The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1351 Crying

"You must get married in your own home. Your parents have worked hard to bring you up. For your parents, your son's marriage is the most important thing in their life. Go home and get married. Don't make your parents sad!"

Ye Rongrong said to Ma Shaohua.

For parents, since the day their son was born, they have already worked hard for their son's marriage. As long as their son is not married, they will feel that their life tasks have not been completed.

As long as they arrange the marriage for their sons in a good manner, they will feel that their lives will be without regrets.

In the traditional concept of Chinese people, it is the responsibility of the parents to start a family if the son does not have a family, and it is also the responsibility of the parents for the son to start a family.

Only when the son gets married and has his own home, can the parents complete the task.

"Well, we listen to the dean!"

Zhu Xiaohong nodded and said.

Zhu Xiaohong admired Ye Rongrong the most, so she naturally listened to Ye Rongrong's words.

"Now it's not as rigid as before. You can have a small wedding in the capital after the wedding in your hometown. Invite your friends and colleagues in the capital to a wedding. In fact, it's like having a wedding in the capital."

Ye Rongrong said.

Nowadays, many people get married like this. They hold a wedding in their hometown, and then return to the city where they work to hold another wedding.

Anyway, as long as it's not changing brides or grooms, you can be as happy as you want, and you can do whatever you want.

"Teacher, thank you!"

Ma Shaohua said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

It's still true that what my teacher said works. I've been talking about it for several days, but Zhu Xiaohong just can't listen to it and insists on holding the wedding in the capital.

Now it's all right, my teacher has made a final decision, and it can be regarded as solving my most troublesome problem now.

"Don't say thank you to me. What you really want to thank is the parents who have worked so hard to raise you. It is not easy for them to raise you until you get married."

Ye Rongrong said to Ma Shaohua and the others earnestly.

Everyone has a growth process. Without being a parent, one does not know how difficult it is to be a parent.

Thinking about when he was young, Ye Rongrong really regretted it.

My parents really broke their hearts in order to get a wife for themselves.

With my laziness at that time, to be able to marry such a stunning beauty like Liu Qingqing, my parents don't know how much ideological work has been done for Liu Qingqing.

It's a pity that I was a bastard at that time and didn't know the hard work of my parents.

By the time I understand this truth, it will be too late.


Zhang Shaohua nodded in response.


After handing over the two top-grade jadeites to Zhang Wansan and asking him to take them to auction for him, Ye Rongrong took the guards back to Taoyuan Village by helicopter.

"Cousin, are you back? Who are they?"

Ye Yingying looked curiously at the group of beauties behind Ye Rongrong, and asked Ye Rongrong.

How could my cousin bring such a large group of beauties back when he went to the capital?

Isn't he worried that his cousin will be angry?

"How did you come?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Ye Yingying with some doubts and asked.

My cousin, who works in the city's health bureau, why is she free to come to my house today.

"Why, cousin, you don't welcome me!"

Ye Yingying said dissatisfied.

"How could it be! Where's your cousin?"

Ye Rongrong didn't see Liu Qingqing and his daughter Dudu, so he asked suspiciously.

"Give Dudu a bath! Cousin, you haven't told me yet, who are they?"

Ye Yingying looked at Nangong Ziyan and the others, and asked Ye Rongrong.

After all, each of these young beauties is carrying at least a big suitcase. It is obvious that these beauties are planning to live here for a long time.

Ye Yingying was really curious about the relationship between these beauties and her cousin.

Now my cousin is very capable, rich, famous and famous.

After this man is rich and powerful, he tends to turn bad. Ye Yingying is really worried that her cousin will turn bad and become a playboy.

That would really make my cousin sister-in-law sad.

My cousin is so good, it's really wrong for my cousin to let her down.

If that's the case, he's really a hateful heartbreaker!

"They are my bodyguards!"

Ye Rongrong said.


Ye Yingying looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

Why does my cousin have guards, and they are all young and beautiful guards.

is it possible?

Ye Yingying couldn't believe it.

After all, if it is really a guard, it should be a male guard.

Female guards are really rare, let alone a group of such young and beautiful female guards.

"Are you Zhao Suqing?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the girl behind Ye Yingying and said.

Although he had only contacted Zhao Suqing once, Ye Rongrong still remembered her.

With a height of more than 1.6 meters and a weight of more than 400 kilograms, he looks like a moving mountain of meat.

I haven't seen her for more than a year, and this Zhao Suqing is much fatter than before.

"Brother Ye, hello!"

Zhao Suqing lowered her head and said to Ye Rongrong.

Now Zhao Suqing is very inferior.

Last year, although Zhao Suqing was very fat, she was not as fat as she is now. Now she is as fat as a ball.

Now Zhao Suqing dare not go out, as soon as she goes out, she can feel the people on the road staring at her, making fun of her for looking like a pig.

As a girl, a once beautiful girl, now she has become a fat woman like a meatball, Zhao Suqing really feels inferior.

I don't know why, but since last year, I have been getting fatter and faster. Even if I don't eat, I just eat a few fruits every day, but my body is still gaining weight.

In order to lose weight, I went to many hospitals, but there was no effect at all, so I also went to a specialized weight loss center to lose weight.

But after a few months, the sins are not less, but the body does not lose weight, but gets fatter and fatter.

This time I came to Taoyuan Village, it was Brother Ye who cured his obesity.

Now Zhao Suqing pinned her last hope on Ye Rongrong.

"Cousin, Qingqing is here to let you see if you can make her slim down."

Ye Yingying said to Ye Rongrong.

This time Ye Yingying accompanied Zhao Suqing to Taoyuan Village to seek treatment from Ye Rongrong.

I came here yesterday, because Ye Rongrong was not at home, so I stayed at Ye Rongrong's house last night.

"Brother Ye..."

Zhao Suqing looked at Ye Rongrong nervously.

Now Zhao Suqing is most worried that Ye Rongrong said that her illness cannot be cured.

Ever since she went to many big hospitals but couldn't cure her obesity, and her body became fatter day by day, Zhao Suqing was almost desperate.

The reason why he only came to Ye Rongrong for treatment until now is that he didn't believe that Ye Rongrong could cure his obesity disease.

But a few days ago, I saw Ye Rongrong in the news, and knew that he was not only the director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital, but also the inventor of the special medicine for bird flu.

These two identities, no matter which one, showed his superb medical skills.

Because she didn't know if Ye Rongrong could cure her obesity, Zhao Suqing didn't tell her parents that she came here for treatment, but said that she would come to Taoyuan Village with Ye Yingying to relax.

"Obesity is not a terminal illness, don't worry, it can be cured!"

Ye Rongrong glanced at Zhao Suqing, nodded and said.

There are generally two situations that cause obesity in the human body. One is external causes, mainly caused by overeating and less exercise.

Another is the obesity caused by the disorder of human fat metabolism

Taking a look, Ye Rongrong can basically confirm that the reason for Zhao Suqing's obesity is the disorder of fat metabolism in the human body.

There are several factors that lead to obesity due to this disorder of fat metabolism in the human body, mainly including genetic factors, neuropsychiatric factors, hyperinsulinemia, and abnormal brown adipose tissue.

Obesity caused by genetic factors is easy to understand, that is, all family members are obese, and the next generation of children will also be obese.

However, Zhao Suqing's obesity has nothing to do with genetics. Ye Rongrong heard from his aunt that Zhao Suqing's parents are not fat.

This Zhao Suqing's obesity is caused by excessive insulin secretion, decreased metabolic rate, reduced fat breakdown and increased synthesis.

Obesity caused by this cause is systemic obesity.

Excessive secretion of insulin, decreased metabolic rate, reduced fat breakdown and increased synthesis of fat caused by obesity, known as pancreatic obesity.

This kind of obesity is difficult to cure, even if it is cured, the recurrence rate is very high.


When she heard that her disease could be cured, Zhao Suqing became excited.

"Really, but your illness can't be cured in a day or two. You can stay with me for a week."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Ye Rongrong is sure that acupuncture and moxibustion can cure pancreatogenic obesity, but Zhao Suqing's body can't be reduced in one or two days, at least it will take a week of treatment.


As long as I can cure my illness, I am willing to stay here for a month, let alone a week.


Liu Qingqing walked out of the room with Dudu in her arms, and when she saw Ye Rongrong in the yard, she immediately shouted happily.

Every time her husband travels far away, Liu Qingqing is happiest when she sees her husband returning home safely.


Ye Rongrong happily ran over and hugged his wife and child.

Every time I travel far, the people I think about in my heart are my wife and children at home.

"They are?"

Coming out of Ye Rongrong's arms, Liu Qingqing also noticed a group of young beauties in the yard.

"They are the guards arranged for us by the superiors, and they will live in our house from now on."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Oh, then I'll arrange a place for them to live."

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

Now that her husband is becoming more and more capable, Liu Qingqing is not surprised at all that the country arranges guards for her husband.

"By the way, Zhao Suqing will also stay at our house for a week, so you can arrange a place for her too."

Ye Rongrong said.


Liu Qingqing nodded, handed Dudu to Ye Rongrong's hug, and arranged a place for Nangong Ziyan and the others to live.


"Woo woo woo..."

Ye Rongrong came out after drinking at Ma Xudong's house in the "Home for the Elderly". Walking on the path of the "Home for the Elderly", he faintly heard crying from the small woods.

This is because Ye Rongrong's ears are particularly good. If ordinary people walk on this road, they may not be able to hear the cries in the woods.


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