The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1512 Talk about ransom

After thinking for a while, Ye Rongrong began to write the final testimonial of "Zhou Mo".

Many internet writers, including platinum writers, will write a chapter and a testimonial every time they finish a novel, mainly to gain popularity and promote their new book.

Although Ye Rongrong never considered writing novels as a profession, he also felt that he should explain himself. At the very least, like other authors, he wrote a testimonial to express his gratitude to the book friends who supported him.

Soon, Ye Rongrong finished writing this testimonial.

"The book "Slayer of Demons" is finally finished. It has been half a year since the publication of the book, nearly 200 days. It is you, all the readers of "Slayer of Demons", who have been with me through these two days. For a hundred days and nights, accompany me to continue the story, and follow the hero of the story to travel through an illusory world of fairy tales."

"It is because of your support all the way that I have come to this point. I would like to thank all the supporters of "Slayer"."

"I know that there are still many suspense in the story of "Zhou Mo", and there are still many unfinished things. Many people hope that I will write a sequel to finish this story."

"After the book is finished, I feel a little relieved in my mind, and I don't plan to write this story anymore. It may be a very wonderful thing to leave some suspense for everyone to think about."

"When the old book is finished, it heralds the beginning of another story. The new book will be released in two days. This is a completely different story from "Slayer of Demons". "

"Please, all the book lovers who have been supporting "Zhu Mo", continue to support my new book, let me know that you are still there, let me know that you are still with me, thank you, the hermit of Taoyuan.

After finishing Xiaoxiao's 300-word testimonial, Ye Rongrong directly posted it on the website.

"Look, the hermit has been greatly updated. It is the update of this testimonial."

"No way, this "Zhu Mo" is over, and I won't write a sequel, can the hermit stop being so foolish!"

"This makes us imagine? Hermit, you are irresponsible!"

"I won't read it, and I won't read his book again in the future. What the hell, it's anticlimactic. It's a waste of my money. I lost thousands of dollars in tipping."

"Actually, I think this is pretty good. It didn't write the story to death, leaving room for everyone's imagination. It's pretty good!"

"I'm still looking forward to the new book by the hermit, and I hope it will be as good as "Zhu Mo"."

"For sure, the hermit's writing is still very good!"

"Recently, I'm looking forward to the TV series "Zhou Mo", and I don't know when it will be released!"

"It's still far away, at least it will take a year!"

"I don't know what kind of story the hermit will write in his new book, is it the Xianxia series, or what?"

"We can only find out after the day after tomorrow."


After Ye Rongrong finished writing this testimonial, the fans of "Zhu Mo" were all excited.

Ye Rongrong took a few glances and then turned off the computer, because there was no need to read on. After all, no matter whether the readers were happy or not, the completion of this "Zhou Mo" was already a foregone conclusion.

"Honey, you see we haven't made out for a long time, haven't we?"

Ye Rongrong put the computer on the cabinet next to the bed, looked at Liu Qingqing with glowing eyes and said.

"Yesterday... Didn't you kiss... Did you make out yesterday?"

Stared at by Ye Rongrong's eyes, Liu Qingqing couldn't help but blushed and said.

This man's physical strength is too good, as long as it's not his period, he won't take a rest, Liu Qingqing really can't stand it.

"Yesterday? It's so far away, come on my wife!"

As Ye Rongrong said, he couldn't help but press Liu Qingqing under him, and covered her with the quilt...


"Glory, glory..."

In the morning, Ye Rongrong was still sleeping in bed, when Wang Bingzhen's anxious voice came from outside the house.

"Old Wang, you are in a hurry to find Glory!"

Liu Qingqing's voice came.


It's urgent, Qingqing, please wake up Glory for me quickly, I need him urgently. "

Wang Bingzhen said anxiously.

"Okay, I'm going to wake him up now!"

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.

Wang Bing was really in such a hurry to find her husband, Liu Qingqing could roughly guess why it was because the cargo ship was hijacked by Somali pirates.

"Honey, you're up."

Liu Qingqing walked into the bedroom and saw that Ye Rongrong had already got up and put on clothes.

"Old Wang is yelling so loudly, can I not wake up? It seems to be troublesome again."

Ye Rongrong said while putting on his clothes.

No need to think too much, Ye Rongrong also knew that this Wang Bingzhen must have come because of what was mentioned in the news broadcast last night.

"Who made you capable now!"

Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

"Yeah, this person really can't have too much ability, or if you don't look for trouble, trouble will come to you."

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

Originally, Ye Rongrong thought that after he got the "lazy system", he could be a carefree and rich lazy person.

When I have nothing to do, I bask in the sun at home, play with puppies and birds, and live a leisurely life with my wife and children on the kang.

Who knows that this "lazy system" is actually a trap. It doesn't make me lazy, but makes me a superman, a superman who puts out fires everywhere.

"Aren't you going to help with Mr. Wang's affairs?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

"How can I help? Let's talk about the situation!"

After Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he put on a coat and walked out of the bedroom. The weather is still very cold outside in the morning.

"Glory, you are up."

Seeing Ye Rongrong come out of the bedroom, Wang Bingzhen said excitedly.

"Old Wang, you didn't come to me because your freighter was hijacked by Somali pirates, did you?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the anxious Wang Bingzhen and asked.

"That's right, I didn't expect you to know all about it."

Wang Bingzhen looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and said.

After all, I just found out about the hijacking of my freighter. It's not that I didn't handle the matter well, so I came to Ye Rongrong.

"I saw in the news broadcast yesterday that the Jiannan Fishery Group's freighter was hijacked by Somali pirates. I thought it must be your freighter."

Ye Rongrong said.

"You knew about it last night, why didn't you tell me?"

Wang Bingzhen said depressedly.

If I had known about this last night, this matter would not have become so troublesome. At most, I would just give the Somali pirate some ransom.

After all, Somali pirates usually want money rather than life. As long as they are willing to pay the ransom, they will not kill people. In Wang Bingzhen's view, as long as they can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

But this morning, when things got complicated and the mess couldn't be cleaned up, my children told me about it.

Wang Bingzhen was so angry that he almost fainted.

When such a big thing happened, my children didn't tell me immediately, thinking that they could solve it by themselves.

Well now, things have become more complicated, and even the ransom is no longer acceptable.

As a result, the safety of the people and cargo on board became a problem. You must know that your eldest son-in-law was also on board this time. Like the crew, he was also hijacked by Somali pirates.

This is also what Wang Bingzhen is most anxious about. Right now, Wang Bingzhen is most worried about the safety of his eldest son-in-law. No, he has searched all his connections, but there is no way to solve this matter, so he came to Ye Rongrong for help.

"I think your family will tell you, what? We're in trouble, can't we reach an agreement on the ransom?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

Although the Somali pirates sometimes talk loudly, they can also bargain. According to Wang Bingzhen's family property, this ransom should be affordable, and it is not necessary to borrow money from himself.

"Speaking of this, I'm so pissed off!"

It was good that Ye Rongrong didn't mention the ransom, but when he mentioned the ransom, Wang Bing was really angry.

"Old Wang, drink tea to quench the fire, talk about things slowly, there will always be a solution."

Liu Qingqing brought two cups of tea, one for Ye Rongrong and one for Wang Bingzhen.

"What? Somali pirates are charging too much?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"No! It's not about the ransom!"

Wang Bingzhen shook his head and said.

Wang Bingzhen has been in the shipping business for more than 20 years. He is the first domestic company to do international shipping. He often travels in the Gulf of Aden. This freighter was hijacked by Somali pirates, not once or twice. It can be said that Wang Bingzhen also fought with Somali pirates Many exchanges.

Originally, this matter was not complicated. With Wang Bingzhen's relationship with Somali pirates for many years, the ransom was negotiable, and he would give a lot of discounts.

After all, this time, we are familiar with each other, and we all know each other, so we can save face no matter what, so that the hostages will not be in danger.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Rongrong asked puzzledly.

Don't the Somali pirates want a ransom this time?

How is this possible?

This Somali pirate earns money by extorting ransom!

"It's not my second son who doesn't live up to expectations. The hijacking actually happened the day before yesterday. My second son didn't go to talk to the Somali pirates about the ransom, but went to the government for help. Now it's all right, the matter has become a big mess , Now it’s all on the news, it’s driving me mad.”

This Wang Bingzhen seemed to be really angry, his whole face turned pale with anger.

"Is it wrong to ask the government for help?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Wang Bingzhen in puzzlement and asked.

Liu Qingqing didn't feel that something was wrong when she asked the national government for help in such a big matter!

Liu Qingqing didn't understand why Wang Bingzhen was so angry.

"That's right, Lao Wang, isn't it good that the national government has come forward to help solve the problem?"

Ye Rongrong also didn't understand. Isn't it a good thing that the government of this country came forward to help solve the hijacking of the cargo ship?

"Okay, what's the matter, now we can't even talk about the ransom!"

Wang Bingzhen said rudely.


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