The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1366 Newcomer

"You know that brother is a good man, so don't tempt him, just leave!"

Ye Rongrong said hurriedly.

Now that he is in such a mess, Ye Rongrong wants the young woman to leave quickly.

"Brother, thank you!"

The young woman stood on tiptoe and slapped Ye Rongrong's face, took a deep look at Ye Rongrong, opened the door and walked out.

Ye Guangrong glanced at the disappearing back of the young woman, shook his head slightly, and at the same time sighed, closed the door, and went to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

This wife is not around, so she can only rely on cold water to calm her impetuous heart.


After breakfast, Ye Rongrong went to a large conference room on the fifth floor of the hotel. At the door of the large conference room, a large banner was hung, 'Welcome the great writers of China Literature Group to participate in the 2017 Internet Writers Annual Conference.

"You are?"

There is a sign-in table at the entrance of the conference room, and the staff of China Literature Group are responsible for the sign-in work of authors.

"This is my invitation letter!"

Ye Rongrong handed over his invitation letter to the staff and said.

"Are you a Taoyuan hermit?"

The young staff looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

"What? Don't I look like it?"

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"No, I'm a fan of your book. I especially like your book "Slaying Demons". It's so beautiful."

The young staff member said excitedly to Ye Rongrong.

"Really? I'm really happy."

Ye Rongrong did not expect that this young staff member turned out to be his book fan.

"God, can you sign it for me!"

The young staff took out a book and said to Ye Rongrong.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong picked up the pen and signed his name in a fluttering manner.

"It's so beautifully written!"

Several young staff members looked at the words written by Ye Rongrong, and they all admired.

Although these young staff members don't know much about calligraphy, they all praised Ye Rongrong's writing.

It's really beautifully written.

Yes, in the eyes of these young staff, this word means good-looking.


The staff member of Ye Rongrong's book fan said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

The staff member would never have imagined that such a signature would fetch a sky-high price after a few years.

"Of course, of course, please speak!"

The staff warmly invited Ye Rongrong into the meeting room.

Ye Rongyao walked into this large conference room. There were many people sitting on the chairs or sofas, chatting in twos and threes. To be honest, Ye Rongyao didn't know any of these people.

After all, this is Ye Rongrong's first time participating in a reading group gathering, so where does he know any authors?

"A newcomer is here!"

Rhythm under the desk lamp said to Erbao Angel, a beautiful internet writer beside her.

"Rookie, just like me."

Angel Erbao is also a newcomer. She has become a popular online beauty writer at the starting point with "Rebirth: A Big Man Turning His Feet into a God". She recently published a new book "The Correct Posture for Turning Salted Fish", and the results are also very good. good.

"How about we go say hello!"

Fu Xiaochen suggested.

After all, there are only so many master-level authors in the China Literature Group, and many have quit online literature for various reasons. The number of master-level authors who are really active in the field of online literature is actually only one hundred and eighty people.

Most of them are Internet authors who have become god-level existences many years ago. They are familiar with each other, and even if they are not, they all have a nodding acquaintance.

Therefore, everyone is very interested in the new master-level authors who appear at the annual meeting of the China Literature Group every year.

After all, there are too few new faces now.

More importantly, the new-faced master-level Internet authors are all very powerful, and they all subscribed over 10,000 before, which is an incredible existence.

But now the new great gods, each of which has an average subscription of tens of thousands, makes these old authors feel like "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves before die on the beach".

"it is good!"

Rhythm under the desk lamp nodded, and a group of people walked towards Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong walked into the conference room and saw that there was no one he knew, so he sat down on a sofa in a corner and looked at the men and women in the conference room.

These Internet guru authors are all very young, most of them are in their twenties or thirties, and of course there are other age groups too, the youngest are only fifteen or sixteen years old, and the oldest are already gray-haired.

However, the biggest main force of online literature is young people in their twenties and thirties.

Because most people in this age group do not have any major family pressure and have a lot of free time.

The most important thing is that the 20s and 30s are the golden age of a person's physical strength, and writing novels is a job that hurts the body very much.

Sitting for several hours every day, I basically have to sleep until one or two o'clock in the morning, and sometimes even overnight.

This person really can't afford this job when he gets old, especially those who write online novels. Many of them are part-time jobs. They go to work during the day and code at night.

Basically, it can be said that 10 out of 10 people who write online novels are in a sub-healthy state.

"Hello, I am Rhythm under the desk lamp, are you?"

Rhythm under the desk lamp came to Ye Rongrong's side and asked Ye Rongrong.

"Are you the rhythm under the desk lamp?"

Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, looked at the weak man in front of him in surprise and asked.

This is the rhythm under the desk lamp known as "Deng Shen" and "Health King" in the Wuji Shenmeng group, which is different from what I imagined.

In Ye Rongrong's mind, this "rhythm under the desk lamp" should be very obscene, but with his gentle appearance now, it's hard to imagine that he will be the great health king in the Promise League.

You really can't tell what you look like!

"You are?"

Hearing Ye Rongrong's surprise when he heard his name, the rhythm under the desk lamp was clear. The person in front of him knew him, maybe he had heard of him,

It's just that I have no impression of him at all!

"Hehe, I'm a hermit from Taoyuan!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


"You are a Taoyuan hermit!"

"My God, you are the Supreme God Taoyuan hermit!"

"No way? You are my idol!"


Hearing that Ye Rongrong was the author of "The Devil" was the Taoyuan hermit, but they were quite frightened by the rhythm under the desk lamp.

If you want to know what the hottest novel this year is, it is definitely "Zhou Mo". It can even be said that it is the most popular novel in Xuanhu novels so far.

Although the Taoyuan Hermit, the author of "Slaying Demons", is also in the League of Promise, but basically it doesn't bubble up, even if it bubbles up, it's just a peeping screen.

Everyone did not expect that the mysterious Taoyuan hermit turned out to be the tall and mighty man in front of them.

It's hard to believe that such a burly man can write such a good online novel.

"Why can't I be a Taoyuan hermit?"

Seeing a group of people staring at him in disbelief, Ye Guangrong couldn't help smiling and said.

"We really didn't expect you to be a hermit in Taoyuan, and I'm an angel of the second treasure. By the way, your book "Slaying Demons" is really good. I like it very much and admire you for writing such a good novel."

Angel Erbao looked at Ye Rongrong with reverence and said.

"I didn't expect the second treasure angel to be so beautiful!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

This second treasure angel is a bit chubby, not very beautiful, but very good-looking. You think she is very ordinary at first glance, but after you look at it a few times, you will find that she is quite beautiful.

"Hello, I'm Fu Xiaochen!"

Fu Xiaochen stretched out his hand and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Hello, your "Valkyrie Space" is very beautiful, I like it very much."

Ye Rongrong shook hands with Fu Xiaochen and said.

"Hehe, it's incomparable with your "Slayer of Demons"."

Fu Xiaochen said modestly.

Speaking of it, Fu Xiaochen belongs to the old master of the China Literature Group, and is the leading author of fantasy novels.

"And me, I'm Meng Feiyang, belonging to Pujie."

Suddenly, Meng Feiyang grasped Ye Rongrong's hand and said excitedly.

There was a wretched smile on that chubby face, and the rest of the people also showed weird smiles. What Ye Rongrong saw was that when the chrysanthemum tightened, goose bumps immediately appeared, and the pores tightened all of a sudden.

"Then can you let go of my hand first!"

Ye Rongrong said to Meng Feiyang with a strange expression.

"You are so strong, this hand is so big and powerful!"

Meng Feiyang reluctantly let go of Ye Rongrong's hand, and said intoxicated.

"Ahem, everyone sit down then!"

Ye Rongrong invited everyone to sit down with some embarrassment. Of course, Ye Rongrong sat down a little far away from Meng Feiyang.

Ye Rongrong jealously suspects that there is a serious problem with Meng Feiyang's gender orientation.

To put it simply, if you are sick, you must be cured!

"Hermit, you are really good. You arrived yesterday, and you don't drop by. I live next door to you!"

Several people chatted for a while, and the rhythm under the desk lamp said to Ye Rongrong with some dissatisfaction.

This "Taoyuan hermit" is also real, he arrived yesterday, and he didn't communicate with everyone, let alone I still live next door to him.

"It's not a good thing to disturb you!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

After the "singing girl" on his side left last night, Ye Rongrong's ears were very good, and he heard the rhythm under the desk lamp next door, but last night was very busy.

That voice made Ye Rongrong almost knock on the wall, you guys are screaming so loud, can you still sleep well.

"No... nothing!"

Rhythm under the desk lamp hurriedly shook his hand and said.

How could this kind of thing be recognized by so many people, especially the woman Erbao Angel?


The Second Treasure Angel asked with some confusion.

"It's nothing, this is a man's business, you women don't understand!"

Fu Xiaochen said.

"Mysterious, what can you men do, isn't it just stealing, I really don't know!"

The Angel of the Second Treasure gave Fu Xiaochen a blank look and said.

These men really think women are stupid and don't know what they are talking about.

It's just that girls are more reserved and like to pretend to be confused.


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