The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1311 Ask for an explanation

"You dare to hit me, do you know who my boss is? It's too late to kneel down and beg for mercy, or you will die miserably..M"

Yang Wei stood up from the ground and threatened Ye Rongrong.

Because these people were all students, Ye Rongrong didn't hit hard, but Yang Wei and the others didn't suffer any serious injuries.

"Okay, call your boss, I really want to get to know you!"

Ye Rongrong sneered.

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches is the same for people. The reason why Yang Wei is lawless in school is because he has a background of a monk outside the school.

In order to prevent Liu Xixi from being bullied by these people in school in the future, Ye Rongrong is going to destroy Yang Wei's backer.

"You have the guts!"

Yang Wei gave Glory a cold look, and asked someone to bring his mobile phone over to call his boss "Brother Ma" who was outside.

"Yang Wei, don't you have any good schoolgirls?"

Ma Ge Yiwei's phone number, he asked happily.

The main reason is that Yang Wei is very good at being a man, and he often introduces female middle school students to Ma Ge without spending money.

"Brother Ma, I was beaten at school!"

Yang Wei said hastily.

I usually pretend to be a grandson and give the women I have played with to Ma Ge to play, not because Ma Ge can support him in critical times.

Just like the last time I disfigured that girl, I said at the beginning that I would send myself to prison.

As a result, "Brother Ma" just sent a dead cat to their family, and then put some pig blood at their door, threatening their youngest son.

The girl's family went to the police station in desperation to dismiss the case.

In the end, I paid a symbolic 5,000 yuan for medical expenses, and settled the matter.

"What? How dare someone bully my little brother in my territory, how many people are there?"

Marco was stunned for a moment, and asked angrily on the phone.

beat the dog,

It is a slap in the face for someone to hurt his little brother on his own territory.

If I don't get this place back, I won't have to mess around in the Tao in the future.

He will be disliked by younger brothers and ridiculed by people on the road.

This is bullying to the head, Ma Ge is going to fight back hard.

Not everyone can bully people who let others know that they are Brother Ma.

"Just one man and two women, and those two women are still students of our school?"

Yang Wei said.

"What, just two women and one man, you can't beat them all?"

Marco asked in surprise.

"Brother Ma, that man knows kung fu, we were all knocked down without even hitting twice."

Yang Wei said hastily.

"No matter how skilled you are, you're still afraid of kitchen knives. Wait, I'll take people there right away."

Brother Ma hung up the phone after finishing speaking, gathered a group of people and went to Beijing No. 2 Middle School.


"You... what are you doing?"

Seeing a dozen big men with iron bars coming down from a van, the old guard hid in the guard's room in fear and asked weakly.

These people are not good people at all, they are gangsters in society.

"It's none of your business!"

Brother Ma glared at the old guard, and walked into the school with his subordinates.

When these gangsters walked into the school, the old guard naturally didn't dare to stop him, so he hurriedly called the school leader.


"Brother Ma, here, here!"

Seeing Ma Ge bringing a group of people over, Yang Wei shouted excitedly just like seeing his own father.

"Brother-in-law, what should I do?"

Seeing a group of people approaching fiercely with sticks, Mi Qi approached Ye Rongrong in fear and asked uneasily.

"Don't worry, my brother-in-law is here!"

Liu Xixi comforted Mi Qi and said.

There are just a few gangsters, how can they be the opponents of my brother-in-law!

But Liu Xixi has heard that her brother-in-law killed hundreds of guards by himself, and these few gangsters are not enough for her brother-in-law.

"Wow! Beauty!"

Brother Ma was attracted by the beauty of Liu Xixi and Mi Qi as soon as he went to Ye Rongrong.

After all, whether it's Liu Xixi or Mi Qi, they are all little beauties at the school flower level, and they are much more attractive than Ye Rongrong, a big man!

"Brother Ma..."

Seeing Brother Ma staring at Liu Xixi, Yang Wei yelled uneasily.

This Liu Xixi is his own woman, Yang Wei is really worried that Brother Ma will rob him of a woman.

"Go aside, don't get in my way!"

Brother Ma pushed Yang Wei away and walked towards Ye Rongrong.

"Beauty, I'm Brother Ma from the nearby area, how about making friends?"

Brother Ma stared at Liu Xixi and said.

That look was full of powerful aggression, and Qi had goosebumps.

"Hehe, you have to ask my brother-in-law if I want to make friends with you!"

Brother Liu Xixi said with a smile.


If you dare to think of this girl, how can my husband deal with you!

"Brother-in-law, how about I be your brother-in-law? From now on, I will cover you and make you delicious and spicy."

Ma Ge smiled and said proudly.

"Brother Ma..."

Yang Wei said to Ma Ge with some dissatisfaction.

What are you afraid of, why are you here, this brother Ma really has Liu Xixi's idea.

"Don't worry, I eat meat and I will let you drink soup."

Brother Ma patted Yang Wei on the shoulder and comforted him.

A friend's wife is not to be bullied, but this friend's wife is too beautiful, so I'm not polite.

"Are you from Eleven?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

The last time Ye Rongrong saw this "Brother Ma" at "Old Eleven", he should be his younger brother.

"You... do you know Brother Eleven?"

Marco asked in surprise.

If this person is a friend of "Brother Eleven", it will be troublesome, after all, he is just the younger brother of "Brother Eleven".

Ye Rongrong didn't answer Brother Ma's words, but picked up the phone to find the number of "Old Eleven" and called it directly.


"Mr. Ye, hello!"

Peng Dexin, who was working in the company, picked up his mobile phone, a phone from Glory, hurriedly pressed the answer button, and said respectfully.

Like many big brothers in the society, Peng Dexin also started a company. On the bright side, he is still an entrepreneur.

After all, in today's society, it is completely gangsters, with no future, and it is easy to get caught in an accident.

Many big brothers in the mixed society began to bleach slowly after they had a certain level of strength.

"Old Eleven, you bring someone to the basketball court of No. 2 Middle School in Beijing."

Ye Rongrong said coldly on the phone.

"Mr. Ye, I'll take someone there right away!"

When Peng Dexin heard Ye Rongrong's cold tone, he knew that there must be something wrong with him.

"Little Ma" is in charge of No. 2 Middle School in Beijing, could it be...

Thinking of this, Peng Dexin broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly summoned a group of people to rush to Beijing No. 2 Middle School.


"You know our boss?"

Hearing Ye Rongrong's tone of calling his boss, Brother Ma felt a little uneasy.

It was not a request, nor a tone of equality, but a tone of command.

This shows that the identity of the person in front of him may be higher than his boss.

Thinking of this, Brother Ma had the urge to withdraw quickly.

"Scared, it's too late!"

Seeing Ma Ge's frightened look, Liu Xixi immediately became proud.

It's still because my brother-in-law is so powerful that he doesn't even need to make a move. A phone call scares this big villain.

"Brother Ma..."

Seeing that his boss had become weaker, Yang Wei also began to feel uneasy.

"Shut up!"

Brother Ma glared at Yang Wei and said.

If this person in front of him is really a big shot, he was really killed by this Yang Wei.

"This gentleman, I..."

Ma Ge said with some unease.

"Wait for Eleven!"

Ye Rongrong said coldly.

For those who wanted to hit his sister-in-law, Ye Rongrong had the urge to slap them to death.

But now is the rule of law society, killing and wounding is illegal.

So Ye Rongrong asked "Old Eleven" to come over and deal with the people under him by himself.

Ye Rongrong knows that these gangsters are cruel, they are cruel to others, and they are also cruel to their own people.

Let "Old Eleven" deal with these people, so as not to get their hands dirty.


In Zidong Garden District.

"What happened just now?"

"Hehe, you missed the wonderful scene, it was really exciting just now!"

"What's going on, you keep telling us!"


"Where is the benefactor, where is the benefactor?"

"Didn't he go...go, um...whose house took a bath?"

"I'm going to Xiao Zhao's house to take a bath!"

"That's right, Xiao Zhao's family!"

"It's really thanks to that hero this time, otherwise Lao Wang's family would be ruined, and Lao Ma's granddaughter would also be gone."

"Yeah, when I think of what happened just now, I'm terrified now."

"The scene just now was too exciting, picking up the person who jumped off the fifth or sixth floor empty-handed, both hands are fine!"

"This is not the most powerful thing, the most powerful thing is rushing into the sea of ​​fire, the clothes all over the body are burned, and there is nothing wrong with others!"

"Yeah, what a god-man!"

"You don't understand. This is Chinese Kung Fu. Have you ever heard of Iron Cloth Shirt and Vajra Mask?"

"I've heard it, it's said to be very powerful!"

"Of course, I heard from a friend who was a monk in Shaolin that the iron cloth shirt or the vajra mask can be as good as a knife and a gun when trained to the highest level, and they are invulnerable to water and fire."

"so smart!"

"Of course, can our Huaxia's Kung Fu not be as good as it is?"


In the community, people are discussing in groups.

"Hello, I'm Li Lu, a reporter from Beijing Daily. I heard that a very touching thing happened here. Can you tell me about it?"

Li Lu asked an old lady with a microphone.

Such a big event happened in Zidong Garden Community, as a reporter, he rushed over immediately.

It’s hard to be a reporter now, the competition is high, the pressure is high, and if there is news material, you have to run fast, otherwise the news will be snatched away, and the job will also be snatched away.

So upon hearing the big news here, especially the incident where someone sacrificed his life to save others, Li Lu hurriedly summoned a large group of people to come here.

Saving one's life to save others, this is news full of positive energy, and this is news that everyone wants now.

Moreover, there have been fewer and fewer news that promote positive energy like this in recent years. If there is such a big news, if I don't run faster, I will definitely be preempted by my peers.

"Of course, you don't know, the old Wang's house was on fire at first, the fire was so big..."

The old lady talked incessantly.

"Thank you, where is Lao Wang's family now?"

After listening for a while, Li Lu roughly understood the whole process, so she hurriedly said.

"There it is!"

The old lady pointed to the old Wang's family surrounded by a group of people not far away.


Upon hearing this, Li Lu hurried over with a group of people.



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