The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1374 Ask for 1 Yuan


Zeng Rou asked in disbelief.

After all, this elder brother is right behind him, how could he not know why that wretched man was injured.

Unless it's about him?

Zeng Rou was a little skeptical.

"Of course it's true, why should I lie to you!"

Ye Rongrong said.


Zeng Rou thought about it for a while, but she didn't continue to question her. Zeng Rou knew that if she continued to question her, she wouldn't be able to find anything.

"Brother, aren't you from Modu?"

Zeng Rou looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

After all, Ye Rongrong's accent is different from that of the locals in Shanghai.

"Yes, this is my first time in Shanghai."

Ye Rongrong nodded.

"Alone at night?"

Zeng Rou asked.

"It's just me, what? You have thoughts about me, I can tell you, brother, I have a wife, I don't accept extramarital affairs!"

Ye Rongrong said with a straight face.

"Hehe, big brother, you are too thick-skinned, I don't have any uncle love complex, and I have no interest in an elderly man like you!"

Zeng Rou rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong and said.

I never thought I would meet a narcissistic man.

But since he was able to tell himself that he already had a wife, Zeng Rou had a good impression of Ye Rongrong.

At the very least, Zeng Rou felt that Ye Rongrong was a man worth dating.

"That's good. I'm afraid that you will fall in love with me. I'm too charming."

Ye Rongrong said a little smugly.

"You should be pretty. If it wasn't for this girl's broken love today and her bad mood, where would it be your turn to go shopping with me?"

Zeng Rou said.

"You lost your love today?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zeng Rou with some doubts and asked.

After all, with Zeng Rou's current appearance, it is impossible to tell that she looks like a broken-hearted person.

You must know that those lovelorn men and women in the TV series are all dying, just like the last time I met in the capital, because of their lovelorn, they had to jump off the sky bridge.

This one is good, I can't see her sad at all.

"It's just a broken relationship. What's the big deal? Why should I be sad? He doesn't want me. It's his loss, not mine. Besides, I'm so beautiful, and there are many people who pursue me. Without him, Zhang San , I still have Li Si and Wang Wu."

Zeng Rou said indifferently.

"Hehe, you are strong, but Li Si and Wang Wu, are you going to step on two boats?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

In this strange city and strange place, there was a young and beautiful girl talking and shopping with him, and Ye Rongrong suddenly felt better.

"You men are allowed to mess with flowers and grass, but we women are not allowed to be in two boats?"

Zeng Rou said dissatisfied.

"Don't discuss this topic, let's go shopping!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong's thoughts are very feudal, and he doesn't like women who are always on the go, but now that the times have developed, some women are becoming more and more avant-garde.

This made Ye Rongrong very uncomfortable!


Ye Rongrong was in a very good mood as he was shopping with a young and beautiful girl.

It's not that Ye Rongrong has any thoughts about this Zeng Rou. They are actually visiting the night market. Most of them are in pairs, and there are also several members of a family.

Hanging out alone is the most boring thing, especially if you see other people shopping together at least two people, you will feel very lonely.

Especially in a strange city, this feeling is particularly strong.

"Here, thank you for shopping with me!"

Zeng Rou handed Ye Rongrong a string of mutton skewers, and said gratefully to him.

Originally, Zeng Rou was not in a good mood because of a broken relationship today, but she was very lucky. Meeting this humorous uncle made her feel very good.

"It's not enough sincerity to just send me a bunch of mutton skewers!"

Ye Rongrong took the mutton skewers and said with a smile.

"I'm a poor student, okay?"

Zeng Rou said with a smile.

Go out to the night market with this uncle,

Zeng Rou felt particularly safe.

Although the law and order in this magic city is one of the best in the whole country, a girl still lacks a sense of security when she goes shopping at night.

Therefore, when girls go shopping at night, they will go shopping together with several people.

I used to go shopping at night, accompanied by my boyfriend.

It's just... Forget it, I don't want that scumbag anymore. In fact, it's pretty good for this uncle to go shopping with me. At least he looks very safe and humorous.

Of course, the most important thing is that this uncle has a really good personality.

A beautiful girl like himself accompanied him to the night market, but he didn't touch him in a daze.

You must know that under normal circumstances, if you go shopping with boys, those boys will intentionally or unintentionally take advantage of girls.

As a young and beautiful girl, Zeng Rou has a deep understanding of such things.

"Well, there's a good reason for that!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

After all, students do not have the ability to earn money, and their money comes from their parents.

Therefore, students who don't spend money recklessly are good students in Ye Rongrong's view.


"Claw machine!"

Suddenly Zeng Rou excitedly pointed to a crane machine in front of the roadside shop and said excitedly.

Crane machine, also known as item selection vending machine, is a kind of electronic game that originated from Japan.

Japanese original name UFOCATCHER. The claw machine belongs to the gift vending machine, which is the simplest one in the large game machine.

There are Japanese doll clippers (2 claws) and Korean doll clippers (3 claws).

Claw machine refers to the display of goods in a transparent box, on which there is a robot arm that can control the grabbing items, and the user must manipulate the arm with his own technology to get the items he wants.

Because most of the puppet stuffed toys such as plush toys were placed in the earliest days, they are called "claw dolls" and "claw machines".

Because the dolls placed are very popular dolls and the like, they are popular with children and teenagers.

Some merchants also launch machines for holding watches, key rings and even seafood, but because the principle is the same, many people still call them claw machines.

Because this kind of machine may not be able to catch the desired item, or even get nothing after a vibration after clamping it, but when luck or skill is good, it is possible to get the product with a small amount of money, so compared to the function of selling items, it serves as a provider More features for fun games or gambling.

Grab the doll, as long as you catch the doll and put it into the exit, the doll belongs to you.

The two main components of the claw machine are the main board and the crane track. The function settings are set by shaking the rocker forward, backward, left, and right, according to the prompts on the LCD screen.

This product adopts the coin-operated mode, after inserting the coin, you can control the rocker of the machine, and control the claws up, down, front, back, left, and right to grab objects.

Claw machines have taken root in the Asian market and are very popular all over the streets.

In China, not to mention those big cities, there are such claw machines in front of small shops in rural areas. Of course, the claw machines in small rural shops are not stuffed with dolls or the like, but cigarettes. of.

You only need to invest one dollar, and you have the opportunity to get cigarettes worth tens or even hundreds of dollars.

Of course, the chance of being caught is very low, especially for high-value items, which are placed in very difficult positions.

Without that skill and luck, it would be impossible to pinch the items inside.

The clips of the claw machine are generally composed of 3 pieces. When grabbing the doll, the angle of the claws often does not match the expected one. When the clip falls, one of the clips will fall on the doll or deviate from the grabbing point. clip.

Turning the clip is actually very simple, that is, quickly rotate the joystick 360 degrees, the clip rotates and swings, and the angle will change. When the clip stops shaking, you can grab it, but pay attention to the time.

"Brother Ye, let's play this!"

Zeng Rou pulled Ye Rongrong's arm, pointed to the front and said.

"This is not good, this is a game played by children. I am already the child's father's person. If this kind of childish game is spread, my glorious image will be ruined."

Ye Rongrong rolled his eyes and said.

In Ye Rongrong's view, this kind of game of catching dolls is a game played by children. He is already a child of her father's level, so he should stay away from this kind of game console.

Playing this kind of game machine hurts intelligence.

"Brother Ye, I really want that doll!"

Zeng Rou said coquettishly.

"Okay, you play, I just watch."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"I've played with this claw machine before, but I've never caught a doll. I'm unlucky. Brother Ye, help me catch it!"

Zeng Rou said.

"Don't worry, you will definitely be able to catch this time. Brother Ye, my premonition is very accurate."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


Zeng Rou immediately asked eagerly.

"Let's go!"

Ye Rongrong smiled and said to Zeng Rou who was holding his arm.

"Catch it!"

"Halo, it fell again!"

"Just a little bit, every time I almost caught it."

"I'm out of money!"

"I've run out of money too!"

"It's bad luck. I keep catching and dropping it."

"I really like that puppet!"

"Do you still have money?"

"My money is gone!"


A group of children who had been enjoying themselves by the doll machine lost all their money and looked depressed in front of the doll machine.

"Brother and sister, can you give me a dollar?"

A bold boy said to Ye Rongrong and the others who came over.

Today's children are more courageous than the children of Ye Rongrong's childhood. They dare to ask strangers for money when they are twelve or thirteen years old.

"What do you want a dollar for?"

Zeng Rou looked at the little boy and asked.

"My girlfriend likes that puppet. I want to catch that puppet, but every time I miss it. We have all the money on us and there is no way to catch it. Brothers and sisters, you can give me one yuan, as long as one yuan, If we can’t catch it again, we’ll go home.”

said the little boy.

"Your girlfriend?"

Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, looked at the little boy in surprise and asked.

How old is this boy? He probably started dating while he was still in elementary school. This puppy love is too early.

You know, when Ye Rongrong was twelve or thirteen years old, he was still playing mud with his friends.


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