The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1302 Save People

"Whatever you want to eat, order casually, don't be polite to the teacher."

Ye Rongrong handed the menu to Ouyang Qianqian and said.


Ouyang Qianqian glanced at Ye Rongrong with a blushing face, answered in a low voice, and silently ordered two dishes.

For some reason, Ouyang Qianqian felt her heart beating faster when she was eating out alone with the teacher.

This is the first time I have a meal alone with the teacher since I met the teacher.

Ouyang Qianqian has a special and complicated mood, joy, happiness, mixed with anxiety.

"Teacher, I've ordered."

Ouyang Qianqian gently handed the menu to Ye Rongrong and said.

"Why do you order vegetarian dishes? It's not nutritious. I'll add two meat dishes."

Ye Rongrong said, and added two meat dishes, now Ye Rongrong can't eat without meat.

"What's wrong with you, why are you blushing?"

After Ye Rongrong handed over the menu to the waiter, seeing that Ouyang Qianqian was not sick, she blushed and asked with some doubts.

"'s nothing, it might be from the air conditioner."

Ouyang Qianqian said in a panic.

"Oh, I thought you were having dinner with the teacher and me, are you nervous?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Since the incident in the bar last time, the three female students are a little afraid of themselves.

Now that Ye Rongrong thinks about it, he feels that he was really too strict at that time.

"No... no, teacher, do you know Feng Shui?"

Ouyang Qianqian changed the subject and asked.

"I didn't expect your teacher to read Feng Shui, did you?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Teacher, can Feng Shui also cure diseases?"

Ouyang Qianqian said doubtfully.

In the past, Ouyang Qianqian always thought that the theory of Feng Shui was just nonsense of feudal superstition.

But today, my teacher gave me a lesson in using feng shui to cure diseases, which made Ouyang Qianqian a little confused.

"Fengshui can't cure diseases, but Fengshui can make people sick. It's like a person who lives in a dirty and smelly place is prone to get sick."

Ye Rongrong explained.

"Then teacher, do we need to learn Fengshui when we treat people?"

Ouyang Qianqian asked suspiciously.

"The art of Fengshui is the same as our traditional Chinese medicine. It is broad and profound. It is already very good for a person to be able to learn it all his life. Don't think about knowing it. You can't chew it."

Ye Rongrong said.

"But teacher..."

Ouyang Qianqian looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Teacher, I am a special case. Don't follow me."

Ye Rongrong said hurriedly.

Because I have the "lazy system", I am awesome, I can do everything, I don't need to learn it, I just instill it in my mind.

My students don't have a "lazy system", so naturally they can't compare with me.

However, as their own students, Ouyang Qianqian and the others were affected by the "intelligence halo", their intelligence increased by 30%, and they were much smarter than ordinary people. This is why they felt that after following Ye Rongrong, it was much easier than studying medicine at school. Many medical books can be understood at a glance, this is because their intelligence has improved.

"Then what should I do if I meet a patient like this little girl?"

Ouyang Qianqian asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, this kind of situation is very rare. A doctor can be considered very lucky to meet such a patient in his life, oh no, it should be considered very unlucky."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


Hearing what the teacher said, Ouyang Qianqian didn't say anything anymore.

"Sir, beauty, your dishes are ready."

The waiter pushed the dining cart over and put the dishes on the table on the table.

"That is……"

Suddenly the waiter stopped moving and looked out the window in horror.


Ye Rongrong also looked out of the window.

An astonishing scene appeared before Ye Rongrong's eyes.

I saw a woman holding a baby in the middle of the road, and a car hit her on a high ground.

When Ye Rongrong looked over, the distance between the car and the woman was less than one meter.

At this time, even if you step on the brakes, it is too late.

No matter how you dodge it, you can't dodge it. Even Ye Guangrong saw the woman's frightened and desperate expression.

"Time stands still!"

At this time, Ye Rongrong didn't have much time to think, and just said "time is still", because he had no other choice.

The whole world stood still.

The otherwise high-impact car also came to a standstill.

"1o, 9, 8..."

A countdown display of time immediately appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

There is not much time left for Ye Rongrong. Ye Rongrong used "Lingbo Weibu" to quickly reach the woman holding the baby, picked her up and walked towards the side of the road, and put the woman on the road. Behind him, Ye Rongrong quickly returned to his seat in the restaurant, just enough time.


The woman hugged the child and closed her eyes, screaming in horror, waiting for the arrival of death.

A second passed!

Two seconds passed!

Nothing happened.

"what happened?"

The woman opened her eyes and found that she was standing on the side of the road, and there was nothing about being hit by a car at all.

"Could it be that it was a hallucination just now?"

The woman got a little confused.

Because what happened just now was really real, and I already felt death.

But in a blink of an eye, she was standing on the side of the road. The scene changed so much that the woman wondered if she was hallucinating just now.

"Hey, do you want to serve food?"

In the restaurant, Ye Rongrong asked the waiter who was holding the plate in a daze.


The waiter came back to his senses, hurriedly put the dishes on the table, and hurriedly pushed the dining car away.

The waiter felt that he was a little deranged because he saw an incredible thing. The woman holding the child who was supposed to be hit by a car disappeared out of thin air.

It's not that I'm insane, I'm hallucinating, or I'm living in hell.

Either way, the waiter felt like he needed to splash cold water on his face and get sober.

"Teacher, what happened to her?"

Ouyang Qianqian looked at the restaurant waiter who ran away in a hurry, and asked Ye Rongrong with some doubts.

"You women always have such a few days, you should understand?"

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"Teacher, you are annoying!"

Ouyang Qianqian blushed and said shyly.

For some reason, Ouyang Qianqian blushed easily when she was alone with her teacher.

"Have a meal."

Ye Rongrong also found that Ouyang Qianqian was prone to blush when facing him alone, so he stopped talking and picked up chopsticks to eat.


Ouyang Qianqian picked up the chopsticks and ate very ladylikely, but her eyes were always sneakily aimed at Ye Rongrong who was really devouring.

"The way the teacher eats is so different, so domineering, and masculine!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong wolfing down his meal, Ouyang Qianqian began to think about it.

"They all said that this man can eat, and he is also very strong in that aspect. Teacher, he..."

Thinking of this, Ouyang Qianqian blushed even more.

Ouyang Qianqian knew it was wrong to think so, and she shouldn't.

But the thoughts in my heart just popped into my mind uncontrollably.

And the more you think about it, the dirtier it gets!

Could it be that as the teacher said, should I find a boyfriend?

"What's wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked up at Ouyang Qianqian and asked.

"No... nothing."

Ouyang Qianqian said nervously.

It's over, and I was discovered by the teacher.

Ouyang Qianqian felt guilty and a little uneasy.

I don't know if my teacher finds out that I like him, will he alienate me, and ignore me in the future.

"I know I'm handsome, but I can't be a meal. Hurry up and eat, and stop staring at me."

Ye Rongrong said to Ouyang Qianqian.

During the meal just now, Ouyang Qianqian kept staring at her secretly. Of course Ye Rongrong found out. Originally, Ye Rongrong didn't plan to say anything.

After all, she is so handsome, Ouyang Qianqian can't help but be attracted by her charm, and it's normal to peep at herself.

But if you keep staring at yourself like this, it won't work if you don't eat.


When Ye Rongrong said this, Ouyang Qianqian hurriedly blushed and lowered her head to eat, not daring to look at Ye Rongrong anymore.


"Teacher, where are we going now?"

Coming out of the restaurant, Ouyang Qianqian pulled Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Go back to the hospital, where are you going?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"No, shall we go back by subway?"

Ouyang Qianqian asked.

Taking the subway in Beijing is the fastest.

"Okay, take the subway!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong has heard of the subway for a long time. It is a railway built underground in the city. It is an important means of transportation connecting the city. However, this kind of subway is basically only available in big cities. Ye Rongrong has seen it on TV until now. Haven't really sat down yet.

Now all the subways in Beijing have automatic ticket vending machines. After buying two subway tickets, Ye Rongrong followed Ouyang Qianqian off the subway.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong made up his mind, he had never taken the subway, so in order to avoid making jokes, he just followed Ouyang Qianqian.

The whole process is very simple, basically no different from taking a bullet train, except that the seats in the carriages of the subway train are like the seats of a bus, not as comfortable as the seats of a bullet train.

Because at this time, it is not the rush hour for commuting, there are not many people, and there are still many vacant seats.

Ye Rongrong and Ouyang Qianqian found an empty seat and sat down.

At this moment, a pungent smell of sweat came to the nostrils.

Ye Rongrong looked at the door and saw a middle-aged man in his forties, whose clothes were covered with concrete, sitting on the ground near the door of the carriage. The pungent sweaty smell came from him. .

Ye Rongrong could even see that the passengers next to him were covering their noses, obviously unable to stand the smell of sweat.

Looking at his attire, Ye Rongrong knew that he was a farmer who went to work in the city, using the current term, he was a "migrant worker".

Looking at him, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but think back to himself. He used to work on the construction site in clothes full of concrete like him.

It's just that I am lazy, and I quit after a few days.


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