The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1501 Approaching the end of the year


At the military airport, Ouyang Qianqian looked at Ye Rongrong reluctantly and said.

The matter in Lishan Village was basically completed yesterday, and the subsequent appeasement and other issues will naturally be resolved by the local government, and have nothing to do with experts and professors like Ye Rongrong.

The Chinese New Year is almost here, and everyone is naturally anxious to go home to celebrate the New Year. The follow-up medical work is naturally handed over to Zheng Junqiang and other local medical workers.

"Okay, it's not like we won't meet again, why are you crying and crying, hurry up and go home for the New Year!"

Ye Rongrong said helplessly.

My female students are good at everything, but there is one thing that is not good, that is, whether they come or not, they love to cry.

"Teacher, after the new year, I will go to your house to give you a New Year greeting!"

After wiping the tears off her face with her hands, Ouyang Qianqian said to Ye Rongrong.

"Don't be so troublesome, just have a good New Year at home."

Ye Rongrong said.

If the family is close, Ye Rongrong will not object to paying New Year's greetings to him, but Ouyang Qianqian's home is half a country away from his own, and Ye Rongrong doesn't want her to be troublesome.

In fact, I don't want to trouble myself. New Year's greetings are actually a very troublesome thing.


Ouyang Qianqian nodded noncommittally.

"Professor Ye, it's thanks to you this time, otherwise we wouldn't be able to go home for the New Year."

Li Jiansheng said happily to Ye Rongrong.

Now that the matter is basically resolved, the expert group will be disbanded, and I only need to report to the above to work, and I can go home to celebrate the new year with peace of mind.

So Li Jiansheng sincerely thanked Ye Rongrong.

"Principal Li, you are being polite!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Professor Ye, this time I'm going back to the capital to report on my work, and I will definitely give you credit!"

Li Jiansheng said.

The reason why the Alexan virus crisis was solved so quickly this time, and more than 900 people infected with the Alexan virus were rescued, is definitely due to Professor Ye.

"No, don't ask for credit for me. First, I don't want to be promoted, second, I don't want to be famous, and third, I don't need money. It's useless to ask for credit. You'd better ask everyone for credit. Let's take Ouyang Qianqian as an example. This time she came up with a very good idea, which is not a small contribution!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong, who likes an ordinary life, really doesn't want any credit.

For Ye Rongrong, the current life is already very happy, and there is no need for those imaginary things.

But his student Ouyang Qianqian is different from him, so Ye Rongrong asks for credit for Ouyang Qianqian.

"Dr. Ouyang has contributed a lot, and I will definitely report it."

Li Jiansheng nodded and said.

"Professor Ye, if you come to the capital, remember to come to my house."

Old Li said to Ye Rongrong.

Mr. Li attached great importance to Ye Rongrong, who had excellent medical skills.

"Okay, if I go to the capital, I will definitely visit Mr. Li. Okay, please don't send me away, I will go back first."

Ye Rongrong waved to the people who saw him off, and got on the helicopter sent by the military to take the experts and professors home.


Khaoshan County is not far from Wenzhou City in Southern Zhejiang Province. Ye Rongrong arrived home in more than two hours by helicopter.

"Husband, nothing serious happened, right?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong coming home, Liu Qingqing asked with some concern.

"It's okay, what else can your husband do if he goes out!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"That's true, my man is the best!"

Liu Qingqing said with some pride.

"Sister Qingqing, Brother Ye, can you stop being so nasty, please? She is still an unmarried girl, can you consider my feelings!"

Ye Shuting said depressedly.

I really envy Liu Qingqing for having such a good husband.

"Then you talk, I'll go and see Dudu."

Ye Rongrong glanced at Ye Shuting and said to Liu Qingqing.

For this Ye Shuting, Ye Rongrong can only take a cold attitude now,

Don't give her a chance to get in touch with her more, let her retreat in spite of the difficulties.

In this day and age, a man can only marry one wife, and he cannot make any promises to Ye Shuting, nor can he give her any title.

As long as she can't see any hope in herself, she will give up and look for her own happiness.

Ye Shuting is a good woman, and Ye Rongrong believes that she can find her own happiness.

"Husband, I have something to tell you. My aunt and her family are back home!"

Liu Qingqing thought of something, and immediately said it to Ye Rongrong.

"Auntie's family has gone home?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, and continued: "Why are they going home, are they not afraid that loan sharks will come to their door?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

The reason why my aunt's family hid here was because they were forced by loan sharks to have no choice but to go back.

Are they not afraid that those loan sharks will come to trouble them for the Chinese New Year?

"The matter was settled, and they didn't feel at ease at home, so they went home to celebrate the New Year."

Liu Qingqing said.


Ye Rongrong paused and said, "Auntie, have they returned the money?"

You must know that these loan sharks are people who cannibalize people and don't spit out their bones. They are cruel and profiteering. As long as you borrow money, you will never be able to pay it back in this life.

The method of recovering debts is also very vicious and inhumane. When his aunt and family go back at this time, Ye Rongrong is worried that they will be in danger.

"No, those loan sharks called and said that they don't want my aunt and her family to pay back the money, and they also gave my aunt's family 18,800 yuan for mental damage."

Liu Qingqing said.

It turned out that the night Ye Rongrong went to Shonan Province, Ye Rongrong's aunt and family received a call from the loan shark company, and they sincerely apologized to Ye Rongrong's family on the phone. money.

At the beginning, Ye Rongrong's aunt's family naturally didn't believe the words of the loan shark company. They were worried that it was a conspiracy by the loan shark company.

Unexpectedly, the next day, the person in charge of the loan shark company came to the door and apologized to Aunt Ye Rongrong's family through the Taoyuan Village Committee.

At the Taoyuan Village Committee, the person in charge of the loan shark company not only apologized in person, but also sent Aunt Ye Rongrong's family 18,800 yuan for mental damage. compensation.

Only now did Aunt Ye Rongrong's family believe that the usury company really did not pursue debt collection with their family.

There has never been hatred for no reason in this world, nor love for no reason.

Aunt Ye Rongrong's family also wanted to understand that the reason why the loan shark company apologized to her family and gave money to her family was actually thanks to Ye Rongrong's blessing.

Now that Ye Rongrong is a big shot, the loan shark company may have found out clearly about the relationship between his family and Ye Rongrong, that's why he came here to make an apology.

Now that the problem is solved, Aunt Ye Rongrong's family will naturally go home.

After all, for Chinese people, the Chinese New Year must be celebrated in their own home.

Because they didn't know if Ye Rongrong would be able to come back before the new year, Aunt Ye Rongrong's family didn't wait for Ye Rongrong's return, so they took the bullet train back home.

"Oh, that's fine too!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Now that the matter was settled, Ye Rongrong didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, Ye Rongrong also understood that the loan shark company must have figured out his identity, and because he was afraid of his identity and status, he was anxious to reconcile with his aunt's family.

Now that this matter has been resolved and the other party is very sensible, Ye Rongrong is not going to pursue it any further.

Flies don't bite seamless eggs, so let's teach my cousin a lesson this time.

In the future, when looking for a man, you must find a reliable one, or if one is not good, it can ruin your family.


As the new year approached, many young people in the village who worked outside came back to celebrate the new year one after another. Ye Rongrong also met several playmates he hadn't seen for many years, and hosted a banquet for them at home.

It's just that Ye Rongrong's current identity and status created a sense of distance from them virtually, although Ye Rongrong tried his best to shorten the distance.

It turned out that it was all in vain!

Everything has changed, and it is basically impossible to go back to the original point.

Although Ye Rongrong was a little depressed, he soon felt relieved.

As long as my family lives well and lives happily, that's fine, and I don't care what other people do.

After the Chinese New Year every year, most of the young people in the village go out to work, and the old people and children stay behind.

The elderly look forward to the reunion of their sons and daughter-in-law every day, and the children look forward to the return of their parents with new clothes, toys and delicious food.

Now it's the big day of Chinese New Year, and they are basically all back, so the whole Taoyuan Village is filled with an atmosphere of joy.



During the Chinese New Year, the children in the village are the happiest. They have delicious food and new clothes to wear. Firecrackers are usually not allowed to be set off. During the Chinese New Year, they are set off vigorously, but no adults say anything.

No, Ye Rongrong took Liu Qingqing's hand and walked along the village road, seeing children in the village setting firecrackers everywhere along the way.

The older children played with the kind of cannon that exploded when they were thrown out by scratching on the fire material box, while the younger children played with the kind of stone cannon that made a sound when thrown on the ground.

In groups of three or four, these children were very happy, and the whole village seemed particularly lively.

"It's nice to be a kid!"

Looking at the joyful scene of the children along the way, he couldn't help saying enviously.

"Yeah, I really miss things from my childhood."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Carefree childhood is the most memorable.

"Honey, look quickly, isn't that the monkey 'Six Ears'?"

Liu Qingqing pointed to the front position and said to Ye Rongrong.


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