The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1659: They Are All Controlled by Mobile Phones

"Is there any good solution, but I have a suggestion, I don't know if Mr. Chen is willing to accept it."

Ye Rongrong said.

"What advice?"

Chen Haibo asked curiously.

"I just hope that your family freezes your son's living expenses. The reason why those people like to play with your son so much is because your son has a lot of money. They use your son as an ATM."

Ye Rongrong said.

"This... We didn't think too much about it. We were afraid that the child would suffer outside, so we gave him a lot of money."

Chen Haibo said with some embarrassment.

There is only such a precious child in my family, and it usually hurts to death, because my husband and wife have to manage a huge company and have no time to accompany the child, so I give him money and let him buy whatever he wants, and eat whatever he wants .

I really didn't expect that my husband and wife gave the child money, which caused him to be targeted by some people and spoiled by others.

"For such a small child, you give him so much money every month. You are not hurting him, you are hurting him. Fortunately, those people are not too bad young people. If you meet some bad-minded people, The possible outcomes are dire."

Ye Rongrong reminded.

"Thank you, Principal Ye, thank you for reminding me otherwise something will really happen."

Chen Haibo squeezed his sweat and said.

My family didn't think about this matter, because the family is rich, and ordinary people's one hundred yuan is used as one yuan for my family.

Giving the child five or six thousand yuan, he felt that he was only giving fifty or sixty yuan, and he didn't think too much about it. Now that Principal Ye reminded him, Chen Haibo was really frightened.

It’s true, as President Ye said, those young people are really not too bad. If you meet a real bad guy, a 12- or 13-year-old child will have five or six thousand dollars in his pocket and a bunch of bank cards. , What a dangerous thing this is.

You must know that 90% of people in China are not living well, and they basically want to split a dollar into two halves.

If it wasn't for the reminder from President Ye, it would have been a big mistake sooner or later.

"It's enough to be clear. Students in Taoyuan Primary School are provided with food and lodging. You come over tomorrow and take away your child's wallet. It is enough to leave him a living allowance of 100 yuan."

Ye Rongrong said.

Speaking of the living expenses, Ye Rongrong remembered that when he was in elementary school, he ate at school at noon. At that time, the school did not provide food and lodging, and it only cost five yuan a week.

Today’s children have hundreds of dollars in pocket money every month. The living conditions have indeed improved a lot, and the wages of ordinary people have also improved a lot. Ye Rongrong remembers that when he was a child, the monthly income of the villagers was only five or six. One hundred yuan, now there are three or four thousand yuan, and some people even have five or six thousand yuan salary.

This increase is really huge, almost tenfold.

It seems very exciting, but when I think of a child's monthly pocket money rising from five yuan to one hundred yuan, I suddenly find that the increase in wages has not kept up with the increase in consumption.

Although everyone had a hard life in the past, they didn't feel much pressure, but now?

The wages are high, but the money for raising children, schooling, mortgages, and car loans weigh people down and bend their waists.

"Okay, I'll come here today and confiscate all the money from the child."

Chen Haibo said hastily.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.


After talking on the phone with Chen Haibo, Ye Rongrong used his mobile phone to watch the news.

Suddenly, a photo in the mobile phone news caught Ye Rongrong's attention. It was a photo in the subway. In the photo, there were two pairs of mother and daughter, one was Chinese, and the other was European and American.

For these two pairs of mother and daughter, the children are only five or six years old. The mother in Europe and America on one side is reading a book, and the child on the other side is also reading a book.

On the other side is Huaxia's young mother playing games with a mobile phone in her hand, and the children next to her are also playing games with their mobile phones.

Although this photo does not have any words or descriptions,

But it deeply shocked Ye Rongrong's heart.

I don't know when, even the most innocent mother-daughter relationship was slowly replaced by mobile phones.

The mother only has the mobile phone in her eyes, and the little girl only has the mobile phone in her eyes just like her mother.

Ye Rongrong really couldn't believe what this society would be like in more than ten years.

Why can Europeans and Americans not play with their mobile phones when they are with their children, but Chinese people cannot.

Smartphones have brought convenience to Chinese people, but at the same time they have lost a lot.

I don't know why Ye Rongrong was a little irritable, so he got up from his seat and prepared to go to the school to have a look.


"Ye... Hello, Principal Ye!"

Ye Rongrong walked to the gate of the school, which was closed tightly. Ye Rongrong opened the door of the security room and walked in. He saw two security guards playing with their mobile phones with their heads down. They didn't notice Ye Rongrong's arrival at all. After pushing open the door of the security room, they looked up to find Ye Rongrong.

It's just that it was too late for them to put away their mobile phones at this time.

Seeing myself being caught by the principal while playing with my mobile phone, the two security guards were very nervous.


Ye Rongrong nodded to the two security guards, walked into the school without saying anything.

"Do you think the principal will fire us?"

A younger security guard asked a little uneasily.

"'s not that serious, is it?"

The other security guard's face was a little pale from the fright.

After all, working as a security guard in "Taoyuan Elementary School" is not to mention easy work, and the salary is higher than that of being a security guard in a factory.

The security guard didn't want to lose his job.

"I don't know either. I see that the headmaster's face is not very good. He must be angry."

The young security guard said with a sigh.

How could it be so unlucky, just playing with the phone for a while, and was caught by the principal.

You know how boring it is to be a security guard, wouldn't it be boring to die if you don't play with your phone.

Ye Rongrong came out of the security room and walked towards the teaching building of the school. At this time, it was class time, and there was no one in the corridor.

Ye Rongrong walked all the way to the first-grade teacher's office on the first floor, where there were five or six teachers who were not in class, and they were also chatting with their mobile phones.

When Ye Rongrong walked into the office, he heard the sound of "beep" in the office.

Ye Rongrong was very familiar with this voice, it was the voice of a new message from WeChat.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on their mobile phones, but they didn't notice Ye Rongrong standing at the door of the office.

Ye Rongrong walked out of the first-grade teacher's office without gnawing, and walked up the stairs to the second-grade teacher's office on the second floor. A young female teacher came to meet him on the stairs. She was playing with her mobile phone. What, it looked like he was sending a message, but he didn't notice Ye Rongrong approaching him at all.

If Ye Rongrong hadn't stepped aside, the female teacher would have bumped into Ye Rongrong.

"Ye... Principal Ye, I'm really sorry!"

At this time, the young female teacher realized that she was about to bump into Principal Ye, and she suddenly became a little nervous.

"Don't play with your mobile phone next time you walk. If you are facing a primary school student, do you think it's dangerous?"

Ye Rongrong said with a serious face.

I am an adult who reacts quickly, and can avoid this young female teacher in time. If it is a primary school student, their reaction is not as fast as myself. Roll down the stairs.

What a dangerous thing this is!

"Yes, I won't look at my phone when I walk from now on."

The young female teacher nodded hurriedly and said.

I don't know why the young female teacher was particularly nervous when she saw this tall and burly Principal Ye.

"That's good."

Ye Rongrong nodded and continued to walk upstairs, and soon Ye Rongrong walked to the second-grade teacher's office on the second floor.

Because the students in "Taoyuan Elementary School" are not very big now, basically every grade teacher only needs a big office to sit down, especially the fourth grade, fifth grade, and sixth grade. Sitting in the teacher's office on the third floor.

This is also for the convenience of experienced teachers to bring these new teachers and impart some teaching experience to them.

Don't underestimate these experiences, some of them will benefit you for life.

"Hello, Principal Ye!"

"Hi principal!"

Compared with the first-grade teacher's office, Ye Rongrong was discovered by the teacher in the office as soon as he arrived at the door of the second-grade teacher's office.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

However, looking at the phones on their desks or in their hands, and the beeping sound from time to time, Ye Rongrong also knew that these teachers used their mobile phones to use WeChat when they were not in class.

Now WeChat is too powerful. In Huaxia, people of all ages like to play WeChat, especially young people. If you don’t check WeChat for ten minutes, you will feel uncomfortable.

If I don't send a few WeChat messages a day, I can't sleep well at night.

Ye Rongrong frowned and took a look, and left the second grade teacher's office without saying anything.

"Principal, what does this mean?"

A female teacher asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but his complexion is not very good, I have a bad feeling."

Another female teacher said.

"Come on, don't mention your premonition, did your premonition come true that time?"

A female teacher said jokingly.

"I think it will definitely work this time."

said the female teacher.

"No, I don't want to have any ominous premonition."


Ye Rongrong walked up from the second grade teacher's office, to the third grade teacher's office, to the fourth grade teacher's office, to the fifth grade teacher's office, and finally to the sixth grade teacher's office.

Looking at it along the way, Ye Rongrong was very dissatisfied.

The teachers in my school are basically controlled by mobile phones. This has a very bad impact on children. You must know that a child’s good living and study habits are often developed from elementary school. These teachers in my school play with Smartphones have a huge impact on children.

This situation must change.

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, then walked to the assistant principal's office.


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