The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1488 Entering Lishan Village

"The epidemic situation in Lishan Village is very urgent now. We are still discussing it slowly here. I am afraid that if our plan is discussed, the disease in Khaosan County will be brought under control!"

Said an old professor.

The old professor saw Professor Zhang Haitang just now, and Professor Zhao Xilai and the others didn't understand anything, they were still discussing illusory things, and they already had opinions in their hearts.

It's just that due to the identities and status of Professor Zhang Haitang and Professor Zhao Xilai, it's hard to say anything.

But now that Professor Ye Rongrong and Mr. Li have made a start, he no longer has any scruples, and he is not polite anymore.

"That night, everyone will stay in the hotel. Tomorrow morning, we will go to Lishan Village."

Li Jiansheng nodded and said.

"Since the epidemic is so serious, everyone should not sleep and go to Lishan Village at night."

Ouyang Qianqian said.

But Ouyang Qianqian regretted it when she said she forgot this sentence.

Today, apart from myself and my teacher, most of the people present here are old experts and professors in their sixties and seventies.

Their physical fitness is incomparable to young people like myself, and staying up late is a torment for them.

Talking too thoughtlessly.

"What Dr. Ouyang said is right. Instead of letting us talk on paper here and get out of touch with reality, why don't we go to Lishan Village to see the situation now, control the plague as soon as possible, and find the cause. It's almost Chinese New Year, everyone. They all have to go home for the New Year.”

Ouyang Qianqian's words immediately reminded Ye Rongrong, who immediately spoke.

"Yes, I also agree with Dr. Ouyang's opinion."

Mr. Li nodded and said.

"I agree!"

"The rest is not today, let's hurry to Lishan Village!"


Soon everyone in the conference room agreed with Ouyang Qianqian's proposal.

Everyone was invited to this small county today to control and treat this plague. Of course, everyone wanted to complete the task as soon as possible.

After all, it will be Chinese New Year's Eve in a few days. The most important day of the year in China is New Year's Eve, when the whole family celebrates together.

Be tired and work hard these days, even if you stay up late, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is to get this plague under control and find a cure before New Year’s Eve, so everyone can go home for the New Year.

"Then I'll arrange it!"

Seeing that everyone agreed to go to Lishan Village to work on site, Li Jiansheng was naturally very happy.

As the team leader of this expert medical team, Li Jiansheng has a heavy burden on his shoulders!


Lishan Village is far away from the county seat. Under the escort of several military vehicles, the expert medical team arrived at Lishan Village where the illness occurred after more than an hour.

When Ye Rongrong and the others arrived at Lishan Village, the entire Lishan Village had been quarantined by the army, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

After Ye Rongrong, Ouyang Qianqian and others put on their protective clothing, they entered Lishan Village under the escort of dozens of soldiers with live ammunition.

After all, experts and professors like Ye Rongrong are like national treasures to the country, so naturally nothing unexpected can happen.

Soon Ye Rongrong and the others arrived at the main camp where the army was stationed. The one who led the army to block the area was a major general named Li Kai.

"Welcome experts, let's go to the office of the medical center first!"

Major General Li Kai didn't talk much, so he took Ye Rongrong and the others to a three-story building not far ahead,

This is the office building of the village committee of Lishan Village, and it is now requisitioned as a temporary residence for the medical team. The medical team from Shonan Province, which was earlier, has already stationed there.

Soon, everyone walked into the office of the village committee.

After a brief acquaintance with the main members of the Shonan Provincial Medical Team, everyone discussed the situation in Lishan Village in the conference room.

"First of all, I am very grateful to all the experts and professors who came to Shonan to help us. On behalf of the medical department of Shonan Province, I would like to thank you all..."

Zheng Junqiang, head of the Shonan Provincial Medical Team, expressed his gratitude to Ye Rongrong, experts and professors from all over the country.

"Don't talk about these useless things, let's talk about the situation in Lishan Village first!"

Ye Rongrong interrupted Zheng Junqiang's endless words of gratitude unceremoniously.

This Zheng Junqiang probably has been an official for a long time, and he is really eloquent in official words and clichés.

It's already midnight now, and I don't have time to listen to him speak these official words and clichés.

"Professor Ye said that I would like to introduce the situation of Lishan Village to everyone."

Zheng Junqiang was not unhappy because Ye Rongrong interrupted his words. After all, Ye Rongrong's identity and status were higher than Zheng Junqiang's.

Even if I am very annoyed, I can only hold it in my heart.

"Lishan Village is a large village in Khaoshan County, southern Hunan Province. There are about 1,500 permanent residents here. When the plague broke out, there were more than 1,200 people living in the village. Now it has been confirmed that There are more than 900 good people infected, and nearly 100 of them are medical staff and soldiers who came to Yuanshan Village in the early stage..."

"There are so many people infected, both medical staff and soldiers?"

Professor Zhang Haitang frowned and asked.

"Yes, mainly because we didn't pay enough attention to the Alexandria virus in the early stage, so that many soldiers and medical staff were infected."

Zheng Junqiang nodded and said.

"Where are these people?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"These infected people are isolated by us in the central area of ​​the village. Because of the high risk of the Alexan virus, we dare not contact these infected people for the time being."

"Now we are using isolation nets to isolate all these infected people in the center of the village."

Zheng Junqiang said.

"Are you sure all these infected people are quarantined?"

Professor Zhao Xilai asked with some concern.

"For the sake of safety, we are now implementing a three-layer isolation plan. The first layer isolates the infected personnel, and the second layer isolates the uninfected people in the village. Some of our medical staff and soldiers are also on the second layer. People in the second layer of isolation are strictly prohibited from entering and leaving, and once someone is found to be infected with the virus, they will be immediately isolated to the first layer of isolation."

"The third layer of isolation is our place. Without an order from above, no one is allowed to enter or exit here. If you need to enter or exit, you must apply to the above."

Zheng Junqiang said.

"However, we can't go in and out."

Suddenly, an expert and professor became dissatisfied.

Everyone is a person with status and status. Being restricted here is no different from going to jail. If I had known this was the case, I would not have come here.

"Yes, in principle it is."

Major General Li Kai answered this question instead of team leader Zheng Junqiang.

"This situation is quite special now, everyone please be considerate!"

Old Li stood up and said.

In fact, the purpose of inviting Mr. Li to come here is probably to appease everyone's dissatisfaction with Mr. Li's seniority.

After all, it is almost the Chinese New Year, everyone is trapped in this mountain village and cannot go out, no one is happy.

"What are the specific characteristics of this Alexandria virus? Have you figured out how it spreads?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

He promised Liu Qingqing that he would definitely go home for the New Year. Ye Rongrong didn't want to be trapped here, so Ye Rongrong's idea was to solve this problem as soon as possible and go home early for the New Year.

"People infected with this Alexandria virus will turn green in the face, and like to attack people, even bite people. In terms of behavior, it is a bit like rabies, but according to the results of the blood test of the infected people, it is not rabies. , is a new type of virus that has not been discovered in the whole world, and we simply don't know anything about it."

With that said, Zheng Junqiang turned on the projector and showed everyone the test data of the last two days.

"The DNA arrangement of this virus is a bit like rabies, but if you look closely, it is very obvious that the DNA arrangement is more complicated than rabies, and it can even be said to be a mutated rabies virus."

"No, judging from this arrangement, it is completely different from the rabies virus. Even if the rabies virus mutates, it will not be like this."

"It's troublesome. This is the first time I have seen the DNA sequence of this virus. It may be difficult to find a treatment plan."

Looking at the test results of the Lishan virus on the screen, the experts and professors in the room couldn't help frowning.

The emergence of a new and highly contagious virus that has never been seen before is absolutely a disaster until a treatment and prevention plan is found.

"How does this Alexandria virus spread!"

It was also the first time for Ye Rongrong to see this virus, and he couldn't help frowning and asked.

"According to our observations, there are three main modes of transmission of the Alexan virus. The first is through biting. People who are bitten will be poisoned immediately. The second is blood infection. Any part of the human body that comes into contact with this virus will be infected." Human blood will be infected very quickly, and we only discovered this after our medical staff were infected when they extracted blood from infected people."

"What color is the blood of an infected person?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

"It's green!"

Zheng Junqiang said.

He also pulled out the blood-colored photos taken at that time from the computer for everyone to see.


When they heard that the blood color of the infected person was green, many people frowned.

"Could it be bitten by a zombie?"

Ouyang Qianqian couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

After all, no matter in novels, TV series or movies, the blood of zombies is green, and zombies spread by biting people and blood.

"How can there be zombies in this world!"

Although Ouyang Qianqian's voice was very soft, it was still heard by many people, Mr. Li said with a frown.

Young people are young people, and they dare to say such unscientific words here.

"It won't be bitten by a zombie, but it's very likely that it was bitten by some kind of creature."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Professor Ye, what kind of creature do you think is more likely to bite?"

Professor Zhang Haitang looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Judging from the characteristics of these infected people, it looks like rabies, but it is not rabies, so Zhang Haitang also thinks that the source of the virus may be bitten by some kind of creature.

As for what creature bit it, Professor Zhang Haitang had no idea.


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