The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1539 Who is it?

"Master, master, I have found a villain, I have found a villain."

Just as Ye Rongrong was a little depressed, "Xiaobai" was a little slow in efficiency, the parrot "Yingying" flew to Ye Rongrong's side and shouted for credit.

"Great, good job, credit you!"

Ye Rongrong happily said to "Yingying".

It's rare that this parrot has done a beautiful thing.


Ye Rongrong used "Lingbo Weibu" to quickly follow the parrot to the depths of the mountain. The speed made "Xiaobai" a little unable to catch up.

The road is getting farther and farther, and the light is getting darker and darker. The branches that cover the sky and the sun cover the sky tightly. The back mountain is a mountain chain, and it is a large virgin forest.

Soon the parrot "Ying Ying" stopped in the open space in front of a big tree. Looking at the messy surroundings and scattered footsteps, Ye Rongrong was basically sure that several people had stayed here.

And it hasn't been long since they left.

Ye Rongrong used the "detection technique" to check the scene within a radius of 1,000 meters, but found no trace of this group of people.

"Xiaobai, it's up to you!"

Ye Rongrong said to "Xiaobai".

"Xiaobai" went up and smelled it carefully, remembering the smell.

"Wow woof!"

After remembering the smell, Xiao Bai howled a few times, and quickly chased after him.

There is no need to worry about the next road, at least it is better to find the trace than to find it all by yourself. I believe that with "Xiaobai"'s nose, he will not chase the wrong person.

The road ahead gradually became difficult, but these were not difficult for Ye Rongrong. Ye Rongrong, who was a master of iron cloth, did not pat the weeds and branches in the mountains to scrape his body.

In a forest not far from Ye Rongrong and the others, several middle-aged men carrying big sacks were chatting.

"Brother, take a rest! Today's road is sour, I finally found a giant wild boar, and let it run away."

"It's a pity. The nine of us, with guns, let that big wild boar run away. It's really shameful."

The middle-aged man called "Big Brother" said depressingly.

After all, if such a big wild boar can be hunted, everyone will not have to continue to search for prey in this mountain. Everyone can buy a lot of money by carrying that big wild boar back home.

You must know that the bigger the wild boar, the more valuable it is, especially the giant wild boar I met just now, it is really unheard of, never seen before.

If the hunt was successful, especially if it was caught alive, it would be a real achievement.

It's a pity that it was still run away.

"Don't talk about it. If we didn't have a gun, we might all be crushed to death by this big wild boar. That big wild boar is too big. Even if a big tiger encounters it, we have to make a detour."

A middle-aged man in a camouflage uniform said with lingering fear.

"Third brother, you are too. Usually your marksmanship is quite accurate, and you are also known as a 'sharp shooter'. Why did you miss it today!"

The man called "Big Brother" said to the middle-aged man in camouflage uniform with some dissatisfaction.

You must know that for everyone, what ran away was not a big wild boar, but a pile of colorful banknotes.

"Brother, don't talk about it. Such a big wild boar makes me feel scared. It's not bad to be able to hit it. Otherwise, whoever among us gets stabbed by this big wild boar will be finished."

The middle-aged man in camouflage said.

If it weren't for my good marksmanship, I got two shots, and if I let this big wild boar get close to my group, the consequences would be really fatal.

"That's true, what a pity!"

The "big brother" said depressingly.

"Brother, there are so many wild game on this mountain, we must be able to find some valuable game."

A middle-aged man said.

"You still have to be careful, there are police stationed in the nearby mountain villages, if you disturb them, you will be in trouble."

The middle-aged man in camouflage said.

"Scared, this is a big mountain,

So what if hundreds of policemen come, if we drill into the mountains, no one will be able to find us, third child, you won't be scared out of your wits by that big wild boar just now, right? "

A middle-aged man with a bald head looked at the middle-aged man in camouflage uniform with disdain and said.

"Who do you say is frightened? Believe it or not, I'll make you bloom with one shot."

The angry middle-aged man in camouflage uniform raised his pistol and threatened the bald man.

"What are you arguing about? Are you tired of working? Just for this matter, if you still have internal strife, what big things can you do in the future?"

The "big brother" immediately shouted in dissatisfaction.

As soon as "Big Brother" opened his mouth, the middle-aged man in camouflage uniform gave the bald man a hard look, and retracted the pistol in his hand.

"Okay, everyone has almost rested, continue to walk inside, and see if you can get valuable game if you are lucky."

The "big brother" who took the lead took out his mobile phone, looked at the time and said.

The group of middle-aged men who had finished resting in the woods had just left when Ye Rongrong from the other side found his way forward, but he was still a step behind.

However, Ye Rongrong has checked through the "detection technique", that group of people is not far from him.

"Don't move here, I'll go alone."

Ye Rongrong explained to "Xiaobai" and the others.

After all, the opponent had a gun in his hand, so it would be bad if he hurt "Xiaobai" and "Yingying".

After the explanation, Ye Rongrong stepped out of Lingbo in a flash, and when he was about to get close to the group of poachers, Ye Rongrong chose to remain invisible.


The middle-aged man in camouflage uniform raised his pistol as soon as he saw the shaking branches.

Whoever comes out is ready to shoot, but the branches here are shaking, but there is no sign of any animal.

"Hahaha, third child, are you scared out of your wits by the big wild boar just now? No matter how the branches shake, it can scare you like this."

A middle-aged man in black said with a smile.

"Didn't you hear anything just now?"

The middle-aged man in camouflage uniform asked anxiously.

"What's the sound, isn't it just the sound of the wind blowing and the branches shaking? See if it scared you, don't be ashamed."

The bald middle-aged man said disdainfully.

In fact, the internal relationship among this group of poachers is not very good. Because of the distribution of spoils, the bald middle-aged man has always had problems with the middle-aged man in camouflage uniform.

Isn't it just more accurate marksmanship?

Why does he get more than himself every time he gets a share.


The middle-aged man in camouflage immediately became angry.

"Okay, third child, you are too sensitive. There are so many of us, even if a tiger comes, it's nothing. It will become our prey. What are you afraid of?"

The "big brother" who led the team also interrupted the middle-aged man in camouflage uniform with some dissatisfaction.

Just the slightest sign of trouble scares the "old three" into such a state, how can one expect his marksmanship to be accurate!

Seeing that the "old three" was really frightened by the big wild boar just now, it seems that after the order is finished, it's time for him to find a "lady" to relax.

"Am I really delusional?"

The man in camouflage uniform became a little puzzled.

After all, there is really nothing, just the branches shaking.

It seems that I was really frightened by the big wild boar, and I was a little overwhelmed.


A slap sounded in the woods.

Followed by a "scream" sounded.

"what happened?"

All of a sudden, the group of poachers felt tense and looked towards the place where the screams were coming from.

I saw a middle-aged man in a camouflage uniform lying on the ground and howling, his face was covered with blood, the corners of his mouth were bleeding continuously, and bloody teeth could be faintly seen on the ground.

What chilled everyone the most was that a red palm print could be clearly seen on the face of the "old three", which was caused by someone slapping him hard.

Who has a deep hatred with the "old three" and gave the "old three" such a slap in the face.

"Who... who did this, stand up for me!"

The eldest brother of the group of poachers immediately shouted angrily.

There are only these nine people here, no one else, who is so bold to label the "oldest third" like this at this time.

"not me!"

"It's not me either!"

"It's not me, I'm far away!"

"Brother, don't look at me, it has nothing to do with me!"

"I...Impossible, I usually have a good relationship with the third child."


Seeing the terrifying eyes of "Big Brother", everyone waved their hands and said.

Whoever is telling the truth, they also want to know who plotted against the "third child" without being discovered under their noses.

Think about who usually has the worst relationship with the "third child".

I don't know if it was an appointment, but everyone looked at the bald middle-aged man in unison.

"Why are you all looking at me?"

The bald-headed middle-aged man was looked at by everyone like this, and he asked with some trepidation in his heart.

"Fifth, did you do it!"

The "big brother" stared at the bald middle-aged man with a cold look and asked.

We are all brothers on the same boat, and what we fear most is that brothers will kill each other. The behavior of this "old five" has touched everyone's bottom line.

"Brother, it's not me, it's really not me."

The bald middle-aged man hurriedly shook his hand and said.

Although I usually have a very bad relationship with the "old three", I wouldn't do this kind of fratricide, let alone under everyone's noses.

"It's really not you!"

"It's not me, it's really not me, even if I want to assassinate the 'oldest son', I won't be under everyone's noses at this moment!"

The bald middle-aged man hurriedly explained.

"That's it too! Who the hell did it?"

The "big brother" thought about it, and also felt that it was unlikely that the "old three" did it. Who did it?

"Stop making trouble, I didn't see that the third child is like that!"

A middle-aged man felt his back being patted and said.

"Lao Liu, who are you talking to!"

The "second child" in this group of poachers found that the "sixth child" standing opposite him suddenly said some inexplicable words, and asked suspiciously.


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