The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1343 Crossed?

"Anyway, these scraps are also cheap, and they should weigh a few hundred catties!"

Ye Rongrong led a group of people to the waste dump and randomly moved two buckets of waste. ??


The middle-aged man didn't know what to say.

After working in the jade rough shop for so many years, this is the first time I have encountered such a customer. The choice of jadeite wool is so random, it is completely based on personal preference.

And I bought a lot, which cost more than 20 yuan.

Although the quantity is quite a lot, it is a pity that they are all cheap woolen materials, which add up to more than a hundred thousand yuan.

After arriving at the front desk and transferring the money, these rough emerald stones belonged to Ye Rongrong.

"Mr. Ye, we also provide stone interpretation services here, do you need stone analysis here?"

The middle-aged man asked Ye Rongrong.

"How do you calculate the cost of dissolving stones?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

It was Ye Rongrong's first contact with this stone gambling industry, and he didn't know the situation here, so it's better to ask questions first.

"As long as it is a rough jadeite bought in our store, no matter the size, the price of a piece of jadeite is five hundred yuan."

The middle-aged man said.

After all, Ye Rongrong has more than 20 rough emerald stones in his hand, so it costs a lot to untangle them.

"Then let me explain the stone here."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

After all, I don't have any equipment for diagnosing stones at home, and I don't know how to decompose stones, so I just do it here.

"There is also a quarry in the backyard of our store, let's go there to quarry!"

As the middle-aged man said, he took Ye Guangrong and the others to the backyard.

There are more people in the backyard than in the storefront.

There were some people around in the middle of the yard, the crowd was so crowded that it was hard to tell what was inside, but a machine could be heard humming.

You don't need to look to know that someone is dissolving the stone.

Just when Ye Rongrong wanted to go up to see it, the people in the innermost group suddenly let out a collective ah, and then someone sighed, and the crowd dispersed in twos and threes.

"It's a pity, this is half a gamble. For a price of 500,000 yuan, who would have thought that there is nothing on the inside with such a little green on the surface. This is really a big loss."

"There's no way around it. Betting on rocks depends on luck."

"That's true."


When the people dispersed, Ye Rongrong saw a twenty-six or seven-year-old man in the middle of the yard staring at a stone that had been cut in half.

It is estimated that this is the owner of the cross betting, and he has not recovered from the blow yet.

"Master Xu, this gentleman wants to untie the stone, please help untie it."

The middle-aged man said to an old man next to the stone dissolving machine in the yard.

"so much?"

Master Xu looked at the two large carts of stones that Li Yu and the others pushed over in surprise, and said in surprise.

After all, this jadeite is not cheap, and the cost of unpacking the stone is not low, so few people buy so much rough jadeite at one time.

"Hehe, it's not expensive anyway, so I bought some more, master, please help me untie it."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Hmph, it's really whimsical to want to extract jade from such a woolen material."

The young man who gambled over the stone looked at Ye Rongrong's two carts full of stones, and said with disdain.

I spent 500,000 yuan to buy half a piece of gambling material, but nothing came out of it. It's only hell that these broken stones can produce emeralds.

"Hehe, that might not come. I've always been lucky."

Ye Rongrong's ears were sharp, of course he heard what the young man said, and said with a smile.

You say that my stone does not produce emeralds, and I will scare you to death later!

The stones I choose are definitely emeralds, and they are all not bad.

"Just daydream!"

The young man said to Ye Rongrong in a bad mood.

Anyone who loses half a million yuan at once will not be in a good mood.


Ye Rongrong smiled, and didn't want to engage in unnecessary disputes with this person.

"Resolve the stone, someone is going to resolve the stone again."

Hearing that someone wants to untie the stone again,

The originally scattered spectators gathered around again.

Some of these spectators came out purely to see the excitement of "one knife rich, one knife poor", most of them are jade merchants or stone gamblers.

When these jade merchants come here, if the bet goes up, they can naturally buy them on the spot. After all, the price of first-hand jade bought on the spot is much cheaper.

As long as any product passes through the middleman, the price will increase dramatically, and the same is true for jadeite.

"Let's solve this first!"

Ye Rongrong picked out a rough emerald stone and moved it to the shelf and said to Master Xu who was explaining the stone.

"Just like this stone also has emerald?"

"It's a waste of money to take out such a stone to solve it!"

"This young man doesn't know how to choose jade wool. He thinks that if he chooses more, he will win. He really doesn't know how deep the water is in the stone gambling industry!"

"Don't look, the stone is 90% broken."


When the raw materials were brought in, the onlookers began to discuss. Everyone was not optimistic about the rough jadeite that Ye Rongrong chose.

Under the operation of Master Xu, the stone cutter started, and the piece of wool was a bit big, and it was cut from the edge of the wool.


The stone cutter rotated and slowly cut off the edge. Although the action was not very reckless, it seemed very careful, and the edge of the piece of wool was cut off in a short time.

"Hehe, you guessed it right, there is no green!"

"This rock is broken."

"Let me just say, how can such a stone turn green, as expected..."

"It's the first time to gamble on stones, and it's normal to lose your bet! Think of it as spending money to buy experience."


The wool was cut on one side, even without washing it with water, it can be clearly seen. The stone is still a stone, and there is no green in the slightest.


Seeing that there was no green, Li Yu and the others couldn't help but feel a little nervous. This stone cost more than 20,000 yuan to buy, so it was nothing.

One must know that more than 20,000 yuan is more than a year's salary of people like Li Yu.

"It's okay, isn't it finished yet?"

The old God Ye Rongrong said on the ground.

"Do you want to continue solving?"

Master Xu looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Based on Master Xu's many years of experience in diagnosing stones, it is 99% sure that this stone will not be green.

"Master Xu, cut according to the position of the line I drew."

Ye Rongrong picked up the marker pen, drew a line on the stone, and said to Master Xu.

"it is good!"

Master Xu nodded, and continued to operate the stone cutter to cut towards the line drawn by Ye Rongrong.


As the electric grinder rotated quickly, it invaded the interior bit by bit according to the line drawn by Ye Rongrong.

"My God, it's green!"

"What a big piece of green!"

"It's up! It's up!"

"It really went up..."

"This piece of jade is incredible!"

"This luck is too good!"


As the stone skin was cut open, a large area of ​​green light was immediately revealed, and the onlookers started discussing excitedly.

"It's green?"

Master Xu was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect that this rough jadeite that he was not optimistic about would actually turn green, and the jadeite was in good condition.

When he came back to his senses, Master Xu rinsed the sliced ​​noodles with mineral water, and saw a large piece of greenery, which was very pure.

"This piece of green is too big. Even if this kind of water is average, the price is not cheap!"

"It's very lucky, such a big piece of green, it's soaring."

Although this piece of material has not been completely cut, the large piece of green that has come out is already considered to have risen sharply. As for whether it will suddenly collapse if it continues to be cut, it is hard to say.

Of course, for such a large piece of green, even if you cross the back, you can still buy 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. This cost can definitely be earned back, and the profit is still huge.

"I'll offer one hundred thousand, brother, sell me this piece of material!"

The bet on this material has gone up, so someone will naturally buy it.

"I offer two hundred thousand!"

Before the first bid fell, there was a second bid immediately, and the price doubled directly.

"I'll offer 300,000!"

"I'll pay 350,000 yuan!"

"I'll offer half a million!"

Although the quality of this piece of material seems to be very good now, it has not been cut much, and the asking price has reached 500,000, and there is no further asking.

After all, everyone doesn't know whether to gamble later, whether it will be a cross or a rise.

Ye Rongrong ignored others' outcry, but picked up a marker pen and drew another line on the other side of the stone, asking Master Xu to continue cutting.


"It's up again, it's up again!"

"It's still green and green, my God, this kid is here."

"It's still such a big movie."

As another side of the stone skin was cut, people couldn't help but screamed.

"I offer one million!"

"I'll pay two million!"

"five million!"

Immediately, the jade merchants in the crowd immediately shouted the price, and the price immediately increased tenfold.

This is the charm of betting on stones. If you go down with a knife, it will be either hell or heaven.

People with a bad heart really can't play this thing.

Ye Rongrong still ignored these jade merchants' shouting prices, but took a marker pen and drew several lines on the jade, asking Master Xu to cut slowly according to the lines he drew.

Ye Rongrong didn't draw these lines randomly, but used the "detection technique" to detect the jadeite in the rough jadeite. Naturally, he knows where to cut is the best, and the shape of the jadeite will not be damaged the least. .

Now, Master Xu was also nervous, and began to cut carefully.

After all, this is a jade worth at least five million yuan. If it is broken, I will be responsible.

Fortunately, the young man drew the lines himself, as long as he cut according to the lines, if the cut was broken, he would not be responsible for it.


It was still the piercing sound of cutting the stone skin, and as the stone skin fell off, the emerald inside was immediately exposed.

"I offer eight million!"

"I'll pay 10 million!"

"Fifteen million!"

"Twenty million!"

Although the dirt on the surface of the emerald has not been wiped off by clean water, those jade merchants have already paid an astonishingly high price.

The asking price of 20 million was all of a sudden, but Nangong Ziyan and the others were terrified.

Nangong Ziyan glanced at the stone interpreter, that piece of jade was indeed crystal clear, if she didn't know that it was jade, she would have probably thought it was a piece of green glass.

This is a piece of emerald green glass jade the size of an adult's fist.

Glass jadeite, as the name suggests, is as transparent as glass, with very fine quality and dense crystal particles, which is the best among jadeites.

One of the most intuitive features of glass is that it fluoresces directly to the naked eye, which is what experts call "fluorescence".

This type of jadeite usually has glass luster, its texture is fine and pure and flawless, and its color is pure, bright, rich and uniform emerald green.


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