"Xiao Ning, tell us quickly, why does the dean want you?"

"Xiao Ning, don't you think the dean has taken a fancy to you?"

"It's very possible that she becomes a concubine in anger. Isn't that how it's played on TV?"

"The dean shouldn't be that kind of person!"

"It's hard to say, how can our Xiao Ning be a school flower in school."


Seeing Zhao Xiaoning return to work in the outpatient hall, several intern nurses who have a good relationship with Zhao Xiaoning asked in a low voice around Zhao Xiaoning.

Everyone was very curious about what the dean asked Zhao Xiaoning to do in his office.

After all, one is an intern nurse and the other is the major general director. The identities are too different. According to the ranking in the hospital, Zhao Xiaoning is not qualified to meet the director.

"You are not allowed to speak ill of the dean."

Zhao Xiaoning said unhappily to several of his friends.

In Zhao Xiaoning's heart, the dean is so perfect that no one is allowed to speak ill of him, not even his own friends.

"Hehe, just kidding, tell us quickly, why is the dean looking for you?"

Xiao He asked Zhao Xiaoning anxiously.

Girls are naturally curious animals, especially when this matter involves the mysterious and legendary dean of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xiao He is even more curious.

"The dean asked me to go to his office to tell me that I have passed the internship and will be a full-time employee of the hospital from today on."

Zhao Xiaoning said.


"Have you become a regular worker?"

"Hasn't it been half a month?"

Several trainee nurses looked at Zhao Xiaoning in surprise and said.

"Well, the dean said that today the personnel department will ask me to sign a formal contract."

Zhao Xiaoning nodded and said.

To be honest, until now, Zhao Xiaoning still feels that she is still dreaming.

"I really envy you. You have become a full-time employee. I don't know if you can pass the assessment."

"Yes, congratulations!"

"Xiao Ning, this time you want to treat me!"

When they heard that Zhao Xiaoning had become a full-time employee of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the other trainee nurses envied her.

"Well, after I sign the contract, I'll treat you to dinner."

Zhao Xiaoning nodded and said.


In the office of the director of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital.

"Dean, are you looking for me?"

Ye Rongrong walked into the office and asked Xu Keming who was working.

"If I don't look for you, will your kid come to look for me? When you come back, you won't even say hello to my leader."

Xu Keming closed the documents and said to Ye Rongrong with a smile.

If his secretary hadn't told him, he wouldn't have returned to the hospital.

"Isn't it because you are busy with business? How dare I bother you."

Ye Rongrong sat down on the sofa and said with a smile.

In the PLA General Hospital, apart from the political commissar of the general hospital, Ye Rongrong was the only one who could be so casual in Xu Keming's office.

"No matter how busy you are, I still want to meet you, the genius doctor who developed a special medicine for bird flu. You are famous now, and you have given us the PLA General Hospital a lot of face, and the Chinese medical community."

Xu Keming sat next to Ye Rongrong and said happily.

Now that Xu Keming is in this position, he can naturally know that the person who developed the specific medicine for bird flu is Ye Rongrong.

Xu Keming was overjoyed when he heard the news for the first time.

The People's Liberation Army General Hospital has not made any particularly great achievements in medical research and development in recent years. This time, Ye Rongrong developed a special medicine for bird flu. Although he did not develop it in the General Hospital, he is the leader of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital anyway. He developed a special medicine for bird flu, and the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army followed suit! .

"It's just luck, pure luck."

Ye Rongrong said modestly.

"Don't be humble with me. It's not been a day or two since you came to the PLA General Hospital. Don't I know your abilities?"

Xu Keming said with a smile.

For this Ye Glory, Xu Keming is more and more satisfied with it!

"You said so,

What else can I say, Dean, you won't let me come over, just let me put a high hat on you, right? "

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. I have two things to ask you."

Xu Keming said.

As the director of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Xu Keming certainly couldn't have the leisure to give Ye Rongrong a high hat.

"whats the matter?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Keming and asked.

"The first one is that the Chinese Academy of Sciences called me today and invited you to join the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Xu Keming said.

"Will you give me the title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Ye Rongrong asked with some surprise.

For the current Ye Rongrong, he wished that the more halos on his body, the better.

The more auras you have on yourself, the higher the safety factor for yourself and your family.

"You have a good idea. Is it so easy to get an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? I am not an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences yet. I want to make systematic and creative achievements and major contributions in the field of science and technology. I love the motherland and have a decent style of study. You must be recommended by 3 or more academicians to be a candidate, so don’t even think about it.”

Xu Keming looked at Ye Rongrong and said speechlessly.

In Huaxia, if you want to be an academician, you don't have to be successful. Character is very important. Of course, you must be recommended by 3 or more academicians. Ye Rongrong is so young, how could any academician recommend him?

"It needs to be recommended by 3 or more academicians to be a candidate!"

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

So far, Ye Rongrong has known two academicians, Mr. Li and Professor Zhao, but Ye Rongrong does not expect them to recommend him as an academician.

"It's not hopeless. Now your qualifications are still young, and you may be able to become an academician in a few years."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was depressed, Xu Keming said comfortingly.

In addition to major contributions in the field of science and technology, there is another factor in Huaxia who wants to be elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is seniority.

In China, all walks of life like to rank seniority, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is no exception.

"In this case, I will not enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

If you want to enter, you have to be an academician. If you can't be an academician, Ye Rongrong will not enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

That's not interesting, and it's easy to be controlled.

"That's fine, we'll talk about it later."

Xu Keming thought for a while and said.

In fact, if you can't become an academician, it's not very useful to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At most, you can apply for more scientific research funds.

Based on Xu Keming's understanding of Ye Rongrong, he is a lazy person, and it is impossible for him to engage in any scientific research projects, so it doesn't matter whether he joins the Chinese Academy of Sciences or not.

"Dean, what's the other thing?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

After all, it's four o'clock now, high school is over at five o'clock, and it's only an hour away, and I'm going to pick Liu Xixi up from her school.

There is no time to waste here.

"It's about equipping you with guards. What requirements do you have for your guards?"

Xu Keming said.

In Huaxia, a major general-level officer, even a civilian officer, is equipped with guards to protect his safety.


Ye Rongrong was a little puzzled, why did he assign guards to himself?

"According to regulations, personnel above the major general level need to be equipped with guards to protect their safety. This time, the number of guards arranged for you is seven."

Xu Keming said.

Originally, when Ye Rongrong was awarded the title of Major General, he should have been given guards, but for some special reason, no guards were given to him.

This time, Ye Rongrong developed a special medicine to treat bird flu, which shocked the world and made a great contribution to China.

This made some people object to assigning guards to Ye Rongyao. There is no reason to refute. Even many leaders of the security department feel that it is necessary to immediately deploy guards to Ye Rongyao. The number of guards this time is allocated according to the upper limit. .

"I do not need!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

With my own ability, what kind of guards do I need!

When something really happens, it's almost enough to protect them by yourself.

"I'm afraid it won't work. You can only passively accept what is arranged above."

Xu Keming shook his head and said.

In fact, the higher-ups are sending guards to protect important people, which also has a sense of surveillance.

"Can't you refuse?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Keming and asked.


Xu Keming shook his head and said.

This is a hard request and cannot be refused.

"Then equip me with seven more powerful female guards!"

Since he couldn't refuse, Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"You want a female guard?"

Xu Keming asked in surprise.

Under normal circumstances, they are equipped with male guards.

"Why not?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Keming and asked.

Ye Rongrong thought it over, since he must accept the guard's words, he needs female guards. He does not need the protection of guards, but his family and his wife, who are not as powerful as him, need the protection of guards.

When the time comes, it will be good to arrange these guards beside them to protect them.

Anyway, they don't have to pay for these guards themselves.

"It's... no problem."

Xu Keming nodded and said.

After all, Ye Rongrong's request was not excessive, nor did it violate the army's regulations. There was no system regulation that male leaders could not be equipped with female guards.

"Dean, is there anything else?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"there is none left."

Xu Keming shook his head and said.

"It's okay, then I'll go first."

Ye Rongrong stood up and said goodbye.


"Old Wu, lend me your car today!"

Ye Rongrong walked to the entrance of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, just happened to meet Wu Tianyu, the vice president, and said to him.

"Dean, the number of my car is limited today, I came here by bicycle."

Wu Tianyu said.

In Beijing, in order to ease the traffic pressure, a system of odd and even number restrictions is implemented. On days with odd numbers, only private cars with an odd number at the end of the car number can go on the road; Private cars with even numbers are allowed on the road.

"Then lend me your bike!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Now this time period is the evening rush hour of traffic. It is estimated that riding a bicycle is faster than driving, and you will not encounter the trouble of traffic jams.


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