The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1376 Zeng Rou's Thoughts

"It's getting late, I'll take you back!"

After eating supper at the roadside food stall, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, which was already very late, Ye Rongrong said to Zeng Rou. Teana Novel 『⒉

"Send me back?"

Zeng Rou looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

"It's eleven o'clock, and you still have class tomorrow!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"You... you really want to send me back?"

Zeng Rou made sure you looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"It's so late, how dangerous it is to let you go back as a beautiful girl, I will definitely send you back."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

After all, it was so late, as a man, it was his responsibility to send Zeng Rou back.

Don't think that the law and order in Shanghai is good. A girl in the middle of the night will be safe on the street. In fact, it is wrong. In Shanghai, the crime rate at night is much higher than that during the day.

It was this time of night again, many men had finished their drinks, and in the middle of the night, they met a beautiful woman in a particularly cool dress. This impulse was a tragedy.

"No...won't you open the room?"

Zeng Rou blushed, lowered her head and asked Ye Rongrong hesitantly.

A young girl who is willing to hang out with a man in the middle of the night, alone and widowed, has no idea of ​​going back.

In fact, the intention is very simple, it is to wait for this man to propose to open a house.

Women are very emotional creatures, especially in this unrestrained era, many young women are very open to men they have a crush on.

Although I have only known this "Brother Ye" for a few hours, Zeng Rou has a good impression of him because of his humor, thoughtfulness, and sense of security, so she is willing to have a room with him.

Of course, it is undeniable that there is another point of wanting to take revenge on the ex-boyfriend.

You can sleep with other women, why can't I have a room with another man!

What's more, this man is very satisfied with himself.

"Open house?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, came back to his senses, and said to Zeng Rou seriously: "I have a wife!"

"I... I know, I won't destroy your family."

Zeng Rou said with a red face.

Although the acquaintance time is very short, Zeng Rou has a good impression of Ye Rongrong.

Especially his loyalty to his wife made Zeng Rou very envious.

If my boyfriend is so loyal to me, he won't break up with him.

You must know that the relationship of more than three years does not mean breaking up when you break up. The pain in your heart cannot be eliminated all at once.

"Let's go, I'll take you back!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zeng Rou and said.

It is said that some female college students are very open now, but I didn't expect it to be true.

How long have we known each other, and she actually wants to open a room.

It would be too false to say that Ye Rongrong didn't feel a little bit moved.

After all, if a young and beautiful girl offers to have a room with you, you don't have to be responsible, as long as it is a man with normal physiology, he will be tempted.

Ye Rongrong is a normal man, but he also has a heartbeat.

Really, when Zeng Rou proposed to open the room, Ye Rongrong obviously felt short of breath.

However, the strong will still suppressed this idea.

After all, he is now a man with a wife and children.

There are certain things that should not be done, and must not be done.

And there must be no fluke mentality.

Because as a man, once there is a betrayal in marriage, there will be a second time.

Once this hole is opened, Ye Rongrong himself has no confidence in himself.

After all, if a man can't control his crotch once, it is unlikely that he will try to control his crotch next time.

Especially a man like Ye Rongrong who is capable, status, capable and rich.

There are many beauties around here, and there are many women who seduce Ye Rongrong.

"Am I ugly?"

Zeng Rou stared at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Zeng Rou felt very uncomfortable that she was so proactive and was rejected.

This is the first time I have offered to open a room with a man.

Did not expect to be rejected.

For some reason, the more she was rejected, the more Zeng Rou wanted to have a room with this brother Ye.

"No, you are beautiful!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Then...then why are you unwilling to open a room with me, are you afraid that I will entangle you?"


Ye Rongrong glanced at Zeng Rou and said: "Actually, there is only one reason. I have a wife and I don't want to do things that hurt my wife! Let's go, I'll take you back!"

"You don't need to send it, I will go by myself!"

Zeng Rou got angry, turned around and ignored Ye Rongrong, and almost stopped running, crying while running.


Why can't I meet such a good man.

And it was the first time that he took the initiative to have a room with a man, but he was rejected so heartlessly.

This made Zeng Rou ashamed.

"This girl!"

Seeing Zeng Rou who ran away crying, Ye Rongrong shook his head, and chased after him with a small step.

"Be careful!"

Ye Rongrong pulled Zeng Rou back!

"If you want to die, jump off the building, don't hurt anyone on the road."

From Zeng Rou's position just now, a small car sped past. Although it had slammed on the brakes, it still slid about ten meters before stopping.

The young man in the car opened the window, stuck out his head, and cursed at Zeng Rou.

Suddenly a person jumped out from the road, and he couldn't even stop the brakes, and he almost ran into someone.


At this moment, Zeng Rou's face turned pale from fright, and she was speechless.

Just now Zeng Rou was only focused on running and crying bitterly, and didn't notice the car speeding on the road at all.

If Ye Rongrong hadn't quickly pulled her back, Zeng Rou would definitely be hit by this car now.

It's really close to death, so dangerous!

"Driving so fast, I almost ran into someone. You have a reason, don't you?"

Ye Rongrong stared at the young man and shouted.


The young man also knew that his car was also driving fast, and this matter really cannot be further investigated. Since he had nothing to do, the young man drove away in a hurry.

In case it is not done well, it will be corrupted.

"Be careful next time, not every luck can be so good!"

Ye Rongrong said to Zeng Rou who was still in shock.


Zeng Rou looked at Ye Rongrong, and her frightened mood gradually stabilized, "Don't worry about it! Let me die."

"Stop being childish, let's go back!"

Ye Rongrong pulled Zeng Rou and said.

The Shanghai Metropolitan University of Science and Technology where Zeng Rou studied is nearby, and it takes only ten minutes to walk there. Ye Rongrong simply took her hand and walked away.

Perhaps because she was frightened by the thrilling scene just now, Zeng Rou didn't resist this time, and was just quietly led by Ye Rongrong to her school.


Ten minutes later, they arrived at the east gate of Modu University of Science and Technology.

Although it was already past eleven o'clock, the school gate was still open for students to come in and out. From time to time, students came in and out. It seemed that the night life of the students of Shanghai University of Science and Technology was very rich.

"It's here, go in!"

At the school gate, Ye Rongrong said to Zeng Rou.

"um. Thank you!"

Zeng Rou took a deep look at Ye Rongrong and said sadly.

This good man is always ahead of others.


Zeng Rou nodded, turned around and walked towards the school gate.

Suddenly, Zeng Rou turned around and quickly walked back to Ye Rongrong.

"Is there something wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zeng Rou suspiciously.

"Thank you for shopping with me today!"

Zeng Rou stared at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Hehe, you have said this sentence several times, go back, I guess the school gate will be closed later."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


While Ye Rongrong was not paying attention, Zeng softly kissed Ye Rongrong's face.


After Zeng Rou kissed, she blushed and said something to Ye Rongrong, and quickly ran to the school gate.

It's really embarrassing.

But Zeng Rou didn't regret kissing Ye Rongrong secretly, because he was a good man and deserved to give him a kiss.

If you can't be a husband and wife, you can't be a lover, so just leave it to the sweet kiss, which can be regarded as a good memory!

"Girls nowadays are really, even a big man like me will be willing to bow down..."

Ye Rongrong touched his kissed face, and he didn't know what to say.

Ever since I got the "lazy system", I seem to have been lucky.

But fortunately, I can still stick to my heart.

Shaking his head and clearing his head, Ye Rongrong walked towards the hotel where he was staying in the night.


"Mr. Ye, are you back?"

When Xue Yueshan saw Ye Rongrong coming back, he hurried to greet him and said respectfully.

"Why are you here?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xue Yueshan who was standing at the door of the hotel room where he was staying in a strange way and asked.

"Mr. Ye, today I don't know Taishan, and I'm here to apologize to you!"

Xue Yueshan said respectfully.

"Waiting for a long time?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xue Yueshan and asked.

"Not long, just a while!"

Xue Yueshan shook his head and said.

In fact, Xue Yuanshan has been waiting at this door for more than three hours, standing and waiting, not daring to leave, not even going to the toilet, for fear of missing the time when Ye Guangrong came back.

As the boss of Huaxia Entertainment Film and Television Company, Xue Yuanshan also has a good background. Through his relationship, he quickly figured out Ye Rongrong's identity.

It was because of knowing Ye Rongrong's identity that Xue Yuanshan was so frightened that he guarded the door and dared not leave.

This Mr. Ye's background is stronger than he thought.

If he hadn't heard Mr. Ye personally forgive him, Xue Yuanshan would really have trouble sleeping and eating!

"go in!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xue Yueshan and said.

Seeing that this person stood at the door for several hours, Ye Rongrong invited him to his room for a sit down.

"thanks, thanks!"

Xue Yueshan said excitedly.

What I fear most is that this Mr. Ye simply ignores him. Fortunately, this Mr. Ye is still moved by his sincerity.

At the very least, let yourself in the house.

This made Xue Yuanshan take a long breath, and let go of his uneasy heart.


"sit down!"

Walking into the room, Ye Rongrong said to Xue Yueshan.

"No, no, I'm fine standing up."

Xue Yueshan said hastily.

"If you are told to sit, you can sit, where is the nonsense coming from!"

Ye Rongrong said dissatisfied.

"Yes Yes!"

Xue Yuanshan was so frightened that he immediately sat down in fear.

If someone who is familiar with Xue Yuanshan sees this, he will definitely be shocked. How can this be that domineering Mr. Xue!


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