The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1356 Unfilial

"I said you don't blush? What qualifications do you have to blame the old people in the family? They raised you up with painstaking efforts, did you feed them to the dogs?"

Seeing that everyone in the activity room was quiet, Ye Rongrong shouted very rudely.

It doesn't matter whether some of these people are of higher seniority than him, or they don't give face to his peer Ye Rongrong.

Raising children is to prevent old age, but now how many people are sincerely supporting the elderly!

Since the elderly in the village were sent to live in the "Home for the Elderly", except for the Chinese New Year, there are usually a few people who come to care for and visit the elderly.

Some unfilial sons and daughters even came to ask the old man for money!

"Glory, that's not the case. Aren't we in a hurry? So much money has been scammed."

A middle-aged villager from Taoyuan Village looked at Ye Rongrong and explained.

Now in the ten miles and eight townships near Taoyuan Village, who doesn't know that Ye Rongrong is a big shot!

People in the village dare not offend Ye Rongrong now if they offend anyone. It is too late for everyone to curry favor with Ye Rongrong.

"I'm in a hurry now, why did I go early!"

Ye Rongrong said unhappily to the middle-aged man.

Ye Rongrong knew this middle-aged man, his name was Ye Tianpeng, and he was one generation older than Ye Rongrong.

He no longer lives in Taoyuan Village. He moved to the town many years ago when the new countryside was being built.

Except for Chinese New Year or ancestor worship, I can still see them, and I don't usually see him visiting the elderly in the village.

The old man was cheated out of his money, but he came instead.


"Don't want me. If you people care about the old man, the old man's money will not be cheated. Now it's good. The old man's money has been cheated. You blame the old man."

"You still have to be shameless, what's wrong with the old man's money being cheated? It's their own money, so do you need to point and scold like this?"

"The money is the pension money accumulated by the elderly all their lives, and you are still thinking about it together."

Ye Rongrong stared and said unhappily.

From ancient times to the present, China has always taken filial piety as the foundation, and all good filial piety is the first. The body is skin-skinned, and the parents dare not damage it. Filial piety comes from the beginning.

Officials in ancient times rarely had holidays, but once their parents died, no matter how old they were, they had to take off their official uniforms and go home to observe their filial piety, which lasted for three years.

If any official is reluctant to part with the power in his hand, conceals the news of the death of his parents, and fails to observe his filial piety, the consequences will be very serious. Dismissal, investigation, and never being hired are the least serious.

It can be seen that in ancient China, the ancients attached great importance to filial piety.

There is a saying in "The Analects of Confucius Xueer", "It is rare for a person to be filial and fraternal and like to offend superiors. It is not known that there are people who are not easy to offend superiors but are prone to chaos."

But with the development of the times, with the development of the economy, people's living standards continue to improve, but filial piety has gone downhill instead.

Not only are many people not filial to the elderly, but they also miss the coffin books in the hands of the elderly.

The old people in Huaxia live frugally all their lives, and they will save a little money. When they drive west, they will leave it to their children for their funeral. In the common saying, it is "coffin book".

"Glory, this is not the time to talk about it, I still want to find a way to get the old man's money back!"

Ye Xianghai saw that Ye Glory was angry, and hurriedly persuaded him.

Complaining now can't solve the problem. The cheated money, but the "coffin book" that these old people have worked so hard to save, has been cheated away. Ye Xianghai is really worried that these old people in the village will not be able to bear the blow.

"What should I do? Hurry up to the hotel to block those people and ask them to refund the money."

Ye Rongrong said.

For this matter, we can only go to those liars and ask them to refund the money.

"I went to look for it, and everyone ran away."

A village official said.

In fact, when they heard that the old man in the village had been cheated by some health product salesman, the village immediately organized people to go to the hotel to stop him.

It's a pity that it was too late. Those people didn't live in that hotel at all. They just rented a meeting room in that hotel, and it was already empty.

These swindlers have planned it long ago, how can they be blocked so easily.

"Call the police?"

Ye Rongrong said.

Surveillance is everywhere now, just call the police and arrest people.

"Call the police, the police won't file a case! It's not that there is no other way, I can only find you."

Village head Ye Xianghai said with a depressed face.

"Not to file a case? What's going on?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

In Ye Rongrong's opinion, the common people's money was cheated by scammers, and the police station did not file a case. How could this be possible.

"The police at the police station said that the old man voluntarily went to the lecture and bought goods voluntarily, which is not considered fraud, so the case cannot be filed."

Ye Xianghai said helplessly.

This matter is really not clear. Those salesmen really did not buy or sell by force, and everyone voluntarily paid for it.

And people still clearly marked the price, there is no fraud.


Ye Rongrong said angrily.

The reason why those who sell health care products to the elderly and make money by deceiving the elderly are so rampant is because they take advantage of the loopholes in the law.

If the country had cracked down on these illegal sales practices, there would not be so many scammers now.

In this era, there are more and more scammers, and they are becoming more and more rampant. Why?

It is because no one is in charge of this illegal behavior, and even if someone is in charge, the punishment is very light, a small fine, and he will be released from the detention center after a few days.

The cost of crime is too low, or even zero, which makes many scammers more and more rampant.

"I'm going out to make a phone call."

Ye Rongrong said, and walked out of the old man's activity room.

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong called Wang Dafu, there was no other way, who made him the chief of the police station.

"Glory, do you need to call me at this time?"

Wang Dafu was preparing for a meeting, but when he saw Ye Rongrong's phone call, he hurriedly asked.

"I really have something to look for you. Many elderly people in our village have been cheated by health product salesmen. They went to your police station to report the case, but you didn't file a case. I can only go to you, the police chief."

Ye Rongrong said.

"It's these people who sell health products again."

Wang Dafu felt a headache.

Strictly speaking, this kind of promotion of health products should actually be regarded as a fraudulent act, but it is now the same as the definition of Chuan~Xiao many years ago, and it is not included in the category of economic crimes.

Because it is voluntary, the police department has no reason to arrest people. Even if they arrest people, they will be detained for 24 hours before they have to be released.

"What? Is your police department watching these crooks get away with it?"

Ye Rongrong asked unhappily.

"We also want to deal with it, and we want to arrest people! There is no reason, the country has not issued a specific policy for this kind of behavior, and we have no basis to arrest people!"

"But I think soon. I heard people say that the country is also aware of this phenomenon and has already started to introduce policies in this regard. When the time comes..."

"Don't wait until that time, when the day lily will be cold, you have to deal with this matter for me, anyway, I rely on you."

Ye Rongrong directly interrupted Wang Dafu's words.

When the national policy comes out, these crooks don't know where to go.

"I have a meeting right now, but I can't get out. I'll ask Liu Daming from the County Security Brigade to lead someone to find you and catch those crooks."

Wang Dafu said.

In fact, the police can take care of many things. The police can take care of this kind of deception of the elderly. Although there is no law that makes this kind of behavior illegal, this kind of promotion of health care products, mobilizing the elderly to attend classes and selling health care products, the elderly are not happy. In the past, it was voluntary and not illegal.

However, if there is false publicity or exaggerated publicity in the sales process, it is suspected of fraud and is an illegal act. If there is no false publicity or exaggerated publicity for such a high-selling health care product, Wang Dafu himself would not believe it.

In Wang Dafu's view, it is not very difficult to prevent the problem of deceiving the elderly through the promotion of health care products.

As long as the manufacturers of health care products are controlled, as long as health care product manufacturers dare to sell health care products like this, the owner of the manufacturer will be sentenced to life imprisonment and all illegal gains will be confiscated, this sales model will not exist.

As it is now, there is really no other good way except to remind the elderly not to be deceived.

This is the same as preventing online fraud, it depends entirely on the citizens themselves, at most a warm reminder.

But ordinary people have such powerful anti-fraud methods!

If there is a high-pressure policy against these scammers every day, and if a scammer is discovered, he will be shot, and it will be guaranteed that fraud will not exist within a year.


"Okay, you tell him to hurry up, it's late, and it will be troublesome if someone runs away."

Ye Rongrong urged.

"Don't worry, they can't escape. As long as our police want to catch them, these people will never escape."

Wang Dafu said reassuringly.

"Okay, hurry up!"

Ye Rongrong hung up the phone and walked into the activity room of the elderly home.

"Glory, what's going on?"

"Is there a way?"


See Ye Rongrong come in. , a group of people gathered around and asked.

After all, a lot of old people in the village were cheated this time, and the money added up to millions.

For these elderly people in their seventies and eighties, this money is their last money and their lifeblood.

They were all cheated away at once, no one can bear this blow!

"The police will come back later, everyone, don't worry, the money will definitely be returned."

Ye Rongrong looked at the restless old people and said loudly.

What we have to do now is to stabilize the emotions of these old people.

This person is old, such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart disease, if the emotion is too excited, it is easy to cause problems.

"It's great to get it back!"

"I knew that Ye Rongrong would come forward, and there would be no problems that could not be solved."

"Ye Rongrong is still amazing!"

"I said earlier, this matter should be resolved by Ye Rongrong."


When Ye Rongrong said that he could get the money back, everyone felt relieved.

After all, this matter is for "money".

What everyone is most concerned about is whether the money can be returned.

For those rich and powerful, thousands or tens of thousands of dollars are not considered at all, but for rural people, especially rural elderly, this is their last savings in their lives.


The second one will be later, please forgive me!

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