The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1623 Weird Brochure


Unfortunately, this passer-by threw the brochure into the trash can, and when Ye Rongrong saw it, Ye Rongrong's complexion suddenly turned bad.

Damn it, you can't go far and find a trash can to throw it in!

Throwing the admissions brochure of his own school in front of his face like this, where would he put his face!

Ye Rongrong rolled his eyes, and an idea formed in his mind.


Li Qingyun threw the brochure of Taoyuan Primary School into the trash can without even looking at it, and continued to walk forward. In such a hot day, he really didn't want to stay outdoors for a moment.

Li Qingyun's child is going to study this semester, and has already selected a school half a year ago, and plans to study in "a small town".

"Town No. 1" is the best primary school in the entire Xiaojiang Town. If Li Qingyun's sister hadn't been the school leader of "Town No. 1", she really wouldn't have been able to apply for the name.

It's basically settled now, as long as they pay a sponsorship fee of 2,000 yuan when they sign up on September 1st, Li Qingyun's children can study in "Town No. 1".

If it doesn't matter, even if you pay 20,000 yuan, you won't be able to get a place to study in a "small town".

Therefore, Li Qingyun didn't like a village-level primary school like "Taoyuan Primary School", let alone a newly established private rural school.

There is only such a precious girl in my family, but I have to train her well, how can I let her go to a country primary school.

This kind of rural primary school, that is, the poor children in the countryside study, and it's enough to mix up the nine-year compulsory education.

But his daughter is not like this. Li Qingyun and his wife have plans. In the future, their daughter will go to university, graduate school, doctorate, and even send her to study abroad.

When they return to China in the future, they will be the elite returnees.

After all, whether you have studied abroad or not, the income gap in China is very large.


Suddenly the paper object floated towards him, Li Qingyun couldn't dodge it in time, the whole very thin paper object covered his face, making his eyes go black and he couldn't see anything.

Li Qingyun took the paper thing off his face, looked at it, and was puzzled: "So it's this brochure! This one seems to be the one I threw into the trash can."

It turned out that floating on his face was the "Taoyuan Elementary School Enrollment Brochure" that he had just thrown into the roadside trash can.

The reason why Li Qingyun was so sure that this brochure was the one he threw into the trash can was because Li Qingyun had a runny nose just now, so he just wiped it on the brochure without bringing a tissue.

Fortunately, the lump of snot directly covered his face.

"It's really bad luck!"

Li Qingyun threw the brochure on the ground, spit two mouthfuls of phlegm on it, wiped his face and continued walking forward.

As for why the brochure that was still in the trash can was blown onto his face by the wind, Li Qingyun didn't think much about it.

Maybe the brochure I just threw into the trash can was blown into the sky by the wind, and it happened to blow on my face.

But within a few steps, Li Qingyun was once again covered by this brochure, damn it, the two pieces of saliva were still sticking to Li Qingyun's face.

"Damn it, what a hell!"

Li Qingyun held the brochure of "Taoyuan Primary School" in his hand, so depressed!

This brochure has to be wrong with me.

He bullied himself once or twice.

Immediately, Li Qingyun was furious, picked up the brochure, tore it vigorously, and directly dismembered it.

After tearing it up, Li Qingyun looked at the side of the road and found a stone to hold down the torn brochure.

"Now, let me see how you fly!"

Li Qingyun looked at the brochure suppressed by the stone proudly and said.

But soon, Li Qingyun became a little complacent,

Because he hadn't gone far, the brochure that had been torn into two by himself was blown onto him by the wind again.


Li Qingyun's face suddenly turned pale!

How could this brochure that he had pressed under the stone fly to him again?

Once or twice, it can be explained by coincidence, but this third time is no longer a coincidence, this is weird!

Yes, it's weird!

Thinking of this, Li Qingyun was terrified, and hurriedly threw the brochure in his hand on the ground, and ran to his home without hesitation.

There were unclean things in this place, Li Qingyun didn't dare to stay any longer.


Ye Rongrong looked at Li Qingyun in the distance, and had to withdraw his thought power. It was Li Qingyun who ran beyond the maximum distance that Ye Rongrong's thought power could control.

With the continuous improvement of Ye Rongyao's physical fitness, Ye Rongyao's mental power has also become stronger, and now the scope of this mental power is much larger than before.

Although it is much larger, it can only control a distance of 300 meters. If it exceeds this distance, Ye Rongrong's mental power will fail.

Looking away from Li Qingyun, Ye Rongrong looked at Zhao Wenwen and the others who were distributing brochures. A lot of brochures were distributed, but no one consulted them, and they basically left with the brochures.

It seems that these people have no interest in "Taoyuan Primary School", even if it is recommended places, and the bonus points policy, these parents have no interest.

What's going on?

Didn't Zhang Hua say that as long as he got the support policy from the Education Bureau, it would be much easier to enroll students.

This is so much easier!

There was literally no interest at all.

Ye Rongrong suddenly became a little anxious. After all, this "lazy system" only gave him three days. Seeing that the first day was about to pass, there was no intention.

Suddenly, Ye Rongrong heard someone discussing "Taoyuan Elementary School" nearby, and immediately pricked up his ears to listen. Now Ye Rongrong's hearing is very good, and if he listens, he can hear the voices of nearby people.

"The brochure of Taoyuan Elementary School looks very good, and the school is also very beautiful. Judging from the brochure, it is really one of the best schools in our county."

"You can also believe the things in this brochure. My eldest son is currently in junior high school. I was deceived by this brochure. The school in the brochure is surrounded by green water and green mountains. The green area is very good, and the teaching building is also very good. It's brand new, but when you send your child to enroll in that school, you know what I saw!"

"What did you see?"

A few people on the side asked curiously.

"I saw a smelly garbage dump in front of this school, a bare stone mountain behind, and many graves, and the school's teaching building was old and covered with moss. If my eldest son hadn't signed up, I would No matter what, my eldest son will not be allowed to study there."

"So you can't trust the brochure?"

"Of course, now this photo can be faked. It's like taking a wedding photo. You can't believe that the woman in it is your daughter-in-law!"

"That's right, it's just as ugly as the yellow-faced woman in our family. Two days ago, I was like a young man to take a photo shoot. When I took it back, I looked like a beautiful girl in her twenties. I have lived with her for more than ten years. No one can tell that the person in this photo is my yellow-faced woman."


After listening to Ye Rongrong for a while, he didn't listen to this group of people's conversation anymore, their topic had strayed too far.

Another group of people happened to pass by, discussing Taoyuan Primary School, Ye Rongrong immediately focused on these people.

"Taoyuan Elementary School? Is it the elementary school in Taoyuan Village?"

"That's it. When I went to Taoyuan Community Hospital for the Elderly to see a doctor last month, I stopped by that elementary school."

"how is everything?"

"It's not bad. The school is quite big. The teaching building, dining hall, and dormitory building are all very good. Just like the one in this brochure, it's even better than the county's No. 1 Primary School."

"I didn't expect a rural private school to be so well built!"

"What's the use of the school's teaching building? The key is the quality of the teachers. Look at the teachers in this brochure. They all look like students who graduated from the school. How can they know what teaching is?"

"That's right, no matter what Taoyuan Primary School, it's all in Taoyuan Village anyway, what does it have to do with the people in our town? Could it be that we still send our children to the countryside to go to school?"

"Private schools in rural areas are not comparable to schools in towns. It is estimated that those who go to study there are poor children from the countryside. If we send our children there to study, wouldn't we let those poor children lead our children to ruin?"

"Look, they're actually free, and there's a recommendation quota, and there's a bonus point policy. No matter how I look at it, it's all a trap!"

"What's the use of extra points? The child is in a rural school. If he can't improve his grades, it's useless to add a few points!"

"Anyway, I won't let my children study in this school!"


There are many similar discussions. In short, there are few words saying that "Taoyuan Primary School" is good, and they don't really believe in "Taoyuan Primary School", a new private elementary school.

After listening for a while, Ye Rongrong shouted to Zhao Wenwen and the others: "Don't send it to everyone, Hu Lili, look at the young man with tattoos all over his body that you just sent to. He probably doesn't even have a wife. Don't send it to everyone." He sent it."

Ye Rongrong has already decided to stay here for another hour and go back at six o'clock. It seems that it is not feasible to use this brochure to recruit students.


Li Qingyun ran all the way home, and when he got home, he was already sweating.

"What's wrong? I'm sweating all over my body!"

Li Qingyun's daughter-in-law Wu Xiaoyang looked at her husband who was almost soaked and asked suspiciously.

"Don't talk yet, let me catch my breath!"

Li Qingyun said out of breath.

This burst of wild running cost Li Qingyun a lot of energy.

"I'll pour you a glass of water!"

Seeing Li Qingyun's embarrassed look, Wu Xiaoyang got up and poured him a glass of cold water.

After a while, Li Qingyun regained his strength and took a sip of water. Li Qingyun told his daughter-in-law about the weird thing he just encountered.

"And this thing?"

Wu Xiaoyang said in surprise.

If it is really like what my husband said, this thing is really weird!

"It's still fake, I'm scared to death!"

Li Qingyun is still in shock.

"Dad, what's in your pocket?"

Li Qingyun's daughter pointed to Li Qingyun's trouser pocket and asked.


Li Qingyun looked into the pocket of his trousers, and immediately his face turned pale and frightening.


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