The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1679 Warm Neighborhood

"Sister, give me ten meat buns and a bowl of soy milk!"

Ye Rongrong saw an open-air breakfast stall not far away, walked over and said to the middle-aged lady who sold breakfast.

"Okay, ten steamed buns and a bowl of soy milk, big brother, sit down first, I'll bring them to you right away."

The middle-aged elder sister glanced at Ye Rongrong and said.


Ye Rongrong sat down at an empty table next to him. Even though it was only a little past seven o'clock, the young people who went to work had already gone to work early.

There is no way. In the capital city, the traffic jam is too serious. If you don't go to work in the morning two or three hours earlier, you will be late easily.

Especially those who live in the suburbs have to get up at five or six in the morning to catch the bus.

The traffic in the capital city is limited to traffic numbers. Even if you have a car, half the time of the week you have to squeeze the bus.

Unless you have several cars at home, you can change them.

But this kind of people are basically rich people, and it doesn't matter to them whether they go to work or not.

The people sitting here eating breakfast are all retired old men and old ladies in the small alley.

These people don't have to go to work anymore, they just sit here and eat breakfast leisurely.

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was also sitting here having breakfast, they all started talking.

"Look at that young man!"

"Young man? Aunt Zhang, how is that young man?"

"It was this young man who bought Lao Zhao's courtyard house."

"No way, he bought Lao Zhao's single-family courtyard house. He is too rich. Could it be that he is the second generation of rich people?"

"I estimate that 80% of them are the rich second generation, but I heard from Lao Zhao that his yard sold for 150 million yuan!"

"No way, 150 million, isn't this old Zhao's hair?"

"That's right, he's a billionaire now, otherwise Lao Zhao wouldn't have gone abroad to hide, because he doesn't want to be with us poor neighbors!"

"Old Zhao is not that kind of person. He went abroad to be with his children. When he gets old, he just wants to stay with his children, even in a foreign country where he is not familiar."

"Old Li, what you said touched my heart. As for the two children of my family, the good emperor of the capital didn't wait at his feet. He went to Shanghai and married a powerful daughter-in-law in Shanghai. He didn't look back once a year. Home, every time he comes back, his wife in Shanghai hates the courtyard we live in, even though the courtyard we live in is dilapidated, it’s worth the money!"

"No matter how valuable you are, you can't buy it. The courtyard house we live in is different from the courtyard house of Lao Zhao's. They are single-family houses, and they can be sold if they say they are sold. Can we do it? There are several houses crowded together in a large courtyard. , it’s hard to sell.”

"That's true!"

Several old men and old ladies sitting next to Ye Rongrong looked at Ye Rongrong and began to discuss in a low voice.

No one took the initiative to talk to him, and Ye Rongrong didn't take the initiative to talk to him.

After all, these old men and old ladies are very boring and usually talk a lot. If you are pulled by them to talk, they can chat with you from morning to night.

"Big brother, your buns and soy milk!"

The middle-aged elder sister brought over buns and soy milk and said to Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong said to the middle-aged elder sister.

"That big brother, you look very strange, you just moved here?"

Anyway, there are no guests coming now, the middle-aged elder sister sat down opposite Ye Rongrong, and chatted with Ye Rongrong about the daily routine.

"Yes, I just moved in yesterday."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"No wonder Mian Sheng? My surname is Jiang. From now on, you can call me Big Sister Jiang. I also live in this alley, but I don't live in a single-family courtyard. Seven or eight families live in a big house. In the yard."

The middle-aged elder sister said to Ye Rongrong familiarly.

This hutong is not very long, and most of the people who live here grew up here when they were young. From the entrance to the end of the hutong, everyone basically knows each other. They have been neighbors for decades, and there is no one who is not familiar with them. .

In this alley, everyone knows how many people there are, what jobs they do, and how they behave. Everyone is curious about the sudden move of a new family.

Although there are a lot of rich people in the capital, in this alley, I haven't seen any rich businessman or important person spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy a courtyard house in this alley.

After all, this kind of single-family yard is different from the place where seven or eight families live in the same yard. The people who can buy it are not simple people.

So some time ago, the old residents in this alley were talking about this matter.

It's just that it's been a long time since anyone moved into this courtyard, so everyone lost the novelty.

Suddenly, people moved into the courtyard, and everyone's interest was aroused again.

"That's great, lively!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"That's true, young man, I still don't know your last name?"

Sister Jiang asked.

"My surname is Ye, and my name is Ye Rongrong!"

Ye Rongrong introduced himself.

"Xiaoye, right? Listen to your homonym. You're not from the capital, are you?"

Seeing Sister Jiang chatting with Ye Rongrong, several old people who were listening nearby also came over to talk.

People in Beijing have a characteristic, that is enthusiasm!

Unlike some cities that specifically exclude outsiders.

"No, I'm from Wenzhou, from southern Zhejiang."

Ye Rongrong said.

"It turns out that Xiaoye is from Wenzhou, Wenzhou people are very good at doing business, and they are all rich."

Sister Jiang said.

"Not all people in Wenzhou are rich. In fact, there are more people without money."

Ye Rongrong said.

The "Twenty-Eight Principle" is the same in Wenzhou. Yes, the richer the place, the greater the gap between the rich and the poor.

"Xiaoye, my surname is Zhang. My family lives across from you. We will be neighbors in the future."

An aunt said to Ye Rongrong.

"Hello, Aunt Zhang, I just moved here yesterday, and I didn't have time to visit you. From now on, we will all be neighbors. If there is anything wrong in the future, please bear with me."

Ye Rongrong said.

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. It is very important to improve the relationship between neighbors.

"You're being polite. From now on, we'll all be in the same alley. Just let us know if you have something to do. The people in our alley are very nice."

Aunt Zhang laughed.

I didn't expect the children of this rich family to speak so politely and politely.

It seems that those arrogant and uneducated rich second generations in the news reports are still a minority.

Aunt Zhang thought to herself.

"Xiaoye, my surname is Zheng, you can just call me Uncle Zheng, this is Aunt Chen, this is Aunt Li..."

An old man next to him introduced other people to Ye Rongrong.

The people in the capital are very enthusiastic, and they are all acquainted with each other. They get acquainted with each other in a few sentences, and they are easy to accept foreigners.

Beijing is a very integrated international city. In this big city, the local people are very enthusiastic, and you can easily integrate into this city.

Of course, in Beijing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties at the foot of the emperor, you can feel the deep sense of pride of the local people, but this kind of pride is not exclusive.

This is why many people love this cosmopolitan city.

Of course, this international metropolis also has its complaints, such as high consumption, severe traffic jams, and of course smog.

"Uncle Zheng, Aunt Chen, Aunt Li..."

Ye Rongrong also politely greeted these neighbors one by one.

"Xiaoye, we know each other now, we all live in the same alley, let's move around more in the future."

Aunt Zhang said.

"It should be, it should be!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

In a big city, people living in high-rise buildings are strangers to each other, and many people in a community do not know each other.

But in this kind of old-fashioned alley in the capital, everyone is familiar with each other and the relationship is very harmonious.

As long as there are new residents moving in, they will come to visit, get acquainted with each other, and learn about your family situation and personality.

"That's a good relationship. Some time ago, I saw people from the decoration company go in for decoration every day, but they didn't let everyone in. Since then, the door has been locked, and there is no chance to visit."

Aunt Zhang said.

Ye Rongrong could see that this Aunt Zhang was very prestigious among the old men and women, and the old men and women quite listened to her.

"Xiaoye, Aunt Zhang is the old director of the neighborhood committee in our alley. The current director of the neighborhood committee is still her cousin. If you have any problems in the future, just go to Aunt Zhang. She can help you."

Sister Jiang said to Ye Rongrong.

"After that, I will have to trouble Aunt Zhang often."

"They are all neighbors in the same alley. How polite are you? If you have any difficulties, just come to me. Although I am no longer the director of this neighborhood committee, people still listen to what I say."

Aunt Zhang said confidently.

"That's great!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

It's nice to have good neighbors.

"I still want to sell breakfast here. I will visit your house later and drop by."

Sister Jiang said.

Sister Jiang buys breakfast in this alley. Some time ago, I saw many people from the decoration company doing decoration in this courtyard every day, which made Sister Jiang feel itchy. She wanted to go and see this rich family. What is the difference between the courtyard decoration and the hodgepodge courtyard in your own home?

"Well, I'll go back and prepare. You are welcome to come and visit."

Ye Rongrong said.

After all, my family just moved here yesterday, and there is nothing in this house to entertain guests, so Ye Rongrong has to ask people to go out and buy some melons and fruits to entertain the neighbors who come to visit.

People in the capital are so enthusiastic, Ye Rongrong can't seem that the people of Wenzhou are not enthusiastic, right?

"Don't bother?"

Aunt Zhang asked.

"How can it be, you can come, it's too late for us to be happy."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

This person is mutual, if you respect others one point, others will respect you one foot.

"Alright, we'll drop by later, Xiaoye, and we won't bother you for breakfast."

Aunt Zhang said, and took a group of neighbors back.

Elderly people in the capital like Aunt Zhang are more particular. This is the first time they visit other people's homes, and basically they will not go empty-handed, so when they go back to prepare, they have to bring something.

Things don't need to be expensive, the key is the heart.


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