The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1281 Ouyang Qianqian's problem

"Aren't you short of water? I'll catch a crucian carp to make up for you. The reminder is water."

Ye Rongrong lifted the crucian carp, shook it, and said with a smile.

Crucian carp has always been used by the folks as a food for promoting milk. It is combined with Tongcao that ventilates the upper and lower milk and trotters that nourishes blood and promotes milk. .

In the past few days, Liu Qingqing has been complaining about the lack of water, and she stopped letting herself drink milk last night, this is not acceptable.

So Ye Rongrong wanted to make this "Carp Tongru Soup" for her today.

"It's not all about you, you always like to rob children."

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong and said dissatisfiedly.

Originally, my own water was enough for Xiaodudu to eat alone, but it was my husband, who was a father, who always robbed the children for drinking.

No matter how much water I have, it's still not enough for the big and small children!

"Well... Aunt Zhang is here, I'll make carp milk soup for you."

Seeing Aunt Zhang approaching, Ye Rongrong hurriedly carried the crucian carp to the backyard kitchen.

After all, I'm almost thirty, and it would be embarrassing if outsiders found out that I was still snatching mothers from babies!


The practice of this "Carp Tongru Soup" is also very simple.

Ye Rongrong cut off the trotters bought from the village butcher yesterday in two or three pieces, removed the fur, shaved and washed them, put them in boiling water for a while, removed the blood, and washed them clean.

After finishing the trotters, remove the scales, gills and viscera of the crucian carp, clean them up and wash them.

Put the pot on the fire, put an appropriate amount of water, put the pig's trotters and cook for a while, add crucian carp, tongcao, cooking wine, salt, pepper, ginger slices, cook until the pig's trotters and fish are cooked, remove the ginger, and season with MSG Finally, a bowl of delicious "Carp Tongru Soup" is ready.


Ye Rongrong happily poured the prepared "Carp Tongru Soup" into a large porcelain bowl, and served it out.

This "Carp Tongru Soup" is best when it is hot.


"Honey, give Dudu a hug. You drink this bowl of 'Carp Tongru Soup' while it's hot. It's the best food for Tongru."

Ye Rongrong put the porcelain bowl on the stool next to Liu Qingqing and said to her.

"Honey, I can't eat such a big bowl."

After handing her daughter to Ye Rongrong, Liu Qingqing looked at the big bowl of crucian carp soup and said with some embarrassment.

My stomach is so big, how can I eat such a big bowl of crucian carp soup!

"It's okay, you can't finish it, I'll eat the rest, I don't dislike your husband."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Well, husband, you are so kind!"

Liu Qingqing said happily.

You must know that not any man is not disgusted and is willing to eat what you have left, unless the man loves you.

"That's right, I'm a good man in the new era."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Standards for a new good man: first, to take care of the family; second, to take care of his wife, regardless of the bed;


Liu Qingqing recognized her man as a model of a good man in the new era.

Of course, he had to forget the bad things he did to him in the past.

"Doo, call Dad!"


Little Dudu giggled.

"It's not my brother, it's my father, don't mess around!"

Ye Rongrong hastily corrected.


"It's over, this life is in chaos."

Ye Rongrong said with a depressed face.

"Hehe, my husband Dudu is still young, how can she talk? Isn't the sound of a child laughing like 'giggle'?"

Liu Qingqing said with some amusement.

Sometimes the man I am is terrible, and sometimes I am the man who is like a child.

"That's it, wife, you are smart."

Ye Rongrong slapped him with an invisible flattery.


Liu Qingqing said dutifully.

Both men and women like to be complimented.


After listening to lunch, Ye Rongrong received a call from his student Ouyang Qianqian.

"Teacher, I recently encountered a special patient, a very common disease, but I have treated it several times, but she recovered within a few days, which is very strange."

Ouyang Qianqian said to Ye Rongrong on the phone.

"What disease is it?"

Ye Rongrong said doubtfully.

Ye Rongrong still has confidence in his student's medical skills. Since Ouyang Qianqian has definitely been cured, it is impossible for her to recover in a few days.

"It's a very simple eye disease. It's just that the girl's eyes are itchy. I checked and found that it's just simple keratitis. For the first time, I prescribed Chinese medicine for her, and she was fine after three days. But once the medicine was stopped, Within a few days, the eyes fell ill again."

"The second time I gave her acupuncture, the effect was very good, and she recovered on the same day, but within a few days after going back, she still had keratitis, and her eyes were swollen."

"I asked my brothers and them to make a diagnosis together. They were all very sure that this patient was just simple keratitis, so we sent her to the hospital for treatment."

"The results of it?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"In the hospital, the elder brother gave her acupuncture, and she was fine on the same day, and she was observed in the hospital for four or five days, and there was no problem at all."

"As a result, within a few days of being discharged from the hospital, she developed eye inflammation again."

Ouyang Qianqian said depressedly.

Ouyang Qianqian was still very confident in her medical skills, but such a simple eye problem made her even lose confidence.

Ouyang Qianqian was sure that the girl had keratitis, but she had been treated several times for such a simple keratitis, but there was no way to cure it.

There was really no other way. After discussing with the brothers and sisters, I asked the teacher for help.

The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine has a great reputation in the hands of its teacher, but it must not smash the signboard in the hands of several of them.

"Is it her living habits?"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and asked.

Under normal circumstances, this keratitis is caused by bad living habits, such as looking at the computer or mobile phone for a long time every day, or rubbing the eyes with dirty hands to infect bacteria.

"We have checked all these. I even took several medical staff to the patient's home to check. There is no problem. The environment of the patient's home is very good, and their family is very particular about hygiene."

Ouyang Qianqian shook her head and said.

It was because nothing could be found out, which made Ouyang Qianqian feel uncomfortable!

Obviously my own judgment is correct, but there is no way to cure it.

If it was a terminal illness, Ouyang Qianqian would recognize it, but such a simple keratitis could not be cured by herself, which made Ouyang Qianqian very shocked.

If there was no other way, Ouyang Qianqian would not have called her teacher for help, because Ouyang Qianqian knew that her teacher liked a peaceful life.

"That's kind of weird."

Ye Rongrong also felt very strange, how can a small disease of keratitis be cured, there must be something wrong.

"Before this, did she go to other hospitals?"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and asked.

"After seeing several big hospitals, they all believed that it was keratitis, and it was cured, but it recovered after a few days, so I came to see a doctor in our traditional Chinese medicine hospital."

Ouyang Qianqian said.

"That's strange. It's just a simple keratitis. How did it take so long?"

Ye Rongrong said doubtfully.

"Teacher, I didn't have any recruits, so I asked you for help."

Ouyang Qianqian said coquettishly.

"Your teacher, I am not omnipotent, okay?"

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

The essence of traditional Chinese medicine is "seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing". He has taught his students, and Ye Rongrong believes that their judgments will not be wrong.

Ninety-nine percent of this patient is suffering from keratitis.

It stands to reason that this keratitis is really not a serious illness, but after seeing so many big hospitals, several of my students have seen it.

The result was cured and recovered, and cured and recovered, which shows that the treatment methods of several of my students are not wrong.

The reason why it keeps repeating is really puzzling.

"In my eyes, always you are human and omnipotent."

Ouyang Qianqian said adoringly.

"Hehe, you've already said that. I can't do without a horse. I'll see if I'm free these few days. If I'm free, I'll go to the capital."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong was also quite curious, but what kind of disease was it that stumped all four of his disciples.

"Great, teacher, you will definitely solve this disease every second and every second."

Ouyang Qianqian said happily.

"Don't put a high hat on, tell me about your boyfriend quickly."

Ye Rongrong wouldn't be overwhelmed by Ouyang Qianqian's flattery.

"This... this... that... a patient came, the teacher did this first."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Qianqian hurriedly hung up the phone and said.

This teacher is just like his own mother. Whether he comes or not, he is urging him to have a boyfriend, which is a headache.

I also want to find a boyfriend, but I haven't met the right one. Although there are many young doctors in the hospital who pursue me, many of them are experts who have returned from overseas.

But when comparing them with her teacher, Ouyang Qianqian looked down on them.

This man really can't be compared. In this comparison, experts studying abroad are also scumbags. Ouyang Qianqian doesn't like it.

"It's all the teacher's fault."

Ouyang Qianqian murmured in her heart.

My teacher is so good that I always like to use him as a reference when looking for a boyfriend, but all of them fail.

"This girl, she won't really want to be an old girl!"

Hearing the "beep" sound of the mobile phone, Ye Rongrong shook his head helplessly and said.

The thinking of girls now is really different from before. Girls in the past were afraid that they would not be able to marry because they were too old, so they married early.

But now girls, especially those with higher education, get married later and later, or even don't get married.

"Uncle, aunt, it's not good, it's not good."

While Ye Guangrong was still having a headache about the marriages of his three female apprentices, Xiao Mengmeng ran into the yard panting and shouted.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xiao Mengmeng suspiciously and asked.


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