"Hello, Dean Ye!"

"Hello, Dean Ye!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walking along the way, both doctors and nurses from the community hospital greeted Ye Rongrong excitedly.

Ye Rongrong is now an idol in their hearts.

"Isn't the dean of Taoyuan Community Hospital an old man? Why did such a young dean come out again?"

A middle-aged man who came to see a doctor from other places asked the people next to him with some doubts.

"It's probably the vice president of this hospital!"

Said the man next to him.

"What kind of vice president, he is an amazing person, you are blind to Mount Tai, do you know the Nobel Prize?"

A young man sitting in front of the middle-aged man turned his head and said to the middle-aged man.

"Nobel Prize, of course I know this, it is the top award in the world."

The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"The one just now is the winner of last year's Nobel Prize in Medicine, our top medical expert in China."

said the young man.

This young man came to the "Taoyuan Community Hospital for the Elderly" to see his doctor several times, so he naturally knew the existence of Ye Rongrong's awesome character.

"So powerful, such a small village has such an awesome character?"

The middle-aged man said in shock.

"This is called Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger!"

said the young man.


This "Taoyuan Elderly Community Hospital" Ye Rongrong is very familiar with the way, and soon walked to Ward 405, which is a ward with eight people.

"Hello, Dean Ye!"

A female nurse who was on the patient's drip in the ward noticed that Ye Rongrong walked into the ward, and said to Ye Rongrong with some panic.


Suddenly, the patient on the hospital bed cried out in pain.

It turned out that the female nurse panicked and inserted the needle in the wrong position, directly into the flesh of the patient's hand.

"Yes... sorry!"

The female nurse hastily apologized to the patient.

I actually made such a big mistake in front of Dean Ye, which made the female nurse even more nervous.

"Hehe, it's okay, don't be nervous, I don't eat people!"

Ye Rongrong could see that the young female nurse gave the needle to the wrong place because she was too nervous to see her.

So Ye Rongrong said to her half-jokingly.

It can also be regarded as relieving her tension.


Seeing that Ye Rongrong was not angry, the young female nurse couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

This time, the young female nurse carefully gave the patient the needle, and there was no wrong place.

After giving the patient the needle, the nurse hurried out of the ward.

For this young female nurse, Ye Rongrong is making her very tight!

This young female nurse was not the first batch of Ye Glory to recruit herself, but was later recruited by the relevant person in charge of the community hospital.

"Glory, you are here!"

Seeing the nervous nurse go out, Li Xiaodan walked up to Ye Rongrong and said.

"Auntie, why don't you come to my house first when you come to Taoyuan!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"I wanted to go to your house first, but my sister dragged me here. Glory, this is my uncle."

Li Xiaodan pointed to an old man with a bad complexion lying on a hospital bed and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Sister, this is your nephew who lives in Taoyuan Village."

A middle-aged woman in her forties stood up from her seat and asked Li Xiaodan.

"Yes, that's him!"

Li Xiaodan nodded and said.

"Great, that nurse called you the dean just now, are you also the leader of this hospital?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Ye Rongrong excitedly and asked.

After all, if the young man in front of him was the leader of this community hospital, his father's operation would be easy. When the operation will be performed is not a matter of a word from the hospital leader.

In China, rules and regulations are often not as useful as a word from the leader.

"It counts!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"That's great. Let's see if the hospital can arrange an operation for my father earlier. My father's illness really can't be delayed. If it continues, his life will be in danger."

The middle-aged woman said to Ye Rongrong.

"Yes, please help."

A middle-aged man beside the hospital bed also walked up to Ye Rongrong and said.

"Glory, look at this..."

Li Xiaodan looked at Ye Rongrong expectantly.

After all, this is a relative of his natal family, and they all asked him to come here, so Li Xiaodan naturally wanted to do his best to help.

Relatives are not eager to help, so can you expect others to help you in the future?

"Dean Ye!"

"Welcome Dean Ye to come to the Inpatient Department of the Oncology Department to guide the work."

At this time, a young doctor in his early thirties led a group of young doctors and nurses into Ward 405, and said respectfully to Ye Rongrong.

"You all have nothing to do. So many people are here. I often come to this community hospital, so there is no need to receive me in such a big way."

Ye Rongrong didn't need to think about it, it must be the young female nurse who went back and told the chief physician of the ward area about her visit to this ward just now, and that's why the chief physician brought a group of people to welcome him.

"You go to work."

Li Yongjia, Director of the Oncology Inpatient Department, told other medical staff.

Hearing what Li Yongjia said, the other medical staff immediately left the ward to go to work. After all, there are a lot of people who come to Taoyuan Community Hospital to see a doctor. The tumor inpatient department is basically full, and everyone has a lot of work to do. .

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to check your work, I'm here to see patients."

Ye Rongrong said to Li Yong's family.

"Dean Ye, this old man said your relatives?"

Li Jiayong asked Ye Rongrong suspiciously.

However, Li Jiayong was still a little upset. This family has such a strong relationship, and they all know Dean Ye, so they didn't say anything in advance.

If they had said in advance that they knew Dean Ye and were relatives of Dean Ye, they would definitely take special care of them. At the very least, the ward they lived in was not the worst ward for eight people.

This operation must be done earlier.

"It's a distant relative!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

This patient is a distant relative of his aunt's family, so speaking of it, he is somewhat related to him.

"Dean Ye, I really don't know, or else I..."

Upon hearing that the patient was a relative of Ye Rongrong's family, Li Yong's family immediately said uncomfortably.

"Stop, I haven't told anyone that my relatives in Taoyuan Community Hospital need special care, so you don't have to worry about it. How is the patient's condition?"

Ye Rongrong interrupted Li Yongjia's words.

The hospital has its own rules and regulations. Ye Rongrong, as the founder of the Taoyuan Community Hospital for the Elderly, naturally will not break this rule.

After all, if every leader of the hospital, relatives and friends of doctors need special care, how can the hospital survive.

"The old man had a liver tumor, which is benign and can be cured by surgery. However, the location of the old man's liver tumor is quite special. The operation is very difficult. Now our hospital has the ability to do this difficult one. For liver tumor resection, only Professor Wang Baoquan in the provincial capital, but his surgeries have been fully booked in the past two months."

Li Yongjia said.

After all, Professor Wang Baoquan only spends three days a month in Taoyuan Community Hospital. Whether he sees patients or performs operations on patients, he is very nervous, and many operations are scheduled for several months away.

"Show me his medical records."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Soon, a young nurse brought the old man's medical records, which contained various test reports.

Ye Rongrong quickly read the medical records.

"Is the operating room still free this afternoon?"

After Ye Rongrong returned the medical record to the young nurse, he asked Li Yongjia.

"But... but Professor Wang is now in the provincial hospital, who will be the surgeon?"

Li Yongjia looked at Ye Rongrong hesitantly and asked.

"you do!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Li Yongjia and said.

"I...I...I can't!"

Li Yongjia hurriedly shook his hand and said.

If it was an ordinary liver tumor, Li Yongjia would have performed the operation on his own, mainly because the location of the tumor is so special that it grows inside the liver.

In addition, this is an elderly man, the difficulty of this operation is very high, and even the slightest mistake is not allowed.

Li Yongjia didn't have the confidence that he could perform this operation at all.

"You are the director of the inpatient department of the oncology department, and you are the first chief surgeon in the oncology department. If you don't want to perform this operation, who else do you want to do for you, Professor Wang? I'll wait for him to help you with difficult operations. , how much progress do you make, you still need to be hardworking yourself, don't rely on others every day."

Ye Rongrong said dissatisfied.

Since my five students were transferred to the People's Liberation Army General Hospital by myself, there are not many doctors who can stand alone in this Taoyuan Community Hospital for the Elderly. Most of the time, they rely on experts from the provincial capital to come for consultations.

In Ye Rongrong's view, this is not a long-term solution. He must cultivate elite doctors belonging to his own hospital.

"I worry……"

Li Yongjia said with some anxiety.

After all, this Li Yongjia is still young, only in his early thirties, and he still has some inexperience in surgery, especially for this kind of extremely difficult surgery, he is not sure at all.

That is to say, in this Taoyuan Community Hospital, a hospital that has just been established, otherwise, at the age of Li Yongjia's early thirties, he would not be able to be the director of the inpatient department of the oncology department.

"There is nothing to worry about. I will be your assistant. Nothing will happen. If you don't do it, you will never improve. Your level will always be like this."

Ye Rongrong said affirmatively.

It can be seen that Li Yong's family lacks confidence, so Ye Rongrong decided to accompany him in the operation. On the one hand, he can guide him to perform the operation, and on the other hand, if there is an emergency, he can take over the operation immediately.

"Then I will arrange for this operation now!"

Li Yong's family was no longer worried when they heard that Dean Ye was going to have surgery with him.

Li Yongjia believed that as long as Dean Ye was by his side, he would not have to worry about the operation being unsuccessful.

You must know that Dean Ye is the top doctor in China and the top doctor in the world. He accompanied him to perform this operation. This kind of opportunity is rare, and Li Yongjia will naturally not give up.

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