The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1674: It's impossible to really think that he is

"You need to try this martial arts to recruit special forces. This office is not suitable. Let them all go to the square downstairs for interviews!"

Ye Rongrong thought about it and said to Bo Lin.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now!"

Fang Bolin nodded in response, and went to the office to make arrangements.


After Fang Bolin went out, Xu Liangchen looked at Ye Rongrong hesitantly and said.

"Old Xu, you will be my deputy from now on. Don't hesitate when you speak, talk when you have something to say, and fart when you have something to say. Don't hesitate like a woman."

Ye Rongrong glared at Xu Liangchen dissatisfied and said.

Ye Rongrong still has the habit of watching the woman wobbly, and this man is wobbly, Ye Rongrong really has goosebumps.

"Boss, I want to advance my one-year salary to you at the end of the year?"

Xu Liangchen looked at Ye Rongrong with some embarrassment and asked.

After all, this is my first day at work, and I'm really a jerk to ask my boss to advance my one-year salary.

However, Xu Liangchen felt that it was better for him to talk about some things. After all, he waited until the end of the year to mention this matter to the boss, and Xu Liangchen felt that he was biting the boss.

"One year's salary, that's 200,000, are you so short of money?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Liangchen suspiciously and asked.

"My son is going to get married at the end of the year. Marrying a daughter-in-law now is different from before. I need a car and a house. As a father, I have not been obliged to be a father for so many years. Now that my son is going to get married, the woman needs a house and a car. If you are willing to marry me, I need two hundred thousand."

Xu Liangchen said in a low voice.

"That's right, it does cost money to marry a wife now."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

As the ratio of men to women becomes more and more serious, it is becoming more and more difficult for men to marry a wife. If there is no money, even if a girl is willing to marry you, her family will not agree, unless it is married.

When Ye Rongrong was in junior high school, young people at that time only needed a bride price of tens of thousands of dollars to marry a daughter-in-law. Later, when they got married, they had to have a house, and now they need a house, a car, and tickets. If you don't, you can only be a bachelor.

What's more, girls nowadays are also very realistic, and people who don't have money don't want to live a hard life with you.

In the elegant words of today's girls, "If you don't have a house, why do you call yourself a home?"; in rude words, "You don't even have a house, so you let my old lady drink northwest wind with you!"

Ye Rongrong understood Xu Liangchen very well, his son was getting married, it was normal to ask for money.

Now that housing prices are so high, 200,000 in big cities is not enough for a down payment.

"Boss, what about the advance payment?"

Xu Liangchen looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and asked.

After all, the 200,000 yuan is related to the happiness of his son's life, so Xu Liangchen couldn't help being nervous.

"There are still a few months until the end of the year. If you do well, there is no problem with advancing one year's salary. If you don't do well, you won't even be able to stay until the end of the year, let alone advance salary."

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Liangchen and said.

I am rich, but I don't spend it like this. If Xu Liangchen is really capable and a person who works, Ye Rongrong doesn't care about paying him 200,000 yuan in advance, and he doesn't even reward him with 200,000 yuan at the end of the year. question.

But if this person is not good enough, if he doesn't have that ability, then he can only feel sorry for him.

Ye Rongrong can use money to help people who are in such a difficult life, but he will never use money to support mediocre people, because that will have a bad impact on the entire team.

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job."

Xu Liangchen said excitedly.

Xu Liangchen understands what the boss said, as long as he works hard to make achievements, there is absolutely no problem with the one-year salary advance.

If you can't make it...

No, Xu Liangchen didn't allow himself to fail to achieve results.

With such a big platform and such a big background to back him up, if he can't make some achievements, Xu Liangchen feels that he has spent the past ten years in vain.

"I only look at the results!"

After Ye Rongyao glanced at Xu Liangchen, he walked out of the office.


"Boss, these people are all veterans this year. They are all retired from special forces. As for the specific information, due to the confidentiality law, we can't get it. This is their basic information."

In the square downstairs of the building, Fang Bolin held the folder and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Don't look at the information."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

The reason why Ye Rongrong wants to recruit special forces is because the current Pengci crimes are all committed by gangs, and some people are still vicious and so on.

If you don't have enough force, you won't be able to deter those people at all, but the people below you will be hurt.

Ye Rongrong looked at the twelve people standing in front of him. It seemed that these people were all from the special forces, and they were even elites in the special forces.

Ye Rongrong Ye Rongrong saw the arrogance in the eyes of these people, the arrogance of the elite among soldiers.

They are not convinced by anyone, only those who are stronger than themselves.

Fang Bolin looked at Ye Rongrong, who nodded to her.

Fang Bolin came to these special forces, glanced around and said: "Everyone, we need to recruit five security personnel this time, and these five will be selected from among you. The method of selection is very simple, that is, you will attack us together. My boss, our boss will decide who to recruit based on your skills."

"What, so many of us shot together? Is this person crazy?"

"It's too arrogant. It's true that we are paper tigers, and we beat our group of special forces alone. We will brag when we see it. I haven't thought that we will brag when we see it like this."

"This is too contemptuous of people. Who does he think he is? It's because Li Yuanba is alive."

"No, even if you don't want this job, you have to give him a good lesson. I really think that these special forces are called for nothing."

Hearing that Ye Rongrong was going to fight so many soldiers who had retired from the special forces all by himself, these people immediately became angry, and they all thought that Ye Rongrong would definitely make a big fool of himself in a while.

These people are all from the special forces, and they have always had their eyes above the top. In the army, apart from training them in various skills, the officers train them. This is the most domineering of Lao Tzu in the world. If there is no domineering at all, how can it be considered What about the elite special forces in the army.

Now Ye Rongrong wants to beat a group of them by himself. In the eyes of these retired special forces, this is an insult to them.

How can this be tolerated?

These people have already clenched their fists tightly, and of course Ye Rongrong saw all of them.

Ye Rongrong wanted this kind of effect, to arouse the anger of these people, otherwise these people would know that they were the boss, and they would be timid, so they wouldn't dare to do anything serious.

"Boss, if we all come up together, we will hurt you, or I will fight you first."

At this moment, a young and strong man who looked very, very burly came out of this group of people. He was wearing tight short sleeves, and the muscles on his body were clearly highlighted. He even had eight-pack abs.

This is a retired soldier with a strong strength.

This special soldier has the pride of a special soldier, but he can't do so many people to deal with one person together, and everyone can't afford to lose that face.

So this person came out to fight Ye Rongrong.

The purpose is also very simple, that is to teach Ye Rongrong a good lesson, so that he will not underestimate retired special forces like himself.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong smiled slightly, nodded and said.

These people really think they are easy to bully.

"Boss, be careful, these soldiers are very powerful."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong wanted to fight these retired soldiers, Xu Liangchen immediately tried to persuade him.

"rest assured!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile, and took a few steps forward.

The young retired special soldier glanced at Ye Rongrong, shook his fist and said to Ye Rongrong: "You shoot first."

"It's better for you to make a move first. If I make a move first, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to make a move."

Ye Rongrong smiled faintly, then clenched his fists to show respect, then stood and looked at the retired special soldier opposite and said.


Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, the retired special soldier was furious.

What do you mean by "If I make a move first, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to make a move."

Isn't this obviously underestimating people? Ye Rongrong's words immediately angered the retired special soldier. He was so angry that he rushed towards Ye Rongrong with a loud roar.

Seeing this scene, several retired special forces soldiers couldn't help shaking their heads. This Che Feng was still too young, and he had fallen for the opponent's trick.

You must know that the most important thing in fighting is to be calm, so that you can use your ability to the maximum, and this Che Feng is already impetuous before the fight, so it is easy to lose.

Ye Rongrong stood still, smiling and looking at the retired special soldier who was attacking him, and soon before this man arrived in front of Ye Rongrong, the blow had already struck.

But Ye Rongrong still didn't make a move, and still watched quietly.

Seeing this scene, Fang Bolin's heart ached.

Although I often heard that my boss is very good at kung fu, Fang Bolin has never seen it. Maybe her boss's opponents in the past were some ruffians, so he could easily beat them down.

But what they are facing now are the retired special forces in the army. These people are the elite of the army, and they are all extremely powerful.

Anyone who has watched "Wolf Warrior 2" knows how powerful China's special forces are.

Now my boss still doesn't evade, he really thinks he is "Optimus Prime".

Seeing that the retired special soldier's fist was about to hit Ye Rongrong's face, Fang Bolin broke into a cold sweat and couldn't help shouting: "Be careful!"

Fang Bolin can't wait to give Ye Glory a kick, and if she doesn't hide at this time, does she really want to be beaten into panda eyes?


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