The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1300 Finding the Cause

"Teacher, why don't you say hello in advance when you come back, so we can pick you up."

Nalan Hai said.

"It's not that troublesome. I got here in a few hours by plane. There's no need to make such a big effort. After all, you still have to work."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.


At this time, Ouyang Qianqian and the three daughters ran into the office panting, and shouted excitedly when they saw Ye Rongrong sitting on the sofa.

As soon as they heard that their teacher was back, Ouyang Qianqian and the others left the work in hand and ran to the dean's office.

Having not seen their teacher for half a month, Ouyang Qianqian and the others miss their teacher very much.

"What? You don't have to go to work anymore?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Ouyang Qianqian and the three daughters with a smile and said.

"Teacher, we..."

Ouyang Qianqian originally wanted to say that she misses you too much, teacher, but seeing a group of school leaders in the office, she could only keep her words in her heart.

"Okay, if you have something to say tonight, go to work!"

Ye Rongrong said to the three daughters of Ouyang Qianqian.

You must know that several of my apprentices are important experts in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. They all ran to me to catch up with me. What about those patients who are waiting in line to see a doctor?


Ouyang Qianqian and the three daughters saw a group of school leaders in the office, and knew that it was not suitable to talk to their teachers, so they answered and went back to work.


After spending an hour listening to the reports from the leaders of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ye Rongrong went to the inpatient department, where there was a special patient who needed to be checked by Ye Rongrong.

"Aunt Wu, this is my teacher, the director of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is here to treat Xiaosha."

Ouyang Qianqian took Ye Rongrong into the ward and said to a middle-aged woman in the ward.

"Dean Ye, please show my daughter."

After Wu Xuping glanced at Ye Rongrong in surprise, he hurriedly said to Ye Rongrong.

It is true that the teacher of this Ouyang Qianqian expert is too young, but he has been in this hospital for treatment for a while, and Wu Xuping has heard a lot about the deeds of this Dean Ye. This is a very legendary person. miracle doctor.

Therefore, Ye Rongrong's medical skills would not be underestimated just because Ye Rongrong was young.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong checked a 14- or 15-year-old girl sitting on the hospital bed.

"The eyes are itchy and painful?"

Ye Rongrong asked the girl.

Now the girl's eyes are slightly red and swollen.

This girl has been to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine several times. After being cured, she committed the same disease again when she was cured.

"It's much better, basically there is no pain or itching now."

said the girl.

When I came to the hospital for treatment the day before yesterday, my eyes were so painful that I couldn't open them. After two days of treatment, I basically recovered, but the girl was afraid to leave the hospital.

Because after being discharged from the hospital, within a few days, the eye problem will return.

"Qianqian, show me her medical records."

Ye Rongrong said to Ouyang Qianqian.


Ouyang Qianqian handed over the girl's medical records to Ye Rongrong. In addition to the medical records issued by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the medical records issued by other hospitals are also included.

"Teacher, what's wrong with her?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong read the medical records, Ouyang Qianqian asked curiously.

"Keratitis, your diagnosis is not wrong, and the treatment plan is not wrong."

Ye Rongrong said.

In fact, when Ye Rongrong checked the girl just now, she already saw that what she had was keratitis. The main purpose of reading the medical records was to see if the prescription prescribed by the doctor was correct, and whether it was the cause of her repeated corneal inflammation.

However, judging from the prescriptions in the medical records, there is nothing wrong with it.

Therefore, there must be other reasons for the girl's repeated conjunctivitis. As for the reason, Ye Rongrong has not found anything for the time being.

"Then teacher, why does her keratitis symptom come and go again and again?"

Ouyang Qianqian asked a little puzzled.

"A few days after returning home, did the disease start to recover?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wu Xuping and asked.

"Yes, it was cured every time, and within a few days after returning home, the disease returned."

Wu Xuping nodded and said.

This is also the most troublesome thing for Wu Xuping. Because of this disease, his daughter has not gone to school for a year.

"Well, I'll visit your house this afternoon!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Since everyone's diagnosis is correct, there is no problem with the prescription.

As soon as the girl returned home, her condition recovered within a few days. Ye Rongrong felt that the problem should probably be caused by her family.

As for the specific reason, Ye Rongrong had to go to the scene to see it.

"Dean Ye, why don't you come to my house now, and I'll ask someone from my house to come and pick you up!"

Wu Xuping said hastily.

After finally waiting for Dean Ye to come over, Wu Xuping dare not wait for the afternoon.

You must know that this Dean Ye is a genius doctor. He finally came to the capital. There must be many people looking for him to see a doctor, and his family doesn't have much personal connections.

In the afternoon, who knows if it will be preempted by others.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Great, I asked my husband to drive here, he works nearby, and he will be there in a few minutes."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong agreed, Wu Xuping happily went out to call his husband.


In less than ten minutes, Wu Xuping's husband Jiang Junjie drove to the hospital parking lot to pick up Ye Rongyao and the others.

"Your car is good. It has a lot of space to sit on. It is very comfortable to sit on. The interior is also good. How much did you pay for it?"

Ye Rongrong got into the car and took a look around. He thought it was pretty good, and the space was large. There were three people sitting in the back row, and it didn't seem crowded at all.

"This Borui is not expensive. When I bought it, it was less than 150,000 yuan. It has all kinds of configurations. It is better than many joint venture cars with 200,000 to 300,000 yuan."

Jiang Jun explained.

"China-made cars are more cost-effective, but many people say that the quality of domestic cars is not good!"

Ye Rongrong doesn't know much about cars, but he has heard many people say that the quality of domestic cars is not good, and there are many minor problems.

"Dean Ye, that was the old calendar a few years ago. The domestically produced cars a few years ago were indeed not very good, with many minor problems. However, the domestically produced car industry has made rapid progress in the past three to five years, and there are basically no major problems. question."

"Just like my Geely Borui, it's very good. I've been driving it for more than two years. Except for a little bit of high fuel consumption, there is no major problem."

"Actually, it's normal for such a heavy car to have fuel consumption two or three points higher than the joint venture car. The most important thing is that this car is cheap. If the joint venture car is equipped like this, it will definitely not be able to afford it without 200,000 yuan."

"The car money saved by this is actually much cheaper than fuel consumption. In fact, the current domestic cars are not far behind the joint venture cars."

Jiang Junjie said proudly.

When buying a car at that time, many friends and relatives advised me to buy a joint venture car, such as German, Japanese, Korean... Anyway, I don’t recommend domestic cars, saying that domestic cars have many problems, and I will regret buying them.

However, as an angry youth, Jiang Junjie resolutely chose to buy a domestic car. After all, no one buys a domestic car. How can a domestic car develop?

Of course, Jiang Junjie is not a rich man, and it is impossible for him to choose a garbage truck for the sake of angry youth.

Before buying a car, Jiang Junjie asked some friends who bought domestic cars, and also went to the Internet to find out some information.

This domestically produced car is not as bad as others say. In fact, there are no major problems. The number of minor problems is similar to that of joint venture cars.

Jiang Junjie has never regretted buying this Geely Borui, and he recommends it to many people, and there are no major problems.

"This car is not bad, I will buy one in two days."

Ye Rongrong really likes this car, the key is the domestic product.

In the capital, Ye Rongrong didn't have his own car yet. Although the hospital had a car specially configured for him, and there were many good cars in Liu's garage, Ye Rongrong didn't want to drive it.

After all, it doesn't belong to him. In the past, what Ye Rongrong hated the most was the private use of public vehicles by some civil servants. Now he can be regarded as a kind of civil servant.

Ye Rongrong naturally wouldn't do the things he hated before.

Moreover, he is free to drive his own car, and no one will gossip. For Ye Rongrong, a hundred thousand yuan is really nothing now.

"Dean Ye, our house is here."

While speaking, the car had already driven to a high-rise complex outside the Fifth Ring Road.

In Beijing, where every inch of land is expensive, the land is extremely expensive. To build a house, you can only borrow land from the sky. Therefore, there are a lot of high-rise residential buildings in Beijing, and residential buildings with a height of 30 to 50 floors abound.

“The environment here is great!”

Ye Rongrong looked around the community and said.

In the capital city, a community like this is a mid-to-high-end community. Even if it is outside the Fifth Ring Road, the average price of such a house is no less than 50,000 yuan per square meter.

"This is an old house bought in 2006. At that time, the housing price was not as outrageous as it is now. If it were now, our family would definitely not be able to afford it."

Jiang Jun explained.

Although this skyrocketing housing price started in 2005, in 2006, it wasn't as dauntingly high as it is now.

You must know the current housing prices in the capital. More than 90% of young people cannot afford a house, even in the suburbs of the capital.

"Dean Ye, Dr. Ouyang, we live on the nineteenth floor and we have to take the elevator up."

Wu Xuping said to Ye Rongrong and Ouyang Qianqian.

"Then let's go and have a look now!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

A high-rise building like this is impossible without an elevator. You must know that taking the stairs from the first floor to a house with more than 50 floors can make you tired.

It didn't take a few minutes to take the elevator to the nineteenth floor.

"Dean Ye, Dr. Ouyang, please come in!"

Wu Xuping opened the door and invited Ye Rongrong and Ouyang Qianqian into the room.

Ye Rongrong walked into the house and took a look. It was an ordinary house with three bedrooms and one living room. The room was cleaned very clean. Like many people who live in this kind of commercial housing, they had to take off their shoes when entering the house.

"Can I have a tour of the whole house?"

Ye Rongrong walked into the house and took a general look, then asked Wu Xuping and his wife.


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