The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1353 Heartless Scumbag

"She is my current girlfriend, and we broke up. There is no saying that 'college love is like a game, and graduation is the end of the game'. After I graduate, we should break up."

Xu Hai spoke very naturally, without any sign of guilt.

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner, why did you wait until I found out for myself?"

Zhang Linlin roared a little out of control.

"I didn't call you. I didn't say a few words when you called. I just said that I was busy with work. Isn't that obvious? Now college love is like this. Talking less and less, work is getting more and more busy. Actually Just to tell you the end of this relationship, and I thought you'd understand."

Xu Hai said indifferently.

"Let's not break up, shall we? I'll pretend that what happened to that girl just now never happened. I'm about to graduate. Let's get married."

Zhang Linlin looked at Xu Hai pleadingly and said.

"Don't be so naive, it's over between us, it's impossible to go back to the past, you go back to school, just treat this relationship as a process of growing up in life."

Xu Hai said to Zhang Linlin a little impatiently.

"No, you made an oath to me, and you promised to never leave me, to protect me for the rest of your life, and to marry me."

Zhang Linlin looked at Xu Hai sadly and said.

"You don't look in the mirror yourself. You are so ugly. Every time I eat with you, I dare not look at you, because once I see your face, I can't eat. How can I marry you?" And you, wake up yourself."

Xu Hai looked at Zhang Linlin with disdain and said.

When I was in college, I couldn't find a good girlfriend, so I had no choice but to make up for it, make myself feel wronged, and find someone to live with.

Now that he has graduated and meets a girl who is much prettier than Zhang Linlin, how could Xu Hai still fall in love with Zhang Linlin!

"You... are you really so heartless?"

Zhang Linlin's face turned pale with anger.

"Okay, that's it, everything is over, get together and break up, don't make everyone look bad!"

Xu Hai said indifferently.


Zhang Linlin felt breathless, tears streaming down his face.

She never understood that the man she knew would be such a heartless person.

Suddenly felt that the previous eachother was so ridiculous.

"I'm leaving. During the Chinese New Year, I will marry Nana. Don't bother me anymore."

After Xu Hai said that, he ignored Zhang Linlin, turned around and walked out relentlessly.

Zhang Linlin, who had a pale face, silently looked at Xu Hai who resolutely turned and walked away, with tears streaming down his face. Looking at the gradually blurred figure, he felt how unreal this man was...


"Just such a scum, you shed tears for him? Do you think it's worth it?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhang Linlin and said.

Ye Rongrong has always hated such a ruthless person.

In Ye Rongrong's view, all dating not for the purpose of marriage is hooliganism. This kind of scum, whether male or female, is the most abominable.

Deceiving one's feelings, deceiving one's body, this is comparable to killing!


This is more desperate than murder.

Just like Zhang Linlin is now, his heart is broken by love, and if he has a wrong thought, he may commit suicide.

"Dean, I'm really ugly, right?"

Zhang Linlin looked at Ye Rongrong with a sad face and asked.

"Dean, you don't need to say, I also know that I am very ugly. I have been ridiculed since I was a child. When I was in college, I saw that the classmates around me were in pairs. I was really envious. , but I know that I am ugly, so I dare not expect love to come."

"I just didn't expect Xu Hai to pursue me in my sophomore year and start sending me roses and messages. At that time, I felt that happiness came so suddenly and made me happy."

"So I cherish this hard-won happiness very much. He has a bad temper and likes to beat me and scold me. I am not angry. I think these are not important.

The important thing is that he likes me, and loving me is enough. "

"No matter what requirements he has, I will try my best to satisfy him. If he wants to open a house, I will give my body to him. I know that his family is not good. I will prepare meals in advance and wait for him every day. I often buy clothes for him. He didn’t even have a computer, I gave him my laptop to use.”

"Every day, I take good care of him like a wife, wash his clothes, tidy up his bedroom, and give him...all of this because I think he likes me and he will marry me in the future."

"He also made an oath to me, promising to marry me when I graduate, and to treat me well for the rest of his life. But now, I realize that those are actually lies."

"Hey, he's been lying to me all this time. He's always been disgusted with my ugliness. From the beginning to the end, it's just a dream I made for myself."

"Whoa, Dean, am I stupid, stupid!"

Before Ye Rongrong could answer her question, Zhang Linlin said sadly to Ye Rongrong.

"You are stupid! Is such a man worth your tears? Wipe away your tears, and you will meet a better man in the future."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, no one will like me. I'm so ugly. It's impossible for anyone to like me."

Zhang Linlin shook his head and said sadly.

In today's society, people are judged by their appearance. Zhang Linlin has experienced so much of this kind of thing that he has become numb. Originally, the appearance of Xu Hai gave Zhang Linlin confidence in himself.

I also think that in this world, there are really people who don't judge people by appearance, and the love between myself and Xu Hai is sincere.

Everything is so sunny.

It's just that Zhang Linlin now understands that everything is fake, and she is still that ugly girl that people hate.

"What would you do if you were beautiful?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhang Linlin and asked.

"I... can I be beautiful?"

Zhang Linlin stopped crying, looked at Ye Rongrong in shock and asked.

When she was a child, Zhang Linlin was still a beautiful girl. Before she reached puberty and had pimples on her face, Zhang Linlin was still the class flower in the class.

It's just that it's all because of the pimples. The pimples all over the face turned the originally beautiful face into a scary face.

I thought it was a normal pimple during puberty, and it would heal after a few months. At the beginning, I didn't care about it, but after a few months, the pimple didn't subside at all.

So I went to the hospital to see a doctor, saw a lot of doctors, took and used a lot of medicines, not only did not cure the acne, but also let the acne leave deep pits on my face, making my face It became even uglier.

Zhang Linlin knew that many people made fun of him behind his back, and even nicknamed his face "Martian face", which meant that his face was full of bumps and bumps.

After seeing many big hospitals, but nothing worked, Zhang Linlin was already desperate for his face.

Especially after falling in love with Xu Hai, Xu Hai said that he didn't mind the pimples on his face at all, and thought it was also a kind of beauty.

Zhang Linlin also forgot about the pimples on her face, because she thought she had found a man who didn't mind the pimples on her face and loved her.

But now Zhang Linlin understood that from the beginning to the end, Xu Hai still cared about the pimples on his face, and still hated his ugliness.

Everything he said before was just a lie he lied to himself.

"Of course, isn't it acne? It's not difficult to treat!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Acne, also known as youthful acne, is a chronic inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. It mainly occurs in fatty areas such as the face, chest and back, and is self-limiting with polymorphic skin lesions.

Such as acne, papules, pustules, and nodules, often accompanied by seborrhea, and most of them are cured or relieved after puberty.

However, due to endocrine reasons, some people have pimples on the face that cannot be cured, and even remain on the face for a lifetime.

Of course, there are also some people who can't be cured no matter how they are treated, but after middle age, the acne suddenly disappears automatically.

As for the reason, the root cause has not been found yet, and acne is still a world-class medical problem.

However, in Chinese medicine, there have been prescriptions for treating acne a long time ago, which is why concubines, princesses, and even maids in ancient palaces did not have acne all over their faces.

Ancient Chinese medicine has its unique prescription for treating acne. Prescribing the right medicine and solving endocrine abnormalities can cure acne.

Only with the First World War and the invasion of Western medicine, Chinese medicine declined, and many traditional Chinese medicine traditions were lost.

So much so that people nowadays feel that Chinese medicine is inferior to Western medicine, but they don't know that many intractable diseases can't be cured by Western medicine. In ancient times, Chinese medicine in China could already treat them.

"Dean, can you cure me of this acne?"

Zhang Linlin looked at Ye Rongrong expectantly.

The root of everything is because of the pimples on my face. If I didn't have pimples, I wouldn't be abandoned by others.

"If I cure your acne, will you still go to that Xu Hai?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhang Linlin and asked.

If he cured the pimples on Zhang Linlin's face by himself, Zhang Linlin would still go to that scumbag Xu Hai and continue his relationship with him.

Ye Rongrong really didn't bother to treat the pimples on Linlin's face.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong just didn't want to cure Zhang Linlin's pimples by himself and turn her into a beautiful woman, but in the end it was still cheaper than that scumbag Xu Hai.

In that case, it would be better to let Zhang Linlin continue to have pimples all over his face, and it would be cheaper than Xu Hai, that scumbag.

We must know that regardless of men and women, as long as there is one betrayal in the relationship, there will be a second, third, or even n times of betrayal.

Ye Rongrong believed that even if Zhang Linlin became more beautiful, that Xu Hai abandoned that young woman and returned to Zhang Linlin's side, and would hurt Zhang Linlin again for other women in the future.


Sorry for the lateness.

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