The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1345 The last piece of wool


Master Xu said excitedly.

Master Xu was in a very high mood after unraveling this top-quality jade twice in a row.

Anyone who solves the top-grade jadeite by himself is a happy thing, and it is also related to their future. People who gamble on stones are very superstitious.

A stonecutter who always extracts jadeite will often get old customers as the designated stonecutter, and the salary, benefits and bonuses will be greatly improved.

Ye Rongrong picked a piece of rough jadeite and put it on the machine, and drew a few lines with a marker.

"Mr. Ye, there is no change, I will start!"

Master Xu looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

After two times of diagnosing stones, Master Xu understood that this Mr. Ye is a master at diagnosing stones, otherwise it would be impossible to draw such an extremely accurate line.

You know, if the two times just now were not cut according to the line drawn by Mr. Ye, but according to my own experience, either the green jade could not be cut, or the jadeite would be damaged.

"Cut along this line!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

This confident aura fell into Master Xu's eyes, which made Master Xu admire even more.

This is the real master!

Turn on the power, the rock-dissolving machine hummed and turned, the gears touched the wool, and there was a chirping sound, and stone chips flew...

The eyes of all the onlookers were also fixed on the woolen material. No one believed that Ye Rongrong could still have such good luck, that such broken woolen material could produce top-quality jadeite.


Master Xu, who was cutting wool, stopped what he was doing, then lowered his head to look at the jade, and gently washed the dirt on the stone with clean water.

Immediately, a ray of bright green just came out, right at the center of the stone, if you cut a bit more, you might get hurt, but if you cut a bit less, you won't be able to wipe out this ray of green.

It's really not too much, not too much, just right!

An expert, really an expert!

Master Xu, who has worked for more than 20 years, looked at Ye Rongrong with admiration.

At this time, the people watching in the backyard also noticed the little green, and they were all excited: "The bet has gone up...the bet has gone up again!"

"Crazy, really crazy."

"How is this possible? Gambling three dollars in a row!"

"I'm going to die, I'm really going to die! Why do other people get out the emeralds, but I don't have anything."


Along with that strand of green, the water is glistening and glistening. Although it is not too thick, it is a high-quality sun green. With this strand of green, the price of this raw material is not less than one million.

This shocked everyone. If a piece of broken wool can be used to extract the best jadeite, it can be said that it has encountered shit luck. If two pieces of broken wool can be used to extract the best jadeite, it can be said that the luck is good. .

But if the third piece of broken wool material also unlocks the top-quality jadeite, everyone will not believe it is luck.

Immediately everyone turned their attention to Ye Rongrong.

This person is definitely not simple, there must be some way to judge what kind of wool can produce jade.

Thinking of this, some people began to make small calculations in their hearts.

This time, no one called for a price anymore, because Ye Rongrong didn't agree to sell it in the previous two calls, and I believe he won't sell it this time either.

"Master Xu, continue!"

Seeing Master Xu stop and staring at him blankly, Ye Rongyao spoke to him.

"it is good!"

Master Xu nodded, continued to cut according to the line drawn by Ye Rongrong, and quickly cut off all the stone skins.

Then Master Xu changed to a fine grinding wheel, and carefully wiped off the epidermis layer by layer. Immediately stop grinding any places where the jade epidermis is slightly exposed, and rub it on the other side. If it is not, it is easy to damage the emerald.

However, this meticulous work is very exhausting. After wiping all the surfaces, Master Xu's whole body is already soaked.

Soon, a piece of emerald about eight centimeters long, five centimeters wide, and three centimeters thick was exposed, but it was covered with too much dirt.

Can't see how the texture is.

Master Xu wiped it clean with clean water.

"My God, the Glass Seed!"

"It's the old pit glass species!"

"Why is it the old pit glass species!"

"What is this today? Isn't this top-quality emerald worthless?"

"I... I'm not dreaming!"


The people around suddenly exclaimed.

Most of this piece of emerald is bright emerald green, thick and deep, and in the thick green, it seems to be transparent again, and the shadow of the finger held by Master Xu can be faintly seen.

And in the tender green on the surface, there is a lot of water, as if it is about to drip water!

The people present basically knew this jadeite, just by taking a look at it, they knew that it was the top-grade old pit glass.

Laokeng kind of jade is commonly known as "Laokeng glass kind" in the commercial circles.

It usually has glass luster, its texture is fine and pure and flawless, and its color is pure, bright, rich, and uniform emerald green; the old pit jadeite is mainly composed of fiber-interwoven crystal structure, and the jadeite grains are very fine. It is rare to see "greenness".

Laokeng glass is translucent-transparent under the irradiation of light. It is the top grade or the best jadeite, and the market price is very expensive.

There is a reason why it is called Laokengzhong. In the Chinese people's opinion, the older the jade, including the jadeite, is the most beautiful, including the darker color and better transparency.

In addition, most jadeites of this texture are found in the secondary deposits in Myanmar, and the secondary deposits of jadeite in Myanmar were mined earlier, so they are called Laokeng.

"Mr. Ye, congratulations!"

Master Xu said to Ye Rongrong with some longing.

To tell the truth, it was the first time that Master Xu unscrambled rough jadeites in his life, and he unscrambled three pieces of such top-quality jadeites in one day.

"Thank you, I'll give you a big red envelope later!"

Ye Rongrong took the Laokeng glass-grown jadeite and said happily.

Among other things, Ye Rongrong has already earned the three pieces of jade that have been unlocked, so he is naturally in a good mood.

"Mr. Ye, do you want to untie the rest of the wool?"

Master Xu looked at the dozen or so pieces of jade that had not been untied with excitement, and said to Ye Rongrong.

Such emeralds can be extracted from more than 20 pieces of wool, that is really a legend in the stone gambling world, and as the stone interpreter of this legendary stone gambling, his reputation will also be famous all over the world.

"It's all solved!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

In fact, except for the three pieces of wool that Ye Rongrong has selected now, and the piece of wool that is pressed at the bottom, the other wool is actually very average.

After all, the odds of gambling with stones are a little better than those of buying lottery tickets. In fact, the rate of top quality is very low. Ye Rongrong only has the "treasure sensing technique" to pick out more than 20 pieces of emeralds out of tens of thousands of pieces. of wool.

The success rate of this bet is basically around 2/1000, and most of the emeralds are not very good.

"it is good!"

Master Xu called a helper and continued to interpret the stone.

"It's gone up, it's gone up!"

"Damn it, why is it green again, can you stop irritating people like this!"

"There must be some secret to this, otherwise how would you see Lu every time?"


Following the discussion of the onlookers, Master Xu finished unpacking a piece of rough and took out a piece of jadeite the size of a pigeon egg. The three pieces of emerald that were solved earlier are simply incomparable.

"This emerald is so-so!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not some kind of glass or super ice!"

"This good luck is probably over!"


Seeing the impurity-containing jade in Master Xu's hand, the onlookers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If it's not the glass species, or the ice species of floating jadeite every time, it will really drive everyone crazy.

Soon, as everyone guessed, Ye Rongrong's luck seemed to be bad. Although every piece of wool could produce emeralds, the quality was not good, and some were even worth only 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

But in any case, the ability to produce jade from every piece of wool is absolutely impossible to find second place in China, even the legendary Jade King does not have this ability.

"This piece, wait!"

Seeing Master Xu and the others moving the last piece of wool to the stone breaker, Ye Rongrong said.

"Mr. Ye, don't you understand this?"

Master Xu looked at Ye Rongrong with some doubts and said.

"Hmm... let me think about it."

Ye Rongrong thought about it, and decided to untie this piece of wool, after all, it is inconvenient to carry such a large piece of wool.

"Master Xu, you first dissect the stone along this line!"

After making a decision, Ye Rongrong drew a line and said to Master Xu.

"it is good!"

Master Xu nodded, carefully observing the wool and the position where Ye Rongrong drew the line.

Because Master Xu discovered a phenomenon, as long as Mr. Ye wants to draw and cut jade, the jade that is opened is basically the best.

Could it be that this last piece of wool also has top-grade jadeite?

After taking a long breath, Master Xu's hand was steady, and he controlled the stone breaker to cut slowly where the line was drawn.

Five minutes later, the edge of a piece of wool was cut off, and the apprentice standing aside poured a basin of water into it, followed by a bang.

Where it was cut open, a touch of bright red was revealed.

"My God, it turned out to be a red jadeite, or a glass species."

Master Xu shouted excitedly.

"What? Red Jade? Return the glass species?"

The onlookers couldn't see clearly, but they got excited when they heard Master Xu's shout.

You must know that this kind of red jade glass jadeite rarely appears, and its value is even more precious than the top-grade jadeite that Ye Rongrong opened earlier.

Of course, the premise is not to collapse later.

Ye Rongrong was not affected by the onlookers, he drew another line and said, "Master Xu, this time we will dissect the stone from this side!"

"it is good!"

Master Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands, and nodded in response.

At this time, Master Xu also felt more and more nervous.

Soon the line drawn by Ye Rongrong was cut, washed with clear water, revealing a ray of sky blue color.

"My dear, sky blue!"

"Is this two-color jade, or two-color glass!"

"Excellent, the best of the best!"

"At least this is worth hundreds of millions!"



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