The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1557 Outing

"This time the plan is to invest 20 million yuan!"

Fang Bolin said.

After all, the charitable aid this time belongs to the kind of charitable donation that never returns, so although the amount Fang Bolin plans to invest is not small, it is not large.

After all, as the secretary-general of "Qingyao Charity Foundation", what Fang Bolin has to consider is the return on this charitable investment.

A private charitable foundation that only spends without returns cannot last long, so Fang Bolin has been making charitable investments according to Ye Rongrong's request.

For example, to help poor students go to school, the investment is charged. That is, after the poor students work and their income exceeds the amount stipulated by the foundation, the foundation will recover the investment from them.

If the supported student grows up to be very rich, the foundation also has the right to require them to spend part of the funds on the foundation for charity.

As for charitable donations of the nature of disaster relief like now, although the "Qingyao Charity Foundation" also invests, it is generally less than 10 million. This time, because of the large area affected by the disaster and the large number of people affected by the disaster, Fang Bolin will make 20 million charitable donations.

"Twenty million is too little, one hundred million!"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"One hundred million?"

Fang Bolin froze for a moment, and reminded: "Boss, this charitable donation, if the money goes out, there will be no benefit at all."

"Why do you think so much about doing charity, just do what I want!"

Ye Rongrong said.

For Ye Rongyao now, not counting the nearly 20 billion assets in the "Qingyao Charity Foundation", Ye Rongyao now has tens of billions of assets in his personal bank account, and he doesn't care about donating to charity at all. One hundred million.

"Okay, I'll change the plan right away."

Fang Bolin responded.

This matter is completely up to the boss. Since he thinks that he will donate 100 million yuan, Fang Bolin can just follow his request.

"That's it, hurry up, the people affected by the disaster are still waiting for help."

Ye Rongrong said.

"it is good!"


It has been raining continuously for a month. Could it be that today is a sunny day? Taking advantage of the good weather, Ye Rongrong took his family out for an outing.

Because according to the weather forecast, it will still rain tomorrow, Ye Rongrong looked for a closer place to play, and chose Nancun Reservoir to play.

Nancun Reservoir is the most beautiful reservoir in the vicinity. Although the reservoir is not big, there are many people who come to visit it. Nowadays, people are more and more fond of visiting such natural and beautiful places.

At first, Aunt Wang didn't want to go, but Liu Qingqing insisted on pulling her, and even brought out the small animals at home, "Xiaobai", "Wangzai", and "Liuer". These days, they are also bored. broken.

This time, Quan thought he was out for an outing. Because of the large number of people and these small animals, he finally drove five cars before he could sit down.

Park the car in the parking lot below Nancun Reservoir, and everyone walks all the way to Nanshan Reservoir.

The Nanshan Reservoir is halfway up the mountain, and there is still a long way to go. Ye Rongrong walked in the front with "Dudu" in his arms, "Xiaobai" and "Wangzai" ran wildly in front, and the monkey "Six Ears" also Not idle, moving fast like swinging on one tree after another in the woods, sitting on the tree from time to time and waiting for the leaves to honor them.

The main reason is that Ye Rongrong's speed can't keep up with the speed of "Six Ears".

After such a long rainy season, although the sun is shining today, the mountain roads are still difficult to walk. Many roads have been washed away by the rain and it is difficult to walk.

But fortunately, there may be a lot of people visiting the Nanshan Reservoir today, so they stepped on a new road, which greatly facilitated Ye Rongrong and the others.

This made Ye Rongrong think of Mr. Lu Xun's words: "Hope is neither existent nor non-existent. It is like a road on the ground. In fact, there is no road on the ground. When there are more people walking, it becomes a road."

"Slow down, be careful, don't slip."

There are lush green grass and wild flowers under your feet, if you don't pay attention, you may slip and fall, Ye Rongrong, who was walking in front, reminded everyone.

All kinds of beautiful wild flowers can be seen everywhere along the way. Although they are not as fragrant as those cultivated by people, they are small wild flowers of various colors in nature, which give people a sense of spiritual pleasure.

On these beautiful flowers, hard-working bees are busy, and beautiful butterflies are flying around them, lazily and leisurely.

Along the way, Ye Rongrong also saw a lot of wild vegetables. Ye Rongrong ate these wild vegetables when he was a child. At that time, his family was poor, and many times at home, he would pick these wild vegetables and eat them as dishes.

To be honest, at that time, Ye Rongrong felt that the taste of wild vegetables was really so-so, not very tasty.

Except for poor families, no one is willing to eat this bitter wild vegetable.

But today, more than ten or twenty years later, these wild vegetables have become delicious, and they have become dishes eaten by the rich, but the poor cannot afford them.

It really complied with the saying "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi", this wild vegetable will also have a turnaround day.

Everyone laughed and laughed along the way, looking at the blooming flowers all around, and hearing the gurgling water from time to time, the spring water in the mountains, and the gurgling stream. This kind of scene is particularly beautiful and makes everyone feel comfortable.

The rainy weather that lasted for a month really made people feel very depressed.

"Dad, chicken!"

"Dudu" in Ye Rongrong's arms happily pointed to a bush not far ahead, and shouted vaguely.

"Hehe, it's a pheasant."

Ye Rongrong also noticed it, and said with a smile.

This colorful pheasant is very common in the mountains.

"It's a chicken, it's a pheasant, isn't it beautiful?"

Ye Rongrong happily hugged Dudu and said.


Dudu nodded and said.

Although Dudu is only one year old now, perhaps because he drank the "intelligence enhancer", his IQ is significantly higher than that of ordinary children of the same age.

Now everyone in the village says that Dudu is as smart as her parents and is a child prodigy.

There is no doubt that Dudu looks like himself and Liu Qingqing, but Ye Rongrong still has some doubts about his intelligence.

Ever since he was a child, Ye Rongrong has never heard anyone say that he is smart.

Ye Rongrong can remember very clearly that since elementary school, Ye Rongrong's grades have never passed, and he has always been in the bottom three of the class.

For this matter, Ye Rongrong was often beaten by his father.

Thinking about it now, Ye Rongrong realized that it wasn't because he didn't want to study hard, but because he couldn't remember what the teacher said and kept forgetting.

According to Ye Rongrong primary school teacher's comment on him: "This child is not material for learning!"

When he was young, Ye Rongrong didn't understand the meaning of the head teacher's words. It was only when he was in junior high school that he realized that this was the implicit statement of the primary school head teacher.

In fact, what the teacher in charge of the primary school meant was that Ye Rongrong is not smart, and it is difficult to keep up with his studies.

It would be too bad if Dudu was like himself in terms of intelligence.

"Uncle catch it and give it to Dudu, okay?"

Weng Tao said to Dudu.

"it is good!"

Dudu stared at the pheasant, nodded and said.

Weng Tao approached slowly, Ye Rongrong looked at "Xiaobai" and "Wangzai", otherwise they would go up to make trouble, this is a wild rooster with a very beautiful tail.


This wild rooster was very vigilant, and Weng Tao was spotted by this wild rooster when he approached. Weng Tao was taken aback, and the pheasant flew away with its wings flapping, dropping a few feathers.


Weng Tao was a little depressed.

This has been away from the army for too long, and his skills are not as good as before. He was discovered so easily by the pheasant and let him run away.

You know, this is impossible when you are in the special forces.

"Dad, the chicken is flying away!"

Dudu pointed to the flying pheasant and said to Ye Rongrong.

"The chicken went to find its mate!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Although they didn't catch the pheasant, they felt a little regretful, but it was nothing. The purpose of today was to play, not to catch game, so everyone didn't care much, and continued to walk towards the reservoir halfway up the mountain.

Enjoy the oncoming mountain breeze and stroll through the green mountains and green waters. During this period of time, the depression caused by the rainy weather has disappeared without a trace.

The forest is always lively, a few people didn't take a few steps, suddenly a hare sprang out from the grass, it was all black, and disappeared into the bushes in a flash.

"Wow woof woof..."

"Wow woof woof..."

"Xiaobai" and "Wangcai" immediately ran to chase them.

"Xiaobai, Wangzai, come back to me!"

Liu Qingqing immediately stopped the two lively guys, "Xiaobai" and "Wangzai".

From Liu Qingqing's point of view, this rabbit is a very cute animal, if it is caught up by "Xiaobai" and "Wangzai", the bite will be bad.

Touring mountains and rivers, picking wild flowers, a few people stopped and stopped, and it took more than an hour to reach the reservoir dam, and several people complained that they were out of breath.

"This person can't accept his old age. I can't stand it if I just walk such a small distance. I really can't compare with you young people!"

When we got to the dam, Aunt Wang said out of breath.

"Aunt Wang, you are young, mainly due to lack of exercise. If you are like us, you will get up early every day to exercise."

Nangong Ziyan said to Aunt Wang with a smile.

This Aunt Wang is only in her thirties, not even forty years old, how can she say she is old!

From Nangong Ziyan's point of view, it was caused by Aunt Wang's usual lack of exercise.

"How can I exercise like you, I can't stand it!"

Aunt Wang hurriedly shook her head and said.

The guards like Nangong Ziyan started exercising outside the yard every day before dawn, first running around the village road, and then doing various high-intensity training.

Seeing these exercises, Aunt Wang felt guilty, why would she exercise with them.

Could it be that today is a sunny day, and there are a lot of people out to play. At a glance, there are many people playing near the reservoir, and many of them even went swimming.

"The water here is really good, it's green."

Liu Qingqing couldn't help sighing as she looked at the rippling green water of the reservoir, which was so beautiful.

"That's right. The mountains have always kept their original appearance, and the reservoir has not been contracted out by private individuals. It will naturally maintain its original natural appearance. Alright, let's go down and play."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


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