"how about you?"

Li Yue asked worriedly.

After all, there is a big tiger in front of him!

Li Yue is really worried about Ye Rongrong's safety!

"Don't worry about me, just take your child and go."

After Ye Rongrong spoke, he ignored Li Yue and turned to look at the tiger.

Under normal circumstances, a tiger will not attack people, because it does not know people well, and does not know whether it is a human opponent or not.

That's why I slowly approached Li Yue's mother and son step by step, constantly testing, and this gave Li Yue and her son a chance to live until now.

"Aw~ woo~"

Seeing Li Yue walking backwards, the tiger roared furiously, and bent its hind legs to get ready, as if it was about to pounce on Li Yue.

Li Yue's feet were so frightened, but for her own child, Li Yue endured her fear and ran to her son quickly.

"Okay, stop barking, you can't scare me."

Ye Rongrong stood opposite the tiger, and said to the tiger with a smile behind his back.

Ye Rongrong really didn't pay attention to such a tiger.

Ye Rongrong, who had already practiced the highest level of "Iron Cloth Shirt", even if the tiger bit him like this, the tiger would not be able to hurt Ye Rongrong at all.

What's more, Ye Rongrong would not let this tiger bite him foolishly.


At this time, Liu Qingqing and Xiao Mengmeng also noticed that Ye Rongrong suddenly disappeared and appeared in the tiger garden.

Seeing the big tiger facing Uncle Ye, Xiao Mengmeng yelled worriedly.

"Your Uncle Ye will be fine."

Liu Qingqing comforted Xiao Mengmeng and said.

For her husband, Liu Qingqing is still very confident. Her grandfather's guards with so many martial arts skills can't hurt her husband at all, and it's even more impossible for this tiger to hurt her mysterious husband.

Most importantly, Liu Qingqing knew in her heart that her husband could fly.

With this in mind, my husband is always in an undefeated position.

Liu Qingqing knew that Ye Rongrong was powerful, but the others didn't. Seeing Ye Rongrong treat a tiger so carelessly, everyone broke into a cold sweat for him.

"Hurry... hurry up and save my wife and children!"

Others are paying attention to Ye Rongrong now, but Zheng Junqiang never took his eyes off his wife and children.

Seeing his wife and children walking under the viewing bridge, he hurriedly said to the staff of the zoo.

"Ah... oh!"

The zoo staff who came back to their senses realized that the most important thing now is to rescue the mother and child who fell into the tiger park.

Everyone hurriedly threw the rope down and told Li Yue to tie the rope with the rope and hold the child tightly.

Soon with the help of everyone, Li Yue's mother and son were pulled onto the viewing bridge and rescued successfully.

"Wife! Wenwen! Huh..."

At this time, Zheng Junqiang hurried over to hold his child and wife and cried bitterly.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel relieved. At the very least, the mother and child are safe.

It's just... Everyone looked worriedly at Ye Rongrong who was still confronting the tiger.

We pray that the hero will be okay.

At this time, some people were complaining about the speed of the zoo's rescuers. It had been a few minutes, and the rescuers hadn't come yet.

If he had waited for the rescuers to come, this man would have entered the tiger's stomach long ago.


"I said, you are not my opponent, you should go back and practice again. If you really want to fight, you must be the one who suffers."

Ye Rongrong said jokingly to the tiger.

This is the boldness of Yigao people, Ye Rongrong is really not afraid at all, and he doesn't take this tiger seriously.

If it wasn't for wanting to scare the world, Ye Guangrong flew into the sky now, and the tiger would have to stare blankly.

"Aw~ woo~"

The tiger obviously saw Ye Rongrong's contempt for it, and immediately became angry.

The dignity of the "King of Beasts" was provoked, and he immediately roared furiously.

With the sound of the tiger howling, people's hearts rose to their throats, because they all saw the tiger suddenly move, and its body jumped slightly like Ye Rongrong pounced.



Seeing the tiger rushing towards Ye Rongrong, everyone's heart went cold.

You must know that this is an adult South China tiger, how can a human be its opponent.

Among other things, the difference in weight alone is beyond Ye Rongrong's comparison, and the difference is as much as three or four times.

That is to say, even if the tiger doesn't use any moves, it can kill Ye Rongrong with such a simple pounce.

What's more, this tiger has sharp claws, as long as it touches the human body, the skin will be ripped apart, and human beings are absolutely vulnerable to it.

The title of "King of Beasts" is not for nothing.

The gap between the two sides is too great, no one is optimistic about Ye Rongrong, except Liu Qingqing.

"You still dare to touch me."

Ye Rongrong kicked the oncoming tiger very unhappy.

With a bang, the entire tiger was kicked by Ye Rongrong and flew five or six meters away.


"No way……"

"This is too powerful..."

"what's the situation?"


The people who felt sorry for Ye Rongrong and couldn't bear to see Ye Rongrong fall into the tiger's mouth, all the people on the viewing bridge opened their mouths wide and looked at the scene in front of them stupidly.

This...how is this possible?

Kicked a tiger weighing seven or eight hundred catties away with one kick?

How strong is this foot?

It is difficult for people to accept this fact.

Humans really can be so powerful.

Is it true that in "Water Margin", Wu Song killed an adult tiger with three punches when he was drunk?


The tiger that was kicked away by Ye Rongrong stood up from the ground, shook his dizzy head, and howled at Ye Rongrong. This time, the tiger seemed to have moved for real. It is also a bit better than before!

Everyone has three points of fire, let alone a tiger.

The enraged tiger is the most ferocious, and as soon as it jumps over, it rushes towards Ye Rongrong.

five meters...

Three meters...

one meter……

This tiger was extremely fast, like a high-speed car, it rushed to Ye Rongrong in the blink of an eye!

The tiger head roared towards Ye Rongrong's neck.

When a tiger attacks any creature, it likes to attack the neck position first, because this position can achieve a fatal effect with one blow.

It seems that if you don't give this tiger a look, it won't grow up.

Thinking of this, Ye Rongrong punched lightly.

In the eyes of others, this punch was limp, as if it had no strength at all.

But the next second.

There was a loud bang.

Ye Rongrong punched the tiger in the stomach.

I saw that the whole body of the tiger flew seven or eight meters into the air, and then fell down quickly.


The tiger landed heavily on the ground.

"Aw~ woo~"

The vitality of feline creatures is stronger than that of ordinary animals. Even though they fell from such a high place, they still didn't pass out, but roared feebly.

"No, the tigers are coming!"


"This is troublesome!"


Before people cheered for Ye Rongrong's majesty, he saw a tiger basking in the sun in the distance getting up from the ground and galloping towards Ye Rongrong.

These tigers all heard the call of their companions.

Fear and tension relative to other people.

Ye Rongrong is still with the old god, there are just a few tigers, it's really not enough for Ye Rongrong to warm up!

"Ho, ho!"



As soon as these tigers came up, they rushed straight at Ye Rongrong.

"Be careful!"

"Be careful!"

"Don't, don't!"


Seeing so many tigers attacking Ye Rongrong, people were all sweating for Ye Rongrong.

Two fists are no match for four hands, no matter how powerful this man is, he is no match for a group of tigers!

Many people closed their eyes, not wanting to see this tragedy happen.

Of course, more people pray for a miracle to happen.

"Let me go!"

Ye Rongrong didn't retreat but advanced, and also ran towards the group of tigers that were rushing away.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

This group of tigers was also fooled by Ye Rongrong's actions!

Isn't this guy a big brain?

It was slow, but it was fast at that time. Before the tiger could react, Ye Rongrong punched a tiger in the stomach and sent the tiger flying.

The reason why he hit the tiger in the stomach was because he didn't want to kill the tiger. After all, it is a rare animal that is on the verge of extinction.

"Aw~ woo~"

Seeing their companions being blown away so easily by Ye Rongrong, this group of menacing tigers suddenly made a move that stunned everyone.

They turned around and ran towards the tiger garden jungle.

Obviously frightened by Ye Rongrong's momentum.

Immediately, everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded, and the way they looked at Ye Rongrong changed.

Who the hell is this!

How dare you scare so many tigers like this with one person's power!

Who is the king of beasts here?

The cold wind was blowing, the fallen leaves were fluttering, and the people nearby were completely silent.

Ye Rongrong's confrontation and fight with the tiger, until now it's over, is under everyone's eyes.

At the beginning, everyone thought that Ye Rongrong would surely die, and it was good to have courage, but how could one's own strength fight against the South China Tiger, the king of all beasts?

But the current situation really makes everyone a little bit unbelievable that what they see with their eyes is real, not a dream.

There was someone who rescued people under the eyes of tigers, and not only survived a group of tigers attacking, but also beat the group with three punches and two feet and fled.

This is not making a movie!

This is much better than Wu Song in "Water Margin".

The scene in front of me is really unacceptable!

How can a person be so powerful?

At this moment, the sound of ambulances and rescue vehicles came, and soon the ambulances and rescue vehicles drove into the tiger park.

The windows of the rescue vehicle were pushed down, and several rescuers armed with anesthesia guns quickly pointed their guns around and looked for the tiger.

"Where's the tiger?"

After a while, several rescuers were stunned, and there was no trace of the tiger.

Didn't it say that a child fell into the tiger park?

What about children?

Could it be?

The faces of the rescuers changed. Could it be that the child was taken into the woods by the tiger?

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