The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1359 No gentlemanly demeanor

"I got it right!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong's refusal to speak, Wang Xiaoyan thought that Ye Rongrong had acquiesced to his own behavior, so she couldn't help but said proudly.

After all, she is also the school belle in the school, suitors can line up from her dormitory to the school gate.

This man still had an aloof look on his face, thinking that if he didn't find out that he was peeking at him, he wouldn't know that his sneaky little moves were not successful.

Have a heart but no guts!

What a waste of his strong body.

I despise such a man the most!

Wang Xiaoyan was very upset, and complained about Ye Rongrong in her heart.

Some young women, especially some beautiful young women, are really difficult to serve. If you keep staring at her, she will feel upset and call you a rascal!

Feel like you're hitting her attention.

But if you ignore her and don't even look at her, she will feel even more upset.

Doubt if you are a normal man.

"Everyone, the East Shanghai Railway Station has arrived. Passengers who get off the bus, please take your luggage..."

Within two minutes, the pleasant voice of the flight attendant came from the radio in the bullet train.


Ye Rongrong sat inside the seat, and if Wang Xiaoyan didn't get out of the way, it would be difficult for Ye Rongrong to get out.

"I... my suitcase is on it!"

Wang Xiaoyan said anxiously.

I also want to leave quickly, but the luggage on the luggage rack is too heavy, and I, a soft woman, can't take it down!

When I got on the train, a male classmate from my high school helped put the luggage on it, but he got off the train at the Rongyan train station.

Now Wang Xiaoyan couldn't get the luggage down, so she could only look at Ye Rongrong for help.

Now Wang Xiaoyan is very suspicious of whether this "uncle" is a cold-blooded animal. It is obvious that he can't carry the luggage, and he doesn't take the initiative to help. He has no gentlemanly demeanor at all.


Ye Rongrong responded, just quietly watching Wang Xiaoyan take the luggage on the luggage rack. Anyway, the East Railway Station of Shanghai is a big station, and the bullet train will stop here for fifteen minutes. Ye Rongrong is not in a hurry at all.

"Hey, are you a gentleman?"

Wang Xiaoyan looked at Ye Rongrong depressedly and said unhappily.

He even said that he couldn't carry the luggage anymore, so he didn't take the initiative to help.

How can there be such a hateful man!

I don't understand a bit of pity and pity. Didn't I see that a beauty as old as myself needs help?

"Hehe, can a gentleman's demeanor be eaten?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wang Xiaoyan with a smile and said.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong, Ye Rongrong doesn't mind joking with this beauty.

These days, some women are like this. If you take the initiative to help, you will think that you are deliberately trying to get close and have thoughts about her.

So Ye Rongrong didn't help at all.

Don't you think you are beautiful and that all the men in the world revolve around you?

I won't help you!

Ye Rongrong also has a little temper.

"You... curse you for not being able to marry a wife!"

Wang Xiaoyan was very angry, and said very unceremoniously.

"You're going to be disappointed, bro, I already have a wife, and she's a hundred times prettier than you!"

Ye Rongrong said bluntly.

If the girl in front of me didn't wear makeup, she would really look average.

In the past, to see if a girl was pretty, you could tell by looking at her appearance, but now it doesn't work.

Now when young girls go out, there are several feet of flour on their faces, how do they know what the face behind the flour is like!

So young men nowadays are also very smart, like to come and ask girls to go swimming, because swimming can wash off the make-up on the girls' faces and reveal the girls' true appearance.

At the very least, you don't have to worry that after you get married, once your wife removes her makeup, you won't be able to recognize anyone.

There is a world of difference between women with makeup and no makeup nowadays. Many goddess-level beauties, once their makeup is removed, can be so ugly that they can scare people to death.

It has to be these years,

The make-up skills of Chinese women have reached the state of perfection.

In the past, Ye Rongrong read martial arts novels, and the descriptions of make-up skills in the novels are amazing, and it may not be possible to find a few masters of make-up in the entire world.

Who knows, in just ten years, all the young girls in Huaxia know how to make up, and can make an ugly duckling into a swan, so that you can't even recognize it.

So today's martial arts novels basically don't mention how much mysterious kung fu is makeup, but the kung fu of the bad street.

"That's impossible, you're bragging!"

Wang Xiaoyan didn't believe Ye Rongrong's words at all, she was a hundred times prettier than herself, how could such beauties exist in this world.

This cowhide is a little out of bounds.

"Believe it or not!"

Ye Rongrong smiled and stopped arguing with Wang Xiaoyan.

Those who have never met their own wife Liu Qingqing will not believe that such a beautiful woman exists in this world.

Before meeting Liu Qingqing, Ye Rongrong didn't believe that there was such a stunning beauty in this world. When he saw Liu Qingqing for the first time, Ye Rongrong was conquered by her.


Wang Xiaoyan gave Ye Rongrong a blank look, and ignored Ye Rongrong.

Now Wang Xiaoyan has a headache about how to get the luggage from the luggage rack. Anyway, Wang Xiaoyan doesn't expect this cold-blooded man sitting next to her.

No, not in cold blood!

It's a man with a problematic sexual orientation!

After all, as long as a functionally normal man sees that this petite beauty is in trouble, he will come forward to help him.

How can he be like him, the countless firsts in online literature, the number one fans, the number one lords, the number one hits, the number one recommendation...

Just one novel pushed Ye Rongrong to the position of Platinum Author of China Literature Group.

As the new platinum author of China Literature Group this year, Ye Rongrong naturally received special care.

Ye Rongrong's editor-in-charge Qilin personally came to pick up Ye Rongrong at the train station, which shows that the China Literature Group attaches great importance to Ye Rongrong.

"it is good!"

After Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he hung up the phone and walked out to the exit of the train station.

Ye Rongrong got out of the station relatively late, there were not many people at the exit, and soon Ye Rongrong walked out of the exit of the train station.

"Are you a Taoyuan hermit?"

Qilin walked to Ye Rongrong and asked.

"I am a hermit in Taoyuan, my real name is Ye Rongrong, you are a Qilin!"

Ye Rongrong looked at the young man in front of him who was about the same age as him, and said.

In fact, this was the first time that Ye Rongrong saw his editor-in-charge Qilin.

As for Qilin's ability to recognize him in the first place, Ye Rongrong is not surprised at all. For the sake of publicity, Ye Rongrong has sent some photos of himself to Qilin. With such a burly figure, he stands out from the crowd everywhere...

Ye Rongrong didn't find it strange that this unicorn could recognize him at first sight.

This man is so handsome that he stands out everywhere he goes.

Ye Rongrong became a little smug.

"Ye Rongyao, the name is easy to remember, let's go, take my car to the hotel, the place for you to live has been arranged, definitely a five-star hotel."

Qilin said to Ye Rongrong with a smile.


"Beauty, where are you going?"

The young man asked while helping Wang Xiaoyan push the luggage.

"I'm going to Modu University, where I study."

Wang Xiaoyan said.

"Is there a friend coming to pick you up?"

asked the young man.

"No, I can go by bus!"

Wang Xiaoyan shook her head and said.

"Well, my friend came to pick me up by car, and we just happened to be going to Shanghai University, why don't you take our car."

A light flashed in the young man's eyes, and he said to Wang Xiaoyan.

"Is this too much trouble for you?"

Wang Xiaoyan said emotionally.

It takes at least two hours to take the bus from the train station to Shanghai Metropolitan University, and there may not be a seat for the bus. Even if there is a seat, the hard seat, sitting for two hours, hurts the buttocks.

As for taking a taxi, just kidding, in a big city like Shanghai, taking a taxi is very expensive. From the East Railway Station to Shanghai University, it will cost at least 500 yuan.

For Wang Xiaoyan, whose family background is only moderately prosperous, she is still reluctant to spend such money.

Now that there is a private car, Wang Xiaoyan is of course willing.

"My friend's car is over there, let's go over there."

The young man pointed to the parking lot in front and said happily to Wang Xiaoyan.


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