The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1287 Chicken Plague

"Well, don't live there for now."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

The feng shui of that villa is really not good, it is better not to move in until it is restored.

"I will move back to the old house today. I will ask someone to restore this villa before selling it. We dare not live in this house."

Li Bawan said.

After hearing the consequences of living in such a house, Li Ke was unwilling to stay in that villa any longer.

"Well, do you know why that Feng Shui master did this?"

Ye Rongrong asked curiously.

After all, ordinary feng shui masters will not do such insidious things. Doing this kind of thing is not good for feng shui masters, and there are many disadvantages.

In the words of superstition, it is easy to attract divine punishment.

"Hey... You may not believe it, but the reason for all this is that Sasha's best friend did it. She really knows people and faces but doesn't know her heart!"

Li Bawan said with some sighs.

"Sasha's best friend made it?"

Ye Rongrong is a little unbelievable, how much hatred is required to do such a bad Feng Shui thing.

Moreover, they are still best friends, and they often chat and laugh together. What kind of scheming woman can do this. It is really not an exaggeration to describe Wang Shasha's female best friend with a snake-hearted heart.

"Yeah, she conspired with that feng shui master to do it. It's a good thing that you know feng shui, otherwise our family is really doomed."

Thinking of this matter, Li Bawan felt absurd.

It was all caused by jealousy among women. It turned out that in school, Wang Shasha's best friend liked a boy, but this boy liked Wang Shasha and had no feelings for her.

Just because this best friend of Wang Shasha is jealous and hates Wang Shasha in her heart, and now Wang Shasha is married to Li Bawan and is living a prosperous and happy life, and that best friend has just been abandoned by her boyfriend, which makes that best friend feel particularly blocked.

The jealousy and hatred in her heart made Wang Shasha's best friend unable to see Wang Shasha's happy life.

So as soon as I knew that Wang Shasha's family was going to buy a new villa, I suggested asking a Feng Shui master to look at Feng Shui, and also talked about the importance of Feng Shui.

After persuading Wang Shasha, she found a Feng Shui master on the Internet, and after colluding with money, she asked only one, not to make Wang Shasha's family happy.

I have to say that the current Internet is very powerful. In many online shopping malls, there are some merchants who call themselves "Taoist temples" and "magic masters", selling various "curse spells" online, and there are also Feng Shui masters who can help customers put opponents to death. Or the enemy's feng shui is ruined.

Wang Shasha contacted the feng shui master surnamed Lai through the online shopping mall.

All this was only known by Wang Shasha questioning her best friend.

After this incident, Wang Shasha has seen through her best friend, and she has completely fallen out, and will never communicate with each other from now on.

As for calling the police, Li Bawan and his wife can forget it after thinking about it. The police will not file a case for this kind of thing, and it will even be regarded as a neuropathy.

In this matter, Li Bawan and his wife could only admit that they were unlucky.

Inadvertently making friends, the consequences are really too serious.

"Forget about this matter in the past, and pay attention to it in the future. In fact, as long as you don't buy a house in a place with extremely bad feng shui, any other location will have too much influence on the feng shui of the family. The layout of the home can be directly designed by a design company. You don’t need to find any Feng Shui master, lest someone make a mistake and don’t know.”

Ye Rongrong said.

In China, most people's houses are decorated according to their own preferences, and very few people get backlash because of the wrong Feng Shui at home.

After all, non-professional feng shui masters can't put out such a strong feng shui formation.

"I know, my old classmate really thanked you this time, I didn't even know..."

"Okay, that's all for now, don't say any more."

Ye Rongrong interrupted Li Bawan's words.


"Husband, why did that Feng Shui master set up a Feng Shui formation to hurt Sasha and the others?"

After seeing Ye Rongrong and Li Bawan finished the phone call,

Liu Qingqing asked curiously.

After all, women have a curious heart.

"Love and hate, what do you think?"

Ye Rongrong asked back with a smile.

"You mean, that feng shui master likes Sha Sha, because Sha Sha married Li Bawan, and because of love, that feng shui master made that feng shui array to harm them."

Liu Qingqing said with an open mind.

Isn't that what happens in TV shows?

"Hehe, it's almost there, but it's not that the Feng Shui master likes Wang Shasha, it's because Wang Shasha's best friend is jealous of Wang Shasha."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"It doesn't seem unreasonable to prevent fire, theft, and girlfriends."

Liu Qingqing thought for a while and said.

As women, Liu Qingqing knew that women were more jealous than men.

Sometimes when you get hotheaded, you will do extreme things.

"Okay, let's not talk about them, let's go to sleep!"

Ye Rongrong put his arms around Liu Qingqing and said.

Today Liu Qingqing's "relatives" came, Ye Rongrong could only bear to sleep.


Early in the morning, Ye Rongrong was woken up by Liu Qingqing. This morning, he was going to cut the cool sweet potatoes into pieces and dry them in the sun.

"Brother Glory, you're up."

When Ye Rongrong walked to the front yard, he happened to see Xiao Si'er and Aunt Liu cutting sweet potato chips, surrounded by a group of brats, reaching out to eat sweet potato chips from time to time.

"Hehe, you are almost done, and you don't need my help."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

In fact, Ye Rongrong wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and he didn't need to do it himself, so Ye Rongrong had no choice but to do it himself.

"Husband, there are still more, and I haven't cut half of them yet, please help quickly."

Regarding her husband's temper, Liu Qingqing was very clear about what he wanted to do.


Seeing that he couldn't hide, Ye Rongrong could only help cut the sweet potato pieces.

Unlike other people who needed a chopping board to cut the sweet potato, Ye Rongrong directly held the sweet potato in his left hand, and held a kitchen knife in his right hand, quickly slashed across the sweet potato, and immediately the sweet potato slices fell on the washbasin mountain under Ye Rongrong's hand.


Aunt Zhang glanced at Ye Rongrong and said in surprise.

You must know that although the work of cutting sweet potatoes is not difficult, there is really no one who can quickly cut out the dried sweet potatoes like Ye Rongrong, holding the sweet potatoes in one hand and the other.

"Uncle, you are so handsome!"

Erwazi flattered Ye Rongrong and said.

"Hehe, handsome!"

Ye Rongrong said proudly.

The movements of his hands became faster, slices of sweet potatoes were chopped out by Ye Rongrong and fell into the washbasin. In less than half a minute, a big sweet potato was chopped up by Ye Rongrong.

"Well, handsome!"

Erwazi nodded and said.

In the village, Erwazi admired Ye Rongrong the most.

"Honey, put on a pose, I'll take a photo for you and post it on WeChat."

Liu Qingqing took a photo of Ye Rongrong with her mobile phone.


With Ye Rongrong as an extremely efficient helper, the more than 100 catties of sweet potatoes were quickly cut into sweet potato chips. Several people put these sweet potato chips into larger dustpans. Put the dustpan of dried sweet potatoes on the roof and expose it to the sun. This place has less dust, the sun is good, and there is wind. After all, it dries quickly...

Under normal circumstances, it takes three to five days to dry completely.

Dried sweet potatoes can be preserved for several years after being made. They can be used as snacks or cut into small pieces, mixed with fabrics, eggs, spices, fried and then dipped in rock sugar powder as a famous banquet dish.

"Glory, it's not good, it's not good."

As soon as Ye Rongrong came down from the roof, the old village chief Ye Xianghai ran into Ye Rongrong's house panting, and said anxiously to Ye Rongrong.

"Village chief, what happened to scare you so much?"

Seeing that the village head was panting and anxious, Xiao Si'er couldn't help but said with a smile.

In Taoyuan Village, it is really rare to see the old village head so flustered.

"You're still laughing, something big happened."

The old village chief Ye Xianghai glared at him.

Now the old village chief Ye Xianghai wouldn't blow his beard and stare at Ye Rongrong, but he was not so polite to Xiao Si'er.

"Village Chief, what happened?"

Seeing the flustered look on the old village chief's face, Ye Rongrong knew that something serious must have happened.

Otherwise, the old village head, who has always been very steady, would not have come in such a panic.

"There is chicken plague!"

The old village chief Ye Xianghai said to Ye Rongrong with a serious face.

Now that something big happened in the village, the first thing that the old village head Ye Xianghai thought of was to find Ye Rongrong to discuss and solve it together.

Now Ye Rongrong is recognized as a capable person in Taoyuan Village, and his prestige and influence in the village are higher than that of the old village head Ye Xianghai.

"Chicken plague?"

Hearing what the old village chief said, everyone in the yard was startled.

In the past, poultry farms were the most afraid of chicken plague. The appearance of common chicken plague was simply a nightmare.

Chicken plague is also known as avian influenza. Once infected, ducks and geese have relatively high disease resistance and a high chance of surviving the disease. However, chickens are very sensitive to influenza virus. Once infected, it does not only refer to the spread The disease spreads quickly, and infected chickens die quickly.

In the past, bird flu at most killed poultry without infecting people, and at most it was just a little bit of money. However, with environmental pollution, especially the discharge of radioactive substances, bird flu also mutated. In the nineties of the last century After it was confirmed that bird flu could infect humans in the 1900s, people began to be a little afraid of bird flu.

However, what caused people to fear on a large scale is that in the past ten years, almost every year, people have died of this bird flu infection.

The key point is that bird flu is highly contagious and can easily spread among people, and once you get it, it is basically the same as getting terminally ill.

"Whose family has chicken plague?"

Liu Qingqing asked hurriedly.

"Ye Xiangqing's chickens got bird flu. Two days ago, two chickens died in his house. He didn't pay much attention to it. Who would have thought that a large number of chickens died today, and the rest of the chickens were dying. What's wrong with Glory? Do it?"

The old village chief Ye Xianghai looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and asked.

After all, it is a period of high bird flu, and the consequences of such a large-scale bird flu in the village are very serious.

It will cause panic among the villagers, and the county will definitely send people to check, and all chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry in the village may have to be disposed of.

Seriously, even the entire Taoyuan Village has to be quarantined alone. 8

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