The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1499 Antidote

In a separate room of the village council.

Ye Rongrong took out a little bit of "Ghost Moss" from the glass bottle, put it into a beaker, and added water until it boiled.

Soon the originally clear water turned into a green liquid.

Ye Rongrong took out another glass bottle containing a green bat, and used an injection to extract more than 100 milliliters of blood from the green bat into a small beaker.

The entire beaker was drenched with strange green blood. If a timid person sees this green blood, they will faint from fright.

Take a drop of the green liquid from the beaker and drop it into the green bat's blood.

Nothing happens!

A minute later, still nothing!

Five minutes passed, and there was still no change in the blood.

Was my prediction wrong?

Still, the amount of "Nether Moss" I dropped was too small, and I needed to add another drop.

Thinking of this, Ye Rongrong was about to use a liquid extractor to extract another drop of "Moss of the Netherworld" and drop it in.

Suddenly, a change happened!

Ye Rongrong immediately stopped what he was doing and observed the changes in the blood of the green bat in the beaker.

I saw that the original pure green blood began to change, and slowly red blood appeared.

At the beginning, the red blood was very little and very pale.

As time goes by, the red blood begins to slowly increase and become thicker.

And the originally strong green blood also began to fade slowly and become less.

The whole process changed faster and faster with the increase of red blood, and soon the green blood disappeared.

Ten minutes passed, and the originally green blood turned blood red.


Ye Rongrong became a little excited.

After all, this blood red blood is the normal blood color of bats.

Only when the color of the blood returns to normal will it truly prove that Ye Rongrong's idea is correct.

Although the blood of animals has diversity, there are red, blue, and green.

But as a mammal, its blood is basically red.

This has something to do with hemoglobin in mammals.

is a pigmented protein in the blood of all vertebrates and some invertebrates, consisting of globin and heme.

Mammalian hemoglobin has a molecular weight of 64500, and hemoglobin is red, so blood is also red.

And the color of the bat's blood changed from red to green, which is a genetic mutation of the blood, and the hemoglobin in the blood changes into hemogreen protein.

Any gene mutation will cause DNA instability, which will produce an unpredictable result.

Although it is said that the genetic mutation of the green bat has any impact on the group of green bats, Ye Rongrong does not know.

Perhaps it has no effect, the blood mutation does not affect the survival of this green bat.

Perhaps it had an impact, a large number of bats died, and the rest survived by adapting to the genetic mutation.

Of course, these are meaningless to Ye Rongrong.

As long as it can be proved that this "moss of the underworld" has an effect on this Alexan virus.

Burn the dead green bat and the used tools with a torch.

After all, no matter how powerful the Lishan virus is, it cannot survive the fire for long.

After finishing all this, Ye Rongrong walked out of the office.

"Professor Ye, you are here!"

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

"Professor Ye, have you found a solution to the Alexan virus?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong come out of the room, a group of experts and professors hurriedly surrounded him.

Anyway, people like myself have no clue about the Lishan virus, so they can only rely on Professor Ye Rongrong, who has mysterious Chinese medicine skills.

It's only three or five days before the Chinese New Year, and everyone thinks that this matter will be resolved early, so that everyone can go home for the Chinese New Year!

In the eyes of Chinese people, celebrating the New Year is of great significance. No matter how wandering in the world, if conditions permit, they will definitely go home to celebrate the New Year.

"There are results, and the medicine to cure the Alexan virus has also been found!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Great, all these villagers have been saved now!"

"Yeah, Professor Ye is the best!"

"I used to be unconvinced by Professor Ye's medical skills. I thought how could he be so good at such a young age. People must have spread rumors. Now I realize that I was wrong. It's outrageously wrong. Professor Ye's medical skills are really good. , I am ashamed of myself!"

"Yeah, the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves before, and a new generation replaces the old ones. The young people today are better than us. This is a good thing!"

"It's still the Chinese medicine left by our ancestors that is amazing!"

"It seems that we can go home and have a happy new year!"

"That is!"


When they heard that Ye Rongrong had found a cure for Lishan virus, everyone immediately became excited.

After all, in this case, everyone is teammates on the same boat.

If there is no cure for the Lishan virus, everyone will be unlucky, unable to go home, and have to celebrate the New Year in this remote place.

So no matter who is the first to find out the cure for this Alexan virus, everyone is happy, and everyone wants to go home for the New Year.

"Dean Zheng, prepare a big iron pot for me."

Professor Ye said to Zheng Junqiang.

"Why...why do you need a big iron pot?"

Zheng Junqiang was stunned for a moment, and asked with some doubts.

"Boil the medicine!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Okay, I'll get ready right away!"

Zheng Junqiang nodded, and went out to arrange for people to make a big iron pot.

If you are in a big city, it is difficult to get a big iron pot, but in such a rural area, such a big iron pot is the most indispensable thing.

In rural areas, basically every household has such a big iron pot.



In the second layer of isolation.

The staff set up a large iron pot near the isolation area, filled it with water, and several staff members below kept adding firewood to it.

By the time Ye Rongrong passed by, the fire had already started to burn.

Ye Rongrong took out a handful of "Moss of the Netherworld" from the glass bottle and put it into the pot.

This "Nether Moss" is a good thing. It has a wide range of medicinal uses and can be used to prepare some special medicines for treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

However, this "Nether Moss" is rare, and few people in Chinese traditional Chinese medicine know the existence of this "Nether Moss". It is only recorded in the oldest medical books.

It's just that China's ancient medical skills have been basically destroyed in wars, coupled with the "literary inquisition" of the Qing Dynasty, and the compilation of the Siku Quanshu.

Many of the materials that can be seen in the Sikuquanshu now have been revised and screened, and those ancient books passed down from China have also been collected and burned.

China's ancient cultural heritage was destroyed in pieces during the Qing Dynasty.

As the water in the pot continued to be heated, the juice from the "Moss of the Netherworld" was boiled out, and the originally colorless clear water slowly changed color to green, and it became thicker and thicker.

"It's almost there, turn off the fire!"

Ye Rongrong looked at the color of the water in the pot and said.

Soon, the fire was withdrawn.

"Can this potion cure Alexan virus?"

Li Jiansheng asked with some doubts.

"There should be no problem!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"How to make these patients infected with Alexandria drink this potion?"

Zheng Junqiang frowned and asked.

Now these Alexan virus infected people are very crazy, whoever gets close to them will be bitten by them.

As long as it is bitten, it can be said that it is 100% immune to the Alexan virus.

Now no one dares to approach this group of crazy Alexan virus infected people.

"That's a big problem."

Li Jiansheng also had a headache.

These people infected with Alexan virus have lost their minds, and there is no way to feed them this medicine.

"Do these infected people not need to eat?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

Those infected with Alexandria virus have been confined in the isolation area for so many days, how can they manage to eat and drink.

After all, as long as it is a living thing, it cannot do without food.

These villagers were isolated in the quarantine area, and they must have eaten food.

Hunger is a human physical need, and eating is a human instinct.

Although these villagers were insane after being infected with the Alexan virus, their instinct to eat would not be lost.

"Eat, in order not to let the villagers infected with the virus starve to death, we have food every day."

Zheng Junqiang said.

After all, if food was not given to these quarantined people infected with Alexandria virus, these infected people would have starved to death long ago.

As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, no one will give up on these virus-infected people.

Now is a harmonious society, not the cold and ruthless feudal era of ancient times.

More than 900 people were infected with the Lishan virus. These are more than 900 real lives. There are villagers living in Lishan, medical personnel, and respectable soldiers.

Every life is so precious, and the country will not give up on them easily.

That's why people like Ye Rongrong were urgently invited from all over the country, just to save them.

"How do you usually feed these infected people?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"We put cooked chicken, duck and pork in baskets and put them under the isolation pen with ropes, and those infected people will come out to eat these foods."

Zheng Junqiang said.

"What about water, don't they drink water?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"They drink water. There is a pool in the center of the village. They all drink water there."

Zheng Junqiang said.

Now the entire Lishan Village Center is under the powerful monitoring system, and every move of these Lishan virus-infected people is under everyone's monitoring.

"Since this is the case, we can give these Alexandria virus-infected people to drink this potion through feeding."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"What kind of feeding?"

Li Jiansheng looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Yes, there are more than 900 people infected with the Alexan virus. How to make them obediently listen to us and drink this potion is the most important thing."

Old Li frowned and said nothing.

"Nine hundred people must never be together, they must be isolated into a small group, a small group."

Ye Rongrong said.

After all, the 900 infected people were gathered together, and there was no way to operate them. Some infected people were cured after taking the medicine, and some infected people hadn't taken the medicine. He would immediately bite the cured people and re-infect them. Alexandria virus.

Repeatedly, when will the more than 900 infected people be cured!


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