"Hate it, prodigal girls, how ugly it is!"

Liu Qingqing said coquettishly with some disobedience.

But the heart is very sweet, when my man talks about love, it always makes me feel full of happiness.

"Then it's fine to call you a prodigal daughter-in-law!"

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"What a prodigal daughter-in-law, it's so ugly, I'll ignore you."

Liu Qingqing pouted and said.



"I thought you were angry and scared the baby to death!"


In a blink of an eye, it is the twenty-ninth year of the Chinese New Year in 2017.

In China, the New Year’s Eve dinner usually starts on the twenty-eighth day of the New Year. In China, the New Year’s Eve is a day of reunion. Some people have more brothers and sisters. If the New Year’s Eve dinner cannot be arranged, some people will advance the New Year’s Eve dinner to the second day of the New Year. Eighteen started.

In this way, during the Chinese New Year, every family can have a reunion dinner.

After all, it's not like before, when a big family lived in a big courtyard. Now brothers and sisters have their own homes, and queues have started to line up for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Because tomorrow, that is, New Year's Eve, he was going to have a New Year's Eve dinner at his old man's house, so Ye Rongrong moved the New Year's Eve dinner forward to New Year's Twenty-ninth.

This year, Ye Rongrong's house is very lively, because Ye Rongrong's sister's family is here to celebrate the New Year.

Ye Rongrong is in a good mood, it's rare for him to cook the New Year's Eve dinner himself today.

"Uncle, do you want me to help?"

Zhao Jie walked into the kitchen and asked Ye Rongrong.

"No, just treat your classmate well."

Ye Rongrong turned around and said to Zhao Jie with a smile.

It is said that in college, girls look like the whole body, and it is true at all.

My niece has only been in college for a year, and she has become much more beautiful. Of course, it's not that her face has changed, but mainly because she has learned how to dress up.

Today's young women, as long as they can dress up, ugly girls can become beautiful, not to mention Zhao Jie who is already beautiful. When he came back from vacation, Ye Rongrong, who was an uncle, almost didn't recognize him at a glance.

It seems that going to college can really change a person a lot.

"What is there to entertain him? It's already very cheap for him to eat, drink, and live for free."

Zhao Jie said with a slightly red face.

It turned out that during the winter vacation, Zhao Jie brought back a boy who he said was her classmate.

But everyone knows that this is the boyfriend Zhao Jie found in college.

Ye Rongrong's sister and brother-in-law are also very open-minded people, but they didn't say anything.

After all, if Zhao Jie didn't go to college, it would be very normal to start looking for a boyfriend at her age.

Now that I am in college, there are only a small number of people who are not in love, and there are so many people who are in love.

So Ye Rongrong was not surprised to see his niece bringing her boyfriend home for the New Year.

A few years ago, when Ye Rongrong was working as a security guard at the university, there were a lot of college students falling in love at that time.

Especially at night, when couples hug each other and go to hotels or hotels outside the school, Ye Rongrong is not stupid, so he naturally knows what these people are doing.

At that time, Ye Rongrong, who was still a small security guard, was particularly envious of these college students.

What a nourishing thing it is to go to university!

At that time, university was already a paradise for love, let alone now that men and women are becoming more and more open.

In this kind of university atmosphere, it is very normal for my eldest niece to fall in love in university.

And that boy, Ye Rongrong looked quite satisfied, not the kind of glib boy.

In Ye Rongrong's personal opinion, boys with a slippery tone, although such people have a higher chance of achieving success in the future than honest boys.

But this kind of boy is also the most unreliable, especially when it comes to love and marriage, the chance of betrayal is far higher than that of an honest boy.

It's just that girls nowadays are very strange creatures, thinking that their boyfriends will treat them well all their lives and only love themselves, but when looking for a boyfriend,

I just like to find boys with a smooth tone.

The final result is naturally conceivable, being abandoned and betrayed is a common thing.

After several times, or hurt by several men, these women finally choose honest men to marry.

Because they also know that the men who really will never leave and treat themselves well all their lives are these honest men.

I don't know who the honest man has provoked, and he always plays for others.

The ones who suffer are always honest people.

"Okay, I don't need your help here, treat your male classmate well, he is nice."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Uncle, you also think Zhang Linyu is nice!"

Hearing that Ye Rongrong was satisfied with her boyfriend, Zhao Jie said excitedly.

Zhao Jie felt a little uneasy that his parents were lukewarm towards his boyfriend now.

I don't know whether my parents like my boyfriend or not.

Although it is said that young people are now advocating freedom of marriage and opposing arranged marriages.

But the opinions of parents are still very important. If your parents are not satisfied with your boyfriend, it will be difficult for them to get along harmoniously in the future.

Even my parents would disagree with me being with Zhang Linyu.

On one side are the parents who gave birth to me and raised me, and on the other side is the boyfriend I like.

It's really hard for Zhang Linyu to choose!

But if my uncle is satisfied with his boyfriend, everything will be much easier.

Now my parents listen to my uncle's opinion. As long as my uncle accepts my boyfriend's words, my parents will accept it eighty to ninety percent of the time.

"He's a nice person, but his name and personality are a bit..."


Zhao Jie asked nervously.

"Actually, his name is weird, Zhang Linyu, it sounds like standing in the rain."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Uncle, you are so humorous, standing in the rain, hahaha, I laughed so hard!"

Zhao Jie couldn't help laughing out loud with his stomach in his arms, and even burst into tears.

"Don't laugh like that, it hurts your body."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong was not joking when he said this.

Laughter, although it can cure diseases and keep fit, it must be moderate, and one must know the taboos of laughing.

Although laughter can't be weighed in two weights, since laughter is compared to a good medicine for curing diseases, there is a difference between a large amount and a small amount.

A moderate amount is beneficial, an excessive amount is harmful, and often brings about the bitter fruit of extreme joy begets sorrow.

There is a saying that is "great joy and sadness". In our real life, such things that cause extreme joy and sorrow happen from time to time.

Some long-cherished wishes come true once, and they are so excited that they fall to the ground and die; some have their own needs met to the greatest extent, or have some unexpected gains, laughing so hard that they suddenly faint.

Some even hit a "all-in-one color" accidentally playing mahjong, turned their backs to hell with a laugh.

Especially for the elderly, the various functions of the body are gradually aging, the incidence rate of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is high, or there are chronic diseases of other systems, special attention should be paid to the regulation of emotions, so as not to have big ups and downs, so as to make your body Life is full of joy, but don't be ecstatic.

"Oh... oh..."

Zhao Jie finally stopped laughing, raised his head and asked Ye Rongrong: "Uncle, what do you think of Lin Yu's personality?"

"He has a soft personality."

Ye Rongrong said.

In Ye Rongrong's opinion, it is better for this man to have a tougher personality.

After all, a family is basically a man who supports a home and supports a blue sky for his wife and children.

A man with a weak personality is not unable to support a family, but when he encounters setbacks and things happen, a man with a weak personality often cannot withstand the blow.

That is, the ability to withstand pressure is a little bit worse.

Of course, there is another point, in Ye Rongrong's view, if a man has a weak personality, he will have no status in the family and it is easy for his wife to be strict.

"I know that he has a weak personality and doesn't have any opinions. I just like him. He listens to me in everything. If I tell him to go east, he will never dare to go west."

Zhao Jie said proudly.

In Zhao Jie's view, to choose a man is to choose a man who listens to her own words, because marrying such a man will be bullied by herself for the rest of her life, and she will not let herself be bullied by him.

"Hehe, you really want to be a queen!"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Uncle, is this not good?"

Zhao Jie looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Zhao Jie admires her uncle who is so capable.

"It's not bad, it's just that you will become very tired in the future."

Ye Rongrong said.

A family must have a backbone, and this backbone is to worry about major family affairs, which is quite tiring.

In the future, when Zhao Jie marries a man with a weak personality like Zhang Linyu, she will have to worry about her future family, and her life will be more tiring.

"Even if life is very tiring in the future, I still like him and choose him."

Zhao Jie said with certainty.

"As long as you choose, uncle will support you!"

Ye Rongrong said.

What is happiness, two people living happily together is the greatest happiness.

Since my niece likes Zhang Linyu so much, besides her soft personality, there is nothing else that makes Ye Rongrong dissatisfied.

"Thank you uncle, my parents..."

Zhao Jie looked at Ye Rongrong expectantly and said.

"I wonder why you ran into the kitchen to help me. It turned out that it was a lie that you came into the kitchen to help me, but it was true that you wanted me to help you with your parents' work!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhao Jie speechlessly and said.

The co-author of her stalk is here.

"Uncle, please help me!"

Zhao Jie said coquettishly holding Ye Rongrong's arm.

As long as my capable uncle comes out, my parents will take it down within minutes!

"This matter is not negotiable. If you can't even overcome this difficulty, I doubt your love very much!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"If you don't help, you won't help. Why do you doubt the relationship between Lin Yu and me? We really love each other, but we made vows to each other."

Zhao Jie said dissatisfied.

"Oh, you still have vows of eternal love, let's hear it!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhao Jie with a smile and said.

They all swore to each other, it seems that my eldest niece really likes that Zhang Linyu.


The second is very late, please forgive me.

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