The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1684 Discord


Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

Ye Rongrong really didn't want to bother his father-in-law with such a small matter.

What's more, my father-in-law is the leader in charge of the army, so it's not easy for him to intervene in local affairs.

Besides, for such a small matter, Ye Rongrong can solve it by himself, and there is no need to find others.

"Every now and then, the road is blocked like this. In the past, there were more traffic jams. Now, many drivers know the situation here and don't go this way. There are fewer traffic jams."

"The key is that the people in our alleys are the most annoyed that sometimes they can't enter their own house."

Sister Jiang said.

"How can I bear such noise every now and then!"

Ye Rongrong said.

After all, I have my own home here, and my family will come to live here every now and then. If I hear this kind of noise pollution every day, how can I expect it?

Not only is this noise pollution annoying, but it is also very harmful to the human body.

From a physiological point of view, all sounds that interfere with people's rest, study and work, and the sounds you want to hear, that is, unwanted sounds, are collectively referred to as noise.

Noise pollution is formed when noise has adverse effects on people and the surrounding environment. Noise will not only damage hearing, but also induce a variety of cancer-causing and fatal diseases.

"I can't stand it? I want to move out, but I don't have the money to buy a house in the capital, and there is no demolition here. Everyone can only endure it."

Aunt Zhang said helplessly.

Although Aunt Zhang was the director of the previous hutong neighborhood committee, she was very useful in talking in the hutong, but she was also very helpless for these people who parked indiscriminately.

The background of these people is too strong, they don't take the neighborhood committee seriously at all.

"These people dare to be so arrogant because they see that we are not united. As long as we are united, we will not believe that these people dare to park like this."

"We can't bear this matter anymore. How can we live like this every day!"

"No, we must fight them to the end today."

"That's right, this matter must be done to the end, what kind of quality is Nima!"

"Everyone, don't be afraid, I don't believe they dare to fight with people in the same alley as us!"


There were more and more people, and the residents in the entire alley who hadn't gone to work came out. Everyone was an old neighbor and they were familiar with each other. Immediately, some people began to shout and fight to the end with those people who parked indiscriminately.

This is really justifiable, let alone them, even Ye Rongrong, who just moved here for a day, was irritated by this incident.

Ye Rongrong couldn't stand this kind of noise pollution after hearing it once, not to mention the old residents who have lived here for a long time.

"Why are you pulling me?"

An old man who lived in this alley looked back at his wife unhappily and asked.

"Come back with me!"

The old lady said in a low voice.

"Why go back, if this matter is not handled well today, we won't go back."

said the old man angrily.

"Our son works in the district, do you want him to lose his job?"

The old lady narrowed her eyes and said in a low voice.


The old man was suddenly speechless!

Soon the old man was taken away by his wife.

"Let's go! We ordinary people can't afford to mess with these rich people."

"But we can't let them go on like this. Let's see how they live, how can they bear it!"

"Others can bear it, so why can't we bear it? You are tall and have strong bones. If you don't have that ability, just go home. I don't want you to be sent to the hospital. Our family can't afford it!"

"Hey... what is this called!"

A middle-aged man shook his head helplessly and walked towards his home.

After this man has a family and a house, there are more things to worry about. "The former is afraid of wolves and the latter is afraid of tigers" refers to a man of this age.

"Let's go!"

"Hey... without that diamond, I can't do this porcelain work!"

"Shoot the bird that stands out,

Our family can't be this early bird! "


Some people are determined to fight these people who park indiscriminately to the end, and naturally some people back off. Aunt Zhang and the others have good ideas, but they really want all the neighbors in the alley to work together to deal with these rich second-generation people who park indiscriminately. difficult.

After all, everyone has different ideas and has different concerns.

In the blink of an eye, one-third of the angry neighbors in this alley just now disappeared, and many of the rest were also soy saucers, who just watched coldly, but did not dare to respond.

"It's like this every time! It's just that they are not in the same heart. If everyone is in the same heart, these people would not dare to bully them so arrogantly."

Sister Jiang said with a bit of hatred.

"We can't blame them either. What happened to Lao Xie's family last time scared everyone!"

Aunt Zhang said with a sigh.

"Xiaoye, it seems that this matter can only be counted on you!"

Sister Jiang looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

Now the neighbors are not united, and people like myself are not taken seriously at all.

Sister Jiang can only pin her hopes on the newly moved "Xiao Ye".

"Well, it is reasonable to walk around the world, but it is difficult to walk without reason. I still don't believe that they can survive!"

Ye Rongrong said.

Because of this commotion, Ye Rongrong didn't take a good nap, and even woke up Dudu. Ye Rongrong didn't let these people see this matter, and Ye Rongrong felt sorry for himself.

At this time, two police motorcycles drove in from outside the alley. They probably saw the traffic jam here and drove over to have a look.

"what happened?"

A middle-aged traffic policeman and a young traffic policeman drove police motorcycles through the gaps of these blocked vehicles, and asked everyone in front.

"Comrade traffic police, take a look, these cars are parked here, blocking the road, they are too immoral, they must be punished heavily!"

"Yes, don't just post the ticket, but also tow these cars away."

"This kind of unqualified driver must be dealt with seriously."

"It's better to deduct their driver's license, so that they can't drive for the rest of their lives, who are they!"

"That's right, do you think it's great to drive a supercar?"

Seeing two traffic policemen approaching, the drivers who were blocked in this alley shouted at the traffic policemen one after another.

Isn't the reason why everyone passes here is to take a shortcut and reduce the waste of time?

This is good, everything is blocked here, the road ahead is blocked, and the road back is also blocked by other cars.

Damn, what is this called!

At this time, the traffic policeman who was going to register the license plate number of the sports car stopped writing, frowned, closed his notebook, walked to the middle-aged traffic policeman, and whispered in his ear: "It's from Mr. Qian, the son of our chief." car!"

The middle-aged traffic policeman frowned, nodded and said, "I see!"

"Hurry up and move this car away, how long has it been!"

"Hurry up, it's been trafficked for almost half an hour, and my guest has to catch a plane!"

"Comrade traffic police quickly get these cars away, otherwise there is no way to leave."

Seeing the two traffic policemen coming over, the drivers who were stuck here immediately yelled dissatisfiedly after they hadn't solved the problem for a long time.

"Everyone, don't worry, let's go in and communicate right away."

The middle-aged traffic policeman saw the scene of this group of passionate anger, fearing that something big would happen, so he hurriedly pressed his hand and said to everyone.

"What's the point of communicating? This group of people has been blocking this road once or twice. Communication is useless. Just let the tow truck tow these cars away!"

Aunt Zhang immediately said dissatisfied.

"Yes, just tow it away and see if they dare to park like this in the future."

Sister Jiang immediately echoed.

"This group of people is uneducated, and these cars should be towed away."

"Trailer, trailer!"

These old neighbors in the alley shouted immediately.

"Everyone calm down, let's communicate now."

The middle-aged traffic policeman said, and led the young traffic policeman to the clubhouse with the closed door.

Five minutes later, the middle-aged traffic policeman and the young traffic policeman came out.

"That...wait, everyone, the owner of the car will come and move the car away later."

The middle-aged policeman looked at everyone, and said with a somewhat unsightly expression.

"I still have to wait, it's been almost half an hour."

"That's right, everyone is in a hurry. The most annoying thing is this kind of disorderly parking, especially the parking like this. I think it's probably intentional."

"Sure, I guess it's to show off these luxury cars."

"Now some rich second generations are of poor quality!"


"Where's the traffic policeman? Where were the two traffic policemen just now?"

"Were you still here just now?"

"Why is there no one there!"

Suddenly people noticed that the two traffic policemen had disappeared.

"I just saw the two traffic police and mounted police go away on motorcycles."

"Let's go, just drive away from there."

"What's going on, this matter hasn't been dealt with yet, so why did you leave?"

"I figured that the people in the clubhouse might be coming out to move their cars soon, so these traffic policemen left."


Many drivers talked about it, but these neighbors in the alley didn't think much of it. They thought that the two traffic policemen were probably afraid of getting into trouble, so they turned and left.

This is not the first time such a thing has happened, and the neighbors in the alley are somewhat used to it.

"Let's go, go back, go back, don't expect these people to come out and move the car."

"Everyone leave!"

Seeing this scene, many neighbors in the alley shook their heads and went back to their houses. They have seen this kind of thing a lot, and they are a little numb.

What do you mean you will come out and move the car later!

If you wait stupidly, you have to wait until late at night before these cars can leave.

"Xiaoye, go back, these people won't come out to move the car."

Aunt Zhang said to Ye Rongrong.

"Xiaoye, if you want to completely solve this problem, you still need to mention this matter to your father-in-law who is a high-ranking official. It's not that the traffic police don't deal with it, but they dare not deal with it!"

Sister Jiang said with a sigh.

"I'll take another look!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Ye Rongrong wanted to see if these people would come out and move the car!

The main reason was that Ye Rongrong was so angry that he wanted to vent his anger on these people, but he didn't want to just let it go.


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