The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1651 Take the kids to the playground

"Bang bang bang!"

Ye Rongrong tapped lightly on the window of Class 1 Classroom, Grade 5.

This boy sitting by the window actually reads comic books during class, which is fine.

Hearing the noise, the little boy who was peeking at comic books in class raised his head and looked out the window.

It turned out that the principal was looking at him from the window.

Immediately, his frightened face turned pale.

You should know that if you read and read cartoons in class, if you are caught by teachers or school leaders, your parents will be invited to the school.

If my dad knew that I read comic books in class, he wouldn't beat me up!

"Give me that book!"

Ye Rongrong said to each other.

The little boy obediently handed the comic book to Ye Rongrong through the window.

"Okay, let's continue with the class."

After Ye Rongrong took the comic book, he spoke to the students and teachers of the fifth grade class, and continued to inspect the class situation of other classes with the comic book.

Fortunately, the discipline in other classes is not bad. Although a few students lost their minds in class, this is still normal in Ye Rongrong's view.

After all, when studying and attending class, no one has ever come to God.

Soon Ye Rongrong walked out of the window of Class 1, Grade 6.

Very good, Erwazi and Li Shilan are both in class.

A pillow was placed on the stool Li Shilan was sitting on.

This reminded Ye Rongrong that he had attacked Li Shilan yesterday and injured her ass.

But Ye Rongrong didn't regret it, for such a naughty student, if she didn't give him a good lesson, she wouldn't know how to improve.

Ye Rongrong set his sights on Erwazi. He thought that Erwazi's temperament had changed, but now he started to listen carefully in class.

But when I looked carefully, I saw that there was a Chinese textbook in Erwazi's upright book.

Ye Rongrong was also surprised, why did the second child listen so carefully in class, and co-authored the class to watch.

Ye Rongrong walked in through the door at the back of the classroom and walked behind Erwazi.

Erwazi, who was watching intently, didn't even notice that Ye Rongrong was beside him, his attention was completely attracted by this world.

"Does it look good?"

Ye Rongrong asked Erwazi.


Erwazi replied subconsciously.

But he quickly realized that when he looked up, Erwazi trembled in fright.


Erwazi was so frightened that he couldn't complete his speech, mainly because Erwazi was most afraid of Ye Rongrong.

"I confiscated this book!"

Ye Rongrong said, and confiscated it.

"Director Zhang, continue!"

Ye Rongrong said something to Zhang Hua, and left Class 1, Grade 6 to inspect other classes.


Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Everything in the "Taoyuan Primary School" is going on in an orderly manner. Although occasionally a few students are naughty and mischievous, in Ye Rongrong's view, this is a very normal thing. After all, no matter how good the school is, there are always a few naughty students.

After the typhoon yesterday, the weather was much cooler. Ye Rongrong took his family to Wenzhou Amusement Park early this morning.

Recently, Ye Rongrong looked at the WeChat group. Either this classmate took his family to travel somewhere, or took the children to play in amusement parks and zoos.

Although Ye Rongrong is a standard otaku, he will not go out if he can't go out, but for his wife and children, Ye Rongrong decided to take them out to play more.

What other people's families can enjoy, one's own family should also enjoy.

Children who stay at home every day are not as courageous and knowledgeable as children who often go out.

Whoever loses money can't lose his wife and children.

Because I got up early in the morning, I arrived at Wenzhou Amusement Park at a quarter past nine in the morning. Although the amusement park only opened for a while, because today is the weekend, there are many people who bring their children to the amusement park.

I waited in line for more than ten minutes just to buy the tickets. Including Nangong Ziyan and the other guards, I bought a total of eleven tickets.

The tickets are quite expensive, 80 yuan per ticket,

Ye Rongrong heard people say that the entrance fee for this amusement park was only 40 yuan in the past two years, but in less than two years, the entrance fee has doubled.

"Dad, I want to ride the carousel!"

"Dad, I want to play that!"

"Uncle, I want to take a flying car!"

In the amusement park, Dudu and Mengmeng are excited to play with everything they see.

However, in comparison, Ye Rongrong still likes bumper cars a little more. After all, this is completely controlled by himself, and the others are controlled by machines. Ye Rongrong thinks it is meaningless.

But coming out to play is mainly to make the children happy, as an adult, I don't have that much fun.

Played the same way with the children.

"Okay, it's already noon, let's take a break and go eat first."

Ye Rongrong saw that the time was almost twelve o'clock at noon, and immediately said to Dudu and Mengmeng who still wanted to ride the Ferris wheel.

"Dad, can we play the Ferris wheel after dinner?"

Dudu looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Of course, as long as you can eat a full bowl of rice today, I will let you play on this Ferris wheel."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Well, if you eat too much of this food, you will gain weight, and it will not look good if you gain weight."

Dudu said seriously.

"Your aunt told you that?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

If Liu Xixi told Dudu like this, Ye Rongrong would call to educate her at night.

"She told mom."

Dudu said.

She thinks something as big as Dudu makes sense.

"That's because your aunt is disobedient and disobedient, so she doesn't eat. It's not good-looking for children to grow thin, so no one wants them."

Ye Rongrong said.


Dudu looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"Of course, you asked your mother if the child would look good if he didn't eat and lost weight."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Children don't look good when they are thin, but they are ugly."

Liu Qingqing squatted down and said to Dudu.

"Then I want to eat, a bowl full of rice, Dad, after we eat, we will play with this Ferris wheel."

Dudu said.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


There are restaurants in this playground, but the things inside are much more expensive than those outside.

The main reason is the location. Everyone buys a ticket to come in. A ticket costs 80 yuan, and a discount for children costs 40 yuan. Once you go out, you need to buy a new ticket if you want to come in again.

Therefore, if you come to this playground with your family, you basically choose to eat in the restaurant in this playground, so as to avoid the cost of buying tickets twice, because it is not cost-effective.

Of course, many people choose to buy food and bring them in before entering the playground, so that they don't have to spend a lot of money to eat.

Although many people chose to eat the food brought by themselves, the restaurant in the amusement park was still full. Ye Rongyao and the others waited for more than half an hour before it was their turn to eat in the restaurant.

After eating this lunch, I took the children to ride the Ferris wheel, the pirate ship, and the air plane, and played until after four o'clock in the afternoon. The two children were tired of playing, and it was over.

"Dad, Dudu will come here to play in the future!"

Coming out of the playground, Dudu said to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, as long as Dudu is obedient, Mom and Dad will often take you to this amusement park."

Ye Rongrong patted Dudu's head and said.

An unmarried man, he lives for himself, and feeds the whole family without hunger. Once he gets married and has children, his life trajectory will change, and he will live for this family from then on.

"Well, Dudu is very obedient."

Dudu nodded and said.

"Husband, you see an old man fell on the ground, let's go and have a look?"

Walking out of the playground, Liu Qingqing noticed that not far from the playground, an old man in his seventies wearing a short white shirt collapsed there.

Many passers-by avoided him, and no one stepped forward to help the old man.

This made the kind-hearted Liu Qingqing a little sad.

What's wrong with people now, is this heart cold?

Such an old man fell to the ground, but no one went to ask or help him.

You must know that it is very dangerous for the elderly to fall to the ground. Sometimes the treatment is delayed, and it may be life-threatening.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Seeing the old man fell on the ground with no one to support him, Ye Rongrong also felt a little uncomfortable. Maybe one day he would get old and accidentally fall on the ground, but in the end there was no one to help him. It was really heartbreaking!

Just when Ye Rongrong and the others were approaching the old man who fell on the ground, a boy of twelve or thirteen happened to walk past the old man.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

The boy squatted down curiously and asked the old man.

"Son, grandpa accidentally fell down, can you help grandpa?"

the old man looked at the boy and asked.

"Okay! The teacher said, a good boy should be happy to help others!"

The boy nodded and said.

"What a good boy!"

The old man said happily.

"Grandpa, I'll help you!"

The boy knelt down to help the old man.

"Husband, the quality of children nowadays is good. There is no adult to do such a simple thing."

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong who was beside her with emotion.

"Mainly adults are frightened!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Nowadays, there are too many people who touch porcelain and blackmail people, and many bad people take advantage of people's kindness to seek money.

Some people even went bankrupt because they helped the elderly.

So much so that people nowadays are afraid to help people who have fallen on the side of the road, for fear of being blackmailed.


Liu Qingqing was about to say something when she heard the voices of people passing by.

"The people who touch porcelain now are too bad, they can even deceive such a young child."

"Yeah, this kid is going to be in trouble!"

"In the future, if you see the old man lying on the ground, you must stay away. Do you know what kind of car my brother used to drive?"

"What car?"

"Big run!"

"Then how do you ride a battery car now?"

"Isn't it because I helped a few old people, the house and the car were lost, and even my wife divorced me in the end,'s tears when I say it!"



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