The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1530 The Whale in the Shoal

"What's going on over there?"

Liu Qingqing stopped what she was doing and looked suspiciously at the position of the crowd, only to see that everyone was looking in one direction in surprise.

Liu Qingqing also cast her gaze in that direction.

"That is?"

Liu Qingqing also widened her eyes immediately, and said in surprise.

At this time, Ye Rongrong also turned his attention to the location on the beach.

From a distance, I saw a huge "big fish" stranded on the beach, struggling desperately, but unfortunately the sea receded too fast, and its huge body was quickly left on the beach.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Ye Rongrong said.

So everyone went to the "big fish".

When Ye Rongrong and the others came to the "big fish", there were already many people around the "big fish", pointing curiously.

This "big fish" is about 5 meters long and weighs about 2,000 kilograms. Its body color is black. The head is round, without beak, the upper jaw is slightly protruding than the lower jaw, the dorsal fin is smaller than that of killer whales, the flippers are very pointed, the length is about 1/10 of the body length, and the back is significantly curved, the middle of the front edge protrudes, and the end is pointed.

The width of the caudal fin is about 1/5 of the body length, the mouth is large, and the mouth cleft is cut towards the eyes, making its face very scary. There is no beak, the upper jaw is slightly protruding than the lower jaw, and the teeth are large and sharp. It looks very scary.

"Is this a shark? Doesn't it look scary?"

Xiao Yuxin asked with some fear.

Although the big fish was stranded on the beach, twisting its body from time to time and flopping around, it looked very pitiful, but its appearance was really scary, and it looked very similar to a shark in the sea.

"It's not a shark, it's a false killer whale."

Hu Wenhai said.

It seemed that Hu Wenhai knew this marine creature very well, and he could tell at a glance that it was a false killer whale.

"False killer whale?"

Liu Qingqing was stunned for a moment and asked.

This was the first time Liu Qingqing had heard of a whale called a false killer whale.

"Pseudo-killer whales are also called black scorpions, pseudo-killer whales, pseudo-pilot whales, and pseudo-orcas. False killer whales are a single species under the genus Pseudo-killer whales. They are the third largest in the dolphin family, because false killer whales and Killer whales are similar in appearance and smaller than killer whales, so people like to call them false killer whales."

Hu Wenhai explained to everyone.

"Uncle, this big fish is so pitiful!"

Xiao Mengmeng looked at the false killer whale struggling on the shoal, and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Let's go over and help!"

Liu Qingqing said.

Everyone was worried that the false killer whale would leave the sea, so that the shallows would be dangerous, so they surrounded the false killer whale, poured sea water on it, and surrounded it with sand to help it cool down and moisturize.


Xiao Yuxin and the others hurried over to help.

But this false killer whale is nothing more than a touch, it is amazing when touched.

Seeing so many people surrounding him, the formerly docile false killer whale suddenly became irritable, constantly swinging its tail fin and slapping the water, which caused a lot of trouble for everyone's rescue work.



"Oh my god, the clothes are soaked through."

The clothes of the people who surrounded the false killer whale to rescue them were all soaked by the sea water splashed by the false killer whale's non-stop swinging tail fins.

Although it's not a very cold winter, it's not hot either. Many people are still wearing thermal underwear.

Suddenly, his whole body was soaked wet, which made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

Although everyone was drenched, they did not give up on saving the false killer whale.

After all, this false killer whale is a state-protected creature, so it would be a pity if it was killed by the shoal alive like this.

Although someone has already called the police or called the ocean department, it is estimated that it will take at least half an hour for them to come.

Now the breathing of this false killer whale has begun to be difficult, and the sun is so big today, it is estimated that it will not be able to support the arrival of the rescue team from the marine department.

"what to do?"

"If this continues, the whale will die!"

"This whale probably won't last long!"

"Everyone think of a way to save this poor whale!"


Seeing that relying on everyone to artificially water the false killer whale can't save the false killer whale at all.

But waiting for the sea to rise would be even more unrealistic than the arrival of the rescue team.

This makes everyone very anxious.

Do you want to watch this whale die under your nose?

Everyone really can't bear it!

"Look, this whale is crying!"

A sharp-eyed person noticed the tears shed from the whale's eyes, and shouted in surprise.

"My God, is this whale really crying?"

"I really didn't expect this whale to shed tears, it's incredible!"

"This is the first time I've seen this whale shed tears, it's so pitiful!"

"In fact, a whale is not a fish. It is a mammal. It also has lacrimal glands, which can secrete tears. Of course, it can cry like a human."

"It seems that this whale also knows that it is going to die, and it is sad to shed tears when it misses its family."

"It's really pitiful!"

"Let's think about a way again, and we must use this false killer whale."

Seeing the scene of the pseudo-killer whale shedding tears, everyone's compassion came up.

Everyone was anxious to find a way to save the whale that was shoaled.

It's a pity that this false killer whale is too big and heavy, and everyone wants to save it but there is nothing they can do.

"Husband, I think you must have a way, right?"

Liu Qingqing walked to Ye Rongrong's side and said softly.

Looking at this poor false killer whale, especially watching it shed tears of despair, Liu Qingqing felt heartbroken.

God has the virtue of being kind, Liu Qingqing hopes that her husband can save this poor false killer whale.

Liu Qingqing believed that her mysterious husband must be able to save this false killer whale.

It's just that my husband doesn't really want to save this false killer whale.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Now that his wife has spoken, Ye Rongrong will naturally rescue the false killer whale.

To be honest, seeing so many people surrounding a false killer whale that was shoaled, everyone tried their best to save the false killer whale.

Even many people were very sad when they saw this false killer whale shed tears.

Ye Rongrong didn't know why he felt particularly blocked.

It's not that Ye Rongrong is cold-blooded and doesn't want to save this false killer whale.

Instead, I was trying to imagine this false killer whale as a person who fell into the water, or was hit by a car and was on the side of the road.

So there will be so many people around, struggling to save him?

Some time ago, Ye Rongrong read two news stories, one news said that a young girl fell into the water, struggling in the river and calling for help.

But among the dozens or hundreds of people on the shore, none of them went into the water to save others. In the end, a young life ended like this.

Another news story is about a group of dog lovers, regardless of the safety of themselves and other vehicles and people driving on the highway, forcibly stopped a truck carrying dogs at high speed on the highway.

It was just a hair's breadth away from causing a terrible traffic accident on the highway.

The reason is simply because the car is full of dogs and the destination is a slaughterhouse.

In the eyes of these people, the life of a dog is far greater than the life of a human.

One's own kind, one's own compatriots, when their lives are in danger, they appear so cold-blooded, but when these cats and dogs are in danger, they are saving their lives.

Just like everyone is actively saving this killer whale now.

When some people encounter such a life-threatening situation, it would be great if people could be so enthusiastic to help them!


Ye Rongrong sighed inwardly!

"Uncle, please save this whale, it is dying soon."

Xiao Mengmeng took Laye Rongrong's hand and said.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong saw that this false killer whale was almost done, if it was not sent back to the sea in time, it would be really dangerous.

"This won't work, let's push this false killer whale into the sea together!"

Ye Rongrong stood up and said to everyone.

"Push like this, this false killer whale is so heavy, it can't be pushed at all!"

"Yeah, now that the sea has receded so far, it's almost ten meters away. It's hard to push this false killer whale into the sea."

"It's really hard to push it out to sea with such a huge thing."

When Ye Rongrong said that he wanted to push the false killer whale into the sea, many people shook their heads.

Although there are many people now, the weight of this false killer whale is placed here, and it is very difficult to push it into the sea. After all, the body of this false killer whale is very slippery, and there are not many places where everyone can use their strength. At most, thirty or so people can push together, and there is no place to start if there are too many people.

More importantly, this false killer whale is still struggling, making it difficult for everyone to exert force on it.

Thirty people, it is really difficult to push a false killer whale weighing more than two tons and stuck in the sand to the sea ten meters away.

The key is to look at the appearance of this false killer whale. It can only last ten minutes at most. If it cannot be sent to the sea in ten minutes, it is really hopeless.

It is really impossible to push this false killer whale into the sea within ten minutes.

"How will you know if you don't try!"

Ye Rongrong said to the onlookers with a smile.

After speaking, Ye Rongrong didn't wait for everyone's reaction, he came to the side of the false killer whale, looked at the false killer whale, and comforted it: "Don't be afraid, we will push you into the sea. It's safe."

Perhaps this false killer whale understood Ye Rongrong's words, and its body stopped shaking.

"It's amazing, this whale can understand people's words."

"What's so strange about this, this is a false killer whale, which belongs to the dolphin class and is one of the smartest creatures in the sea."

"That's good. When you push it, if it doesn't struggle, it will be easier to push."


No matter what others say, Ye Rongrong came to the tail of this false killer whale. This position is the easiest to push the false killer whale, and it is also the easiest to push the false killer whale into the sea.

With Ye Rongrong's current strength, in fact, one person can push away the false killer whales in the shoal, but Ye Rongrong is not going to do this, because that would make him look too different from ordinary people.

Ye Rongrong doesn't want to be treated as a monster.

"Everyone, don't be dazed, come and help!"

Ye Rongrong spoke to the onlookers.


The second is going to be very late, sorry, I have been working overtime every day recently!

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