The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1370 Apologize?


Ye Rongrong hummed, ignored Mr. Xue at all, and sat down at the place where his pen name was written.

Ye Rongrong doesn't have the habit of sticking a hot face to a cold butt for this kind of person who is superior to others.

Ye Rongrong ignored this kind of people directly.

"It makes no sense!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong ignoring him, Xue Yueshan suddenly felt that his dignity was seriously challenged.

"President Xue, don't be angry, this young man is ignorant, so don't be as knowledgeable as him!"

Mr. Wu, CEO of Yuewen Group, hurriedly said to Xue Yueshan.

Although Mr. Wu is also very annoyed that Ye Rongrong doesn't give Xue Yueshan face so much, it's just that Ye Rongrong is the biggest cash cow of Yuewen Group this year, and it can even be said that the biggest cash cow since the rise of online literature.

Of course Mr. Wu wants to protect this "cash cow".

"Mr. Wu, a person like this who thinks he's great just because he writes a successful novel really doesn't know what is so high. If every Internet author is like him, it will be a disaster."

Xue Yueshan said to Mr. Wu very dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xue, you are right. We must strengthen the management in this area."

President Wu hurriedly nodded and said.

After all, Mr. Xue is the biggest customer of Yuewen Group, so he can't afford to offend him, otherwise it will have too much impact on Yuewen Group.

The most important thing is that Huaxia Entertainment Film and Television Company is one of the top film and television production companies in China, and it has great influence in entertainment and film. If you offend him, the film and television development of Yuewen Group's novels will be greatly affected.

Now Mr. Wu really complains that Ye Rongrong is a little ignorant.

"Let's put aside the copyright issue about "Slaying Demons" for now!"

Xue Yueshan said suddenly.

"Mr. Xue, this is not good, don't we all talk about it!"

Mr. Wu said hastily.

The copyright matter of "Zhou Mo" was negotiated with Huaxia Entertainment Film and Television Company last month. The film and television copyright and publishing rights were packaged and bought to Huaxia Entertainment Film and Television Company for 100 million yuan.

Now that Xue Yueshan said to shelve it, she just shelved it, and it will be a big loss.

When is the key to shelving?

Now the Ip of "Slaying the Devil" is hot. This is the filming of TV dramas and the publication of books, which will drive the IP effect of "Slaying the Devil" and create a very good situation for the development of subsequent games.

This was suddenly put on hold, which completely disrupted Yuewen Group's plan!

You must know that this year, Yuewen Group's focus is to release this book "Zhu Mo", if it is delayed, the loss will be huge.

"Let's not talk about it, that's it, some young people, don't give him a little color, he still doesn't know what his last name is?"

Xue Yueshan stared at Ye Rongrong viciously,

"Boss Xue, I asked him to apologize to you, what do you think?"

Mr. Wu said hastily.

The film and television development of "Zhu Mo" must not be put on hold, so Mr. Wu's idea asked Ye Rongrong to apologize to Mr. Xue, hoping that Xue Yueshan could take back the decision just now.


Xue Yueshan shook his head and said.

Xue Yueshan will punish those who offend him to death.

There are a few well-known stars in the entertainment industry, but because of making Xue Yueshan unhappy, they were hidden in the snow, and finally left the entertainment industry sadly.

"Mr. Xue, for the sake of our cooperation for so many years, you can give my old Wu some face!"

Mr. Wu looked at Xue Yueshan anxiously and begged.

It would be a great loss to Yuewen Group if "Zu Mo" could not be made into a movie.

And this effect is also very bad.

"Okay, I'll give you face and ask that kid to come over and apologize to me. I'm satisfied, so let's forget about it. If I'm not satisfied, his book "Zhou Mo" can't be made into a TV series. Our Huaxia Entertainment Company won't do it. I believe that there is no second film and television company in China that would take the risk of offending me to make "Zhou Mo"."

Xue Yueshan said.

"Yes, I'm going to ask him to apologize to you, deeply.


Mr. Wu said, and walked to Ye Rongrong's place.


"You are a Taoyuan hermit!"

Mr. Wu walked to Ye Rongrong's side and said unhappily.

"I am, you want me to apologize like that fat man in the past, right? That's impossible."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Ye Rongrong's ears are very sharp. Although he is a little far away, Ye Rongrong can still hear the conversation between President Wu and Xue Yueshan clearly.

"Why do you do this? He controls your novel film and television rights. This is an order of hundreds of millions. Don't follow the money. Go and apologize. You will get the order of hundreds of millions. For you, It is a good thing for Yuewen Group."

Mr. Wu didn't expect Ye Rongrong to be so staunch, so he had to persuade him.

"No, you let him die."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said bluntly.

With Ye Rongrong's current status and status, he would apologize to a businessman for no reason, unless Ye Rongrong was kicked in the forehead by a donkey.

Don't say it's 100 million, it's 1 billion, Ye Rongrong won't do this.


Mr. Wu didn't expect Ye Rongrong to be so stubborn that he wouldn't listen to persuasion.

"Mr. Wu, you don't have to worry about it."

After Ye Rongrong said something, he sat down and ignored Mr. Wu.

"You...forget it, it's up to you!"

Mr. Wu originally wanted to be popular, but when he thought about it, the awards ceremony would be held soon. With so many big figures around, he couldn't be popular!

After finishing speaking, Mr. Wu walked away helplessly.

"Hermit, you're in big trouble!"

"Mr. Wu is a very nice person. How could you make him angry? Listen to Mr. Wu and apologize to Mr. Xue. We can't afford to offend such a big man."

"Yeah, we writers of online novels are all disadvantaged groups. The bosses of these big companies can block us with a single word, so please apologize!"

"Yeah, these bosses can't afford to offend them!"

"Go and apologize, or there will be more troubles in the future."


The top gods sitting beside Ye Rongrong, Xue Hong, the third young master of the Tang family, and I eat tomatoes, all persuaded Ye Rongrong.

Although these people are the top gods in online literature, they are actually not as influential as third- and fourth-tier stars in the entertainment industry, and they are also disadvantaged groups.

"Why, you allow him to look at me with contempt, and you don't allow me to ignore him. Brother, I am also a person with a temper."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Apologies to the fat guy, that really didn't even have a door.

"You... Forget it, you can do it yourself!"

Xue Hong looked at Ye Rongrong helplessly and said.

If this person doesn't listen to advice, just let him go.

I ate tomatoes and they also looked at Ye Rongrong, and stopped talking.

A newcomer is a newcomer, and if he thinks he has made some achievements, he forgets about it. The depth of this network literature is deep.

There are times when he regrets it.


"Why, he doesn't want to apologize to me?"

Seeing Mr. Wu coming alone, Xue Yueshan frowned and asked.

"This... this young man is a bit stubborn, Mr. Wu, you don't want to be as knowledgeable as him!"

President Wu said to Xue Yueshan.

"Okay, okay, very backbone!"

Xue Yueshan said angrily.

No one has ever disrespected himself like this, but today he was slapped in the face by an internet writer, Xue Yueshan couldn't bear it.

"President Xue, don't be angry!"

Mr. Wu hastily persuaded.

Having dealt with Xue Yueshan for so many years, Mr. Wu can certainly see that Xue Yueshan is very angry now.

"That Taoyuan hermit, is he going to win the most popular author award this time?"

Xue Yueshan looked at Mr. Wu and asked.


Mr. Wu nodded and said.

In fact, before this awards show, the winners of these awards have already been decided, and now it's just a formality.

"Let's change!"

Xue Yueshan said lightly.


Mr. Wu was taken aback.

Mr. Xue wouldn't want to use their method of hiding disobedient stars in the entertainment industry here, would he?

This is not acceptable. The list of awards has been discussed by the management of Yuewen Group and cannot be changed.

Besides, the awards show will start in ten minutes or so, and it's too late to change people now!

"Yes, I think this person is arrogant and not suitable for the Most Popular Author Award."

Xue Yueshan said domineeringly.

For this Taoyuan hermit, Xue Yueshan wanted him to immediately feel the consequences of offending him.

Of course, this is just the beginning, there are many places where he cries later.

"This is not good, these have been fixed long ago, and cannot be changed."

Mr. Wu said with a face of embarrassment.

"This is your business, anyway, I just don't want this person to win any awards."

Xue Yueshan said threateningly.

"This... Mr. Xue, you really make it difficult for me!"

President Wu frowned and said.

This kind of open and secret operation, if it gets out, the consequences will be serious.

"Mr. Wu, anyway, you can figure it out. If I'm not satisfied, you should know the consequences."

Xue Yueshan looked at Mr. Wu coldly and said.

"It's impossible to change the list. I'll go and persuade the Taoyuan hermit to come over and make amends for you."

After Mr. Wu finished speaking, before Xue Yueshan could speak, he hurriedly walked towards Ye Rongrong.

Anyway, it is impossible to operate in secret, the consequences are too serious.

What can be done now is to ask the Taoyuan hermit to come over and apologize to Mr. Xue, otherwise he will deal with his book coldly.

"Mr. Wu is here. Hermit, please speak well this time, and you can't make Mr. Wu angry again."

Xue Hong whispered beside Ye Rongrong.

"Thanks, I know what I should do."

Ye Rongrong said gratefully.

Whether it's Xue Hong, or the third young master of the Tang family, they all have a good impression on Ye Rongrong.

"Hermit, you'd better go and apologize to Mr. Xue, otherwise you will struggle in the Internet literature circle in the future, don't make fun of your own future."

Mr. Wu came to Ye Rongrong's side and persuaded him again.

It's not easy for Yuewen Group to have such a supreme Internet god, Mr. Wu really doesn't want him to be destroyed so soon.

As long as he apologized to Xue Yueshan and said good things to himself, the matter would be over.

But if he is still stubborn.

The Yuewen Group can only choose the side that is most beneficial to the group, and began to hide this Taoyuan hermit in the snow!

This is the last option.


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