The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1653 What is

"That's not a good man, either he's married, or... Forget it, don't talk about it, I'm upset, boss, may I ask the little girl what to do at such a late hour, if you want to go to bed, don't talk about it!"

Fang Bolin said jokingly.

"No kidding, I have a serious business with you. I am going to set up an 'Anti-Porcelain Association' to help those troubled by Porcelain, and to crack down on such Porcelain behavior."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Establish the 'Reverse Porcelain Association'?"

Fang Bolin froze for a moment, then said in surprise, "Boss, have you had a drink?"

"No drink tonight."

After speaking, Ye Rongrong also reacted, and immediately said: "What do you mean?"

"Boss, why are you so serious about creating the 'Reverse Porcelain Association'? It's a big pit."

Fang Bolin said.

Now this Porcelain Porcelain has become a phenomenon-level social phenomenon, and the country can't care about it anymore. Why is my boss so careless?

"I know this is a pit, but if this trend is not killed, will it be true that after decades, no one dares to go out, people will not trust each other, and society will become indifferent? It's terrible, I don't want and don't want my child to live in such an indifferent society..."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Boss, I understand what you mean, what do I need to do?"

Fang Bolin was immediately in awe of Ye Rongrong.

There are many rich people in China now, but there are too few rich people who are willing to use their money to do something beneficial to society.

"The establishment of the 'Anti-Ban Porcelain Association' is first of all to recruit people, especially those with anti-porcelain experience. This is the most important person we want to recruit."

Ye Rongrong said.

"There are very few people with anti-bumping experience, but we can hire some retired criminal police."

Fang Bolin thought for a while and said.

After all, in China, there are no professional organizations and teams that "reverse against porcelain", and there are very few individuals who "reverse against porcelain".

After all, if "Reverse Porcelain" was single-handed, he would never know how he would die.

"That's right, it's fine."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said, after thinking for a while, Ye Rongrong continued: "By the way, we need to find twenty or thirty veterans."

After all, those who engage in "Pengci" are rarely single-handedly, and basically commit crimes in gangs, so it is necessary to recruit enough security personnel. If you really want to use force, you are not afraid.


Fang Bolin nodded and said.

"Who else needs to be recruited, you can decide for yourself. Let's do this first. Dudu has finished taking a bath, and I have to watch the children."

Ye Rongrong said.

"I know you are a good daddy."

Fang Bolin smiled, and hung up the phone without waiting for Ye Rongrong to reply.


After breakfast, Liu Qingqing took Dudu and the others to the third master's house in the village to see the cow's nose pierced.

After all, for people like Liu Qingqing who grew up in big cities, they have never seen a cow's nose being pierced. They don't understand what's going on, and they find it very fresh, so they went to hug Dudu early this morning. Go to the third master's house and watch the cow's nose pierced.

It's beautiful to say: "Give Dudu a lot of insight", in fact, Liu Qingqing wants to see something new.

For Ye Rongrong, who grew up in the countryside, this was too much for the cows, but with the mechanization of farming, the use of cattle has become less and less.

Now there are not many people raising cattle at home, and cattle are not as precious as before.

You must know that in ancient times, giant pandas were not a rare thing. You can eat any antler, bear paw and tiger penis as long as you have the ability.

But there is a kind of animal that you cannot kill to eat meat even if you raise it from a young age, and that is the cow.

Nowadays, many heroes in costume TV dramas and various historical novels have to cut up a few catties of beef every time they enter the store, which is deceptive.

In ancient times, the social status of cattle was very high.

In fact, as early as 3,000 years ago, the lofty status of cattle in the Western Zhou Dynasty had been established.

At that time, there was "the princes do not kill cattle without reason", let alone eating beef.

"The Book of Rites King System" says so, only when the ruler uses Tailao to worship the ancestors of heaven and earth, will the cattle be killed.

Even princes can only use sheep and pigs when offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, and only emperors can use cattle when offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, so it was very difficult to eat beef in ancient times.

How could an ordinary hotel have beef for sale?

In ancient times, even if the cow was old or sick, the owner of the cow could not kill it at will, and the slaughter process had to follow the legal standards and be approved by official agencies.

If you want to eat beef, you have to wait until a cow is old or seriously ill. At the same time, you have to go to different departments to stamp it. Without the consent of these departments, you cannot slaughter cattle.

In the Han Dynasty, there was such a regulation that "the killing of cattle is prohibited by the king's law, and those who violate the prohibition will be punished", and those who kill cattle privately without official permission will be beheaded.

After the Han Dynasty, people could steal cattle to eat meat, but once they were found out by the government, they would still have to spend a year or two in prison, and then they would be punished.

No matter in ancient times or now, people will pierce the nose of the cow when the cow is half the height of the pile, because at this time the calf is the most annoying, and it is a big disaster when it runs into the field. In the past, a large crop could be ruined.

So people will put this bull nose ring on the nose of the cow, which is equivalent to putting a magic spell on Wukong in "Journey to the West".

With this ox-nose ring, when the calf is having fun again, as long as the rope is pulled, the ox-nose ring will make its nose hurt, and the calf can only be honest and dare not run around.

And with this cow-nose ring, it is much easier to control the cow. If you don't wear this cow-nose ring, if the cow doesn't obey, there is really nothing to do with it.

After all, this cow is much stronger than a human. If you dare to mess with it, it can kick you away, which is very dangerous.

Therefore, as long as the cows in the countryside grow to a certain level, they will definitely get pierced by the cow's nose ring.

Most of the family members went to see Niubizi. Ye Rongrong was bored in the yard by himself. After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong also walked out of the yard and went to "Taoyuan Elementary School" while it was still cool in the morning.

Because it is during class, the whole campus is relatively quiet.

"Go to hell, go to hell..."

Suddenly, Ye Rongrong heard intermittent angry voices coming from the small woods on the campus.

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, then walked towards the grove.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, Shui Lan hastily wiped away the tears on her face, and said to Ye Rongrong with some embarrassment.

"Why are you so sad?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

Ye Rongrong was still very impressed with this English teacher who graduated from Harvard University with a doctoral degree.

What an elite person with a high degree of education, instead of doing a good job in a big city, he went to his own countryside to become an elementary school teacher.

Ye Rongrong knew that there must be some story in it.

But after all, this matter involves other people's desires, so it is not easy for Ye Rongrong to ask.

Besides, Ye Rongrong is not a gossip person.


Shui Lan nodded and said.

"Is it about the relationship between men and women?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

This adult woman is rough on the tree, cursing "die" and the like, and it is likely to have something to do with feelings, especially a woman who is not married yet.


Shuilan nodded.

"Open up your heart, and you'll be fine."

Ye Rongrong said seriously.

The relationship between a man and a woman is the most complicated. It is difficult for outsiders to help her, and she can only rely on herself.

"Thank you principal!"

Shui Lan said gratefully to Ye Rongrong.

Although the Principal Ye in front of him is not a few years older than himself, Shui Lan feels that Principal Ye is a very wise man.

"Okay, if you're really in a bad mood, I'll give you a day off and have a good rest."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Principal, can I ask you a question?"

Shui Lan looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"go ahead."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"What is love?"

Shuilan asked.

"You have troubled me with this question."

Ye Rongrong touched his nose, thought for a while, and then said: "In my opinion, true love is when two people are together, there must be a feeling, a sense of intimacy, a man can be unhandsome, a woman can be unbeautiful, But we look at each other pleasingly and feel kind to each other.”

"Just like relatives, you can completely relax in front of each other, willing to open your heart, willing to expose your fragility, willing to expose your shortcomings without worrying about the other party's contempt and ridicule."

"It's such a sense of intimacy and relaxation, a fusion of hearts and minds, and even more mutual understanding and tolerance."

"It is easy to love someone's strengths, but it is difficult to tolerate a person's shortcomings. Only the person who can forgive himself the most is the one who loves himself the most."


Ye Rongrong explained his understanding of love.

After all, everyone's understanding of love is different.

"I see, thank you principal, I'm going to class now."

Shui Lan said to Ye Rongrong, and walked quickly to the teaching building.

"Understood? What did she understand?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the figure of Shuilan going away with some puzzlement and muttered.

It's really hard to fathom a woman's mind.

Shaking his head, Ye Rongrong continued to patrol the campus.


After ten o'clock in the evening, the dormitory lights of the entire "Taoyuan Elementary School" were turned off, even the lights in the teacher's dormitory were turned off. There was still class tomorrow, and the teacher had to go to bed early.

A figure came to the temporary wall of Taoyuan School, looked around, and couldn't help muttering: "Fortunately, the wall is not too high, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to get out."

After muttering, the figure retreated a certain distance, then quickly ran towards the wall, jumped to the wall immediately, grabbed the top of the wall, and climbed up.

The figure climbed over the wall, jumped down steadily and looked around, only to see that it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

"Fortunately, I'm ready!"

The figure took out a small flashlight from his pocket, and by the light of the flashlight came to a corner by the wall.

"It's here, that's right."

The figure stopped somewhere on the wall.


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