when she finished cooking and came out of the kitchen, she found that she had run away from home.

This frightened Huang Zucheng.

This night, my beautiful wife ran out alone. Although the law and order in the capital is very good, it is also very dangerous!

If something unexpected happens, it's useless even if I regret it!

Huang Zucheng hurriedly chased her out, and even called his old father-in-law, telling them about Ouyang Lijuan's departure, and if he went back to his mother's house, he had to notify himself as soon as possible.

Then, Huang Zucheng drove along the street looking for someone.

The husband and wife have known each other for so many years, and Huang Zucheng understands that although his wife likes to play the big lady's temper, she is actually a very nice person in essence, but she has been pampered since she was a child, and she is not sensible.

Although sometimes, Huang Zucheng is a little annoyed, but he also understands that his wife is just a child who can't grow up, so he can just raise his wife as a daughter.

Regarding his wife's understanding, Huang Zucheng knew that his wife would not go to places like bars.

This is also one of the advantages that Huang Zucheng likes his wife. In addition to being the "queen" at home, likes to point fingers at himself, and whether he comes to play a little temper, her love for himself is sincere.

It's not like some young women in the city now, once they quarrel with their husbands or boyfriends, they go to places like bars, or use chat software like WeChat to have sex with strange men that they shouldn't have.

Wear a cuckold for your husband or boyfriend, and say it beautifully: "Revenge."

As everyone knows, once her husband or boyfriend finds out, 99% of the time it is definitely either a divorce or a breakup.

In the end, it hurts itself.

After all, which man knows that you are a woman who can't be angry, and likes to cuckold men when you are angry. No man will really be willing to marry you.

Although my wife often plays petty temper, she will run back to her mother's house at most, or wander around the street alone. The most important point is that she will not go where she can't find her.

Not at her natal home, even if she was wandering around the streets near her home.

As long as I find her, say a few soft words, and apologize, this matter will be over.

In Huang Zucheng's view, his wife belongs to the kind of "heartless" woman, like a child who can't grow up, but he just likes her.

Many of my friends said that she was too spoiled, and that after I married her, I would definitely be unhappy.

But Huang Zucheng didn't feel that he was unhappy at all.

Huang Zucheng likes to spoil her, pamper her, and is willing to let her play tricks on him.

Who let myself love her!

Huang Zucheng was looking for his wife in the streets near his home.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before I received a call from my mother-in-law, saying that my wife had gone to her sister's house.

Huang Zucheng immediately drove to Liu's house.

Originally, Huang Zucheng was ready. When he arrived at Liu's house, his wife would scold him and kneel down at the keyboard at night.

It's just that Huang Zucheng never expected that when he arrived at Liu's house, even though his wife's teary face made him feel distressed.

But instead of scolding herself in front of her sister's family, she even apologized to herself.

This completely confused Huang Zucheng.

Where is my wife acting?

With trepidation, he followed his wife into the guest room arranged by Liu's house for his husband and wife. What greeted him was not the keyboard, but his wife's gentleness and consideration.

This made Huang Zucheng feel so unreal, like a dream.

Until now, having breakfast, Huang Zucheng didn't understand what happened, but his wife had an epiphany and became gentle and considerate to him.

Is this still my spoiled "wife"?

"Sit down and have breakfast!"

Liu Yunlong said at this time.

After dinner, Liu Yunlong had to deal with urgent matters.

I don't know what happened to Japan's stupid "Jagu" cruiser, but it sank near the Huaxia Linhai. This matter is very sensitive!

How did this good cruiser "Jagu" sink? Everyone is discussing these days.

There is an emergency meeting in the morning.

"Husband, you eat this bread. I learned it from Sister Wang this morning. How about you try it?"

Ouyang Lijuan gave Huang Zucheng a piece of bread and said softly.

"Honey, what did you do?"

Huang Zucheng was startled, and asked a little uneasily.

What kind of stimulation did my wife suffer?

She even cooks to make breakfast for herself, because she hates the fumes in the kitchen the most.

This is really unprecedented!

It can't be poison, can it?

I don't know why Huang Zucheng has such an idea in his heart.

In fact, last night, my wife was so kind to me, so gentle as hell.

It's not that my wife treats me badly and isn't gentle enough, and she just got angry last night and ran away from home. It will take two or three days before she gets better.

The cloudy weather turned sunny too quickly yesterday, and it was also good for my peasants.

There's nothing wrong with being courteous, isn't there a problem?

"Husband, what's the matter with you, don't you like the bread I made?"

Ouyang Lizhu stared at Huang Zucheng and asked.

"Who... who said that, I'm so excited, wife, this is the first time you cook breakfast for me, I'm so happy!"

As he spoke, Huang Zucheng picked up the bread and began to bite.

Even if it was highly poisonous, Huang Zucheng would still eat it.

Who made himself love this woman?

"Husband, how does this taste?"

Ouyang Lijuan looked at Huang Zucheng nervously and asked.

This is her first time cooking, and Ouyang Lijuan is very concerned about her husband's first reaction.

"It's delicious, it's really delicious, my wife, your craft is this!"

Huang Zucheng gave Ouyang Lijuan a thumbs up.

"Really, I just said that I'm smart, and I can learn everything at once."

When Ouyang Lijuan heard her husband say that the bread she made was delicious, she immediately said happily.

I didn't expect that I would be so successful in cooking for the first time.

Suddenly Ouyang Lijuan felt a sense of accomplishment, and felt that cooking and making things was not unacceptable.

"It's so delicious, I'll eat it too."

Liu Qingqing picked up a piece of bread with some doubts, Liu Qingqing was very skeptical that her aunt's cooking talent was so high, it was her first time cooking something, and she could still make it so delicious.

Liu Qingqing remembered the first time she cooked, either she put too much salt, or the vegetables were burnt.

"This is a loving breakfast my wife made for me, and no one can steal it from me."

Seeing Liu Qingqing taking away a piece of bread, Huang Zucheng, who reacted, brought a plate of bread made by Ouyang Lijuan to him, and told everyone.

As for the bread that Liu Qingqing had put on her plate, Huang Zucheng could only turn to Ye Rongrong for help.

"Honey, let me taste my aunt's cooking skills, and use a professional level to evaluate my aunt's cooking skills."

Ye Rongrong took the bread from Liu Qingqing's plate, put it to his mouth and began to bite.

In fact, Ye Rongrong didn't need to eat it. With Ye Rongrong's sense of smell as a "master chef", he knew that the wrong ingredients were put in this bread, and salt was put in instead of sugar, and the amount of salt was quite a lot.

If you eat this, it must be very salty.

However, Ye Rongrong still chose to eat the whole piece of bread into his stomach.

"Husband, how does this bread taste?"

Liu Qingqing looked at her husband and asked.

"Isn't it delicious?"

Ouyang Lijuan also looked at Ye Rongrong and asked excitedly.

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