The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1627 Principal Ye's Purpose

"How do I know, I'm not a roundworm in the headmaster's stomach."

Zhao Wenwen shook her head and said.

"Then do you want to be the roundworm in the headmaster's stomach?"

Hu Lili looked at Zhao Wenwen teasingly and asked.

For this awesome principal, both Hu Lili and Zhao Wenwen have some fantasies in their hearts.

After all, a successful man is most attractive to a young girl like Hu Lili, let alone a successful man like Ye Rongrong.

"Hate, what are you talking about."

Zhao Wenwen blushed and said anxiously.

"I'm talking nonsense, every time the principal is around, your eyes are always on him."

Hu Lili said jokingly.

"Keep your voice down, the principal is here."

Zhao Wenwen hurriedly looked at Ye Rongrong, and saw that he was asleep with his eyes closed, and felt more at ease.

How embarrassing it would be if the headmaster heard that he often peeked at him!

"The headmaster is asleep. He will definitely not be able to hear us talking."

Hu Lili shook her head and said.

The headmaster snored really loudly when he was sleeping, like a big thunder, but when it stopped in his ears, Hu Lili felt a sense of security.

Hu Lili herself didn't know why she had such an idea.


"Brother Glory, where are we going?"

When the car drove to Yangping County, Xiao Si'er asked Ye Rongrong.

But Ye Rongrong is sleeping soundly now, how could he hear Xiao Si'er's words.

"Help wake up Brother Glory."

Xiao Si'er said to Zhao Wenwen and the others speechlessly.

On this point, Xiao Si'er especially admires Brother Glory, he can sleep well anywhere, and can fall asleep anytime, anywhere.

Xiao Si'er still remembered going to swim in the reservoir on the mountain with Brother Rong Rong, and he fell asleep in the water of the reservoir, which scared Xiao Si'er a lot.


Zhao Wenwen responded, and gently pushed Ye Rongrong who was sitting beside her with her hands, "Principal, wake up!"

For some reason, seeing Principal Ye sleeping, Zhao Wenwen thought he was very cute.

"Hmm... are you here?"

Ye Rongrong opened his eyes and asked in a daze.

"Brother Glory, you haven't told me where to go yet?"

Xiao Si'er said with a smile.

"Are you in the county seat?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the scene outside the car window and asked.

"It's in the county seat now."

Xiao Si'er nodded and said.

"Go to Sunshine Children's Asylum!"

Ye Rongrong said.

This Sunshine Children's Adoption Center was run by a kind-hearted couple in Yangping County more than ten years ago. It mainly takes in children who were abandoned by their families.

It is the only children's adoption center in Yangping County, and it is private. The donations of kind people in the society over the years have allowed this children's adoption center to be maintained until now.

This "Sunshine Children's Home" is also one of the key donation projects of "Qingyao Charity Foundation". Last year, "Qingyao Charity Foundation" donated 1 million to this "Sunshine Children's Home".

At first glance, this one million is a lot, but in fact it costs a lot of money to raise children, especially to raise so many infants and young children is really a drop in the bucket.

However, the "Qingyao Charity Foundation" has continued to support the "Sunshine Children's Adoption Home" in the follow-up.


Xiao Si'er responded, and drove to the "Sunshine Children's Home".

Xiao Si'er had been to that place several times with his wife, so he naturally knew the way.

"Principal, why are we going to the orphanage?"

Hu Lili asked Ye Rongrong suspiciously.

"What do you say!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Principal, do you mean to recruit students to the children's adoption center?"

Zhao Wenwen said in surprise.

But soon, Zhao Wenwen's eyes lit up, which was definitely a good idea.

After all, Taoyuan Primary School has so many preferential policies, and it is free of tuition and miscellaneous fees, accommodation fees, food expenses, etc., which is definitely a good thing for children's adoption centers. I believe the person in charge of this "Sunshine Children's Adoption Center" is very happy. Those who are willing to let their children go to "Taoyuan Primary School" to study.

"Yes indeed!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Soon the car drove to the entrance of a supermarket, and Xiao Si'er stopped the car.

"Brother Glory, I'm going to buy something!"

Xiao Si'er said.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


Ten minutes later, Xiao Si'er came out of the supermarket carrying a bag full of bags, which were full of candies and other snacks.

"Brother Xiaosi, why did you buy so many candies?"

Zhao Wenwen looked at Xiao Si'er who got into the car suspiciously and said.

"Isn't this going to the Sunshine Children's Orphanage? I'll buy some candies for those kids."

Xiao Si'er said.

Xiao Sier accompanied his wife Pan Chengchen to the "Sunshine Children's Home" several times, and every time he would bring some candy and other snacks to the poor children.

Going to the "Sunshine Children's Adoption Home" today, Xiao Si'er will naturally not forget to bring some candy and other snacks for these children, otherwise they will be disappointed.

"Brother Xiao Si, you are such a caring man!"

Hu Lili gave Xiao Si'er a thumbs up and said.

"What kind of caring am I? Brother Glory is the most caring. He has used tens of billions to set up a charity foundation."

Xiao Si'er said with a smile.

"Tens of billions?"

Hu Lili and Zhao Wenwen looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise, a little unbelievable.

Although I knew that my principal was very rich and had a high social status, I didn't expect him to spend tens of billions for charity. This is so great!

Immediately, the two girls became a little crazy.

"Why are you looking at me, I don't have flowers growing on my face!"

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.


Soon, we arrived at the "Sunshine Children's Adoption House". This is a dilapidated yard covering an area of ​​nearly one acre, together with an elementary school, which was later abandoned. Place".

In the first few years, Jiang Xiaoqi’s company had a good business and was able to maintain the expenses of the orphanage. After several financial crises, the company went bankrupt. Now the “Sunshine Children’s Orphanage” relies entirely on enthusiastic people in the society and the government’s support. subsidy to maintain.

"Here we are, get off!"

Xiao Si'er parked the car in the parking lot outside the gate and said to everyone.

Because there are many children in this orphanage, vehicles are not allowed to drive in it, for fear of bumping into children.

"Everyone get out of the car!"

Ye Rongrong opened the car door and led a group of people out of the Audi Q7.

"Hello, are you Professor Ye?"

As soon as Ye Rongrong and the others got out of the car, a few middle-aged men and women walked up to them and said to Ye Rongrong enthusiastically.

"Hi, I'm Ye Rongrong."

Ye Rongrong nodded and shook hands with the leading middle-aged man.

Before coming here, Pan Chengchen called the person in charge of the "Sunshine Children's Adoption House". This morning, the person in charge of the "Sunshine Children's Adoption House" was waiting for Ye Rongrong to speak at the door.

After all, the arrival of Ye Rongrong, a great philanthropist, is of great significance to "Sunshine Children's Home".

"Hello, Professor Ye, I am Jiang Xiaoqi, director of the 'Sunshine Children's Adoption Institute', this is my wife and Li Xiaoxia, the deputy director of the 'Sunshine Children's Adoption Institute', this is my son Jiang Zhe is the driver, responsible for picking up and dropping off the children Yes, this is my daughter-in-law, she is the only doctor in our adoption home, this is..."

Jiang Xiaoqi introduced the main staff of this "Sunshine Children's Adoption Center" to Ye Rongrong.

It seems that Jiang Xiaoqi's family all work in this "Sunshine Children's Adoption Home".

It is a very kind family.

Ye Rongrong even heard people say that in order to maintain the daily expenses of this "Sunshine Children's Adoption Home", this Jiang Xiaoqi sold his own house, and a few years ago he sold his son and daughter-in-law's newlywed houses to make up for this. "Sunshine Children's Asylum".

This is also because his son and daughter-in-law are kind-hearted, otherwise they would have quarreled with Jiang Xiaoqi long ago.

So when it comes to charity, Ye Rongrong admires Jiang Xiaoqi and his family very much.

To be honest, at this point, Ye Rongrong thinks that it is absolutely impossible to do it, and devotes all his wealth selflessly to charity.

This is also the reason why Ye Rongrong established the "Charitable Foundation", because the money invested in the "Charitable Foundation" still belongs to him, and he can take it back whenever he wants.

Moreover, the "charitable foundation" is an operational project, and its colleagues who are doing charity can also use funds for investment.

Just like the current "Qingyao Charity Foundation", the charity fund invested by Ye Rongrong has not lost money, but has increased. This is the reason.

This is completely different from running a children's adoption center like Jiang Xiaoqi's. Running this children's adoption center is completely burning money. After all, this child needs money to eat, drink and drink.

"Husband, quickly invite Professor Ye and the others into the yard, it's too hot outside."

Li Xiaoxia said.

Now the temperature outside is more than 40 degrees, and it is very uncomfortable for this person to stay in the sun.

"Look at me, I forget everything when I get excited, Professor Ye, and everyone, please sit inside."

Jiang Xiaoqi hurriedly said to Ye Rongrong and the others.


Soon, a group of people walked into this "Sunshine Children's Adoption Home".

"Uncle Xiao Si'er!"

"Uncle Xiao Si'er!"

Not far from the yard, a dozen children who were playing in the shade of the yard ran up excitedly and shouted around Xiao Si'er.

"The tiger cub has grown taller!"

"Nana has grown taller too!"

"Let's see what delicious food your Uncle Xiao Si'er brought you this time."

Xiao Si'er said with a smile to the children running over.

"It's a lollipop!"

"And Oreo cookies!"

"I saw yogurt!"

The children excitedly walked around the small shop.

This small shop often comes to this "Sunshine Children's Adoption Home", and the children here are basically familiar with him.

"Mr. Xiao Si'er is a very kind-hearted person, and he often brings things to see the children."

Li Xiaoxia said to Ye Rongrong.

"Yes, it is because of so many kind-hearted people that our 'Sunshine Children's Home' can continue to operate."

Jiang Xiaoqi said with emotion.

The world is still dominated by good people.


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