The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1291 It's all bombed

Late at night, in the large conference room of Taoyuan Home for the Elderly Hospital.

These experts and scholars from various hospitals and colleges in southern Zhejiang Province are busy making phone calls.

"Quick, call our dean quickly and ask him to send more people."

Seeing that others were calling and contacting their respective leaders, Yang Chunjie slapped his forehead and remembered that he had to report the situation to the school.

"By the way, we need to invite medical experts in related fields!"

Yang Chunjie added.


The staff below said immediately.


"Hey, is this Professor Zhao!"

"Well, it's me. What time is it? Don't you know that my old man has to go to bed early? It wakes me up so late. Let's talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do."

Professor Zhao on the other end of the phone said unhappily.

Anyone who was woken up by a phone call in the middle of the night would be in a good mood.

"Don't hang up, Professor Zhao, I have something important to report to you."

"What's the matter? It needs to be reported in the middle of the night."

"We have found a specific drug to treat bird flu, and the preliminary test results are effective for all known bird flu!"

"You... what did you say!?"

"We have found a specific medicine to treat bird flu!"

"Who? Who found it!"

Professor Zhao suddenly lost sleep, sat up from the bed, and asked very excitedly.

"It's us Chinese."

"Great, are you sure it works against all bird flu?"

Professor Zhao asked in a daze.

"It's true. Now experts and scholars from not only one of our colleges are on the scene. Experts and scholars from several well-known colleges and hospitals in southern Zhejiang Province are also present. They have also confirmed that the preliminary tests have all passed."

"Hahaha... Good! Good! Good! I'll go there right away!"




"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Is Mr. Li here? I'm Ma Dongyuan from Zhejiang South People's Hospital."

"Oh, it turned out to be Professor Ma. It's so late and my grandfather is sleeping. Tell me if there's anything else? I'll help you pass it on to him tomorrow?"

"The matter is very urgent. Please tell Mr. Li that someone in Huaxia has cracked the bird flu virus and developed a special medicine to treat bird flu. It is effective for all bird flu!"

"Ah? A specific medicine for bird flu?"

"Yes, because it's just a preliminary test result, I want to ask Mr. Li to come out and check it out. We are afraid that something will happen. After all, this is a major international event."

"Wait, Professor Ma, I'll tell Grandpa right away!"

It took about a few minutes.

"Hey, pony."

"Old Li, I'm sorry to bother you at such a late hour!"

"Don't bother me, I heard from my grandson about the matter, and I will ask one thing now, are you sure you have really found a special medicine to treat bird flu?"

"Yes, yes, judging from the current data, it is basically certain."

"It was developed by us Chinese people."

Elder Li asked again.

It is true that Chinese medicine in China is not behind. Huaxia's medical field has been suppressed by the Western medical community, especially the level of innovation is not high, especially high-end medical equipment and drugs are basically dependent on imports.

The specific medicines for many diseases are imported from abroad. If you buy tens or hundreds of yuan of medicines abroad, the value of imported medicines in China will be tens or hundreds of times higher.

Take what Mr. Li heard at the meeting two days ago, the price of an imported dental implant is as high as 80,000 yuan, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

However, the domestic medical level is too far behind that of foreign countries, so we can only endure the sky-high asking prices of others.

Now there is such a special medicine for a serious disease, which was developed by the Chinese.

This made Mr. Li very excited.

"Yes, it was developed by us Chinese people."

Ma Dongyuan said proudly.

"Okay! Very good! You wait for me! Hahahaha!"

"You can always come,

Let's get down to it! "


"What, our country has developed a special medicine to treat bird flu, and all the first tests have passed. Great, I'll rush over there."

"What, there are foreign experts at the scene, it's just nonsense, we must strictly control this prescription, and foreign experts cannot get it."

"Lan playing the piano, such an important matter, I didn't report it immediately, and even brought foreign experts to test it together. I ordered this medicine to be controlled and not to fall into the hands of foreigners."


a phone call.

Three calls.

ten calls.

Huaxia's side kept calling all of a sudden, some made calls, and some called back. They not only contacted some of the most famous authoritative experts in Huaxia's medical and biological circles, but also contacted several large domestic medical and biological research laboratories. , as some specialized computer and human team support is required.

Although everyone passed the test with the equipment they brought over temporarily, medicine is a very rigorous science after all, and there is no room for mistakes. It requires extremely rigorous verification and demonstration. After all, this is to be used on the human body.

It is a very complicated and rigorous task to test not only the effectiveness of the drug, but also the side effects of the drug.

And medicine is also divided into categories.

Some study tissue cells, some focus on the nervous system, and so on. Although after reaching their level, every medical expert must know something about other fields of medicine besides their own main research and field. Some subjects are still proficient, but there is still a big difference between proficiency and authority.

Except for Ye Rongrong, a perverted existence with a "lazy system", almost no one is omnipotent in the medical field, and there are always those who are more focused.

For example, like a teacher, some people teach chemistry professionally. If you ask him to teach Chinese, he can teach him, and he must be much better than ordinary people.

But after all, I am not a professional Chinese teacher, so I always have to discount it a little bit, which is the same as the medical field.

Naturally, for the research and development of this specific medicine for bird flu, the most authoritative people in various fields in the medical field must be sought.

This requires everyone to demonstrate together, and it is necessary to determine whether this special drug can be used in clinical medicine, whether it will have more serious side effects, and whether it will only be temporarily effective...

All of this needs to be demonstrated by experts in various fields.

This is actually the same as ancient Chinese medicine in China. Every time a new prescription appears, it must be demonstrated by many well-known Chinese medicine practitioners. Only when it is confirmed can the prescription be used.

Being rigorous in the medical field is a responsibility to human beings.


Seeing that the experts and scholars in China were busy making calls, the foreigners in the meeting room were not idle either. Many of them called their friends or medical experts and biologists in their own countries to inform them of the situation. Big things happening around here.




The conference room was full of calls in foreign languages, and the atmosphere was very cheerful.

"This... this is impossible, it must be fake!"

Of course, there were also several foreign experts at the scene who could not accept this fact.

Although as an expert in the medical field, he certainly knows that there is no disease in the medical field for which specific medicines cannot be developed.

Once a disease appears, it will definitely be overcome. It is nothing more than a matter of time, and it is nothing more than a person who can overcome the problem of the disease has not yet appeared.

But now, the special medicine for bird flu has been conquered by a Chinese.

This made it unacceptable to these medical experts from the West, and a large number of people in their respective countries have been solving the problem of bird flu.

And for bird flu research, they believe that their own country is much ahead of China, and even has some good test results. It is estimated that in another ten years or even less time, their country will definitely be able to develop a cure for bird flu special medicine.

But now, the facts in front of them gave their strong sense of superiority a blow!

In China, there is actually someone who can treat bird flu with just a few herbs and just brew it casually.

These national scientific research institutions have worked hard for decades, and they are not as good as other people's few herbal medicines.

How embarrassing is this for the scientific researchers in their own country!

But no matter what, tonight, many foreign medical experts, scientific researchers, and biological experts came to China, and their destination was this small village called Taoyuan Village.


"Ring ring ring..."

In the middle of the night, a certain reporter was still sound asleep at home, when a phone call woke him up from his sleep.


When the reporter woke up from his sleep, he was about to get angry, but when he saw that it was his boss's phone call, he immediately lost his sleepiness.

In the middle of the night, the boss called himself, there must be something important.

"Get up immediately and go to Taoyuan Village, Yangping County."

The president's urgent voice came from the phone.

"Big news!"

The reporter froze for a moment, and said with bright eyes.

As a reporter, what I like most is big news. If there is big news, my popularity will also increase greatly.

"Yes, someone has developed a specific medicine to treat bird flu. Now many domestic and foreign medical and biological experts are rushing there overnight. You are close, go there quickly, and you must get first-hand information."

The president explained.

"Ah... I'll drive right away!"

The reporter yelled in surprise, talked to the president, and hurriedly got up to get dressed.

Bird flu, a terrible disease that plagues the whole world, is about to be overcome. This is definitely the biggest news this year, and this reporter can't help but be unhappy!

This is a historic moment to witness the medical world!

Thinking that he himself participated in it, the reporter lost all sleepiness.


"Wenzhou Daily!"

"Zhenan Daily!"

"Huaxia Daily!"

"Tencent News!"

"CCTV news team!"


Groups of reporters received the news and rushed from all directions to Taoyuan Village, Yangping County overnight.

Tonight is a sleepless night.

And the culprit of all this is still sleeping soundly in his dreamland, completely unaware that a random prescription he made caused the entire medical, biological, and press circles to explode.


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