The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1289 The people from the epidemic prevention station are here

"Director Ma, Taoyuan Village is ahead."

A staff member of the epidemic prevention station said to Ma Xiaoguan, director of the county epidemic prevention station, who was sitting in the back of the car.

"Okay, tell everyone to do a good job of protection when getting off the car, don't be sloppy."

Director Ma said with a serious expression.

The discovery of bird flu in Yangping County was a major event. Several major leaders in the county had instructions to do a good job in epidemic prevention and prevent the spread of bird flu.

But is bird flu so easy to prevent? If it was easy to prevent, it would not be a worldwide first-class infectious disease.

This year, there have been too many cases of human infection with bird flu, and more than 100 people have even died. Originally, these were all from other places. Director Ma still congratulated Yangping County for the absence of bird flu. His own epidemic prevention station It is also easy to be the chief of the bureau.

But who knew that God would punish him so soon because he couldn't see himself being complacent.

I hope this bird flu will not kill anyone.

Director Ma prayed in his heart.

After all, if the bird flu broke out and a few people died, he would be the chief of the bureau.

Soon, the staff of the county epidemic prevention station arrived at the village committee.

"Where's your village chief?"

No one was seen at the village committee, so Director Ma asked the children who were playing nearby.

"The village chief... the village chief and the others are distributing medicine to everyone in the old people's home."

The child said timidly.

After all, there are so many strangers in the village all of a sudden, even the children are afraid!

"Let's go to the old people's home in the village."

Director Ma explained to the people below, and hurried to the "Home for the Elderly" with the staff and experts of the epidemic prevention station. After all, Director Ma's eyes are dark now, and he needs the village cadres of Taoyuan Village to guide the way!


"Mr. Ye, what are you doing?"

When Director Ma came to the home for the elderly, he saw the village cadres distributing a cup of medicinal soup to everyone.

"This treats and prevents bird flu!"

Ye Xianghai said.

Now the people who come to drink the medicinal soup are all those from the neighboring villages who rushed over after hearing the news, and basically everyone in their own village drank it.

Regardless of whether the decoction is useful or not, Director Ma arranged for the "Old People's Home Hospital" to do a simple checkup on the villagers, and basically none of them were infected with bird flu, which made Ye Xianghai breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as people are fine.

"Bird flu can be cured and prevented with this medicinal soup?"

Director Ma said with some disbelief.

If the bird flu is so easy to treat, and there are special medicines to prevent it, the country will not take the bird flu so seriously.

You must know that in many places, because of the bird flu, the vegetable market has stopped buying and selling poultry, but there is no specific medicine, so this is the simplest method.

It is also the most helpless way to prevent these poultry from circulating in the market. If bird flu and a cold can be cured by taking some medicine and some soup, you don't have to be so nervous.

"Yes indeed!"

Ye Xianghai nodded and said.

"Professor Ma, is this the medicinal soup you prepared?"

Director Ma looked at Ma Xudong suspiciously and asked.

As the deputy director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Zhejiang University and a doctoral supervisor, Ma Xudong became the director of the "Hospital for the Elderly" in Taoyuan Village. It was a sensational event, at least in Yangping County.

You must know that Ma Xudong is a well-known medical professor in the country, and it is very strange to be the dean of a rural hospital.

Anyway, since I heard that Ma Xudong came to Taoyuan Village "Hospital for the Elderly" as the director, and many county officials came to the "Hospital for the Elderly" to see a doctor, Director Ma naturally knew Ma Xudong.

"It's not me. I don't have the ability to prepare a soup to treat bird flu."

Ma Xudong shook his head and said.

In terms of medical skills, Ma Xudong sighed that he was not as good as Ye Rongrong.

At the very least, Director Ma Xu had never heard of the decoction that Ye Rongrong was preparing now, and even some herbal medicines that Director Ma Xu had never heard of.

If he hadn't gone to the roadside to pick it with Ye Rongrong, Ma Xudong would never have imagined that the nameless grass on the roadside would be the main medicine for bird flu.

"Then this medicinal soup?"

Since it wasn't Professor Ma who prepared the decoction, then who prepared it, even said that the decoction can treat bird flu.

"It was configured by Ye Rongrong."

Ye Xianghai said.

"Ye... Mr. Ye!"

Director Ma was stunned for a moment and said in surprise.

Who is Ye Rongrong?

Of course, Director Ma knew about the establishment ceremony of the "Qingyao Charity Foundation" last time. Although Director Ma did not attend the ceremony in person, he heard about it from others.

At that scene, many civil servants in the county who participated in the ceremony were so frightened that their legs went weak.

I heard that this Ye Rongrong can talk and laugh happily with those big bosses, and is a person who can reach the sky.

Who in the officialdom of Yangping County doesn't know that there is such a person who can reach the sky in Taoyuan Village, Yangping County!

Those sons and sisters in Yangping County were warned by their families not to come to Taoyuan Village if they had nothing to do, and if they did go to Taoyuan Village, they should keep a low profile and not cause trouble.

Otherwise, your father will not be able to keep you.

"Director, shall we check the scene where the bird flu happened?"

A staff member of the epidemic prevention station said to Director Ma.

"Yes, yes, let's go to the scene first, Village Chief Ye, please lead the way."

At this time, Director Ma remembered this important matter.

Now that we have come to Taoyuan Village, we must immediately check the place where the bird flu happened to confirm the source of the epidemic.


"Director, it is confirmed that these chickens are infected with h7n9 bird flu virus."

A staff member of the epidemic prevention station in protective clothing reported the results of the test to Director Ma.

Seeing that the staff of these epidemic prevention stations were all wrapped up tightly, and took out a lot of equipment, bottles and cans, it took a long time to make sure that the dead chicken really had bird flu. Ye Xianghai shook his head as he watched.

In contrast, Ye Rongrong just grabbed the chicken, and a casual look showed that the chicken had bird flu.

Ye Xianghai felt that the level of these people was too far from that of Ye Rongrong.

"Mr. Ye, are all the chickens with bird flu here?"

Director Ma frowned, looked at Ye Xianghai and asked.

I didn't expect that these chickens really got bird flu, and so many chickens died at once. The bird flu virus is very difficult to control. Director Ma now only hopes that the bird flu will not spread for the time being.

"The dead chickens are all here."

Ye Xianghai nodded and said.

These chickens that died of bird flu are all gathered together now, and they will be buried deep in the ground after the people at the epidemic prevention station confirm. For this matter, the only excavator in the village was temporarily expropriated by the village committee. These chickens died of bird flu.

"What about the sick chickens that are still alive?"

Director Ma asked.

"It's all cured."

Ye Xianghai pointed to the chicken flock not far away and said.

At the beginning, Ye Xianghai didn't believe that the bird flu could be cured with just that simple soup, but these sick chickens just drank a few mouthfuls of that soup, and within a few minutes they were alive and kicking. Sick chickens with bird flu.

Ye Xianghai had to believe that this soup was effective for chickens, but as for humans, Ye Xianghai felt that it should be equally effective.


Director Ma was taken aback. When will the bird flu be cured?

The joke was a bit too big.

"Yes, it's cured. Those chickens were already suffering from bird flu and looked like they were dying. After drinking the medicinal soup you just saw, they were all cured."

Ye Xianghai nodded and said.

If he hadn't witnessed this process with his own eyes, Ye Xianghai would not have believed it.

The sick chicken, which had only one breath left, became alive and kicking after drinking a few sips of the medicinal soup.

"This... how is this possible?"

Director Ma muttered to himself somewhat in disbelief.

Originally, Director Ma thought that the so-called decoctions for treating bird flu that he saw just now were for strengthening the body, and it was impossible to treat people's bird flu at all.

Now it seems that I may be wrong, this medicinal soup may really be able to cure this bird flu.

"That's the truth, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Seeing Director Ma's surprised look, Ye Xianghai said.

"Go grab a few chickens and check them out."

Director Ma still didn't believe it, and explained to the people below.


"Sister Liu, you haven't been to my house for a long time."

Seeing Liu Yifei coming, Liu Qingqing happily greeted her.

Now Liu Qingqing treats Liu Yifei as a sister, seeing her, Liu Qingqing is really happy.

You know, Liu Qingqing has a lot to tell Liu Yifei.

"Isn't this busy with work? By the way, you have bird flu here. Are your poultry okay?"

Liu Yifei asked anxiously.

"It's okay, with my husband here, everything will be fine."

Liu Qingqing pulled Liu Yifei and said with a smile.

"Don't be careless. Ye Rongrong is not omnipotent. Once infected with this bird flu, he is really close to death."

Liu Yifei shook her head and said.

"Isn't it just bird flu? It scares you."

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Yifei speechlessly and said.

"It's easy for you to say, if you have the ability, you can cure bird flu, but if you can't, just be honest and careful."

Liu Yifei rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong and said.

"I can really cure bird flu."

Ye Rongrong said proudly.

"Just brag!"

Liu Yifei believes that Ye Rongrong's medical skills are excellent, but she doesn't believe that he can cure this bird flu. Doctors and scientists all over the world have no way to develop a specific medicine to treat bird flu. How could he, Ye Rongrong.

"How to say the truth, there are always so many people who don't believe it."

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

It really seems that women like to live a lie.


"What? Is there a cure for bird flu?"

Hou Yaohui, the magistrate of Yangping County who rushed to Taoyuan Village, said in surprise after listening to Director Ma's report.

"County magistrate, it's like this. This decoction can cure bird flu."

Director Ma pointed to the soup in several large pots and said to Hou Yaohui.

"you sure?"

Hou Yaohui stared at Director Ma and asked.

A medicine that can cure bird flu is an incredible thing, and it is definitely a major discovery in world medicine, but it can't be a joke.


Director Ma was stunned. In fact, Director Ma himself was not sure that this simple decoction could cure bird flu. After all, he didn't see the effect with his own eyes, and it was all Ye Xianghai said.

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