The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1341 Ordering a Car

"Book a car today, how much discount can you give me?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

Although Ye Rongrong is rich, he doesn't want to be taken advantage of. If he can get a discount, he will be called a fool instead.

"The biggest discount I can give for this Borui is 8,000 yuan."

said the saleswoman.

"Eight thousand is too little, you can talk to your manager, if the price is right, I will book the car today."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Sit down first, I'll go to the manager to help you apply!"

The saleswoman talked to Ye Rongrong, and went to the office to find the manager.

Because the price positioning of domestically produced cars is not very high, unlike joint venture cars and imported cars, which have high brand prices, their discounts are not large.

It didn't take long before the female salesperson came over. This time, she got a discount of 15,000 yuan, and she also gave away a lot of things. Ye Rongrong didn't bother to write any more, so she paid a deposit of 5,000 yuan, which was considered a reservation. Yes, but it will take half a month to pick up the car.

After all, this administrative version of Borui is not in stock in 4S stores.

After booking the car, Ye Rongrong took a large group of beauties to the Panjiayuan flea market in the capital.

It is rare to come to the capital this time. Ye Rongrong is going to try his luck at Panjiayuan. He has the "treasure sensing technique" and "treasure appraisal technique" to see if he can find a big leak here and find a treasure.

Panjiayuan flea market is a market with a very wide business scope, covering an area of ​​48,500 square meters. It is located at the southeast corner of the Third Ring Road in Beijing. It is the largest flea market in China.

From Monday to Friday, shops and merchants and greenhouses are open in the first area and the second area. There are more than 3,000 stalls for cultural relics, calligraphy and painting, four treasures of the study, porcelain and wooden furniture, etc. People from all ethnic groups in China set up stalls here.

The main items in the market are jewelry and jade, antique furniture, four treasures of the study, ancient calligraphy and painting, old books and daily necessities, etc.

Panjiayuan Flea Market is the cheapest flea market in Beijing. Some people say that it is like a museum with a long history. It is known as the "ghost market" and attracts a large number of Chinese and foreign tourists.

Every day, countless people come here to search for treasures and pick up leaks. Of course, there are not many who actually find treasures and pick up leaks.

In the current era of rapid advances in counterfeiting technology, fakes are almost at the point of confusing the real ones. Even if you use high technology, there is no guarantee that you will not be perforated.

Ye Rongrong walked all the way, don't look at the number of stalls, but the real goods are really pitiful. Ye Rongrong didn't feel it all the way, that is to say, there was nothing good on the way that Ye Rongrong's "treasure" "Sensing technique" to sense.

As a result, Ye Rongrong could only use "Appraisal Technique!" all the way, and Ye Rongrong was disappointed that he didn't come across a real product.

Now that Ye Rongrong understands what it means to wash sand from the sea, it is really difficult to find a real product here.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there are no real goods. Many antique shops in Panjiayuan do have a lot of real goods, but the price is too high, so it can't be regarded as a leak.

What people call picking leaks refers to things sold on the street stalls, and if you are lucky, you can buy the real thing.

"Green, green..."

"It's rich..."

"This shit luck is too good!"


Ye Rongrong was walking around the stall with a group of beauties, when suddenly there was a commotion in his ears, which attracted Ye Rongrong's attention involuntarily.

"Let's go and have a look!"

After Ye Rongrong spoke, he led Nangong Ziyan towards a shop surrounded by many people.

Zhenshi Pavilion!

The name of this shop is Zhenshi Pavilion.

"Boss, what are they doing?"

Li Yu asked Ye Rongrong curiously.

"They are betting on stones!"

Although Ye Rongrong has never participated in stone gambling, he often sees it in online novels.

The early stage of stone gambling was not called stone gambling, but a gambling shop. What a stone gambling master must have is first, great challenge ability, second, adventurous spirit, and third, rich experience.

In the stone gambling market, we have seen those who got rich overnight, of course, it does not rule out the ones who went bankrupt overnight.

The history of jade dates back to the Neolithic Age, tens of millions of years ago, which shows the long history, but the history of betting on stones is not very long, and it probably became popular in the Qing Dynasty.

The so-called gambling on stones means gambling with uncut jade. You must know that it takes a lot of jade knowledge to see the quality of the jade through the outer skin of the jade.

In today's advanced technology, there is no instrument that can detect it.

Jade raw materials are excavated, and there is a layer of rock shell on the outside. No one can tell what is inside the shell, so the process of judging jade is called "gambling stones" in the industry.

"Stone gambling?"

Li Yu still doesn't understand, what's so good about this stone, seeing how excited these onlookers are.

"Does Emerald know?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Of course I know!"

Li Yu nodded and said.

As a woman, Li Yu certainly knew what jadeite was.

"The stones here are not ordinary stones, but raw jadeite. The jadeite sold in jewelry and jade stores is extracted from these stones. As long as the water type is not too bad, an egg the size can be sold for tens of thousands or tens of thousands. Damn, if you are lucky enough to find the top-quality jadeite, it will not be a problem to buy several million or tens of millions..."

Ye Rongrong spoke out what he learned from the novel.

In fact, this kind of betting on Shi Ye Glory is also the first time I have seen it in reality.

"So expensive!"

Li Yu and his daughters were taken aback.

I really didn't expect that such a few unremarkable stones could be worth so much money.

"Hehe, you think this money is so easy to earn. It's all about gambling. Before cutting it open, no one knows whether there is jade in the stone. Nine out of ten bets lose, and the betting on stones is the same. There are many people who lose money." , earning fewer people."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Betting on rocks is actually no different from gambling, it’s just that gambling for money can be played by both rich and poor people, but betting on stones is a game that only rich people can play.


"The appearance is not good!"

"Python pattern is okay, but the chance of green is not high..."

"Looks like it's just an empty joy."

The onlookers began to discuss. When Ye Rongrong approached, the rough stone had basically been decomposed.

You don't even need to look, just listen to everyone's regrets, and you will know that the stone is a gamble.

"Help me cut this piece and have a look."

Soon, someone took out another piece of wool, but this piece of wool is not big, you only need to cut it from the middle, and you can tell at a glance whether it is swelling or collapsing.

"it is good!"

After the stone cutter has fixed the wool, he slowly cuts it with a cutting machine.


As the grinding wheel of the stone cutter rotates, it slowly cuts down from the middle of the wool. The wool is not big. Under the cutting of the high-rotating grinding wheel, the wool is quickly cut into two pieces.

"No green!"


"Bet broke!"

"The probability of this green one is too low. I've seen a few people, and I'm betting on it..."

"Let's go, there is nothing to see in this store today."


As the wool was cut into two pieces, they could be clearly seen without washing with water. The stone was still a stone, and there was no green in the slightest.

Obviously another gambler.

"Is there anyone who can explain the stone?"

"Who else dares to solve it now? Four or five people have collapsed."

"Let's go, there's nothing to see."


After the buyer failed to resolve the stone, no one came to resolve the stone with his own stone, and soon the people around the store dispersed quickly, and the store began to be deserted.

Ye Rongrong led a group of beauties from Nangong Ziyan into the store. Probably due to the failure of successive stone dialysis just now, few customers stayed in the hall.

However, there are quite a lot of security guards in the lobby. After all, apart from the rough stones, there are various display cabinets displaying various beautiful jadeites, some of which are as big as fists, and some of which are crystal clear.

Not to mention the high price of the rough stone, these beautiful jadeites are also very valuable. If there were not so many security guards, if they were stolen or robbed, the loss would be really heavy.

"Brother, you have a very strange face, it's your first time here!"

A middle-aged man came over and said enthusiastically to Ye Rongrong.

Although Ye Rongrong's clothes were very ordinary, there were seven young and beautiful girls behind him. This middle-aged man was not stupid, and it was obvious at a glance that Ye Rongrong was not an ordinary person.

Definitely rich or powerful people.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be qualified to take so many young and beautiful girls out for a stroll.

"Well, I've heard of gambling stones before, and I just passed by, so I came in out of curiosity, boss, can you explain to me how these stones are sold?"

Ye Rongrong nodded with a smile and said.

"Okay, okay."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up, and he said happily.

As the owner of the rough jade shop, the middle-aged man likes rookies like Ye Rongrong who don't know anything.

Just because they don't understand anything, they don't know how high the risk of betting on stones is, and they always feel that their luck is better than others.

If you don't bet three or five rough stones, you won't give up.

So this kind of people's money is the best to earn.

"Then let me briefly introduce it to you. We call this kind of gambling material. Whether it is good or bad depends on your eyesight and experience. Of course, the most important thing is luck. It is said that it is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade. , no one knows what will happen after the next cut!"

"Isn't it possible to use a detector?"

Maggie asked suspiciously.

Now that the technology is so advanced, if there is any emerald in this stone, you can directly use a detector to detect it, so why are you betting like this!

"My beauty, you are joking. There is no technology that can detect whether there is jade in this rough stone. Otherwise, there will be no saying that it is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade."

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"So amazing?"

Ma Qi and the girls suddenly became curious.

"So in our line of business, apart from eyesight and experience, luck accounts for 70% of it."

The middle-aged man said little by little.

This gambling stone has a history of hundreds of years, and people have accumulated a lot of experience in judging the quality of this rough jadeite, but luck still accounts for the majority.

"Can you tell us how the raw materials are sold?"

Ye Rongrong said to the middle-aged man.


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