The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1614 Enrollment Discount

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"Principal, you are here!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walk into the principal's office, Chen Manshan immediately stood up from her seat and said.

"Is the admission brochure ready?"

Ye Rongrong asked directly.

Recruiting students can't just rely on words, but also let the parents of the students show the hardware and software of their school. This enrollment brochure is very important, because it is a brochure for the parents of the students to understand "Taoyuan Primary School".

As the best primary school facility in the entire county, the brochure of "Taoyuan Primary School" naturally introduced the campus environment and hardware facilities.

The only downside is that "Taoyuan Primary School" is currently short of teachers, and many teachers are still being recruited, but this is not a difficult thing.

Ye Rongrong asked all the staff of "Taoyuan Primary School", including the staff transferred from "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly", to take a group photo together and put it on the enrollment brochure.

Others don't know which ones are teachers and which ones are just school staff, so they naturally think that "Taoyuan Primary School" has strong teachers.

"It's all done, principal, look!"

Chen Manshan took out an enrollment brochure and said to Ye Rongrong.

Ye Rongrong flipped through it carefully and said, "It's okay! Call everyone to the conference room for a meeting."



Ten minutes later, in the small meeting room of Taoyuan Elementary School, Ye Rongrong was sitting on his seat. Looking at the people attending the meeting, Ye Rongrong was basically familiar with them. After all, these teachers who had been recruited were all individually Talked to.

Usually, I don't think there is anything abnormal, but when these teachers came to this meeting room, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but froze.

The yin and yang are seriously out of balance. Among the twenty-eight teachers, there are only three male teachers, including Ye Rongrong himself.

The key point is that these female teachers are young girls who have just graduated from school and are not yet married.

In today's social atmosphere, ordinary people have reservations about the principal and teachers. If others see that this "Taoyuan Elementary School" of myself is full of young and beautiful female teachers, and that the principal of me is a young man with a youthful spirit, they will definitely Some people gossip.

After all, I am considered a successful person now, and people always like to confuse successful people with beauties.

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and decided to focus on recruiting male teachers in the later stage. At the very least, he must coordinate Yin and Yang!

"Principal, everyone is here!"

After counting the number of people in the conference room, Chen Manshan said to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, let's start the meeting!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and stood up from his seat.

"Hi everyone, today can be said to be the first teacher conference of our Taoyuan Primary School. All of you here are basically young teachers who have just come out of school, and they are somewhat lacking in experience and experience."

"But it doesn't matter. In fact, it's my first time as a principal, and I'm inexperienced! Everyone has their first time, and everyone has inexperienced times. It's like talking about boyfriends and girlfriends, first dates, I always feel uneasy..."

Ye Rongrong saw that the young teachers below were very nervous, so he couldn't help jokingly said.

"Wenwen, our vice principal is very kind and humorous."

Hu Lili whispered to a young woman beside her.

"Don't talk, the principal is here."

Zhao Wenwen hurriedly patted her friend's hand and said in a low voice.

For this vice principal, Zhao Wenwen was a little scared. Now Zhao Wenwen still remembers that when she was interviewing the teacher of Taoyuan Primary School, the vice principal was sitting in front of her.

At that time, Zhao Wenwen's heart was beating hard. Even now, Zhao Wenwen was flustered when she saw this Principal Ye.

The main reason is that President Ye is a big-bodied and thick-skinned man with a fierce face, a bit like the image of Lu Zhishen that Zhao Wenwen saw in the novel "Water Margin".

As soon as the vice-principal looked over, Hu Lili quickly shut up, and straightened her posture to listen to Principal Ye's instruction.

"Everyone, don't be intimidated by the difficulties in front of you. We are all young people with a vigorous and progressive heart. As long as everyone works hard and works together, I believe that our Taoyuan Primary School will become the best primary school in the country. I have great respect for myself. I am very confident, and I hope everyone will have confidence in themselves."

"The sentence I admire the most is, 'As long as you work hard, gold and stone will open'. I believe that as long as we work hard, we will have nothing to fail..."

"Papa papa!"

When Ye Rongrong said this, Zhang Hua immediately applauded vigorously.

"Papa papa!"

After reacting, Chen Manshan hurriedly applauded.

The others hurriedly followed suit and applauded.

In terms of emotional intelligence, Chen Manli, the principal's assistant, just came out of school after all, far inferior to Zhang Hua, who has worked in public elementary schools for more than ten years.

You must know that when the leader speaks above, when he talks about something exciting, he must applaud sensibly. No matter how boring the speech is, he must find something exciting in the middle of the speech. applaud.

On the one hand, let the leader know that he is listening to his speech carefully and know what is wonderful about him, and on the other hand, let the leader feel that his speech is very exciting.

To put it bluntly, it is just to make the leader happy.

Of course, this refers to applauding when the leader speaks. At this time, special treatment is required, which means flattering.

Under normal circumstances, applause is more of an encouragement than a welcome.

When an actor first appeared on stage, he often felt very nervous. At this time, the audience applauded thunderously. Immediately, the actor was full of confidence and performed super-level performance.

In this way, actors and audiences can simultaneously experience the charm of art to the greatest extent.

Ye Rongyao pressed his hands, and the applause stopped, and Ye Rongyao continued his speech.

"Everything is better at the beginning than doing it well. Now the most important thing for our Taoyuan Primary School is to recruit students. Can a school be called a school without students?"

"So the main topic of today's meeting is to recruit students. After all, our Taoyuan Primary School is a new school, and there are no students. What should we do?"

Ye Rongrong said that he glanced at everyone here, seeing that everyone was looking at him without saying a word, Ye Rongrong continued his speech.

"Only when we take the initiative to let others know about our Taoyuan Primary School and the strength of our Taoyuan Primary School, will others let their children come to study in our school."

"Today we will assign tasks. Assistant Chen Manshan will lead a team to go door-to-door to Taoyuan Village and Yanshan Village to recruit students, whether it is the first grade or the sixth grade, we will admit them all."

"Director Zhang Hua, you will lead the team to recruit students from other villages in Xiaojiang Town, and I will lead the team to recruit students in the town."

"In any case, the number of students in the first class of our Taoyuan Primary School cannot be less than two hundred. Do you have anything to say?"

When Ye Rongrong said this, he looked at everyone and asked.

"Principal, I would like to ask if there is any discount for our first class of students?"

Zhang Hua asked.

After all, this "Taoyuan Primary School" is just a new school, and it is still a village primary school. If it is not attractive enough, few people will be willing to let their children study in this newly established village primary school.

"You just reminded me."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

After all, my elementary school is a newly established private school, or a village-level elementary school. If there is no preferential policy, it is estimated that few parents are willing to send their students to their own school.

"That's good. Those who enroll in Taoyuan Primary School this year will be exempted from textbook fees, tuition fees, and dormitory fees for one year. The school will also provide three meals for free. What do you think?"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"This...I'm afraid..."

Zhang Hua said hesitantly.

The country has long implemented the nine-year compulsory education, and there is no need for money to study, and there are a few money for books, tuition and accommodation fees.

The most important thing is that the economic strength of the people in this area of ​​southern Zhejiang is good, who cares about this little money.

You must know that these families in southern Zhejiang Province are willing to pay for their children’s studies. What kind of money is not much more than the cost of books, tuition, and accommodation for their children?

Therefore, in the area of ​​southern Zhejiang, this kind of waiver of textbook fees, tuition and miscellaneous fees, and accommodation fees for students is really not attractive at all.

Even the more this is the case, the more worried people are about sending their children to such private schools.

Now when people judge a school is good or bad, sometimes it is judged by the tuition fee. The school with high tuition fee is considered good, and everyone wants to go to that school.

"Don't be hesitant, just say what you have to say, even if you make a mistake, I won't blame you."

Ye Rongrong glanced at Zhang Hua and said.

This Zhang Hua is a good person, capable and capable, but there is one thing that Ye Rongrong is very upset about, saying that things are always afraid of this and that, and he is a little cautious.

"Principal, it's like this. Nowadays, many families basically only have one or two children, and they are all very precious. They pay more attention to the education of their children, and they are willing to spend a lot of money on their education. , this tuition discount, I am worried that the effect will not be good."

Zhang Hua said.

"Then what do you say?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Zhang Hua and asked.

In addition to giving discounts to students who signed up for "Taoyuan Primary School" in terms of money, Ye Rongrong really couldn't think of any other preferential plans.

"Don't hide it, just say what you have. I am a person who rewards and punishes clearly. As long as your suggestion is good and effective, there will definitely be rewards."

Seeing that Zhang Hua was hesitant to speak, Ye Rongrong immediately said with some dissatisfaction.

The second chapter will be later, let's read it after eleven o'clock!

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