The efficiency of the police was very fast, and they rushed over in less than five minutes.

"Ah... there are guns!"

"I'm not even bothered!"

The policemen who got on the bus first were startled when they got on the door. These robbers were holding guns in their hands. This is terrible!

But soon, the police found that something was wrong with the robbers.

They all remained motionless in this position, like dummies.

What's more, the passengers in the whole car were calm and calm, and they didn't look frightened at all. This is very abnormal and weird!

"What's going on?"

"It's so weird!"

When they came back to their senses, the policemen couldn't help being confused.

This situation has never been encountered before.

"Take control of them!"

A leading police officer came to his senses and immediately shouted to the other police officers.

Although it is not clear why these robbers are motionless, but these are not important now, the important thing is to quickly control these robbers.

You must know that these robbers have guns in their hands. If these robbers get excited and the guns go off, it will be very dangerous.

Immediately, more than a dozen policemen came up and controlled the robbers with guns and murder weapons.

What puzzled these policemen was that these robbers did not resist at all, just like puppets, still at their mercy.

This is very abnormal, as if these robbers have been acupunctured.

It's just that "acupuncture" exists in novels and TV dramas, but it shouldn't exist in the real world, right?

After all, these policemen are not sure that this "acupuncture technique" really does not exist in the real world.

Because whether it is in the ancient records of China or in the rumors of modern society, there are shadows about "acupuncture".

It's just that no one has seen this "acupuncture technique". Could it be that these robbers were really all acupuncture points today.

"Who called the police!"

Seeing that the murder weapons in the hands of these robbers were removed and the robbers were all under control, the leading police officer breathed a sigh of relief and asked the people in the carriage.

To be honest, these policemen were also very curious about how so many robbers with murder weapons were so bizarrely controlled.

Such a situation is unique in Gansu Province and even in the whole country.



"I called the police."

Immediately, several people in the car replied.

It turned out that Zhang Yu was not the only one who called the police just now, and several passengers in this car called the police.

The robbers were vicious just now, and no one dared to call the police, but as these robbers were all acupuncture points pressed by the mysterious hero, and they remained motionless, the passengers in the car were naturally not afraid anymore, and they all rushed to the police station. Bring back the money and goods stolen by these robbers, and a few even called the police.

Such bad guys must call the police and arrest them. It is best to shoot them, and at worst they should be sentenced to life imprisonment, otherwise these robbers will continue to harm people.

"what happened?"

The leading police officer, seeing so many people calling the police, pointed to a passenger closest to him and asked.

"Comrade policeman, what happened..."

The middle-aged female passenger hurriedly said to the police.


Hearing that the middle-aged female assassin said that these robbers were acupuncture points, the face of the leading police officer suddenly changed.

Is there really such a magical kung fu horse as "acupuncture" in this world?

Not only the leading police officer, but other police officers couldn't help looking at Ye Rongrong when they heard what the middle-aged female passenger said.

Is this the strange man who ordered the robbers' lairs?

How is it completely different from those white-haired, fairy-like masters that everyone imagined!

This person is not only young, but also tall and burly, and his appearance also belongs to the kind of existence that is not angry but powerful.

"Is this person familiar?"

For some reason, several policemen had the feeling that they had seen this person somewhere.

It's just that I can't remember who he is for a while.

"Sir, are they really subdued by you?"

After recovering from the shock, the leading police officer walked to Ye Rongrong's seat and asked Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"May I ask if they were acupuncture points by you?"

The leading police officer looked at Ye Rongrong again and asked.

"Let's get out of the car and talk!"

There are so many people in this car, it's not a good place to talk.

"it is good!"

The leading police officer nodded.


Seeing that Ye Rongrong was about to get out of the car, Zhang Yu immediately held Ye Rongrong's hand and said anxiously.

"Don't worry, your uncle and I will be fine."

Ye Rongrong smiled and said comfortingly to Zhang Yu.

"Uncle, I want to get out of the car with you!"

Zhang Yu said.

Now Zhang Yu feels that the only way to be safest is by this uncle's side.


Ye Rongrong said indifferently.

With that said, Ye Rongrong walked towards the car door, and Zhang Yu hurriedly followed.


"This is my identification!"

After getting out of the car, Ye Rongrong handed over a small red book to the leading police officer before he could question him.

"this is?"

The leading police officer couldn't help but froze for a moment.

However, he was quickly attracted by the words on the red book. Although the light from the headlights was not very good, the leading police officer could still see the words "Military Certificate" very clearly.

"Is this mysterious man a soldier?"

Thinking this way, the leading police officer hastily opened his military ID card, and the word "major general" came into his eyes, which shocked the leading police officer.

For a police officer who is only a section leader, this "major general" is a big shot!

The leading police officer carefully checked the documents and information.

"Ye Rongrong, Major General of the PLA General Hospital!"

Seeing this information, the leading police officer suddenly understood why he always felt that the person in front of him looked familiar.

It turned out that he was the winner of the very famous Nobel Prize in Medicine some time ago, the inventor of the specific medicine for bird flu, and the most famous medical expert in China, Ye Rongrong.

He is also the author of the most popular online novels "Zhu Mo" and "Super Gourmet", and he is also a fan of his books.

"Stand at attention, salute!"

When he came back to his senses, the leading police officer immediately saluted Ye Rongrong.

The police officer leading the team was a retired soldier. When he met Ye Rongrong, the head of the major general rank, he naturally had to give a military salute.

However, the leading policeman saluted Ye Rongrong suddenly, which startled Zhang Yu.

She didn't understand why the leading police officer suddenly saluted his uncle.

"Could you give me back the certificate?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the leading police officer with a smile and said.


The leading police officer hastily handed over the documents to Ye Rongrong.

"Chief, I..."

The leading police officer said to Ye Rongrong a little excitedly.

I really didn't expect that I could have such close contact with my idol, which made the leading police officer extremely excited.

If this matter is told, the leading police officer will be envious of many colleagues.

"Shh, keep it secret!"

Ye Rongrong interrupted the lead police officer.


The leading police officer looked at Zhang Yu who was beside Ye Rongrong, and understood Ye Rongrong's meaning.

"These robbers in the car, you must deal with them according to the law, and you can't let them continue to harm people."

Ye Rongrong said to the leading police officer.

"Don't worry, chief, we will definitely punish these criminals severely."

The leading police officer patted his chest and said.

"That's it. You arrange a car to take us to the city. I'm catching the train."

Ye Rongrong said.

With such a big incident, the long-distance bus will be unable to leave for a while, Ye Rongrong wants the leading police officer to arrange a car to take him to the city.

"Yes, Chief, please wait a moment, I will arrange it right away!"

The leading police officer said excitedly.

"Uncle, why did he call you chief? Aren't you a university teacher?"

Seeing the leading police officer walking away, Zhang Yu asked Ye Rongrong curiously.

Due to the darkness of the night, Zhang Yu didn't see clearly the words "Military ID" on the certificate that Ye Rongrong gave to the leading police officer, so he didn't understand why the leading police officer wanted to salute Ye Rongrong.

"I'm a university teacher!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"But why does he call you chief!"

Zhang Yu still couldn't figure it out.

After all, according to Zhang Yu's knowledge, the title of chief is basically popular in the army, and it is a title for team leaders at or above the regiment level.

However, the title of "head" is not popular in localities, and the title of "leader" is basically used.

"Hehe, because I am also an officer!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Uncle, are you a soldier?"

Zhang Yu asked in surprise.

"Chief, the car has been arranged!"

At this moment, the leading police officer ran over and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Thank you, do you want to go back to the city with me?"

Ye Rongrong asked Zhang Yu.


Zhang Yu didn't even have to think about it.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Rongrong said, and followed the police officer leading the team to a police car ahead.


"Uncle, can I add your WeChat ID?"

After sending Zhang Yu downstairs to her company's dormitory, Zhang Yu said to Ye Rongrong with some reluctance.

"Okay! But I seldom go on WeChat!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the QR code of WeChat, and asked Zhang Yu to add a WeChat account.

"Uncle, thank you!"

After Zhang Yu added Ye Rongrong's WeChat account, he got out of the car and said gratefully to Ye Rongrong through the car window.

"Okay, it's almost nine o'clock, go upstairs quickly, I have to catch the train too."

Ye Rongrong said.

In this regard, the train is better than the bullet train. The bullet train basically stops selling tickets at nine o'clock in the evening, and the bullet train station is also closed.

The train is different, there is a train at twelve o'clock in the evening.

Now Ye Rongrong regretted parking the "safety number" at the Linshi airport. If he had known this, he would have just taken the "safety number" to Nanshan Village, and there would not be so many things.

But think about it, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, anyway, for Ye Rongrong, he has a lot of free time now, and he doesn't really want to use the "safety number" to rush around.

Taking buses and trains along the way is also a very interesting life experience.


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