The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1261 No way

"Brother Ye, Sister Qingqing, the eighth day of next month will be my wedding day with Jiaxing. We would like to invite you to our wedding."

After taking the wedding photos, Wang Ziwei invited Ye Rongrong and his wife.

Although everyone had only known each other for a day, Wang Ziwei had a very good impression of Ye Rongrong and his wife, and they were very polite, so he took pictures with his group here.

"If we have time, we will participate."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Anyway, there is nothing to do at home, and attending the wedding banquet is quite lively.

"Great, Brother Ye, let's add a WeChat friend."

As he spoke, Wang Ziwei took out his mobile phone and added friends with Ye Rongrong and the others.

"Brother Ye, someday I want to take wedding photos, can I also come to you to take photos?"

Li Mengqi looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

The scenery here is really beautiful, and there are so many smart and cute animals. It is absolutely perfect to take wedding photos here. Li Mengqi wants to come to this yard to take pictures of her wedding photos with her boyfriend.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong has always been easy to talk to people he likes.

"Thank you, Brother Ye."

When Ye Rongrong agreed, Li Mengqi thanked happily.

"Mr. Ye, can we come to your studio to take pictures in the future?"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was so talkative, the people in the studio were moved and asked Ye Rongrong.

After all, the scenery here is so beautiful, and there are so many amazing animals, it is really an excellent place to take wedding photos and personal portraits here, better than many scenic spots at home and abroad.

When the time comes to bring guests here to take pictures, the guests must be very satisfied, and save money, with such a perfect scenery as the background, and even magical animals as decorations.


Ye Rongrong refused without thinking.

Are you kidding me, this is really a public place, you can do whatever you want.

This time they were asked to take wedding photos here because they were Xiao Si'er's friends.

I want to use my own place as a location for filming, it is really too beautiful.

Ye Rongrong would never agree.

"We can pay."

The person in the studio said hurriedly.

"Do you think I look like someone who needs money?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the man unhappily and said.

"I... we didn't mean that."

Seen by Ye Rongrong, the photographer said timidly.

There is no way, the sense of oppression that the burly Ye Rongrong gives to others is too strong.

"Don't think of me as a place for you to take pictures."

After Ye Rongyao glared at the photographer, he stopped talking to him.

"Brother Ye, Sister Qingqing, let's go back first."

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Wang Ziwei said hastily.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Anyway, they didn't know each other very well, and Ye Rongrong never thought of inviting them to have dinner at his home at night.


After these people left, Ye Rongrong went to the edamame field beside his yard. It was winter now, and many fields were left unused, waiting for next spring to plant vegetables and fruits.

However, there are still many vegetables and fruits that grow well even in such a cold day. This edamame is one kind. Generally speaking, edamame is still fruiting from May to the end of November.

The edamame grown in Ye Rongrong's edamame field is better than other people's. Even though it is already December, there are still edamame hanging on the branches, but the color of the edamame is not green anymore, but golden yellow. At this time, the edamame is no longer called edamame, but soybean.

Of course, this has something to do with the seeds Ye Rongrong chose to plant. Ye Rongrong planted the most traditional soybean seeds.

However, due to the selection effect of people, they choose green and soft beans that are suitable for eating. Gradually, edamame and soybeans are separated after a period of time. However, edamame is only a variant of soybean, and it can still be hybridized to form seeds. It is still soybean in essence.

Ye Rongrong was going to take these edamame home and fry them for eating.

After all, the Chinese New Year will be one month away, and Ye Rongrong is not going to buy new year's goods outside this year, and is going to buy some by himself.

Ye Rongrong planned to make fried soybeans, dried sweet potatoes, sugar cakes, dried fruits, and maltose by himself. He was actually watching the news a few days ago, looking at the food bought outside, adding this or that, eating Not only is it unhealthy, but it is also very harmful to the body.

For the sake of his family's health, Ye Rongrong is not going to buy new year's goods outside. Anyway, he has all the food at home, vegetables and fruits at home, fish, shrimp and crab in the lake at home. As for meat , During the Chinese New Year, many people in the village will kill pigs, so just buy a little at that time.

When Ye Rongrong was picking edamame and returning home, he met his fifth grandfather Ye Xianglai who sent sweet potatoes to his home.

"Fifth Grandpa, just tell me, I'll just go over and pull it myself."

Ye Rongrong said to Ye Xianglai.

Ye Rongrong's family has several big wild boars called "King Kong". The food can't be all rice, not to mention that it would be a waste, and the food is single, which is not good for the health of the wild boars.

So Ye Rongrong bought a lot of sweet potatoes and corn from the villagers, and used them as food for the wild boars at home.

Now this season is really the time for sweet potatoes to be harvested. Everyone digs up the sweet potatoes and sells most of them to Ye Rongrong's family.

After all, the price given by Ye Rongrong's family was one or two cents a catty higher than the market price, and it was so close. Naturally, everyone chose to buy sweet potatoes to Ye Rongrong.

Sweet potatoes are also called sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, red moss, white potatoes, and sweet potatoes. The reason why they are called sweet potatoes is because they are "imported products", that is, things that have been passed on from Fanwai.

According to legend, the sweet potato was first cultivated by the Indians and later introduced to the Filipino soldiers.

In the 16th century, two Chinese people who were doing business in the Philippines tried to weave some sweet potato vines into bamboo baskets and cables, and transported them back to their hometown in Fuzhou, where they planted them in the land of Huaxia.

Over the years, because sweet potatoes are easy to grow and obtain, and the price is low, people have gradually forgotten its preciousness in foreign countries and the risk of introducing them, and only treat them as coarse grains and feed.

In fact, sweet potatoes have extremely high nutritional value. They are known as longevity food in Japan, and they also have good medicinal effects.

But you can't eat too much of this sweet potato, because if you eat too much, you will fart.

Because sweet potatoes contain an oxidase, this enzyme is likely to produce a large amount of carbon dioxide gas in the human gastrointestinal tract. If you eat too much sweet potatoes, it will cause abdominal distension, belching, and farting.

In fact, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, farting is not a very terrible thing. If a person does not fart for a long time, the problem will be serious.

If the newborn does not fart, it needs to be checked for anus or infertility. If the adult does not fart, it should be checked in the hospital to see if there is something wrong.

"No, it's just a few steps, and it only takes me a few minutes to drive a tricycle."

Ye Xianglai shook his head and said.

"How many catties in total?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"It's a total of one thousand and fifty catties, so it's calculated as one thousand catties."

Ye Xiang said.

It’s better to be my grandnephew, who doesn’t cheat the folks at all, unlike those vegetable dealers who buy these sweet potatoes at a low price every year. They buy them for one dollar a catty in the market, and the purchase price they give is at most two or thirty cents.

Everyone worked hard on the land, but in the end, they didn't make much money in the first year.

That is to say, old people like myself, no one wants to go out to work, so they can only farm at home and earn such a little money to live.

Knowing that the price was lowered, he could only sell it at a low price with tears in his eyes. After all, if he sold it, he still had some income. If he didn't sell it, he would just rot in the ground.

That's really nothing to lose.

The price Ye Rongrong gave was one or two cents higher than the price in the market, which was four times higher than the purchase price given by those hawkers who came to the village to collect sweet potatoes.

The purchase price given by the vegetable vendor this year is 20 cents a catty, the price in the town market is 60 cents a catty, and the price given by Ye Rongrong is 80 cents a catty.

This year, most of the villagers' sweet potatoes were sold to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, Grandpa Fifth, this is eight hundred yuan."

Ye Rongrong took out 800 yuan and told Ye Xiang.

"Glory, I heard that you are going to take your great-uncle on the plane tomorrow?"

After collecting the money, Ye Xianglai looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

This is what Ye Xianglai heard from the villagers in the afternoon, saying that the grand uncle will fly around the sky in Ye Glory's plane tomorrow.

"There is this matter."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Well... can you let me take a plane too?"

Ye Xiangxiang asked with some embarrassment.

Ye Xianglai, who has never been on a plane before, also wants to do it once.

"No problem, my plane can seat eight or nine people."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Anyway, there are so many seats on the plane, and it is a waste to be empty.

"Okay, okay, I'll definitely come over early tomorrow morning."

Ye Xianglai said happily.


It was not even seven o'clock in the morning, and just as the sky was completely bright, Ye Dequan came to Ye Rongrong's house.

This old man, at a certain age, is used to going to bed early and getting up early.

Even if it is a cold winter, the elderly will wake up much earlier than the young.

"Uncle, you are here."

Liu Qingqing, who was washing clothes in the front yard, saw Ye Dequan walk into the yard, and hurriedly stood up to say hello.

"What about glory?"

Ye Dequan asked.

"He's still sleeping, I'm going to wake him up."

Liu Qingqing said.

"No, no, I'll just wait here."

Ye Dequan stopped Liu Qingqing and said.

Ye Rongrong likes to sleep late, and he doesn't have the temperament to stay out of bed after being exposed to the sun. Ye Dequan has naturally heard of it.

In addition, I gave Ye Glory a pack of deer penis yesterday, I guess I ate some yesterday, I must have gone to bed very late last night, as an old man, I have to forgive young people.

"okay then."

Seeing that Grand Uncle refused to let her wake up Ye Rongrong, Liu Qingqing gave up.

Not long after, Ye Xianglai, Ye Xianghai, Grandma Liu and other old people who were close to Ye Rongrong's house all came to Ye Rongrong's house.

These people also greeted Ye Rongrong yesterday, and they are going to take Ye Rongrong's plane today.

"Why hasn't Glory woke up yet? I'll wake him up!"

He looked at his watch, it was already eight o'clock, the sun was already high, Ye Xianghai didn't want to wait any longer.

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