The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1668 Persuading others to be kind

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Ye Rongrong looked at the young woman in front of him and asked.

Ye Rongrong recognized at a glance that this young woman was the young woman who despised herself and scolded herself for being stupid just now.

Seeing that her clothes were covered in blood, and her arms were wrapped in gauze, Ye Rongrong didn't need to guess to understand that she had just experienced a "bloody disaster".

Ye Rongrong couldn't help but feel a little complacent, just now he despised himself and scolded himself for being stupid, now this retribution is very unpleasant.

In fact, Ye Rongrong said just now that the young woman had a "bloody disaster", it was not fooling around, but based on physiognomy.

The Yintang of this young woman is gray-black, which makes the Palace of Fate look a bit dark, which means that unexpected disasters are likely to happen at any time, which is what people call "disasters of blood and light".

"Hey, I told you that you have a bloody disaster, but if you don't believe me, retribution is coming!"

Naturally, Chen Hai also recognized the young woman who had despised him in front of his booth just now, seeing her embarrassed appearance, Chen Hai said earnestly.

"Master, I..."

Xu Qing didn't know how to speak.

After all, I said just now that these two were charlatans and looked down on them, but now it's a good thing, I haven't had more than ten minutes to find the door by myself, and ask them to show me a picture.

This slap in the face made Xu Qing's heart ache.

I can't even open my mouth to ask these two masters to show me a picture.

After what happened just now, Xu Qing no longer feels that fortune-telling is a feudal superstition.

"You don't believe that fortune-telling is normal, but you have to know that everything in this world is determined by God! There is a reason for the existence of fortune tellers like us. To infer a person's fate, this is to reveal a little secret, to save those confused and ignorant beings..."

"You can think I'm bragging, or you can dismiss it, but you should believe that China's thousands of years of traditional culture still has her extremely mysterious side..."

Chen Hai said to Xu Qing.

"Master, I believe your words now, take a look, do I still have a bloody disaster?"

Xu Qing hurriedly asked Chen Hai.


Chen Hai looked troubled.

"Master, I understand, I understand!"

As Xu Qing said, she opened her wallet, took out a stack of money, and handed it to Chen Hai without counting.

This fortune teller needs money for fortune-telling and disaster relief, Xu Qing understands this.

For Xu Qing, she felt it was worth it to be able to buy peace with money.

"Miss, your bloody disaster has not completely subsided, and it may reappear at any time."

Chen Hai said.

"Then master, how can we resolve this bloody disaster?"

Xu Qing looked at Chen Hai nervously and asked.

The scene just now scared Xu Qing out of her wits, and the shoe almost hit her head. If a cloth shoe that fell from such a high place hits her head, she will definitely be brain-dead, and she will stay if she is not dead. Next big hole.

Xu Qing felt that she was still young and unmarried, and she didn't want or want to die.

"If there is a cause, there must be an effect. This is the law of all things. The reason why you have a bloody disaster, miss, may be that you have sins on your body, which caused the punishment of God..."

Chen Hai said.

"but I……"

Xu Qing felt that although she was not a very good person, she had never done anything bad, so there should be no sins.

"Miss, don't interrupt me."

Chen Hai looked at Xu Qing dissatisfied and said.

"Master, I'm sorry, you continue."

Xu Qing said it embarrassingly.

"The sins I'm talking about are not only the sins of this life, but also the sins of the previous life. If the sins of the previous life are serious, they will affect the current life."

Chen Hai said foolishly.

"Then how can we resolve this bloody disaster?"

Xu Qing asked anxiously.

Xu Qing didn't know about her major sins in her previous life, and she didn't want to know. What Xu Qing wants most now is the question of how to deal with this "bloody disaster" in Huaxia's life.

"Aim for kindness with all your heart and do more kind things. In that case, the sins on your body will become lighter and lighter, and this bloody disaster will naturally dissipate."

Chen Hai said.

"Doing good deeds can resolve the bloody disaster?"

Xu Qing asked with some doubts.

"Of course, you can get merit by doing good deeds, and merit can dissolve sins. After all the sins have been resolved, what bloody disaster do you have?"

Chen Hai said.

"Thank you master, I understand."

Xu Qing said happily.

He casually took out another wad of money to Chen Hai, and left happily.

"How about it? It's easy to make money. With just a few words, the income of 3,500 yuan is more than you can earn by working. Come quickly. You can also persuade people to do good things. How can you think about it? Me as an apprentice?"

Chen Hai counted the money and said to Ye Rongrong happily.

For Ye Rongrong, Chen Hai is still very satisfied, and wants to accept Ye Rongrong as his apprentice.

Now fewer and fewer young people are willing to learn how to measure characters and tell fortunes. Chen Hai is really worried that this skill left by his ancestors will be lost.

"Uncle Chen, you still worry about that young woman making trouble for you!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

If that young woman encounters a bloody disaster again, she will come to trouble Uncle Chen at that time.

After all, no matter how you look at it, that young woman is a very pungent woman.

"I don't have anything to worry about. Even if she encounters the 'Blood and Light Plague' again, I will say that she has not done enough good deeds. This sin is still serious, and she must continue to do good deeds."

The old god Chen Hai said on the ground.

This "magic stick" will leave a back door for himself when he tells people who come to test characters and fortune-tellers, and he is not afraid of others saying that he is inaccurate.

Huaxia's physiognomy has been able to last for thousands of years, and there is something powerful about it.

How to make what you say so that others are impeccable, this is a compulsory course for everyone who studies physiognomy.

"Uncle Chen, I'm convinced!"

Ye Rongrong gave a thumbs up and said.


Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Ye Rongrong bid farewell to Uncle Chen and went home by car. Ye Rongrong used to go home and have dinner with his family.

By the time Ye Rongrong returned home, it was already 5:30 in the afternoon, and now it was almost October, and the length of the day began to shorten. At 5:30, the sun had already set, and the sky was dark. down.

Ye Rongrong's family eats dinner at 5:30 p.m. every day, and it's just in time to go home at this time.

After dinner, Ye Rongrong played with Dudu in the yard. Now Dudu has been walking more steadily. Once the child can walk, he likes to run all over the yard.

Ye Rongrong, the father, could only follow her and watch her. After all, such a young child is not very sensible, dare to touch anything, dare to climb anywhere, and no one is there to watch her.

"Huhu, hug!"

Seeing "Tiger Head" walking by in the yard, Dudu chased after it excitedly and wanted to hug it.

When "Tiger Head" saw Dudu approaching, he ran away in fright.

Now "Tiger Head" is scared by Dudu.

Once hugged, Dudu likes to pluck its fur and twist its ears, which hurts to death, so now "Tiger Head" sees Dudu, and hides as far away as possible.

"Huhu, hug!"

Seeing that "Tiger Head" was about to run, Dudu chased after her with her chubby legs.

"Slow down, be careful not to fall!"

Ye Rongrong hurriedly shouted to the little beep.

"Woo woo woo..."

Running too fast, this Dudu accidentally fell and cried on the ground.

"It's okay, Dad will criticize Huhu later, Dudu is very brave, stand up by himself."

Ye Rongrong didn't go to help Dudu, but encouraged her to get up by herself.

In Ye Rongrong's view, mothers mainly teach their children the principles of life, and as a father, they teach their children courage and self-confidence.


Dudu cried.

"Hey, stand up by yourself. Brave children always fall down and stand up by themselves."

Ye Rongrong said encouragingly.

In Ye Rongrong's view, the child should not be spoiled too much because of her young age. Even the little things that she can easily stand up on her own, her parents help her.

Now her parents can help her. When they grow up, facing the complex society, they fall down and can only stand up on their own.

Dudu turned over and got up from the ground. The child's sensitivity is still very good, and it is not difficult for her to stand up from the ground.

"Woo, dirty!"

Seeing that his hands and clothes were dirty, Dudu immediately blocked his mouth and started crying again.

This Dudu was taught by Liu Qingqing to love cleanliness, so he is not happy if his body is a little dirty.

"Papa give you a pat!"

Ye Rongrong patted the dust on Dudu's clothes with his hands, and then took her to wash her hands.

Children today are much cleaner than children in the past.

Ye Rongrong remembers that when he was a child, he ran around all over the mountain, and every time he went home dirty.

At that time, parents were busy working during the day, so there was no time to take care of the children. Put the children on the ground and let the children play by themselves.

At that time, there was not much social population movement, and there were basically few strangers in the village, and there was no worry that some bad guys would take the children away.

If it were now, few parents would dare to let their children out of their sight.

"Honey, hug Dudu and come take a shower."

Liu Qingqing shouted to Ye Rongrong in the room.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong carried Dudu to the house to take a bath.

Bathing a child is very troublesome. Basically, Liu Qingqing and Aunt Wang bathe Dudu, but Ye Rongrong can't do this job.

Just as he hugged Dudu to Liu Qingqing, Ye Rongrong's cell phone rang, and it was Fang Bolin's call.

"Hehe, boss, there's nothing good to bother you, right?"

The phone was connected, Fang Bolin said jokingly on the phone.

"What time is it?"

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

Listening to Fang Bolin's words, what have I become? Are you so impatient?

"I didn't mean that. The boss is thinking too much."

Fang Bolin laughed.

"Okay, no kidding, why call me?"

Ye Rongrong asked.


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