The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1378 Joining the Writers Association

"Invite me to join the Huaxia Writers Association?"

Ye Rongrong asked in a daze.

After all, joining the Huaxia Writers Association is very different from not joining the Huaxia Writers Association.

Just like Ye Rongrong is now, writing novels on the Internet, even though he is a platinum writer of Yuewen Group, but this is only within Yuewen Group, and others will not recognize it when he goes out. The most you can say is that you are an Internet author. You can't call yourself a writer.

To put it bluntly, the status of Internet writers is far from that of traditional writers.

Traditional writers often enjoy the social status granted by the government, while 99% of online writers stay at home and have no social status.

"Yes, in fact, a month ago, our Huaxia Writers Association held a meeting to discuss inviting you to join the Huaxia Writers Association, but we haven't got your contact information. This time, it just so happens that I will personally invite you to join the Huaxia Writers Association. , I don’t know if you would like it or not?”

Zhou Meisen looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"After joining the Huaxia Writers Association, will it be very unfree?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

Ye Rongrong didn't have any resistance to joining the Huaxia Writers Association. Having an extra name as a member of the Huaxia Writers Association also gave him an extra qualification to brag.

It's just that Ye Rongrong is a little worried about whether there will be many things and whether he will be restricted after joining the Huaxia Writers Association.

"That's not true. The Huaxia Writers Association is actually just a platform for top Chinese writers to communicate. As long as you abide by the laws and regulations of the country, everything else is very free and will not interfere with your personal life. As for participating in the gathering held by the Huaxia Writers Association, And complete personal freedom."

Zhou Meisen said.

"Then I'll join, what's the procedure?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Add me on WeChat, and I will send you the application form. After you fill in the application form according to the requirements, just send it to me."

Zhou Meisen said.

Now is the information age, the use of WeChat and QQ has greatly simplified many processes and facilitated many things.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded, took out his phone and added Zhou Meisen's WeChat.


When Ye Rongrong participated in the celebration banquet hosted by Yuewen Group, it was almost time for Huaxia's Internet Rich List to be announced.

This is the statistics of the tenth issue of Huaxia's Internet Writers Rich List. Like the Huaxia Writers Rich List, Huaxia's Internet Writers Rich List also counts the ranking of the rich list based on the level of copyright.

After all, whether it is a traditional writer or an online writer, the income from remuneration is limited and not much. If the annual income of remuneration exceeds one million, there will not be a few, and this income is not stable, and it is not easy to count.

And the entire large sum of income is the copyright income of these writers. For many writers, the copyright of a book can be equivalent to his lifetime manuscript fee, or even more.

Therefore, the wealth of Internet writers is measured according to the copyright level of Internet authors. Therefore, the Huaxia Internet Writers Rich List is actually the copyright level of Internet novels written by Internet authors.

The Internet Writers Rich List, although it is said to be rich, in fact, whether it is the Huaxia Internet Writers Rich List or the Huaxia Writers Rich List, the rich people in it are far from those in other industries.

If we talk about the ranking of the richest people in other industries, the number is at least a few billion, but the Huaxia Network Writer Rich List has not yet had a figure of over 100 million.

Huaxia's Internet Rich List has been counted for ten years, and there is basically no change. The top ten are basically the same ones, that is, the positions after fifty have changed.

The statistics of this Internet Literature Rich List are made by Daxing Culture Company.

"Editor Liu, what's the status of the list?"

Just when Editor-in-Chief Liu was about to release the list, a phone rang.

"It has been counted and will be announced soon."

Editor-in-Chief Liu said to the phone,

The caller was a friend of his named Xu Jie, the editor-in-chief of the Metropolis Daily,

Also in charge of the online novel publishing business.

"Has the list changed?"

Xu Jie asked.

"Nothing has changed. There are still a few people in the top ten, and the first one is Tang Jiasan. His copyright has risen to 110 million this year. This is the first Internet writer with a copyright of over 100 million in online literature. This is almost catching up. international level."

Editor-in-Chief Liu said happily.

After all, he is in charge of online literature. Seeing that the copyright in China's online literature rich list is increasing year by year, Editor-in-Chief Liu is very happy.

What does this mean? This means that our traditional literature is not ending, but has begun to transfer to online literature. After all, this is the Internet age. If you don’t keep up with the times, you will be eliminated by the times.

Regarding this point, there are still some traditional literature writers who do not understand, still look down on Internet writers, and still dream of traditional literature in the past.

If you can't keep up with the pace of the times, you will be eliminated by the times. This can be seen from the income. Although many traditional writers are famous and even have some social status, their income is not much, and it is not even enough to support their families. make ends meet.

After all, as the older generation gets older, there is less and less market for traditional paper novels.

In this information age, young people like to use mobile phones to read novels.

"There is still a gap between him and the world level. You must know that the list of the richest writers in the country has hundreds of millions of dollars, and we only have 100 million Huaxia coins. There is still a lot of gap."

Xu Jie shook his head and said.

"Yes, but the copyright path of online literature in our country has only been derived in the past ten years, and it is many years behind foreign developed countries, which is also understandable."

Editor-in-Chief Liu said.

After all, Huaxia's online literature started late, and the awareness of copyright is also very weak. It is only in the past few years that people have paid attention to this copyright.

Moreover, the room for growth of this copyright is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more fields of derivatives. In addition to the most traditional publishing, film and television development, comics development, game development, etc. are also derived. The income of this copyright is also Naturally higher and higher.

"Hehe, but this year there will be a new change in our Internet Literature Rich List."

Xu Jie said.

"Changes? What changes? I've counted them. It's the same as in previous years. There hasn't been much change?"

Editor-in-Chief Liu said suspiciously.

"I just received the information that this year's rich list of online writers is about to change."

Xu Jie said.

"Substitution, what do you mean?"

Editor-in-Chief Liu couldn't understand.

Isn't the Tang family's third young master the number one on this year's Internet Rich List?

No, according to the author's statistics, the number one is the third young master of the Tang family.

"If you haven't announced the rich list of online writers yet, just wait and wait until I confirm the news, and then announce the rich list of online writers."

Xu Jie said.

"What? There's a big change this time?"

Director Liu asked in surprise.



In an online forum.

"Why hasn't this year's Internet Rich List come out yet?"

"Yeah, the list of the richest Internet writers in the past few years is based on this point, why hasn't it come out this year?"

"Will there be a big change?"

"What big changes can there be? Aren't the top ten Internet writers rich list all the same ten? It's been so many years, and they still haven't moved a bit. It's like a fortress, which just can't be broken."

"That's true!"

"What rich list are you guys talking about? Isn't the China Rich List already out?"

"We're talking about the Rich List of Web Writers!"

"Internet writers? Return to the rich list, are you kidding, what money do online writers have!"

"That's right, I've also heard that all the writers on the Internet are poor ghosts and eat dirt. Many writers live on five or six hundred dollars full-time, and they can't support themselves at all. While working, I wrote novels at the same time."

"You are talking about ordinary authors. There are also high-income Internet authors. Although the proportion is very low, the income is not low. There are many with annual income of tens of millions!"

"Ten million, is it that high?"

"Why don't you believe it, does the third young master of the Tang family know?"

"Of course I know, he is a platinum online writer!"

"Let me tell you, the copyright fee for one of his novels is over 100 million yuan, and that doesn't include his royalties."

"Hundreds of millions? Don't scare me!"

"Who scared you, if you don't believe me, go online and look it up!"


"Who do you think will be number one on this year's Internet Rich List?"

"Is there a need to ask this? It must be that Tang Jiasan has been missing for a year, and he won't be the top of the list!"

"That's true. I heard that the copyright of his book "Douluo Dalu" is already 110 million!"

"Breaking 100 million, this is too powerful!"

"Yeah, this is more than half of the 46 million of "The Master" of Tiancan Tudou."

"The third young master is still mighty!"

"It's definitely a credit to us Internet writers!"

"It seems that the third young master of the Tang family is definitely the No. 1 on this year's Internet Rich List!"

"That's right, the gap is too big, it can't shake the position of the third young master of the Tang family at all!"

"Didn't you say that The Hermit of Taoyuan's "Zhu Mo" will sell the copyright?"

"Yes, I also heard that it will be sold for 100 million yuan, but this matter has not yet been fully settled, and it is still under negotiation."

"If the copyright of the Taoyuan Hermit's "Zhu Mo" comes out, it may shake the position of the third young master of the Tang family."

"Perhaps, to be honest, The Hermit of Taoyuan's "Zhu Mo" is really beautifully written, and I follow it every day."

"I also follow the update every day. Now I want to know where the Taoyuan hermit lives. I am going to break his legs and let him code at home every day, so that the update will be faster."

"This proposal is good, the proposal is good, it is really painful to wait for the update!"

"It's feasible that this Taoyuan hermit hides too deeply, and I don't even know where he lives!"

"That's right, this Taoyuan hermit didn't even show up at the Yuewen Group's annual meeting, it's too mysterious!"

"Look, the Internet Rich List has been updated!"



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